Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Corporal Courtney G. Brooks

Maryland Transportation Authority Police, Maryland

End of Watch Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Corporal Courtney G. Brooks


Your life touched so many people and I feel blessed to have known you. These reflections are a testament to how many of us still remember and truly miss you. Our lives will never be the same. We love you!


Naisha Vinson

August 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Dogg !


July 26, 2008

happy bday!!


July 26, 2008




July 25, 2008


Senior Officer F. Munoz

June 24, 2008

Happy Father's Day in Heaven

June 15, 2008

You are a true hero who made the ultimate sacrifice. May the memory of your service, heroism and sacrifice remain forever. May God bless you, your family and brother/sister officers. AC

Pennsylvania State Police

June 3, 2008

when i feel like all hope is gone, when i feel like im lost as i will ever be, when i feel on the edge, i remember that he is able to see.

when i cant sob i sigh, when they tell im fine i shrug, i cant explain this calm feeling, it must be his hug.

when offenders shout at me, i bite my tongue in fear, they speak with such respect, "your dad arrested me once....we certainly loved him dear".

i would cruise by and see him in the sun, u want some lunch it cant be any hotter, he would look at me and reply, no thanks little girl i had a tic tac and a warm bottle of water.

i still remember the call, it left me in disarray, through all my sins and wrong doing, his loving memory lights the way.

This is not the end. its only the beginning. for everyone close to him. dont just sit and dwell but put into action everything he showed u as far as principals and love for his fellow man goes. Under my space if u search for the email adress------ ---------- you will find a memorial page i have just launched in honor of my father, other fallen officers, and those still in the line of duty. please feel free to visit and let others know that there is a place to go where others understand. It was just launched yesterday and there are already to law enforcement officers on the friends list.

i love you even though we havent met. stay strong and lead through example.

jessica sunderland, val verde co tx
daughter of a fallen officer

May 28, 2008

"Dark grey armor, a shield of gold
Black trusty steed like the times of old.
Much like the knights of the medievel days
So do we protect you on Maryland's highways.

As you travel over bridges, through tunnels, and tolls.
Your safety and security is ours to behold.
So at the airport do we work too,
As our dogs sniff out the "surprises" all to protect you.

We are the modern highwaymen, wearers of grey
Protecting you 24/7, all night, all day.
We are always here, working the beat,
To keep you and yours, safe on our streets."

Rest in Peace, Brother. We'll watch the streets for you.

PFC J.Hughes
Havre de Grace Police

May 28, 2008

Corporal Brooks,

Thank you for your service and dedication. Unfortunately, I know all to well the pain your fiance and family feels. You will always be loved, honored, and remembered. Say hi to my Scott up there for me.

God Bless,
Fiance Scott Stewart EOW 8-11-02 Detroit

May 27, 2008

r.i.p, my thoughts and prayers go out to your family and fellow officers.

sgt. borrero
beaumont police

May 17, 2008

Cpl. Brooks
I'm sorry that your life was taken so soon. Rest in Peace. With love.
-An admiring MD citizen

MD citizen

May 17, 2008

"hey dude", i can still see you coming out of 1204 saying that to me. there is not a day that goes by that i don't look at that house and see what used to be. a lifetime filled with wonderful memories, neighbors that became a family. we all truly miss you, mr. ron and ms. tamera so very much. life will never be the same without our "Spanky", but we know that you are with us each and every day. you know my dad used to say, "lord...what am i going to do with that boy?", but know that you truly made him proud. when you left this world, you took a part of his heart with you. there will never be another like you.

you are in our hearts forever,

tennille (nilley lou)

tennille estep

May 13, 2008

Today I attended a Memorial Ceremony for Fallen Officers from the Agency I work for. As I returned home, I passed the spot where you gave the ultimate sacrifice this past New Years Eve. I pass it each and every time I come home, driving into the city. I want you to know, that you have not been forgotten. I continue to pray for God to comfort your loved ones, your family, and your friends. I did not know you or your family, but I pray for all of you. As a citizen that drives the roads you protected, I say thank you for your service, as "A Hero does not become a Hero by their death,but by how they lived their life." Rest in Peace, and God bless!

Police Dispatcher Sara Singleton
Howard County Maryland Police Communications 911 Center

May 9, 2008

Hi Spanky
I really can't believe that I am actually doing this , because none of this seems real to me. I can't begin to tell you how much I miss you, and just how often I cry just thinking about you.You always knew how much you meant to me, and you know that I loved you more than life itself, however you would be so honored to know how many other people loved you. I am extremely proud of you and the man that you turned out to be, and I will always be proud to be your sister. I tell you that my life will never be the same without you,however I know that I need to be as strong as possible for my wonderful neices and nephew who were truely Blessed to have you as there dad, friend,playmate, hero,doctor, teacher and everything else you were to them. I want you to know that your nephew David got a tatoo of your badge and badge number on his chest, and Jazz is going to name her son after you. They both really miss you, and you know that they too loved you very much. Jazz will not let anyone call her (Magutay) because she said that was your special name for her. Isn't that special.Well I could probably go on forever,however the more I type the more I cry, so I better stop before I flood my office. Always remember that strength comes from love, and you were a very strong man with alot of love, and I will always remember all 40 years we had together as brother and sister. I love you Spanky and I really miss you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give mommy and daddy a kiss for me I know they welcomed you with open arms.

