Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Joshuah Patrick Broadway

Montgomery Police Department, Alabama

End of Watch Sunday, January 25, 2009

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Reflections for Police Officer Joshuah Patrick Broadway

well your son has had his first birthday.. he is just precious wish i could see him and hold him everyday.he looks like you. grand daddy would love that nose..yes he has the broadway nose..I miss you so much..i wish even more that i could just hold you ..i love you


September 22, 2010

well sweetie, we did it.. moved into the condo. was it a good thing? yes in some ways but not having maw maw close to keep me busy has not been easy.. My mind wonders alot.. I think about you more.. Dont worry I will be fine. Im learning that I'm not as weak as I thought.. I do miss you and think about you everyday... tell grand daddy and big mac hi for me.. I miss you all,, love you baby


August 26, 2010

Your mom went thur some old pictures last night and called me to let me know how painful it was to look at those and you not be here to go thur them with her.I told her she would cry everytime she looked at them, but reading all these reflections, wow, she is not alone.We really miss you and there is not a day that goes by we do not think of your wonderful smile, and your sacrifice to the Montgomery Police Department.Keep smiling over us Josh. We love and miss you.


August 19, 2010

Today we remember the E.O.W. of Ken Armstrong #1662, but you too will never be forgotten.

Agent Jeremy K. Peterson #167
Alabama ABC Board

August 17, 2010

hey sweetie....we were just thinking about you more tonight than normal...we are so proud of you... we miss you baby
love mom and dad


July 13, 2010

I was a Montgomery Police Officer from 1984 until 1987, and I have great respect for anyone that earned the right to wear that uniform in Montgomery. It is not an easy thing to accomplish. When I read the tragic news of Joshuah's death, I remembered my own partner (Officer Feagin)from way back then in 1985. He and I were both rookies working the Eastdale Mall area. Feagin was a graduate from Alabama State and played footbal for them until he graduated. One night on the way home from work, someone crashed into his car and killed him. It was an accident, of course, but over the last 25 years I have thought of him so very often. He was a good man, and deserved a good life. But it just wasn't meant to be. Since then, I have had many friends killed in this line of work. It is never easy to deal with, but the young officers, like Joshuah are the hardest to accept. Joshuah will be remembered for life by those that worked with him, and they will find strength in his memory to do the right thing when it is not such an easy thing to do, and to have compassion for all men and women that they encounter in their life. I see peace in Joshuah's eyes when I look at his photograph, and I know he was loved on this Earth, and will be loved forever in his new home. God bless his loving family, and thank you for raising such a wonderful and strong young man. He will not be forgotten.

Lt. Rodney Lawley (Retired)
Birmingham PD

June 17, 2010

To the family, friends and co workers who honored Joshua with their loyalty and friendship, I ask the Lords blessing upon all of your hearts. After 20 years as a special agent with the federal government, I retired and went back to my first love. The life of a street cop. In the five years that I have been with my department I have felt similar lost and pain. We have lost two of our own in an 18 month period to automobile accidents.

I am a native Montgomerian and grew up in that great city as well as prattville. I was heart broken to hear you lost. I only found out recently when my motor unit was invited and attended the Police Memorial week in Washington. We provided ceremonial escorts fot he survivors of the fallen. while at the candle light vidual i was given my firts list of all the fallen. Immediately looked and saw that my hometown had lost a hero in blue.

Two days later while at the lincolm memorial I was in uniform and was approached by two young officers who asked to take a photo with me. I asked where they were from and they told me they were co workers and friends of Joshuah. We chatted about home. I felt it was Gods work that brought those officers to me, neither of us knowing each others history or origin. Taken that photo with those officer brought emotions and tears to me. It reminded me of the brotherhood I had always felt with the Montgomery PD when dealing with them as a federal agent. I was moved deeply simply buy your memory Joshuah.

I ask God to bless your family with the protection of angels for I know we will all meet one day. To you family I say Joshuah has not past away,, he has crossed over to Father and is now in peace.

1Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. 4For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. Romans13:1-5 God bless you, your family and the Montgomery Police Department. I will hold of you, my hometown in my heart and prayers every day. You are truley a Hero.

