Kirkwood Police Department, Missouri
End of Watch Thursday, February 7, 2008
Reflections for Police Officer Thomas Frederick Ballman
I went to your memorial service the other day. It was a priveledge to be standing in the group with other law enforcement officers remembering what you sacrificed. My Sheriff and I were talking about you the next day. He showed me the badge you guys wore when you were park rangers together. I had to share the story from Explorer academy when you were in the redman suit and kept yelling at me to hit you like a man with the baton, and then one connected to your left leg, and you said, oh.. I shouldnt have asked for that. Each day I am out and about on the streets I remember you and what you taught me. You made the ultimate sacrifice. You're a hero and will never be forgotten. And oh, every once in awhile I'll play Adaigo for Strings.... I know it was one of your favorites. Godspeed my brother. Rest easy and watch over us all!
Michael Dixon - Deputy Sheriff
Maries County Sheriff's Office
March 27, 2009
Officer Ballman,
I think of you often. You were a good friend of my Brother. I wish I could have met you in person to thank you for your service and protection. Rest in Peace Officer, you will never be Forgotten!
Jim Biggs - St. Louis
Brother of Sgt. William Biggs EOW 2-7-08
March 24, 2009
What a beautiful day. The neighbors were outside on their patio, grilling with family and friends. I heard a baby laugh and I knew that you would have loved that sound. I miss the smell of the grill, the pure look of joy on your face as you created yet another spectacular grid pattern on the steak. You asking Josh to get you a beer out of the Pepsi machine and me in the kitchen mixing up all of the sides. Will the kids and I have those kinds of days again? First, I have to get more gas for the grill, than I need to make sure it doesn't go up in flames as I try and cater to the kids, the indoor food and the grill. It's just not as relaxing as you made it look. Love you, miss you.
March 6, 2009
God bless you, Officer. Your friends and family are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much for you service. May God give your loved ones the strenght to go on.
Friend of Off. Kris Fairbanks EOW 9-20-08
February 27, 2009
Hi My Baby:
Feb 7th was the second saddest day of my life. The ceremony was heart wrenching and filled with tears but there were at least 1000 people with candles behind us to remind us that none of you are forgotten. Such a tragedy!
You are in my thoughts when I wake up and when I work and when I go to bed.
Just reading these last first anniversary EOW are tearing me apart but again showing that everyone who knows you will never stop remembering.
I will always love my Baby.
Sue Miller
Your Mother
February 20, 2009
Forgive me for missing the anniversary of your E.O.W., but I felt as though I could not continue to read about so many tragedies. I now realize the visit each day to leave a word of encouragement and hope to the loved ones of others, helps me to remember that I am not alone with my pain and heartbreak. So may I say to your friends and loved ones that my thoughts and prayers are with them now and always. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol and may they know you will never be forgotten.
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
February 18, 2009
To Officer Tom Ballman and his loved ones:
On this the first anniversary of your tragic death, please know that your memory is honored and revered today.
My heart is with your wife, children, mother and father, and other family members who call you beloved. They are all in my thoughts and prayers today.
Tom, you rescued us, saved our lives and our families. You are one of the rare heroes among us. You were always there for us in the most traumatic moments of our lives. No matter when we called, we just expected that you would come and do whatever it took to help us, and you always met our expectations. Your selflessness and dedication are awe-inspiring.
This world, this country, your community truly are better places because of you. To have lost you is a great tragedy, an irreplaceable, immeasurable loss for society. We are grateful for and to you, and honor you for all you did for us day in and day out whether you received a word of thanks or praise.
Rest in Peace, Officer Ballman. I am so humbled by your valor and courage.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the distinquished service Tom gave to his community and the citizens of Delaware, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on February 7, 2008.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
February 7, 2009
I never thought one year ago that any of this would have ever happened. I can't forget when you ask me what meeting I wanted to work in February. I told you I had to check with Denise and afterwards, I told you Denise and I were going to see Reba with Neal, Cheryl and a few others. And in your usual sense of sarcastic humor you said, "I'm sorry".
When I got the phone call that night from Kathy, this was the last thing I thought could happen. I remember, when Denise and I got to the station no one was saying much. And then I remember I was standing outside the dispatch door in the hall when I was told that you and Bill was dead. That was the same spot where I was standing when I heard Mac was dead. I think about the fact that it could have been me as easy as it was you. One of the first things I thougt about was that Josh and Rachel didn't have a dad anymore.
Well, I could go on and on. I guess you know who my new partner is. I have already contaminated her at lunch time. Denise tried to warn her but it didn't help. She got sucked in and we go to El Indio at least a couple times a week.
Well Bucko, I'll talk to you later.
Sorry for any spellng errors, your not around to proof it for me.
Kirkwood Police Department
February 6, 2009
To the entire Ballman family,
Our thoughts and prayers go out to you. I know this will be a very tough day for you. We just had Nick's 5 year day last week. Please know that so many of your friends are praying for you. Tom is in very good company up there.
Cindy- I saw you on the news. You did a wonderful job and I think that you said what so many family members want to say.
Kelly Sloan-Brown
Nick Sloan's sister
February 6, 2009
Tom - I can't believe it has been a year. I will never forget the horror and deep sadness I felt. I was so honored to know you, and enjoyed the stories you shared about our Bill. I know you are in good company up there. Watch over your family, friends and the Kirkwood PD.Their hearts are forever broken. Cindy has shown amazing strength,you would be proud.I know there are three tough angels up there watching over all of us.
Kathy McEntee
Bill's sister
February 6, 2009
Miss your damn sense of humor and your big warm hugs. The kids and I were rocking out to 'Queen' tonight. Josh found "Flash" intriguing and Rachel was singing along to "We Will Rock You". I'm trying to teach them about your love for all different types of music - I know you'd do a much better job. I'll try and get them hooked on "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" - one of your Karaoke favorites. Love you!
