Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Kent Haws

Tulare County Sheriff's Office, California

End of Watch Monday, December 17, 2007

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Detective Kent Haws

Kent I met your sis Chemene in 1983 at the US festival.We had a long distance relationship.You,Your mom,sis,& Frank took me in from L.A. a few times.You were young,wild & wanted to be rock singer in Provo.25 years later I just found your sis Chemene here, with the saddened news of your loss.I'm amazed how you ended up beeing a real man & a hero.I am proud of you.You sure changed your path & its too bad Jesus called upon you so soon. a long ago friend -Phil-

Phil Romine
A friend from the past

September 18, 2009

Good Evening Haws,

August 29th 2003 was the night that I did my fourth ride along with the sheriffs department. You were the desk officer that night. I was so tired and not in the best of moods when I was down there, and I honestly believe that you could tell something was wrong. My grandma had died the night before and I just didn't want to deal with my family than. I know I never got to thank you, so six years later, thank you for just being there that night. I could tell you were tired, so thats why I really didn't talk that much. Thank you for everything, God Bless you and your family.


August 26, 2009

We lost another hero a couple of nights ago...I know your watching over your brothers & sisters in uniform. I pray that no more sheriffs have to pass away in any way. The sheriff's deparment has been hit hard...Thank you again for your service.


April 4, 2009

God Bless you Detective Haws and also your family. You are now another one of Gods protective angels patrolling the heavens. I know the pain the family and friends here on earth are feeling, to all of you please rest in the peace that Kent is in a better place and he would want everyone to go on with their lives and keep the special memories of the times together close to your hearts. He was an American hero and died doing what he loved.

God bless you all!

Officer George Cortez Jr.
Phoenix Police Dept.
EOW 7-27-07

Captain (Ret.) Thomas K. Tyo
Maricopa County Sheriff's Office

March 10, 2009

Today another TCSO Deputy was the latest to leave us. It made us all think of his sacrifice as your's was still so fresh in our minds. I stood on the street during the procession and stood silent as you rode to your final place. We again say thank you so much for your sacrifice, and today we think of your family as well and pray for them during this time.

Citizen- Visalia

MD- Visalia

February 7, 2009


After looking back at how many officers died in the line of duty in 2007, it really makes me think about how awsome you were to put your life on the line to protect others. Reading all the names listed, I have a greater respect for you! Thank you again for your service.


January 27, 2009

Merry Christmas Haws! Tell Jesus hi for me.


December 25, 2008

Hope you have a merry christmas Haws, I just pray that your family hangs in there. Thank you for everything you have done.


December 23, 2008

My Baby,

Even though I've not written a reflection on this page, I have thought of you every day and almost every second since 2:00 p.m., December 17, 2007, when I received the call about the shooting. I believed so strongly in your invinceability that I couldn't believe what Aunt Regina was telling me. The pain of your death has lessened, the primal, unedurable pain that I at first felt is no longer there; but the memories continue to revolve through my mind. I know that I carry memories that no one else on earth has. I am the keeper of your youth and feel the need to share the anecdotes and stories, good and bad, of those years with your three young sons. I miss so many things because you are not here, but I am so proud of the hero who stood fearlessly on the front lines. I often wonder if you are visiting with Dad or with Grandma Sue,Grandma Morrill, or Aunt Cille. If so, I hope they can give you the hugs and kisses that I am unable to, at least for a few more years. Finally, you are able to meet my father who, ironically, was about your same age when he was taken from this earth. You and he will have a lot to catch up on. I'm jealous about that fact; I would like to be there to hear your conversations.

I've learned through various sources that you are so loved and so appreciated by many, many people. Your life was not lived in vain,

Frank and Chemene still miss their little brother and feel guilty they weren't there to protect you. Right now they cling together as they face the world without you in it. Like me, they remember the young years when the three of you were growing into the adults you eventually became. None of us knew we were raising a hero.

Until I can again hold you in my arms....



December 19, 2008

Detective Haws,

Well, it's been a year now and this county has not forgotten the sacrifice that you gave. You lived to protect the flock and confront the wolf. We are starting the final module this weekend at the academy. I think of you often. God Speed!

C. Twentymon
COS Police Academy Class 118

December 18, 2008

Det. Haws served proudly and was deeply loved and respected by those who
knew him. It is a tragedy to lose him. We never know when our lives on this
earth will end, but we can make a reservation in Heaven now and assure us a
place when God calls us to Himself. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life
(John 14:6) and He PAID the price for our sins on the Cross so we don't have to pay the penalty for our sins. Yipee! If we accept His payment by faith we can have salvation and spend eternity with Him in Heaven. It is not something we must earn, it is a gift. The most precious one we can ever receive. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith_and this not from yourselves, it is the GIFT of God_not by good deeds, so that no one can boast." Ephesians 2: 8,9. For without faith, it is impossible to please God. And our faith must be in God's only Son, Jesus Christ.
You were a credit to the uniform, Det. Haws. My heart goes out to your
loved ones left behind and may the Lord comfort them as only He can.
Lynn Kole
Bellingham, WA


December 17, 2008

Reading the reflections left by your family and friends tells me things that I already knew. That you were a great man. Detective Haws, I salute you. Thank you for protecting the people of the great State of California. You will be missed but never forgotten...

