Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Bruno David Soboleski

Houston Police Department, Texas

End of Watch Friday, April 12, 1991

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Reflections for Sergeant Bruno David Soboleski

Just sitting here remebering you while i look at your police picture i have hanging on the wall.Bruno was a very special person.God broke the mold after he made Bruno.Always happy and in a good mood.Have many good memories of Bruno while we were growing up in the foster home we were in.And later on after Bruno and Sue moved to texas,we they would come to Pa. to visit her parents in Franklin,Pa.,Bruno would always stop at my house to visit.The saddest thing i remember was the last time Bruno came to visit,we went over to the Police station here and he filled out an applacation.He said he would like to get away from the big city,be a ploice officer in a smaller town and be closer to family.I will never forget that.And Bruno i will never forget you.I still get the chills to this day when i think of what happened.No one could ask for a better person,brother,dad,husband,or Grandpa!! you are missed! We are all waiting for judgement day For Sheldon Jones. IT CANT COME FAST ENOUGH!!!!

Bruno, you are the best!
your brother, Greg

Greg Kassick

July 7, 2013

bruno and i attended the same academy class togather class 112'', the chosen few''. infact bruno and i sat next to each other during the academy then were assigned to south central patrol same time it was after he made sgr. that he was transfered a requirement when a person promotes higher in rank, i miss visiting w his wife '' sue and his kids,, danny vaughan houston p.d., ret.

danny vaughan, officer
houston police department

May 16, 2013

It was twenty two years ago today that we said our last goodbyes to you. I remember that day as if it were yesterday. I remember the same thought running through my mind standing there as the 21 Gun Salute sounded in the distance... "this can not be happening, this can not be real, we should not be here" But, of course it was very real. At times I can not believe that it has been that long and at times to me it seems like yesterday. I have no real idea how I have come this far without you. The kids are older, grandchildren have joined our family, and time has moved forward. What I do have an idea of is how much I have missed you through all of this time. I can honestly say I have missed you every day for twenty two years. Every day. Missing you has never gotten better, gotten easier, or lessened in any way. In fact, as the years go by, it seems harder for me to be without you. Just harder.
I love you and miss you more than words can express.
Watch over the kids for me.


April 16, 2013

Heroes live forever, Sergeant Soboleski, and we will never forget. Thank you for the sacrifice you made for the citizens of Houston and the great State of Texas.

Greater Houston C.O.P.S.

April 12, 2013

I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. Everyday I miss you so much.
You are so much in my heart. I love you. I will always love you.
Please watch over the kids for me.


March 19, 2013

Just a quick note to Mr. Rosenbaum - Thank you for your kind words and your stories. When I read about the ice cream, I was laughing through my tears. It is so nice to hear those stories and know that others loved Bruno as much as his family did. He was one of a kind and we all miss him dearly. Even his grandchildren who he never got the chance to meet.

Bruno - You are (of course) still in our hearts and we miss you every day! As Mom as spoken about, we will soon have to fight to keep another of your killers on death row and the State of Texas as well. Doesn't seem right does it? We all know this man who took your life should have been executed years ago. Although I'm sure you know that Mom and I will put everything we have into seeing that justice is served for you. I love you and wish you were here with us, especially for Mom and my boys! Please watch over them.

Stefanie Soboleski

December 6, 2012

As I am retired now, I sometimes reflect back on my career at HPD. I think of the friends and good times that I had, and you are always remembered. I think of the many hours we worked together in the jail and the extra jobs. No matter how boring the job, or how tired we would be, you were always in a good mood and your good humor made the time go by in a fast and fun way. You will always be missed and remembered by your friends and family and hopefully justice will come to those who did you wrong in the near future.

Your Friend

November 28, 2012

Lately I have been missing more than usual. I wish so much that you were here with us. The kids need you so much. Every day we miss you and need you. I can not seem to make peolpe quit understand the depth of what losing you has meant in my life. Few people can understand when I tell them that I have missed you every day for twenty one years. While it may be impossible to understand, it's true. That horrible night you were shot is still a nightmare for me. A nightmare that never ends. The girls and I will be subjected to another trial for Shelton Jones. It seems a judge (who shall remain nameless for the time being) in Houston has declared it a great idea to grant Shelton Jones a new "Punishment" phase of his trail. I can only hope this will be appealed by the state. How this is possible I will never understand. The circumstances of of that night, how Shelton Jones fired three shots form a high-powdered handgun not giving you the slightest chance to react is a chilling sceen that plays on a reel in my mind. He gave you not one chance and yet in the state of TX he is granted a second chance to live. This fact alone is chlling to me. He has been on death row in TX for twenty one years. He has lived twenty one more years than you. No one needs him, no one cares about him, no one cries for him. And if they do, unjustly so. Anyone's tears are wasted on him. Who could cry for a thing that is the most extreme opposite of any thng good and just. He is pure Evil. I have no words to describe what I feel for this for sub-human individual, SHelton Jones.
So you see my Love, I am still fighting for you. I will be standing there for you always as I face Shelton Jones again. I will be there because you can't be. Because Shelton Jones took your life, took you away from the kids and me.
Please be able to rest in Peace my Love.
I Love you always and forever.
Watch over the kids for me.
Your loving wife,

