United States Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection - United States Border Patrol, U.S. Government
End of Watch Saturday, January 19, 2008
Reflections for Senior Border Patrol Agent Luis Alberto Aguilar
Thinking of you and your beautiful wife and kids today on your one year anniversary... I had the pleasure of meeting Erica and I have to say she is a strong and wonderful person... Your kids are very lucky to have you as their guardian angel...
Erika Mitchell
OFC. Larry B. MItchell E.O.W. 5-30-01
January 19, 2009
RIP Brother
U.S. Border Patrol
January 19, 2009
January 10, 2009
Happy New Year Honey! The year will start without you and my eyes fill up with tears, but I am so glad the kids and I will always have you in our hearts. We are truly blessed by the happiness and love you brought to us when you were with us. I couldn't help but think of all the unfinished parts you left behind, our hopes, our dreams all came crashing down this year. But each day we try to recover and all we have to do is close our eyes to remember your smile and your warm embrace to continue with our day.
Erica Aguilar
January 1, 2009
Christmas was here your favorite holiday and I really tried to make it the best one for the kids. It was not easy for me to fake that I was happy, but I tried for the kids. We listened to christmas carols, wrapped gifts, and thought of you as we laughed at the wonderful memories we had with you. Had a ton of distracts but you were still in our hearts filling it with joy. Each time the kids smiled I thought of you and when they weren't I knew they were missing you. The kids and I love you and miss you tremendously, it doesn't get any easier. I love you.
Erica Aguilar
December 28, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving Honey! Two very tough days for us to be without you but I thank God for for giving me strength and hope to get through these difficult days. I thank you everyday especially today for the wonderful blessings you have given me, our kids. Thank you for always loving us. We miss you and can't stop thinking about you.
I think Arianna said it best, "These were big days." I love you!
Erica Aguilar
November 27, 2008
Happy Birthday Honey! Today was a very special day for the kids and I. Luis and Arianna were excited to send you a message in Heaven. We got creative with our celebration for you to help us in our healing. Our moments were breath taking and the smiles we had today were because of you.
Our love for you is endless and I know you can hear our conversations we have about your wonderful memories. We sat and counted the signs we have of your continuing presence in who we are. You are so precious to us and we thank God everyday for the time we got to spend with you, those memories will be cherished forever. You may not be alive but you bring life into our hearts. We love you and miss you.
Erica Aguilar
November 26, 2008
Hey Tio.
I came across this page & with the holidays coming up, I thought I'd leave this message. I'm really sorry I never made it an effort to keep in touch with you & your family. I guess to me you and Tony were always my big tough tios & would always be there. I'll never forget the last time I saw you & your big smile. I thank God for the memories I do have with you & I'm sorry for the ones we didn't get the chance to have. I love you.
November 19, 2008
Louie, you’ll never be forgotten, I am glad we meet you and Erica and to have you as neighbors for almost 4 years, I still remember you sitting in the front yard waiting for the gopher to come out of it’s hole (so funny) and still remember you working on your project “old jeep” in your garage for hours, so many good memories, we pray for Erica little louie and arianna they had the best father and husband, you’re a hero and will live in our memories always..
Irasema and Elias Aguirre
Irasema & Elias Aguirre
November 12, 2008
Rest in peace brother, and God bless you and your family. You will never be forgotten!
Cicero PD, IL
October 21, 2008
You are a true hero. May God watch over your wife and children all the days of their lives.
David Guerrero
United States Bureau of Prisons
September 27, 2008
SBPA Aguilar, you are a true hero and your ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten. May God be with you and your family. Rest in peace brother.
Officer B. White
August 31, 2008
My sincere condolences go out to the family and friends of SPA Aguilar. SPA Aguilar was one of our own and we will not rest until his cowardly murderer is brought to justice. And make no mistake he will be. Until then rest in peace my brother, you have not died in vain.
Senior Patrol Agent
U.S. Border Patrol
July 23, 2008
As I look at the faces of the men and women here, I see the faces of my co-workers. I can imagine each of them shooting the bull and swapping war stories at choir practice as the meat sizzles on the grill. I see them laughing, pranking and teasing their fellow agents, as we often do when we relieve stress. I wish that each of them were still here to share the good times.
And I feel compelled to look at each of the faces here and remember…to remember that each of them made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country and we should NEVER forget them or their service.