Love Always your

Big Sister

Kelli Brooks-Tucker

May 9, 2008

Rest In peace Sr! Thank you for your service! To your family those who have been and are walking in your shoes know of your pain better then any body else all that I can say is just hang in there because they were and still are true HEROES!!!
Pavlina and Angela
Wife and Daughter of the Fallen Border Patrol Agent Jarod Dittman

Widow of Border Patrol Agent Jarod Dittman

May 3, 2008

Dear Daddy,
I miss you so much.I feel so alone with out you.I look up to you as an officer and as a father.I have learned alot from you.You were my bestfriend.And its so hard to know i cant call you at night and say I love you.I remember on christmas, we had so much fun.And at the end of the night, you hugged me gave me a kiss on my forehead,and told me you loved me.I will never forget those last moments I spent with you.You are and always will be my HERO.I love you daddy soooooo much.

Casey Brooks

Casey Brooks

April 24, 2008

After that long-winded reflection, I can't believe I forgot to tell you this, but...

Dad had someone doing some welding at your house and they set off the fire alarm. Dad told Blake that if ever that alarm went off, he was to get out of the house as fast as possible.

Blake said, "No, I'm not."

Dad, "What are you supposed to do?"

Blake: I'm to get my britches on, grab Raigen, and then get out of the house."

Dad: "Who told you that?"

Blake: "My daddy."

You should be sooooo proud of him. He actually listened to you:-) You taught him a lot! And he remembers.


Mom and Dad Geisler

April 11, 2008

Well, Courtney,

It's taken me almost 3 1/2 months to be able to leave a message for you. We miss you so much. I keep waiting for you to pop in the door and ask, "Where's the Old Buzzard?" You were so good for him. Finally got him laughing at himself. He misses you more than he can express. I know he keeps waiting for you to come around that corner holding Blake or Raigen on your shoulder in such a way that he has to say, "WHAT are you doing?!?!?" Oh, how you agitated that man - and he sure misses it. As for me, you aren't here to tell me, when I'm trying to clean up the place, that "What doesn't come up, doesn't get brought it." See, I did listen to you. I miss the hugs that I "made" you give me. We miss your hyper-activity!! When we have crab cakes, there will always be one here for you - since the last time we had them you took the last one so that no one would fight over it:-) I’m TRYING not to give the kids a lot of snacks.
We just can't believe that you won't be here for water battles this summer.
The kids miss you so much. It just breaks our hearts when we talk about you and look at pictures with them. Dad and I are doing our best to take care of Susan, Blake, and Raigen.
Susan will never be over you. I knew the two of you were soul mates the first time you called the house and I answered. You said, "Hi, Mom." I knew it then. You brought my daughter the love of her life. She was so in love with you - through good times and rough times. She loved you unconditionally. And I know you loved her the same way. Dad and I were very proud of the two of you. You worked so hard to give her everything.
I sent Susan this song, but I’m sure she has not listened to it yet. So I’m putting it here for you. You HAVE to read it – even though I know what you called my music – I think it was your favorite word☺
We miss you so much. Say hi to Krista, Lacee, Rascal, Tammie, and Grandmom. Find my parents and tell them what beautiful great-grandkids they have. And let us know that you are okay.

Love you so much,
Mom and Dad


"To Where You Are"

Who can say for certain
Maybe you're still here
I feel you all around me
Your memory's so clear

Deep in the stillness
I can hear you speak
You're still an inspiration
Can it be (?)
That you are mine
Forever love
And you are watching over me from up above

Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile to know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are

Are you gently sleeping
Here inside my dream
And isn't faith believing
All power can't be seen

As my heart holds you
Just one beat away
I cherish all you gave me everyday
'Cause you are my
Forever love
Watching me from up above

Mom and Dad Geisler

April 11, 2008

Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. Cadets of the Basic Recruit Class 333 of Pat Thomas Law Enforcement Academy, Tallahassee, FL, thank you for your sacrifice.

Cadet Strzalkowski
Pat Thomas Law Enforcement Academy

March 30, 2008

We offer our heartfelt sympathy to the family, friends and colleagues of Corporal Brooks and we honor his distinguished service to the cause of justice and peace. Sadly, our nation has lost one of its finest citizens, a community has lost a friend and protector, and a family has lost an example of character and courage who they will love and respect forever. Today, because of the sacrifice Corporal Brooks has made, the house of freedom is stronger, sturdier, and more secure.

