Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Mark A. Beck

Baton Rouge Police Department, Louisiana

End of Watch Monday, February 25, 2008

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Reflections for Police Officer Mark A. Beck

Hello Dear Brother,

I wanted to say "Hello" and it's very hard to believe that just a little over 3 months ago you were still here with us and now you're gone.

The BRPD did a wonderful little ceremony for you and put a plaque with your picture & Xander sitting beside you along with a description beside it just like the one's you saw for Vicki, Terry, and Chris -- so now unfortunately yours is up there too. I know you saw the ceremony from up there and I know you were very pleased although you probably said "They didn't need to do that for me" but they did, it was very nice, and you very well deserved it.

I love you so so very much my twin & please continue watching over us until we meet again!!

I love you,
Marcia Leigh

Marcia Beck Duhon
Twin Sister

June 2, 2008

Hey Mark,
I was just thinking of you and wanted to say Thank You for being there once again and sending me all the signs to put me where I needed to be. I am now in such a focused state of mind and I know this is all because of you. When I said I was striving to be more like you I meant it, even though I know that I can never completely be like you, fore you were a "one of a kind", "truely a real class act"! Please continue to look after all your Family and Friends because we all feel a little safer with another Angel watching over us all. THANK YOU for being my FRIEND!


May 25, 2008

If Tears Could Build A Stairway

If tears could build a stairway
And memories were a lane
We would walk right up to Heaven
And bring you back again

No farewell words were spoken
No time to say goodbye
You were gone before we knew it
And only God knows why

Our hearts still ache in sadness
And secret tears still flow
What it meant to lose you
No one will ever know

But now we know you want us
To mourn for you no more
To remember all the happy times
Life still has much in store

Since you’ll never be forgotten
We pledge to you today
A hallowed place within our hearts
Is where you’ll always stay

Author Unknown



May 22, 2008

My love,
Now I know what you meant....
I love you,
"Mrs. Beck"

Michelle Beck

May 20, 2008

Hello Dear Brother,

Well I watched Bronson played last Friday night in his mid-season tournament and he did great -- he played left field. I enjoy hanging out and being with them soooo much. Your nephew Jacob lost his first tooth a few Fridays ago and you would have been proud because he pulled the tooth all by himself.

I know you're up there watching us and I know you are very proud of the good that you see people doing down here and I know you're not surprised with the way some true colors have shown thru on others since you have passed -- some good and some NOT so good!!! Not a day goes by for me that I feel alone without you here & it's very hard for me to explain to anyone who is not a twin but those who are twins I know completely understand what I'm saying and going thru. Each morning that I wake up I have to make myself realize that you are not coming back and I have to continue on with my life and continue spending time with our family and knowing that I'll see you and Dad again is something that keeps me going -- each day I would just rather stay home and lay in the bed and cry all day but I know you and Dad wouldn't want me to do that so I'll do my best to just conitue on with yours and Dad's words of wisdom "Keep your chin up and think positive". I bought an angel to put at your grave and he is on his knees with a book open in his hands -- I know how much you loved to read.

Well I love you so so much my twin and until we meet again on the other side keep a watchful eye on us and continue being my Guardian Angel -- I will continue looking up at the sky and waving to you and Dad just please remember to wave back at me.

I love you dearly,
Marcia Beck Duhon

Marcia Beck Duhon
Twin Sister

May 16, 2008

Hey Baby,
Well, not a day goes by that I don't see even more how you affected everyone around you. You are so missed and loved. I think about you all the time and I miss you. You are everywhere....always. I put lights out for you. I couldn't see you when I passed at night. There are three of them and I feel better. I thought about you a lot today. Even though I am not a "biological" mother, you would have made sure today was very special for me. You always did on Mother's Day...and everyday for that matter. You are my love and I miss you. Soon....
I love you,
"Mrs Beck"

Michelle Beck

May 12, 2008

Hey bud,

Was going through our Academy pictures the other day. We were a small group to begin with and with 3 losses, it is hard. I saw the pictures of you, Terry and Pat and started to cry. You know you were all my big brothers, and I appreciate everything you did for me during those 20 weeks. Any other Academy I am not sure I would have made it, but our class was special. I remember when we were designing our flag, you came up with "UNA STAMUS", WE STAND AS ONE. We certainly do. I love and miss you so much. Michelle is so tough, even grieving at your loss, she still managed to try to ease my pain. I never did get you back for beating me up in the Academy and leaving me black and blue. Between you and Terry, I don't know how I survived, but that training saved my life in New Orleans and I never told you that, but THANK YOU so much.