Too often the sacrifices of those who serve our country are overlooked or casually dismissed by the very public they served so selflessly. But WE should never forget them…each and every one of them. May they each rest in peace, eternally in God’s loving embrace.
SBPA James Doran
US Border Patrol
July 21, 2008
To those who loved Agent Aguilar, my heart goes to you all. Know that you're not alone in this journey you walk. I lost my fiance in the line of duty January 2003 and my world was forever changed. Even as time as gone forward, and I've found many reasons and ways to smile, I still have not forgotten the man that he was. Dennis was a beautiful person and he forever has a part of my heart, just as I'm sure Luis will always be a part of yours.
It takes a special person to put their lives on the line everyday to make this world a little safer for us all. I know many of these men never would've thought of themselves as "heroes" but they were in so many ways. It's sad that it they had to lose their lives for some of us to see that. Having said that, thank you Agent Aguilar for helping to make this world a better place. You will not be forgotten here in Winnipeg. I know this isn't a very manly thing to do, but if you happen to run into Dennis up there, please give him a big hug for the kids and I. Dennis was a good man and we miss him more than words can say.
Wishing those who loved you brighter and better days,
"Forever Remembering 26-3"
Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Fiancee of Deputy Dennis Ray McElderry (EOW: 01/03/03)
July 9, 2008
Happy 4th of July, Honey! We were filled with memories from last year; remembering the food, our friends, and getting in the truck to see the fireworks at the Cocopah Casino. Remember you helped pull a family's car out of the sand, when everyone else just drove past them. You left us with such great memories I just wish we could of continued to have more.
The kids and I spent the day in our nations capital enjoying the patriotic spirit that surrounded us and truly missing you. As the kids looked at the stars they said you were there shining down on us. We have you in our hearts and carry your memory vividly, I LOVE you and MISS you.
Erica Aguilar
July 4, 2008
May you rest in peace. Your selfless service and ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Border Patrol Agent
U.S. Border Patrol- Tucson
July 4, 2008
We found out this week that the MONSTER who is responsible for what haapened to you was able to walk out of jail. It is very hard to attempt to understand why this could happpen. After thinking about it for a while it is clear that some people can be bought with money. We will not rest until this MONSTER is brought to justice. Continue to watch over us and always know that Erica and the kids, along with everyone in your family are in our prayers.
Border Patrol Agent
Yuma Station
June 28, 2008
my prayer goes out your family
June 28, 2008
The last couple days have been tough trying to cope with that low life being released. I could only imagine what your wife and brother are going through. May God give them the strength to carry on. Rest a sure brother that all of here at the Yuma Station will not be at ease until that criminal is brought to justice.
BPA Yuma
June 26, 2008
Your family continues to be in my prayers and in my thoughts. I will NEVER forget. God Bless You My Brother.
SPA Lucia Ramirez
Border Patrol; Fabens, Texas
June 23, 2008
In the short time that we worked together we became good friends. I still remember when you invited me to your house for "the fight", you even drew out a map for me and attached it in your e-mail. I wish I could of gone that day. Brother, you are still in our hearts and our prayers go out to Erica and the kids and the rest of your family. Know that everytime I go through Somerton I will always pause and look down Bingham and ask you to watch over all the brothers and sisters in green.
Border Patrol Agent
Yuma Station
June 20, 2008
Happy Father's Day, Honey! Luis, Arianna, and I miss you very much, but today we missed you more than ever. We celebrated with you and I hope you watched as the kids planted the petunias they picked out for you, and I hope you receive the messages they sent to you in heaven. Every moment I look at our kids I can see your charming face in them, your smile, your laugh, and your love. We talked about all of the fun filled memories we had with you and remembered how much you ADORED us. I always hear the kids say, "Remember when Daddy..." You left us with such wonderful memories and I thank God for that everyday. I always remind our kids that you will forever be in our hearts and on our minds. I promise I will never let them forget. I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU IMMENSELY.
Erica Aguilar
June 15, 2008
We will keep your love ones in our prayers. Your sacrifice for this country will not be forgotten. God bless you a thousand times.
Petty Officer Willie Almagro
June 3, 2008
You have sacrificed all. My words of gratitude will never measure. We will now keep watch for you, Brother. Rest in peace, and know that your family, friends, and agency are in my thoughts and prayers.
Instructor / Jason Tacbas
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
May 25, 2008