Oklahoma City Police Department, Oklahoma
End of Watch Sunday, September 28, 2008
Reflections for Sergeant Robert Craig Douglas
Dearest Robert,
Each and every day, as our son matures, he exhibits evermore facets of your brilliant personality. There are pieces of his soul that are a direct reflection of you, Robert. I am proud of the person he is becoming.
However, I am always saddened at the fact that you are not here with him. There is not one day that passes that I do not think of the blessings he would have had growing up with his smart and vibrant father to guide, comfort, and show him unconditional love.
We miss you every single day, especially those days where the grief of losing you in our lives is hard to bear. We wish you were with us.
It is said that "time allegedly heals all wounds". However, the time honestly has not healed this wound. Time only helps to make the wound more tolerable where one can survive and attempt to power on each day. The wound of all that is lost is always there.
Your bright and shining light is sorely missed.
Love Always,
Alycia Douglas
Your Widow, Your once love
Alycia Douglas
Robert's Wife
July 14, 2024
Dear Robert Craig,
As each year goes by, I still find it hard
To believe you are gone. I miss you
Every single day. We lost Vicki in
Oct 2020. I didn't think i could face
Life without you both. I love and miss
You dear sweet baby brother!
Love always,
Your sis,
Darlene Manuel
Darlene Manuel
June 23, 2021
Rest in peace and always know that your service and sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren.
Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)
September 28, 2020
Sergeant Douglas rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2019
Sgt. Douglas,
On today, the 10th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Oklahoma City. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.
United States Border Patrol
September 28, 2018
To my dear baby brother. I was sitting here at work, and you just popped in my thoughts, so I thought I would find this reflection sight. My dear brother, how I do miss you so! I still hear your booming laughter and wonderful sense of humor. Please say a prayer for your sister. I have been having some heart issues and I will be seeing a cardiologist soon. I know since you're now with mama and daddy, I am certainly protected in a prayer circle. I love and miss you dearly!
Kathleen (Douglas)Thomas
April 9, 2018
I miss you more each and every day dear baby brother.
Love always your sister,
Darlene Manuel
Darlene Manuel
March 9, 2016
Miss you so much Uncle. I really hate my boys didn't have the honor to meet such a wonderful man!
Love you always and forever,
Yvonne Mayes
January 13, 2016
I think about you everyday. Our childhood, highschool days, and all the crazy stuff we did that only you and I understood. I miss you more than words could ever describe!
Emmett Douglas / Former Sgt. Ok County.
First cousin
September 29, 2014
It is not only when special occasions are upon us, but it is every single day that you are remembered and loved. Your son now enters the 7th grade! As you are with Our Lord and watching over him you too can see his sense of character, his personality, his sense of purpose. He is a wonderful child!
I want to extend to ALL of the surviving parents out there a message of hope and honor. Always know that you are not alone in your pursuit of raising good, wholesome, loving, kind, and God-loving children. Yes, we all have days when we are torn, weary, and yes that sadness does seep into our day at times when we least expect it. Always know and never forget that The Lord is with us all. Always know that our loved ones are with Our Lord and they are now safe and free from the turmoil of this world. Always know that you have all survived a great tragedy and loss in your life, but know that in Christ, we are all stronger. Ladies and gentlemen, always know that you have a piece of your loved one in your child. Cherish your children, nurture them to be the warrior that your loved one was in this world. Our children can show the love of The Lord and the strength of character that this world is void of. Let our children lead this world to a better tomorrow. Our children have experienced one of the greatest losses to experience in this world. We must show the world God's greatness as it reflects in our lives and the lives of our children. Be strong my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. You are not alone and you will survive.
Robert, you left this world and now live in the better world with Jesus Christ, yet your presence is always in this world in your child, and it is felt each and every day. Let us all work to make this world better in honor of our loved ones.
Peace and love be with us all as we all continue to heal, and extend Christ's message throughout this damaged world.
Alycia Douglas
Wife and mother of Bobby Douglas
August 2, 2014
Dear Robert Craig,
I still find it hard to believe it is going on 6 years now since you were called home. So much has changed baby brother. Losing you was difficult enough, and then last year losing our patriarch daddy.. But we are a strong and resilient family. I take comfort in knowing you now have both mama and dadddy with you. I feel like you all are looking down on us and smiling. You would be happy to know I will become a grandmother for the 2nd time. This baby will have a strong name too like his brother. He will be named Elijiah Elliot Mayes.