February 5, 2009
Tom: We can't believe a year has passed since we heard the horrifying news. We are better for having known you and you will always be in our thoughts and memories.
The Camps
Friends, Dallas TX
February 5, 2009
“If Tears Could Build A Stairway"
If tears could build a stairway
And memories a lane
I would walk right up to Heaven
And bring you back again.
No farewell words were spoken
No time to say "Goodbye"
You were gone before I knew it
And only God knows why
My heart still aches with sadness
And secret tears still flow
What it meant to love you
No one can ever know
But now I know you want me
To mourn for you no more;
To remember all the happy times
Life still has much in store
Since you'll never be forgotten
I pledge to you today
A hollowed place within my heart
Is where you'll always stay.
To the Entire Ballman - You are in my thoughts and prayers. Tom will never be forgotten. God Bless All of You.-Jayne
Jayne McEnee
February 4, 2009
I think of you each and every time I drive into my garage...."what happens in the garage, stays in the garage". My life is much better for knowing you and much better for knowing Cindy. I also think of your mom, as I, understand her pain. NO child should ever go before their parents. At my time of grief, I look at how close your friends, family and Cindy and those crazy, gorgeous kids of yours have become and am so thankful they have each other. I have made new friends as a result of this tragedy and I know that you are glad for that. Jon misses your "chats" at company happy were too much alike for words on some subjects. Thank you for being you and always bringing a smile to my face everytime I saw you!!!! You are truly missed!
Cindi P
February 2, 2009
I was in your office about a month ago when, "the old man" gave me your name badge that goes on your uniform...! I cannot believe you are gone...I love you so much and I hope that no one for gets you!! I carried your name plate with me all summer inside my coat packet...Every time I went to El Indio I tought of you saying to Jim, "I cannot wait till Mike wears the uniform going to El Indio with us!...The last time we went there we arrested someone for littering. I love you guys!!! The old man!!!! Love You!!! DAD!!!
February 2, 2009
Just one week from today - how is that possible? Your friends are taking care of me, the best they know how. I picked up the paper today and there you are - on the front page again. I know that this week is going to be filled with thoughtful, heartfelt and gut wrenching reminders of how much you and the others meant to everyone. I will as always, consume myself in work and have my friends surround me this week to help get me through. Love you always Fritz - your Lulu!
Lulu, Wife
January 31, 2009
Well honey: its January of a new year. Hopefully a better year than the last one. It was the worst year of my life!!
Christmas was so lacking without you being here and we missed your barbqueing for Thanks and Christmas. It just will never be near the same for me. You are my baby. You are the one I wanted so bad to be a boy and was so thrilled when you arrived.
New Years Eve and Day were sooo sad and I missed talking to you on NYE. I did talk to you and a lot but not by phone.
Another anniversary is coming up and it is the anniversary of the most awful thing I could have ever imagined. Your murder. I cannot believe it has been almost a year now and last Feb. I didn't think I could make it thru the month.
Only God knows how much I miss you Tommy. Nothing is the same anymore.
I know you are at peace and have a wonderful new life and that is what is important.
I will always love you, Mom
Sue Carol Miller
Toms Mother
January 22, 2009
My Love, you are strong and you will do well in life. I love you and my children deeply - today and tomorrow, let each day grow and grow. You keep smiling and never give up when things get you down. So in closing, my love, tonight - tuck my kids in warmly, tell them I love them, hug them for me and give them a big kiss goodnight for daddy! (From 'Black Hawk Down'). I love you and will honor your memory forever. For you and all those who have been taken from us in the Line of Duty.
Lulu, Wife
January 17, 2009
It's a new year! I'm so glad that 2008 is over but it's Bittersweet. Love you - Grant us Peace for 2009!
Lulu, Wife
January 1, 2009
Merry Christmas babe! It was so not the same without you here to help with the kids. I did manage to get Josh's PSP working after it was fully charged - he is very happy with his gift. Rachel is enjoying her bike. I came across song lyrics and it made me think of you. "Even if I live until I'm 102, I just don't think I'll ever get over you." You were and will always be my soul-mate. I love you and miss you. I hope that the birthday party in heaven is as beautiful as I imagine. Dona Nobis Pacem my love!
Lulu, Wife
December 25, 2008
Tom - I am thinking about you and your family this Christmas. You will all be in my prayers, I wish I had words to ease the pain. Help them through it, Tom.
Kathy, Bill McEntee's sister
December 24, 2008
To The Ballman Family,
You are in my thoughts and prayers this Christmas Eve. Tom is with you in your hearts, minds and memories. You know he is watching over all of you. Take care, Jayne
Jayne McEntee
December 24, 2008
Great Western Dining and Western Texas College went together and gave a scholarshipp in your honor Tom. I got to pick who it went to and I chose the WTC Chief of Police who is still studying to be a police officer elsewhere. He applied at San Angelo, Tx.
I hope you got to see this ceremony and I think you were there. They made a beautiful poster with your badge and your picture on it.
You are sorely missed. Christmas just isn't Christmas without you Tommy. Miss you like an amputation without any drugs to stop the pain.
Love you always.............Mom
December 18, 2008
Thomas Frederick Ballman is best known as the spokesman for the two kidnapped boys who later to be reunited with their parents.
December 7, 2008
I was just thinkg about you, and I saw the news story on kmov about the train set for your son. I wear my shirt from the national confrence, that we all got in memory of you, as often as I can. I know I didnt get to know you as well as the other explorers that had been around longer than me, but I knew you long enough to know you were a great guy with a big heart. You are missed and thought about all the time. Your family and friends still remain in my prayers and always will. God Bless You!
Kyle Bashaw
St. Louis County Explorer
December 6, 2008