Love always,

Ofc. Joanne L. Fullwood

May 4, 2008

dear brother,
I remember working with you years ago when we were on the same squad in unifrom patrol. I remember all of the squad hanging out, eating meals together. I remember our trips to Churchill's. We were a team, a family. Always knowledgable about the job, always prfessional, always ready.
I will never forget you Mark. You are my brother and friend. Until we meet in heaven.

Vaya Con Dios

Your brother, Matt Cosper

P.S. Save me a good cigar, we will smoke one together again.

Trooper Matt Cosper
Texas Highway Patrol

May 2, 2008

Mark it so hard for me to believe that it has only been 2 months now. It feels like an eternity since I have seen you. You know every time I see one of the BRPD cars I still find myself looking inside expecting to see you in there. I know you are in a much better place now, but I can't help but to wish you were back here. I will always cherish the times that you were there for me and I know that you will always be up there watching over us all and helping to keep us safe. Because of you I have strived to improve myself so that I CAN BE LIKE MARK BECK. Your family and friends SO MISS YOU and can't wait for the day that they all see you again. But until that day you rest easy and keep smiling over all those that loved you. GOD BLESS YOU MY FRIEND!

Captain Glen Bacot
Livingston Parish Fire Protection District 5

April 25, 2008

I only regret that you did not stay at First longer for me to get to know you better. But in the few dealings that I had with and concerning you, I knew that you were "First Class" and would rise above all adversity. I will always remember the times (as few as they were) and hope to meet back up with you one day. "Corps dissous aux héros"

Major Chip Clark

April 25, 2008

Hey sweetheart,
I just wanted to tell you how I miss you. I went to Pickwick this past weekend and you would be so proud of your boat. Hank, Jeff and Chad really did you right. I know you were up there saying, "Man, that is sweet!" All I could think is that you should be there. I wish you could have been. You would have loved that place.

I miss you Mark and I miss all things about you. My heart breaks everyday that I wake up and realize all over again that you are gone. I know you are in a paradise and you are whole again. I should really be jealous of you. You are away from this world and all the evil in it. You know paradise and I bet you are loving it. I'll be there one day with you. We all will. I can't wait.

Till I see you on the other side...I'll be loving you and missing you. Keep watch on me. I know you will.

Baby Girl "Mrs Beck"

Michelle Beck

April 22, 2008

In Loving Memory of You ©
by Debbie Heydrick

Quietly I'm remembering you
in the silence of my heart.
Each thought of you, a treasure
while we are now apart.

At times I'm filled with longing;
Your face I'd love to see,
To feel your warmth, to hear your voice,
to have you here with me.

But God has a plan; He created you
and numbered all your days.
May he hold you in His loving arms
and surround me with His grace.

With the hope of reunion in Heaven one day,
I entrust you in His care.
Cherished memories of you live on in my heart.
Your life is a gift we share.

Sgt. D. Distefano
Baton Rouge Police

April 15, 2008

Hello Dear Brother,

Well I went Sunday night and watched my wonderful nephews get baptized and I know you were there with them. They did great and they were the first ones. We were all there to support them & to share that wonderful experience with them.

You are so greatly and dearly missed my twin -- I know that you & dad can see us down here & I'm doing all that I can to help take care of my nephews & enjoying every moment that I have been and will continue spending with them.

There was an entry in your obituary guest book that a nice lady named Connie wrote. She let me know that she knew and understood what I was going thru and that "special connection" that we had and still have as twins. She lost her twin brother two years ago in an automobile accident. She let me know that it is still hard and will always be, especially on OUR BIRTHDAY, but when I get the weird feeling from that "special connection" that it is you just checking up on me. Mark you know as well as I do that it is very hard for me without you and only the twins in this world can and will only understand our strong bond and special connection that we have and will continue to share.

I have been going and checking up on you and Dad as often as possible and I just wish that I could stay there with you and with Dad but God is not ready to call me home yet but I will be ready when that time arrives and I will be with you and Dad again. Mark I know that you're doing your best to prevent me from crying each day now about you and Dad but it is very very hard -- 33 1/2yrs of wonderful memories and sharing that time with you is very hard to not continue sharing times and talking with you in person or on the phone. I so much wanted to call you last Tuesday (April 8th) on Dad's 3yr anniversary of passing away and talk with you like I used to but of course I couldn't and I was sad -- I know you could hear me when I talk to you so that does help. I just couldn't call you and say "I miss Dad so much and I could just cry all day" & hear you say "I know Marcia Leigh -- I feel the same way".

Well continue your watch over us down here and keep my seat warm beside you and Dad because when my time comes you know that I want to be in the chair in between you and Dad.

I love you dearly twin and I'll see you on the other side soon enough.