I love and miss you,
your loving sister,
Darlene Manuel
Darlene Manuel
August 1, 2014
Robert, I was not present when you went to your homecoming. but the enjoyment we had with our long conversations about life cannot be purchased. I watched you grow up as a john marshall bear and the you followed into policing after your uncle. Man getting off the street was important ad I know me pushing you to do that I was so proud of you. I LOVE YOU MAN and I will never forget you
Law Enforcememt Officer
John Marshall Friend
March 24, 2014
It is so hard to believe that it has now been five years since you left this world to live in peace in the next world with Our Lord Jesus Christ. Your son is growing by leaps and bounds. He often speaks of you asking questions about what kind of man you were. I always tell him that you were a fine upstanding man with great morals and values with a love of the Lord. He is growing up to be a wonderful child with your sense of humor. I am thankful for him each and everyday. You will never be forgotten as you live through your son. To all of the mothers, wives and children who have had to suffer the loss of their spouse/father I think of all of you and I feel the same pain and sense of loss that all of you feel. It is not an easy task to be left to pick up the pieces of a life and begin again. However, all of us must have faith that our Lord Jesus Christ is there for us holding us up. He is always there when everyone has moved on with their lives, when we feel forgotten or alone, always know that we are never alone. We have our special angels who are looking out for us, holding us up, and helping us through. The pain never goes away completely. However it does subside to where you can survive in this world that often can cast us aside. Robert, your spirit lives through your son. You will never be forgotten, and to all of the wives and children out there know that you too never have to feel cast aside for the Lord is with us all. May God continue to bless and keep every one of you.
Your beloved wife, Alycia Douglas
Alycia Douglas
Wife of Mstr. Sgt. Rober Craig Douglas
October 2, 2013
To my beloved baby brother Robert Craig,
It doesnt seem like you have been gone now four years.
I miss you so much! I now am a grandmother! Your
niece Yvonne has a son now, and guess what his name is?
Jeremiah Robert Mayes. She wanted him to have your
name. Isnt that something.. You would be so proud to know
how this family is really trying to live your legacy and love for life! Miss you and love you so very much,
Your Dear Sister Darlene (Douglas) Manuel
Darlene (Douglas) Manuel
December 14, 2012
Dear Robert,
Yesterday marked the 4 year anniversary of your going home to be with Our Lord. To this day, I have to stop and pause to come to the realization that you are really gone. As I watch our son grow, I see so many of your traits and stengths in him. Robert, you would be so very proud of him and I know that right now the two of you would be sitting side by side watching the OSU game together. I can see that picture so very clearly. I am grateful to God in heaven above for our son and I am always thankful that God brought you into my life. You still to this day impact my life in so many ways, and you always will. We miss your big laugh, your smile, your humor, and all that was so good about you. You will always be in our hearts. I pray that the Lord grant me the wisdom, strength and courage that you always had to raise our son according to His will, and in the way that you would be proud. We love and miss you very much.
Alycia Douglas
Wife- to Sgt. Douglas EOW 9/28/2008
September 29, 2012
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones today. Continue to watch over all of them. Wrap your wings around them and help them with their grief. You will never be forgotten as true heroes never die.
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
September 28, 2012
December 1, 2011
Robert, you've been in my thoughts more than usual lately. With what happened to Katie, and now Chad, we have come way too close to losing more of our brothers and sisters.
I think often of eating at Earl's with you, of laughing at your radio transmissions, of playing 'hangman' with you on the MDT the night before the bombing memorial, and of giving each other a hard time over OU and OSU. You are still missed and always will be.
Alicia, my thoughts are also with you and Bobby. It was great to run into you at Louie's for dinner, I'm grateful I had the chance to talk to you for a little bit.
March 1, 2011
Thinking about you Robert. You are not forgotten
February 23, 2011
Thinking of you, Alycia and Bobby today.
KD, #1307
September 28, 2010
Sgt. Douglas,
I can't believe its going to be 2 years since you left us. It still seems like yesterday we were at your funeral. Thank you for watching over our sister a couple of weeks ago. It is truly a miracle that she is still with us. I know God and the rest of our fallen brothers and sisters had to be watching over her. Continue to watch over us all. Rest in peace brother!
Oklahoma City Police Dept.
September 15, 2010
Brother I was thinking about you today. Alicia and Bobby you are in my prayers.
Sgt. VanCuren
August 12, 2010
Robert , Captain Douglas is with you now. I hope your family is doing ok.
June 30, 2010
Sitting here at an extra job..thought about you. I hope Alycia and Bobby are doing OK
March 10, 2010
Robert , I hope your family realizes how much you were looked up to and respected. You,Alycia, and Bobby were in my thoughts this Christmas.
December 30, 2009