Sue Soboleski

June 10, 2012

Sergeant Soboleski,

I often think about the night that you were shot in SE Houston and what the civilian rider went through out on the streets. I was the HPD Dispatcher that night- 4/7/91 at 0051 hours is when it all went down. The entire incident was a hell of a learning experience for me. The men and women who were on duty that night showed great team work and I know you would have been proud of them! The radio traffic from your incident is used at some agencies as a training tool for new police dispatchers. I have been working at Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office for 19 years now and whenever I hear of an assist or officer involved shooting, you always come to my mind. I just wanted to say that your service and sacrifice has inspired me to be a good cop and supervisor. You are missed & rest in peace, Sarge!

Frank Jr Cempa

April 14, 2012

Rest in peace, Sergeant Soboleski. Your service and sacrifice to the citizens of Houston and the great State of Texas are not forgotten.

Greater Houston C.O.P.S.

April 12, 2012

If Heaven wasn't so far away we'd pack up the kids and go for the day. Oh how I wish that song was true. My name is Darlene and this is my first time to post. Sue, I am so sorry it took so long but everytime I started i just couldn't do it. As now my words are blurred with tears. I think so often of the great friend we lost and then realize what you and the girls lost. I can just see him sitting on the edge of his chair so excited talking about his adventures he was planning and about his job, but then I remember the love in his eyes as he talked of his family. Bruno you were truly the most enthusiastic, positive, energetic and kindest person i have ever known. I feel so lucky to have had you as a dear friend. My dear friend Sue, I see how this has affected you and the pain you still feel and I am so sorry for you. People who knew Bruno personally truly understands that. We lost a terrific person that touched so many lives and will never be forgotten. Dear Bruno, Rest in Peace and give Mema a kiss for me. Your Friend Darlene

Darlene Gibbs

July 27, 2011

Here is just one memory shared:

From Paul Clark: One day Bruno and I were working, we had stopped at wippy Dip to get a cones, just as we were pulling on to the street to return to the station we were dispatched to a call on the east side, (I was driving) we flipped on the lights and went code 2, Bruno tossed his cone out the window, I said why did you do that? He said we have a call, I said can't you sit there and eat it on the way to the call, but before he could answer we were cancelled. I think we went back and he got another cone HA HA! Bruno...

Jim Rosenbaum

May 31, 2011

I just today, had another former co-worker and friend of Bruno's send me a link to this page. Bruno and I worked together many years ago at Erie Ambulance in Erie Pennsylvania. Many of the "old timers" from those days have created a facebook page and are trying to add the names of former employees. The ONE that has stood out by many is Bruno's. He was a one of a kind person...always jovial, and VERY funny. I had heard of his passing many years ago and was profoundly saddened by the is still somewhat of a shock. To Sue and the kids, Bruno was really and genuinely a great guy ! Always very friendly and oh so funny, and he will never be forgotten by those that knew him !!

Jim Rosenbaum
Friend-Former Co-worker

May 31, 2011

As I come to terms with another year here without you, I can now collect some thoughts. As usual, you are very much missed on April 12th but no more than any other day of the past twenty years. My life without you is indeed sad but, I can't help wonder what Mallorie feels. I am very well aware of the great loss Stess feels for you and for that I am very sorry. But Mallorie keeps all those thoughts to herself. I know she misses you tremendously. All the things you would have taught her, all the wonderful things she has accomplished, and you, she misses you so much.
When I think of that night the knock came to our door, I actually shudder. I can remember it like it was yesterday. Sometimes I wish I didn't remember it so well. But all of those awful details will be with me always.
Mallorie is you. She is all the things you are. She is all the things you gave her.
I cannot say enough good things about you. A neighbor of ours who was about 10 when you were brutally taken from us said to me not long ago "it's hard to describe Bruno to people that didn't know him, he was that wonderful" What a compliment. But that was you, wonderful. And I miss you so much. We all miss you so much. And I know that each of us always will.
Please always watch over the kids for me.
I will always love you very much,


April 19, 2011

Today marks 20 years since your life was taken. And for the rest of us, our lives were changed forever. To us, the family you left behind, it does not seem like 20 years have gone by. We miss you just as much today as we did in the beginning. The heartbreaking part for me is thinking about all of the milestones you have missed that you were so looking forward to experiencing - graduations, marriages, the births of your grandchildren. The list goes on and on... I can't say enough, how much I wish this horrible tragedy never would have happened. It is the most senseless and unfair situation I have ever been faced with. Those who were lucky enough to know you understand how much you loved your life and how you lived each and every day to its fullest. (To this day, I have never met anyone who loved life as much as you did.) You are, by far, the greatest man I ever knew. I can't tell you how many times I think about you, or remember a story from the past and each time I would give anything if you were here with us. I feel as though each of us in the family would be in a much better place if you would have been here to guide us. You did not deserve this horrible tragedy - No police officer does! We miss you and love you dearly, and I hope that you know we think of you and miss you each and every day, but especially on anniversaries, holidays, etc. Please watch over Mom, Mal and my boys (especially Trevor)and let them always be safe and happy.