"Marcia Leigh"

Marcia Beck Duhon
Twin Sister

April 15, 2008

My Love,
Just wanted to let you know that I love you and I miss you beyond words. I stopped by to see you today. Kerry is taking good care of you. You'd be proud to know how "in place" you are. I leave in the morning with Matt and Sonya to go to Toledo. This trip just won't be the same without you there. I promise to catch the biggest fish with my "pretty" frog bait. Don't you be knocking my fish off, either...I know you think you're funny. I can hear you laughing!! Everyone misses you baby. Everyone! Danae left you a note at the cemetery. She misses you so much and you'd be really proud of her. All A's and B's still. I'd give anything to have you here for graduation. We really got her there, you know. I check on Austin and Bronson when I can keep it together long enough. I am missing them and I know they are missing you. Keep your eye on me and look out for me. I love you "Big Bunches"!!
Mrs Beck

Michelle Beck

April 10, 2008

I borrowed this poem "If I Knew" from the reflection page of Vickie Wax...I knew her as well as Terry Melancon and Mark Beck...I don't think she would mind.
I did not know Chris Metternich that well but he wore my uniform and stood for what I believe in.
I have read alot lately of the saying "I want to be like Mark Beck". This is why.. Mark was truly a great guy. Need music for an I-Pod, Mark would help you out. Want to cook some chili, his recipe of Beck's chili would light you on fire. I have heard people use the expression "he would give you the shirt off of his back"...Mark truly would have. The world was truly a better place with him in it...I can only imagine how much better a place he's making heaven. Please watch over us Mark as we continue to do what you did. We miss you and will try to make you proud..


If I knew it would be the last time
That I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.

If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more.

If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word,
so I could play them back day after day.

If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute
to stop and say "I love you,"
instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.

If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
so I can let just this one slip away.

For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance
to make everything just right.

There will always be another day
to say "I love you,"
And certainly there's another chance
to say our "Anything I can do?"

But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved one tight.

So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day,

That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their one last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today,
and whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear

Take time to say "I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "Thank you," or "It's okay."
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today.


April 7, 2008

Dear Brother,

As you know today makes 3yrs since dad passed and you don't have to be sad now because he is not here, but I'm sure you're very happy now that you are in Heaven with him -- I MISS and LOVE both of you so dearly and I'm sure you both now that so please give each other a great big hug for me. It will be a hard and rough day for me, but I'm sure both of you will help me make it thru the day.

I watched Austin & Bronson play in their tournament this weekend and hung out with them -- I had a great time & would not have missed it for anything -- you would have been so proud of both of them. It reminded me of when you and I played at North Park growing up -- you with baseball and me with softball.

Mark it's just not the same without you here with me -- being my twin I just don't know life without you considering that you were such an awesome brother & that we grew up together and celebrated 33 birthdays together it's hard & I'm not going to lie to you. I could just cry everyday from the pain & the hole that is in my heart but I know you wouldn't want me to do that and you're probably up there fussing at me right know telling me "Marcia Leigh it's going to be alright just keep your chin up and think positive". Mark -- I will try my hardest & do my best to continue to make you and Dad proud of me. I will do everything I can to make sure your boys/my nephews are taken care of and I will continue to take care of my son/your nephew Jacob. Oh yeah Jacob said to tell you "Hello Uncle Mark".

You have been there for me especially since Dad passed and you told me "Marcia Leigh -- I made Dad a promise that I was going to take care of you" so please pick up from there and be my guardian angel and continue taking care of me--I miss you dearly. Please don't forget to save me a seat beside you and Dad.

Love you always my twin,
"Marcia Leigh"

Marcia Beck Duhon
Twin Sister

April 7, 2008

My brother my friend,

The dog trials were this past weekend and all i could think about while i was there was how I missed you. You would have been so proud of the BRPD team, and I know that they all dedicated that weekend to you. Well as you know I will be starting the academy on the 14 of this month, and boy can i tell you that I am very nervous. I know that you will be watching over me and most likely laughing. Please keep me strong and if i get discouraged let me know it will all be ok and you are there. I plan to make the class moto to be "I want to be like Mark Beck". Well I got to go back to work for now, but know that I am thinking of you and love you very much.

Dy. Ryan Distefano
Livingston Parish Sheriffs Office

April 5, 2008

On behalf of Inner Parish Security Corp. of Baton Rouge, I will miss you Big Mark. You are the reason I'm joining the Baton Rouge Police Dept. I know you are in heaven, and I know you are in great hands. And just to let you know I have received my schedule for my physical with the department so. When I do pass, I will ALWAY REMEMBER YOU AND KEEP YOU IN MY PRAYERS. And to all the members of the BRPD, here is a prayer for you guys.
A Police Officer Prayer Lord I ask for courage Courage to face and Conquer my own fears... Courage to take me Where others will not go... I ask for strength Strength of body to protect others And strength of spirit to lead others... I ask for dedication Dedication to my job, to do it well Dedication to my community To keep it safe... Give me Lord, concern For others who trust me And compassion for those who need me... And please Lord Through it all Be at my side.

