North Carolina Highway Patrol, North Carolina
End of Watch Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Reflections for Trooper David Shawn Blanton, Jr.
Remembering you & Tye today and thinking about Michaela, your parents, brother and other family. It doesn't seem like it's been a year but to them I'm sure it seems like an eternity without you. I pray for healing & peace for them. Rest in the arms of our Lord, Trooper!
Survivor of Trooper Calvin Taylor
June 17, 2009
To Trooper David Shawn Blanton Jr, his family and his fellow officers with the North Carolina Highway Patrol:
Our heartfelt thoughts are with you on the anniversary of Trooper Blanton’s tragic death and we honor him for his valor and sacrifice to the community. Rest in Peace, Trooper Blanton and thank you for your service.
Wives Behind The Badge, Inc
Members and Staff
June 17, 2009
It's been a year & it only seems like yesterday! I stil miss you & grieve for you every day love you!
Auntie Sarita
June 16, 2009
Yesterday was Memorial Day, 2009 and you and your family were on my mind. I just hope you understood how much you were appreciated. The song goes "All gave Some and Some Gave All". It amazes me that men and women in any uniform are willing to do that for us! You will always be a HERO in my heart and mind.
I know that you are watching out for all the others in uniform. I want to thank you, your family and other families for the ultimate sacrifice you and they have made for us.
To Michaela, I pray God continues to give you strength as you will always be in my prayers.
May 26, 2009
Shawn, it's so hard to believe that it's almost been a year now since that awful night.Passing that exit is still hard to do, it can't at all be done without remembering what happened.You were taken much too soon.Just know that Michaela still works hard every day for you and little Tye, I know you would be very proud of her, she is a very strong woman to endure what she has had to endure. Stay with her and know that you are still loved and missed greatly by us all.May GOD continue to be with Michaela and the rest of your family and give them strength.
Bridgette Davis
May 24, 2009
Trooper Blanton,
I had the honor of reading your name at the Candlelight Service this past week in Washington DC. It was one of the hardest and most touching things I have ever done in my life. Looking up, seeing the thin blue light spread across the grounds of the Law Enforcment Memorial and then speaking out your name, knowing that you were now forever on the wall, affected me in a way that is hard to explain. Coincidently, I had lunch the same day as the Candlelight Vigil with several of your troopers from the great state of No Carolina. Great guys and a great organization.
I want you to know that you are not forgotten and that your brothers and sisters with NCHP remember you and that they hold you close to their hearts.
Thank you brother David for your service and sacrifice. You are truely the inspiration for all of us.
As was mentioned several times during the service, "It is not how they died, but how they lived"
Sgt Mike Edes
Maine State Police
May 16, 2009
Hey bubba. I don't know what is wrong but I just miss you more today than I have in a long time. All I have done is lay here and cry. I have text your mom and Micheala tryin to figure out what is goin on but I know I just miss you that much my brother! I don't know if it's the fact that Turkey season, Softball, and Fishing is here or what but I woke up with you on my mind. I wish you were here to laugh at me when I choke on my call and I can make fun of your yellow fly rod that's the stuff I miss and wish I could still have. It's coming up on a year my brother and I wish it would have never happened but that was out of my hands and I'm sorry my brother. I love and I miss you Shawny B!!!
P.O. 1 W. J. Benhart
April 15, 2009
Just thinking of you and your little boy this morning. I still say a prayer every night for your wife as does my five year old. I feel guilty when I look at my son and think about what you and your family have lost. Your wife is the strongest person I have ever heard of. To lose what she has is not even imaginable. I know you are in Heaven now and your son is there with you with no health problems. Just a brand new perfect body for you both. I was working on the other side the night you met this coward who isn't worth to mention on this page of Honor. I didn't know until it was to late about your fight or I would have came across that State Line to have helped you. I am sorry. You and you baby boy and wife will always be in my prayers and I hope one day to meet you and your son.
Tennessee Highway Patrol
April 3, 2009
I was so saddened to read in this website of your son's death. I have remembered you and David in the time since he was shot and thought often of your son and his struggles with health issues. I will continue to pray for you and a sense of hope and peace to become a part of your days to come.
Anne Andrews, Professor
Thomas Nelson Community College
March 28, 2009
To the Blanton Family,
First I would like to express my deepest sympathies for your loss of a true HERO.. I am participating in this years Police Unity Tour and I am privilaged to have been selected to ride for my fallen brother. It is a complete honor. Hopefully I will have the chance to meet the family of this true Hero..
Officer E. Harry
Willingboro PD NJ
March 18, 2009
The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.
Proverbs 28:1
To Trooper Blantons' wife,
You are going through one of the thoughest parts of your life right now. You are in my thoughts and prayers. May God envelope you in his loving embrace. May he give you the strength to carry on without your loved ones. You can survive this. Know that you are int the thoughts and prayers of many. God bless you.
Friend of Off. Kris Fairbanks RIP 9-20-08
February 28, 2009
I happened upon a small article about your son's passing in the C.O.P.S. newsletter. I was overwhelmed and thought to myself, " How can this happen to a family that has already lost so much?" They were both too young to die. I don't have an answer but I feel there must be a reason that is not easily understood. All I know is your husband and son are together forever and they are not suffering. You are in my prayers and there is a reason you are still here. Stay strong.
Police Officer
Philadelphia P.D.
February 25, 2009
Just had you on my mind today. I continue to pray for your wife. Lord give her strength.