To the family, friends, and colleagues of Corporal Brooks, I would like you to know that a lot of people pray for you, and my hope is that their prayers will give you the strength necessary to move on. Just as you were always with him when he walked the beat or patrolled the streets, know that he will always be with you - wherever you may be. In the days to follow, may you be strengthened by the fact that Corporal Brooks is a man distinguished by exceptional courage and will always be admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. You, your family and your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

For those who pledge to uphold it, Freedom requires a sacrifice the protected will never know.

Special Agent TPD
FBI New York

March 21, 2008

It seems unbelievable at times to believe that this incident took you away. Whenever I am at work and drive past post 4, I still look for the orange pumpkin.(hoping it will appear) Its devastating just to think that I wont ever see it there. That was a joke that we always talked about, then you would say..Shut with your wine colored car and the hair to match... You and Nick always had jokes and that used to help the nights got past when we all worked midnights at T/C. Trust me when you all transfered it has not been the same. Sometimes on the plaza I used to joke with you about when you would be snooring with your mouth wide open, making a whole lot of noises. I could go on and on, but I will just forever hold on to the fun times that we had. Thanks for calling, checking on me when I got sent to the airport just to say Hey, and just dropping by at T/C just to say hey and end up staying for hours and hours talking and joking with me and some of the other cool officers to make the night go by. Those nights are truly missed.

I saw Nick the other day and I told him, I just still cant believe this horrific incident wont allow us to see you for a long time. Its still unbelievable. My prayers are forever with you and your family. I finally saw Regan for the first time at the service. She is sooo pretty, as well as Blake, he's handsome. I remeber the time I saw Blake and I called him pretty and you said...Scrub dont be calling my son cute...HE'S A BOY, BOYS AINT CUTE, THEY ARE HANDSOME. When I saw Blake's pretty blue eyes I thought back to the time we had to hide him from the Corporals. That was the funniest moment in history. Good thing Blake was too young to remeber. Courtney just know and understand that you will be truly missed and until we meet again, please watch over each and everyone of your friends, family and eveyone that loved and cared about you. See you Scrub.. and I will see you in a little while.

Your Home girlee,

March 19, 2008

Dear Courtney,
You have been laid to rest by loved ones, family, friends and fellow oficers. As the dust begins to settle life will become a reality for so many that have to live their lives without you. May Susan and the kids find comfort in knowing your spirit will always be a presence in their lives and that you will keep watch over them to guide them and protect them.

The horn will always be heard on Thompson Drive as Blake and Raigen play and wave as the "big orange truck" rolls by.

God Bless!

Carl and Susan Fugate

March 14, 2008


Who would have thought something like this would ever happen. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be saying good bye to a best friend so soon. Just the night before we joked about how you would be a hundred and twelve when I would be able to “do” your final disposition. A week later we are at your viewing. I felt something was wrong when I didn’t receive a text back on New Years, then that morning as I sat next to your broken car in the parking lot on post, ready to pick you up from work and Vinny came and told me there had been an accident, I did not want to believe it and my worst fears became reality. I know you have been looking down on us through it all and are very proud of your fellow police officers and friends who have come together to make the services wonderful and take care of your family when they needed it the most. Since you loved my car, I also think that you had a hand in it being rear ended in the funeral procession. Not funny!
You were laughing the night we found out I had to do the Polar Bear Plunge because I lost the bet on the Ravens / Colts game so I know you were screaming when everyone jumped into the bay in your honor. Well keep on laughing Dogg, like you said, we are crazy so will be doing it for a long time.
I think of you everyday, all of your joking, laughter, pranks, the smart comments you would make when I did something stupid and the advice that you would give when I was in a “pickle,” even if I had no interest in listening. I couldn’t tell you then that you were usually right, because you would boast even more. Now, I find myself thinking what would Courtney do? I can still hear you telling me “everything happens for a reason” and “karma.” So, I hope you are right once again. It’s not the same here without you. Every time I ride by I can’t help but look to see if you are on post. Knowing you… always willing to go above and beyond and work over time… keep it up… watching you’re your boys Rodney, Nick, Vinny, Smithers and Fudd too.
You may be gone but you touched the live of so many people and there will always be a special place for you in our hearts. ‘Til the day we meet again, in my heart is where I’ll keep you, friend.
It ain't fair: you died too young,
Like the story that had just begun,
But death tore the pages all away.
God knows how I miss you,
All the hell I've been through,
Just knowin' no-one could take your place.
And sometimes I wonder,
Who you'd be today?
Sunny days seem to hurt the most.
I wear the pain like a heavy coat.
The only thing that gives me hope,
Is I know I'll see you again some day.

Love you like a brother,

Julie Kreutzer

March 5, 2008

May God be with the family, friends and Dept. of Corporal Brooks during their time of bereavement. It's always tragic to lose a loved one and friend unexpectantly like this. God Bless you my brother in Law Enforcement. You're untimely death will not be in vain for we'll continue the fight to protect and serve. Now gear up and grab a beat in Heaven we'll see you soon.

Patrol Officer V. B. Arceneaux 239
Houston Port Authority Police

February 28, 2008

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