Bruce LaBier, Motorcycle Patrolman
Henry County Police, McDonough GA

June 1, 2010



May 24, 2010

It was one awsome week. No one can ever understand the love and respect officers around the US have for one another unless they have been to one of these memorials. We were treated so unbelieveable . Your son is the prettiest thing I have ever seen..
Momma loves you my blue eyed angel

susan broadway

May 16, 2010

he Jamie and maw maw are leaving for Washington this week to honor you.. I feel like you will be there watching over you baby

susan broadway

May 10, 2010

Tomorrow I will run in the National Police Week 5K here in DC. I picked up my bib today and seen that I will be running in honor of Officer Joshuah Broadway. My heart goes out to all of Joshuah's family and friends. I am sorry for your loss!

Heather Watson

May 7, 2010

hey heart is heavy today..i miss you more than ever..looking at pictures of your son and not being able to hold him and tell him how special his dad was is breaking my heart.. i am never going to get over this whole ordeal..i miss you smile, voice, our special bond,singing with you...i just miss you baby

susan broadway

April 20, 2010


susan broadway

April 1, 2010

well sweetheart today is Jamie's birthday and I am sure it will be another sad one without you here..we miss you baby

susan broadway

March 25, 2010

Well baby I have a had a bad day.. For some reason I feel like things are getting harder instead of easier. I can't seem to break this depression. I need to hear your voice. I need to see your blue eyes. I need to hold you in my arms. We finally got your headstone and I thought that would make me feel somewhat better but it didn't.Oh well I guess thats just the way its going to be.. I just miss so much..If someone would just tell me why???????????? love forever and always mom

susan broadway

March 8, 2010


susan broadway

March 3, 2010

I can't believe it has been a year. It seems like yesterday that you were here celebrating Christmas with us. I remember how proud and nervous you were to meet the entire family, and how proud we were to introduce you and announce your engagement to Kelly. Everyone loved you! Now we are here, without you, and miss you so much.

We are doing all we can to help Kelly through this time. Your baby boy is so beautiful!! A perfect grandson.... We smother him with hugs and kisses everyday. He looks just like you. When I hold him I see you and your eyes, and definitely your smile. He is truely an angel, a gift from god, a part of you here with Kelly...forever.


February 13, 2010

It has been a year now, and we think of you everyday. Your mom talks about you and all the funny little things you did. Like cheating very well at card games that I know all to well. You made us all laugh and we still are laughing about those little things. But we hurt really bad knowing that you are not here to laugh with us. We miss you with all of our hearts and hope you are looking down on us and see how much we all miss you. Your brothers are hanging in there which we know you would want them to, but it is hard to see them miss you so much.Life is really different now, life is more important than anyone would ever know. I hope anyone reading this would pick up a phone and call someone close to them just to tell them you love them, you never know if that will be your last chance. Love you Josh


January 31, 2010

well baby it has been a year since you left us. I feel like it was yesterday..My heart is still broken. It is like a bad dream and I cant wake up from it. I love you and miss you so much..
tell granddaddy and big mac hello for me.
love always and forever mom

susan broadway

January 25, 2010

Josh it has been a year now. A long hard year. I continue to think about you everyday. I continue to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers and always will. Thank you for being a good friend and for the conversations.

Cpl. E. A. Dailey
Montgomery Police Department

January 25, 2010

Thinking of you and all of your loved ones on this day. A year has passed and I know for those that love you it has felt like a lifetime since they last were able to hear your voice, see your smile and hug you. Every day is filled with loving memories of you and they will carry those memories in their hearts forever. I have no magical words to help them with their grief, except to keep your memory alive by talking to anyone that will listen about you and thats because you are a true hero. Continue to watch over your loved ones. You will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

January 25, 2010

To Officer Joshuah P. Broadaway, his family and his fellow officers with the Montgomery Police Department:

Our heartfelt thoughts are with you on the anniversary of Officer Broadway’s tragic death and we honor him for his valor and sacrifice to the community. Rest in Peace, Officer Braodway and thank you for your service.

Wives Behind The Badge, Inc
Members and Staff

January 25, 2010

A year ago today we said goodbye to you...please continue to watch over us...we love you and miss you. RIP Brother.


January 25, 2010

I remember this time last year all too well. I remember sitting in the hospital everyday holding on to the hope that you would wake up and everything would be okay again and you'd come back to work with that good old smile on your face. It's hard to believe that its been a year. My thoughts and prayers are with your family especially this week. Keep watch over us brother, we love and miss you.


January 16, 2010

Today is exactly 1 year to the day of the accident that took you from us 10 days later. We all still miss you and are thinking about you a little more this week and through the next ten days. RIP Brother. You still havent,and will NEVER be forgotten.


January 15, 2010

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