Love, Your Daughter,

Stefanie Soboleski

April 13, 2011

To Sergeant Soboleski and Family,

I offer my families deepest condolences. Reading the heart felt messages that are sent to your regularly hit hard. I'm sorry that your family lost such a great husband, father and Officer. I wish your family the best and God Rest Your Soul!

Corporal Patrick Sullivan
Harris County Precinct 3 Constable Department

April 12, 2011

Here it is another New Year beginning. Another New Year without you with us. I miss you, I miss you, I miss you. That is what is in my heart and on my mind as this new year begins.
Please take care of all things needed by the kids. Watch over them and keep them always safe.

All my Love always,

Sue Soboleski

January 2, 2011

As Mom said, another set of holidays again without you here. On Thanksgiving you were on our minds and in our hearts just like every day. No matter how much time passes, for us it is still like yesterday that you were here. You are still missed at the Thanksgiving dinner table and around the Christmas tree. The only thing different is that instead of Mom, Mal and I needing you, there are two boys that now could use their Grandpa, Trevor especially. He is connected to you in a way that I can't describe but at the same time needs you so much. You two never had the chance to meet, but when you are spoken of, or remembered he is always sad. The closest he got was this last time he spent with Uncle Joe in May. Of course, Uncle Joe shared many of his stories and memories of you and Trevor was able to ask him many questions about you. Uncle Joe and Aunt Kathy miss you dearly, but Uncle Joe is good about handling his grief in front of us - but I know his heart will always be broken just like ours. I don't know what we would do without Uncle Joe, he loves the kids as if they were his own grandchildren, and has been able to give me advice and guidance when needed. I will never be able to make anyone understand the depth of our loss. I often think of how happy you were each and every day, in good times and in bad. You made our family so wonderful, I just wish you were here to see it now, with the kids and Mallorie growing up and finding her own way. Please watch over Trevor, Mallorie, Kaeden and especially Mom, she misses you so much. I miss you and love you, your daughter, Stess

Stefanie S. Soboleski

December 1, 2010

Another Thanksgiving without you. We all miss you so much in our own way.
In fact, we all miss you everyday in our own way.
I miss you so much it hurts. When I look in the faces of the kids it hurts all the more. Especially Trevor, he needs your guidance so much.
Please watch over the kids for me.
Love and Miss you so much,


November 27, 2010

Well, your Baby Girl graduate from Texas State this morning. I am so proud of her. I know that she missed you being there so much. But she knows how proud you are of her. She was so beautiful in her cap and gown. And very happy. You would be very happy to know that Uncle Joe flew down to watch her graduate. It was so nice having him with us.
We miss you so much.
We love you so much.
Watch over the kids for me.
Love always, Sue


May 15, 2010

Here we are, another anniversary of your death. People always ask me how long it has been. I always say the number of years then add that at times it seems like yesterday and at times it seems like a hundred years that I have been trying to make sense of it all. It doesn't get easier for me. We need you so very much, still. There is not a day that goes buy that I do not miss you and wish you were here for the kids. Mallorie misses you so very much, although she doesn't say. Stess misses you more and more as time goes by.
I miss you, I love you, I am still yours.......
Watch over the kids for me.
All my love,


Sue Soboleski

April 13, 2010

Sgt. Soboleski,

On this month marking the anniversary of you being taken from this world we stop to once again thank GOD above for hero's like you. As an officer and a father it breaks my heart to read the words your wife writes to you and to think of your kids now grown but robbed of having you around. This is a tragedy that no one should ever have to go through, but your family did and Im sure you were with them the whole way through. I will continue to pray for your family and pray that you watch over the rest of us still on the beat down here. Thank you!!

Police Officer
Spring Twp. PD Centre County PA

April 13, 2010

Another year has passed and you are still admired and respectfully remembered in the hearts and minds of so many. My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this anniversary of your EOW. You will never be forgotten.

James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06

April 12, 2010

Rest in Peace Sarg!

HPD K9 Officer


April 8, 2010

I had a very bittersweet task to undertake last week. Your very good friend and mine retired from HPD. Yes, George(Vincent Buchanan made it through. I am so happy for him and Susie. They are planning a extended trip in the motor home. Very similar to what you had talked about doing when the day came that you retired. It didn't turn out that way....... As hard as I tried, I couldn't keep thoughts of how Vincent and you started out together but, you sure didn't end up in the same place from creeping into my mind. I miss you, I miss where we would be today. My life has been a series of things we've missed, plans not seen through. At the retirement ceremony, Vincent pulled a picture of you out of his pocket and told me he carried that picture with him his last day in uniform. That made me cry. It was so special for him to do that. So.... watch over those two as they travel.
I love you, I miss you.
Watch over the kids for me,


sue soboleski

April 1, 2010

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