Sergeant Chris DiToro

December 17, 2008

My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this first anniversary of your EOW. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. You will never be forgotten.

James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06

December 17, 2008

Dear Haws,

I can't believe that almost a year has gone does not seem like it...this birthday is going to be hard for me but I wanna let you know that instead of celebrating my birthday on the 17th, Im going to celbrate you...and what a wonderful human being you were...and I believe from the bottom of my heart you and your family will get justice! I pray everyday for you and your family and that will never and your family will forever be in my heart, thoughts and prayers.

Thank you so much for protecting me and god bless you!


December 3, 2008

Today is your 15th wedding anniversary. I wish you were here to give Francis an hug instead of me. She really misses you! Boys are good. Nico's parent teacher conference was yesterday and he told me I'm doing "GREAT!". Donny is getting big! Voice is changing. I am teasing him for you and Evan little man Evan. All I can say is "2's" have hit!!! No he is a good boy! Loves you he says Da Da's car when Francis drives your camaro. Love you miss you more!!! As always I am there for your family!!!


November 13, 2008

its hard to believe that it has been almost a year since you left, the pain and heartache of the loss is still there and unable to shake. I wish we could have spoke one more time before you left. I miss you my friend with every passing day.

childhood friend

October 31, 2008

Know that you are loved by a lot of people...and that there are a lot of people down here fighting to make sure you and your family get your in peace and god bless you so much for your service to our community


October 13, 2008

Kent, what can I say. I'll miss you brother. I remember fourth of July's, your obsession with taco bell food. I remember driving you home after your first shooting and you driving me home after my first shooting. I remember when we fought Porterville's smallest crook and almost got our butts kicked. I remember going through doors together and drinking to much on occasion. I regret never getting your Jack Daniel's marinated kabob recipie.

I miss you brother and I think of you everyday.



October 13, 2008

RIP and know that you will always be remembered by those who know and love you.


October 5, 2008

Hello Haws,

Just wanted to say that I believe with all my heart that you will get justice for what happened in the courtroom. Please help me not be afraid of guns anymore...I used to be fine whenever any law enforcement officers would come around me, I mean I did 5 ride alongs with you guys(you being the first deputy), but, sadly I cant be around them..and I hate it because I know that they are not the bad guy...please keep your family safe and I miss being able to hear you on your shifts...


September 23, 2008

Detective Haws,

I want to update you on our class, as we have just finished the first module of training. We were at the range all day yesterday shooting our PC 832 qualification test. Some of our instructors have been speaking about you in class and how great of a deputy you were. The battle continues in the court room as well. The prosecutors are pushing for the death penalty. I have been collecting the articles written about the case and I post them on my corkboard. That's all for now. You are always in my prayers sir. God Speed!

C. Twentymon
COS Police Academy Class 118

September 22, 2008

I had the privillage of doing a ride along with haws a little over 7 years ago. Even though it was only for a couple of hours I could tell that he treated everyone with respect, and was just an all around nice guy. My prayers are with his family, and the rest of the officers who put their lives out on the line every day to keep us safe. He will be forever missed by a lot of people that he has touched.


September 4, 2008

Detective Haws,

I am starting my law enforcement career on Friday, August 8th at the COS extended academy. I am dedicating my ten months of training to your honor and sacrifice. You were a great inspiration to your partners and the citizens in Tulare County. I hope to one day follow in your foot steps and fight the battle that you fought. I will check back periodically to let you know of my progress. God Speed!

C. Twentymon
COS Police Academy Class 118

August 6, 2008

Little Brother,

It is now August - it has been eight months since that day I got the phone call. I have been to this site several times but could not leave a reflection. But today, as my hands are shaking I will try.

So many people know you as an adult - a man, uncle, tio, husband, father, hero, "brother." But I remember us (Chemene, Frank, & Kent)as children and teens all just each 13 months apart in age. Frank misses you alot. We decided to stick together through this pain and he has become my best friend.

I bought a house and we live together. It feels good to have a home were we are safe. I feel so blessed to have my other brother (Frank)with me. I know you have watched us both cry and laugh together as you watch over us. We never wanted to lose our little brother!

I never wanted to see mom go through such heartache - She should never have to outlive her son. I know she loves all three of us, but you were (and always will be) her "baby boy." Frank and I have always known how special you are to mom. But we didn't care because both of us love you the most too.

No matter what, I do believe (with all my heart and soul) that this life is only a "stop" in the big picture. So Frank and I will continue to be a good brother and sister to eachother until we come to see you. Our family is forever. Tell Jesus I said I miss Him.

And quit untying Frank's left shoe.

I miss and love you little brother!
"Sis" Chemene

Chemene Haws
Kent's big sister

August 4, 2008

We recently got into the new hobby of geocaching and came across a "travel bug" in your honor, it's goal is to travel throughout the United States and end up in the hands of your wife and children.

We are both police dispatchers and have siblings who are police officers, so the "travel bug" in your honor definitely touched a soft spot in our hearts.

To the family - we are so sorry for your loss and so honored to be given the opportunity to honor a fallen officer in such a unique way. Kent Haws truly is a hero - he put his life on the line to make this country safer and we will be forever grateful for that.

"All gave some,
some gave all."

Kristen and Patricia
VECC (Salt Lake City, UT)

August 1, 2008

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