Security Guard, Ronald C. Oliver II
Inner Parish Security Corp.

April 5, 2008

We offer our heartfelt sympathy to the family, friends and colleagues of Officer Beck and we honor his distinguished service to the cause of justice and peace. Sadly, our nation has lost one of its finest citizens, a community has lost a friend and protector, and a family has lost an example of character and courage who they will love and respect forever. Today, because of the sacrifice Officer Beck has made, the house of freedom is stronger, sturdier, and more secure.

To the family, friends, and colleagues of Officer Beck, I would like you to know that a lot of people pray for you, and my hope is that their prayers will give you the strength necessary to move on. Just as you were always with him when he walked the beat or patrolled the streets, know that he will always be with you - wherever you may be. In the days to follow, may you be strengthened by the fact that Officer Beck is a man distinguished by exceptional courage and will always be admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. You, your family and your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

For those who pledge to uphold it, Freedom requires a sacrifice the protected will never know.

Special Agent
FBI New York City

April 4, 2008

To the Beck Family:

My heart goes out to your family. The hardest words as a mother that i've ever had to hear from one of my 4 sons was "Mom I'm going to be a cop". He graduated in the BRPD 11/07 class and it still scares me to death the thought of him being on the street with all the "bad guys". My fear is starting to turn more to pride now as i'm getting use to the idea of him being a cop mostly because i know how proud he is to be a part of the BRPD family. I have put him in God's hands and i know that whatever plan God has for him i will accept. I'm so proud of my son for attempting to keep the people of Baton Rouge safe just as Mark did and i'm sure his family is just as proud of him as we are. Always remember to "Keep the Faith" and know that Mark made a difference on his short time on earth.

Brigitte Robinson
Mother of Fellow Officer

April 4, 2008

So many dreams left incomplete
So many laughs left unshared
So many memories left dashed
So many tears to fill a reservoir.
So many questions left unanswered
So many words left unspoken
So many hearts left broken.
May our dear sweet Savior comfort you all
with His unfailing love and compassion.
Lynn Kole
Bellingham, WA

April 1, 2008

My love,

I have thought about you day in and day out. Yesterday, I stopped at the cemetery to tell you that Donnie won 2nd place overall at trials. He wanted to take first for you but I think you already have it. You would have been so proud of him. They named the sportsmanship award after you this year. I thought that was pretty amazing. Of course, I know you. You would have said, "Are they crazy? I didn't do anything." Oh but you did. You truly did. The phrase "I want to be like Mark Beck" is floating all over the place. Wow, huh?

There are a few people out there that I know you would walk away from because of the way they have treated me. Know this my love, they can't take away what we have. No one ever will. We were so lucky to have found each other. God puts us where we need to be, remember? I believe this whole heartedly. God knew what he was doing the morning of that armed robbery. You just floored me when you got out of your car. Of all things... two agencies on one crazy call. You know, anyone could have been on call that night but it was you. Hmmm.

So, I miss you like crazy. I love you and I still want you home. I know I will see you again. Until that day, I will take every moment I had with you and I'll be happy that I had those amazing moments. What a lifetime. My only grief is that you aren't here. I am blessed with the love and friendship we have. I am blessed with that lifetime you gave me. Look out for me. Protect me from the ones who try to hurt me. I'll be seeing you.

Mrs Beck

Michelle Beck

April 1, 2008

Mark May God bless you. You are a credit to your uniform I will remember you in my prayers rest in peace
Des Goulding
Retired Special Constable

desmond Goulding
retired Local Government Law Enforcement officer Australia

April 1, 2008

Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. Cadets of the Basic Recruit Class 333 of Pat Thomas Law Enforcement Academy, Tallahassee, FL, thank you for your sacrifice.

Cadet Strzalkowski
Pat Thomas Law Enforcement Academy

March 30, 2008

Mrs Beck and Family

The Fall River Massachusetts Police Dept would like to send to you our condolences as you grieve through this tough time. We here know the pain of losing a fellow officer and partner, and understand the pain that you are feeling. Just keep in mind the memories that you shared together and the memories you will continue to make when you do meet again. Mrs Beck please stay strong for your son's and you are in our prayers. Mark thank you for being a hero, we will take the watch from here. Rest in Peace my brother and god speed.

Fall River Massachusetts Police

March 30, 2008

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