Oakland Police Department, California
End of Watch Saturday, March 21, 2009
Reflections for Sergeant Ervin Julius Romans, II
Rest in Peace, Sergeant Romans. Our hearts and prayers go out to your family and friends during their time of grief. I did not know you or any of the other OPD officers, but the law enforcement communit is a family, and today we lost four brothers. Your courage and sacrifice is appreciated far more than can be expressed in words.
Deputy Probation Officer Robert Webster
onterey County Probation Department
March 27, 2009
Erv was an awesome trainer. He had a way of excellence that was inspiring and admirable. I will never forget him, or the awesome services today. The support for OPD and our family in blue was overwhelming. Godspeed Erv.
March 27, 2009
Rest in Peace Brother, God Bless Your Family.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May Ervin's soul and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
March 27, 2009
May angels lead you in
March 27, 2009
God bless Ervin Romans and his family. His full name is Ervin Julius Romans.
March 27, 2009
My sincere condolences to your family during this trying time. Dave
GySgt Dave Chisholm USMC Ret
March 27, 2009
You were a Sergeant,
who made life safer and better
for everyone.
Your continual acts
of unselfishness
and kindness
brightened each day.
What you did for us
will glow in our memories
for always.
We appreciate your service,
and we thank you...
God Bless to you and your family.
Ian and Sharee Daste
California Residents
March 27, 2009
My prayers are with your families, friends, and other Police Officers at this awful time. Rest in peace, God Speed and God Bless!
Retired Police Officer Bob Reed
South Lake Tahoe PD
March 27, 2009
You are a good friend and good Marine. What ever you did it was with pride. You will be missed.
GySgt (Ret.) Joseph DeMarco Jr.
A Friend And Fellow Marine
March 27, 2009
My prayers today are with you and your family. Thank you for serving.
Sallie Passno
March 27, 2009
Rest in peace brother. You did well, and gave your all. You fought the fought and dedicated your life to OPD. My prayers go out to you and your loved ones. I will never forget the day that you put on that uniform and badge to protect and serve the community of Oakland. Take care bro.
former Police Officer
March 27, 2009
This morning, I turned right on Diablo Road and saw a huge American Flag, two firetrucks and some police vehicles. I knew immediately that I had driven into what was going to be the procession for Sergeant Romans. I stopped, got out of the car and watched silently - and cried. Everyone on the street was crying. A tragic loss for our community and the Bay Area. I am so sorry for the loss of a citizen of our community, a fine father and husband and for the public servant that he was. My condolonces to his family.
March 27, 2009
Sergeant Ervin ROMANS- It's officers like YOU, who make the rest of us proud to be an officer. Rest in peace, may we some day shake hands at Heavans Gate!
Deputy Christie Hirota
Sacramento County Sheriff
March 27, 2009
Your Public service the the citizens and City of Oakland and that as a United States Marine is much appreciated. My American flag, flys in your honor. God Bless the Romans Family and OPD
Nephew of Former Menlo Park, Ca Police Detective
March 27, 2009
We appreciate your service and keeping the streets safe while you were on duty. You will be missed God Speed! To the family, we are so very sorry for your loss..may God Bless you through this very tough time.
Gatkin/Bradshaw Family
March 27, 2009
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - Winston Churchill
Deputy Bob Pronske
San Mateo County Sheriff
March 27, 2009
When I have no one to turn to
And I am feeling kind of low,
When there is no one to talk to
And nowhere I want to go,
I search deep within myself
It is the love inside my heart
That lets me know my Angels are there
Even though we are miles apart.
A smile then appears upon my face
And the sun begins to shine.
I hear a voice, so soft and sweet
Saying, 'Everything will be just fine'
It may seem that I am alone
But I am never by myself at all.
Whenever I need my Angels near
All I have to do is call.
An Angel's love is always true
On that you can depend.
They will always stand behind you
And will always be your friend.
Through darkest hours and brightest days
Our Angel's see us through
They smile when we are happy, and will cry when we are blue..
Thank you for your service, your friendship and your protection
March 27, 2009
Thank you for your services to the city of Oakland. My condolences go out to your family.
-Brendan, Oakland resident
March 27, 2009
Sgt. Romans, your watch is ended. May our Heavenly Father watch over your family and friends during this tragic time. May your soul walk carefully and proudly into everlasting life. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. Rest in God’s peace my friend, you deserve it.
Chaplain Michael Grinnals
Camillus Police Department
March 27, 2009
Thank you for your service and dedication. Semper Fi, may you rest well.
March 27, 2009
Rest Easy Brother-you are a hero.
Arkansas State Police SWAT
March 27, 2009
May God bless and keep the family of Sergeant Romans in His arms. I share your sorrow and tears. My thoughts and prayers are with you this day. May the memory of Sergeant Romans bravery on his final day, and every day of his service bring comfort to you. There surely must be a special place in heaven for these men who serve so bravely everyday. Peace be with you.
March 27, 2009
Rest in peace, sir. You have served honorably.
"And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” Isaiah 6:1-8
Officer J. Reyna
DHPD - Michigan
March 27, 2009
March 27, 2009
Rest in Peace,brother
Sgt. Zaida Molina
March 27, 2009