Wife of NCSHP Sergeant
February 24, 2009
May you rest in peace Trooper Blanton and Tye. May the lord be with your family. To your wife, God bless you. My husband serves as a Colorado State Trooper. I first heard about your husband when my mom emailed me the article. I cried for you, I cried for your son, I cried for your family... this story touched me. Your husband was so young and was doing what he loved to do. Each day my 23 year old husband gets dressed in his uniform I think of your story. This could happen to any family, anywhere, at any time. When I came to this website and read about your son passing... I burst into tears. Poor little baby... I turn to God and ask, why to this family, hasn't this family suffered enough heartache.. why this little boy? All I can say is may you turn to the Lord... pray... pray and know that your family is with the Lord and they are with eachother. Know that your husband is taking care of your little boy. Know that this happened for a reason, they went together to take care of eachother and know that they are watching over you to take care of you, They will forever watch over you. May God Bless You. May the Lord be with you each day of your life and may you find happiness once again. God Bless.
Troopers Wife
Colorado State Patrol
January 25, 2009
May you rest in peace Trooper Blanton and Tye. May the lord be with your family. To your wife, God bless you. My husband serves as a Colorado State Trooper. I first heard about your husband when my mom emailed me the article. I cried for you, I cried for your son, I cried for your family... this story touched me. Your husband was so young and was doing what he loved to do. Each day my 23 year old husband gets dressed in his uniform I think of your story. This could happen to any family, anywhere, at any time. When I came to this website and read about your son passing... I burst into tears. Poor little baby... I turn to God and ask, why to this family, hasn't this family suffered enough heartache.. why this little boy? All I can say is may you turn to the Lord... pray... pray and know that your family is with the Lord and they are with eachother. Know that your husband is taking care of your little boy. Know that this happened for a reason, they went together to take care of eachother and know that they are watching over you to take care of you, They will forever watch over you. May God Bless You. May the Lord be with you each day of your life and may you find happiness once again. God Bless.
Troopers Wife
Colorado State Patrol
January 25, 2009
I regret that I never had the honor to know you but I have heard so many wonderful things about you. I have wanted to leave a reflection on here for months but have been at a loss for words. Brother, we will never forget your sacrifice, and your family will remain in our prayers forever.
Officer J.D. Kornegay
UNC-CH Police Chapel Hill, NC
January 20, 2009
Happy Birthday my brother!!! I wish I could put in words how much I miss you!! You know there is not a single day that goes by where I dont laugh or cry about you. Shawn you mean the world to me and i wish you were here to keep me IN trouble. I love you and I miss you brother.
PO William Benhart
Waynesville P.D.
January 19, 2009
January 19, 2009
To Michaela & the rest of Shawn's family,
You have all been on my mind as Christmas almost doesn't seem right to say "Merry Christmas" to you because I know Christmas will never be the same again. But I do hope you all have the best Christmas possible and I wish for peace to come to you in 2009. Please know that Shawn, Tye & your family are remembered as we approach the celebration of Jesus' birth! God Bless You!
Survivor of Trooper Calvin Taylor
December 21, 2008
I cannot even find words to describe the heartache I feel for you and your immense pain. I recently lost my friend and partner in the line of duty and cannot fathom how to breathe some days, yet here you have lost the two people you love the most in your life. I am praying to give you strength and hope now and in the future. It may not get any easier, but you will make it through this.
Thank you for your sacrifice brother. You were taken too soon. Enjoy playing with your son in heaven.
Sister In Blue
December 14, 2008
We only met for a few moments in the jail a few weeks before you were murdered. You and your family have been an inspiration to us all. My heart is glad to know you and your son shall suffer no longer and are reunited once again. Thank you for your sacrafic.
Joe Darling
US Park Ranger
Blue Ridge Parkway
US Park Ranger: Joe Darling
National Park Service
December 5, 2008
Thinking of and praying for the Blanton family on this Thanksgiving!
The Houston's
November 27, 2008
There is not a single night while on Patrol that I do not think about you. Every single time I hit the lights to pull a car over, your face comes before my eyes. You are missed tremendously by your fellow Brothers in blue. Please continue to watch over us down here while we are still doing God's work here on earth. I was absolutely crushed when I heard about Tye's passing, but I know that God has a plan for all of us (as He tells us in Jeremiah 29:11) and I know you are so excited to hold your baby boy in your arms once again. Please know that you are in all of our prayers constantly and I know that NCSHP will always take care of your family. God Bless and keep us safe down here. We all miss you G-540
Police Officer Matthew Storie
Asheville Police Department
October 31, 2008
My father was a policeman, my son's father is a policeman and now my son is a military policeman. It's an honorable profession. One for heroes......
Why, why, why did this happen to a man who gave his life for public service and now for his son to be taken away, too! Why?
God, surely you are there.....somewhere...Please comfort this young wife and mother...and give wisdom to the rest of us to understand.
Grateful Citizen
October 30, 2008
I can not even fathom your pain and I have lost a 9 day old infant. You have been through so much and I admire the amazing strength you have shown. Please understand that God only gives what you can handle and know that he is with you. I know that Shawn and Tye are looking down from Heaven with such pride!!! As time goes by, the pain eases yet it does not entirely go away. Always remember the good times that you had with each of them. This will help you endure the really bad times.
I pray that God will give you the continued stength to handle this. Hopefully, your losses will not be in vain. Already, a community has united in your grief and become a better place to live. Please know that people are gratefull to you and all of the other officers' families who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us! May God Bless You and Hold You In His Arms to Comfort You!
October 28, 2008