Monroe County Sheriff's Office, Indiana
End of Watch Sunday, October 19, 2008
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Sarah Irene Haylett-Jones
I just watched your video memorial on youtube, a person with so much life ahead of them cut down. May you rest with the knowledge that we will carry on.
Deputy Bryan McCraw
Franklin Co. Sheriffs Dept.
December 31, 2010
rest in peace airman
December 31, 2010
Merry Christmas in Heaven, Sarah! Hoping that you are
celebrating with Granda Jerry on his 1st Christmas in Heaven. Keep watch over all of us from above.
Hero's live our hearts!
Connie Jones
December 25, 2010
just checking out Youtube and watched your video, thank you for serving and you never will be forgotten.
R.I.P. my sister
Court Deputy R.L. Clements
King County Sheriff
December 12, 2010
Sarah, thinking of you at this Thanksgiving time of year.
Thankful that you had been part of our family, even for a
short time. Also, thinking about you as I have Gunter and
how you & Chris got him at Thanksgiving 5 years ago. Both
him & Lilly (spoiled) are doing just fine! Keep watching over all of "us".
Hero's Live our Hearts!
Connie Jones
November 17, 2010
I can't believe it has been two years already. You are in our prayers everyday and we miss you so much. I know you are watching over us and I can't wait until we see each other again.
Love ya'
October 20, 2010
Sarah, I have come to know Chris over the last two years as a remarkable young man who loved you so much!. Continue to watch over him and all of your family and friends who continue to mourn your loss. You were a huge part of everyone's life and that will never change
Godbless and may rest in peace now and forever!
October 19, 2010
Sarah, Thinking of you today, as always, and remembering
what a beautiful wife, daugher, aunt, grand-daugher, friend,
& devoted Deputy you had become.....
Hard to think it's been 2 years since you have been gone,
but, never forgotten! Always in our hearts..
Continue to watch over us from above. Keep all of us safe, You are always in our prayers & thoughts.
Missing You,
Steve & Connie
Connie Jones
October 19, 2010
Remembering you at this time, as we so often do. You touched many lives, young and old, and will continue to do so. Please continue to watch over the family, especially the little ones..they all look up to you but as a family we still grieve for and miss you.
Continue to rest peacefully and know you have not and never will be forgotten.
October 17, 2010
Sarah, hard to believe that it will be two years when I can still remember exactly what we talked about on our last phone conversation. I know you are watching over us and keeping us all safe! We love and miss you! Whenever we see a rainbow the kids say that Aunt Sarah is watching us today and they always smile. You were a blessing to have in our lives. A Hero forever! Love you.
Stephanie Brown
sister in law
October 9, 2010
Hi Sarah. Help keep an eye on us. God Bless You!
J. Elwaer
South Bend PD
September 15, 2010
Sarah~you would be so proud!
Well, the 2nd Sarah Jones 5K went off without a hitch....
268 runner/walkers ran to remember! What a wonderful way
to honor such a wonderful young woman. We all knew you were
there, too watching over us with clear blue skies and a
nice light breeze~
Forever in our Hearts!
Connie Jones
July 7, 2010
Such a beautiful young woman's life lost at the hands of an unexperienced driver. Unfortunately, here in Norfolk our officers have close calls several times a week and the #1 death of an officer in Norfolk is an officer involved shooting. I watched the video on youtube made by your husband and i couldn't hold back the tears and believe me i tried. May you rest in peace and know you are never alone.
Lieutenant Brandon Giovanni
-Norfolk Police Department-
Norfolk, Virginia
Lieutenant Brandon Giovanni
Norfollk Police Department
June 9, 2010
Our Dear Sarah,
Thank You For Your Service, for God, Country, and Your Community.
For Freedom Is Not Free, it is Given In Blood.
We Love & Miss You, Always, & Forever, Mom & Dad
Memorial Day 2010
Kimalee Haylett
May 30, 2010
Dear Sweet Girl,
I am missing you so much,but know you are an Angel In Blue, in an Amazing Beautiful Place. I wish we could have been ther for Police Week in DC. But your brother Eric, took your wreath, and placed it above your name on the wall. I made it with Love, for you, from all of us. In the colors bright and vibiant, just like you !
This week I will give the BACC CJ Deputy Sarah Irene Haylett- Jones Memorial Scholarship to another wonderful young woman. Be with me, speak through me, and let them know your messege.
Sarah, you are in my Heart, Always, & Forever, Mom
Kimalee Haylett
Sarah's Mom
May 23, 2010
Hey Sarah,
Just got back from Police Week in Washington, D.C. Your mom made a beautiful wreath that was placed by your name on the wall. I just wanted to say that we will never forget you and I am honored to have had you as a friend.
Love ya'
May 19, 2010
I just want you and your family to know that we at GRPD are honored to recognize you as a hero during our Police Officer Memorial Day in Grand Rapids, MI. I saw a new photo added to our program and read of your sacrifice. You will never be forgotten - your brothers and sisters in blue, brown and green in Michigan will proudly honor your memory.
April 30, 2010
Happy Birthday, today, April 2nd! Remembering you on
the special day that you were born. Thinking of you
Make a big wish...
Hero's live forever.
Connie Jones
April 2, 2010
Gone but not forgotten. Rest in Peace.
Det. Brian Grant
New Castle County PD (DE)
April 2, 2010
Hey Sarah,
Just stopping by to wish you a happy birthday.
Love ya'
April 1, 2010
Happy Birthday! You and your sacrifice for our freedom will never be forgotten! Love you Angel Above!
April 1, 2010
Sarah, just thinking of you like I do so many days, you have been smiling at us all month on our fridge since you are on our March calendar and it always makes me smile! Keep watch over all of us and know that you are missed terribly down here! Love you!
Stephanie Brown
sister in law
March 22, 2010
HERO'S Live Forever, In our Hearts!
Thinking of you ~ Always.....
Connie Jones
February 12, 2010
Never Forgotten
February 5, 2010
I wish I would have had the oppurtunity to meet you. Your family is so touching and beautiful. Your mom works so hard to raise money for the scholarship that has been made in your memory. She has such a beautiful garden and the pumpkins were magnificent. I cannot explain how honored I am to be the first recipeint of the scholarship. I think of you every day and in every decision I make. you are such an inspiration. I will continue to share your story as i continue my education. Sarah, you are truly a hero and have touched me and my family so deeply. Thank You
Courtney Knight
January 21, 2010