Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Officer John Miller

California Highway Patrol, California

End of Watch Friday, November 16, 2007

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Reflections for Officer John Miller

My dear wonderful son,
Today I am missing you so much, not really anymore than any other day. I thought maybe time would make it a little easier but is doesn't. It only seems to hurt worse. I have been battling depression and sadness, and on the outside of me everyone thinks I am doing great. I put up a good front and really am trying to go on the best I can. Now I know in my heart I will never feel happiness again. I refuse to give up because my ultimate goal is to have my son and your daddy back with me again, forever, and we will be someday. That day will be a glorious day for all of us, but until then I will continue on. Everything has changed since that horrible day you had to go. I feel you watching all of us and sometimes I feel you right here with me baby. I miss you so much and I love you forever and ever. Rest well sweet boy until I see you again. Your Mama


July 16, 2008

8 months have gone by since you were taken from us and not a day goes by that I do not think of you. I miss you so much! I miss you funny jokes, you smile, and just talking with you. Steph and the kids miss you so much. We look after them for you, as I know you would want us to do. They were your life and you would be so proud of them! My mom "GRANNDMAAA" and I were talking about you yesterday and we both said the pain of losing you will never go away. We will just have to learn to live with the pain. I think of you all the time. My little one is getting so big. I am so sad you aren't here to see all the kids growing up, but I do know you are watching from heaven! I miss you and love you always!! NEVER FORGOTTEN!!!!
Love-Your Lil Sis

sister in law

July 16, 2008

John, Just thinking of you today, as everyday! I know you are looking down on us and knowing we are missing you so much! The kids are getting so big! Steph and the kids miss you so much! Life just isn't the same without you. It seems like I see CHP officers all the time on the road and my heart sinks everytime! I wish you were here! I love and miss you!
-Your little Sis!

sister in law

July 6, 2008

Rest in Peace, brother. God never forgets his peacekeepers. You're a true hero.

Officer J.E. Wright
California Department of Corrections

June 26, 2008

Honey, it was seven months yesterday that you have been gone from us. Yesterday we held the 1st Annual John P. Miller Golf Tournament in your honor. It was a HUGE success and you would have been so honored to see so many people out to support it. Several of your classmates from the academy came out and golfed. I know your favorite thing in golf was "teeing off" as you called it. This tournament will be a annual fundraiser to help support the organizations that were there for me and the kids. I know that you would be proud that by having this tournament we are able to give back and help others in need. You were in everyones heart yesterday as always, and you were so missed by everyone out there. The kids and I miss you so much and talk about you everyday. I told them the story of how you went through the car wash in the back of the truck, and they were laughing like crazy. I am always having great stories to tell them because I have such great memories. We love you so much.
Love, Stephie

Stephanie Miller

June 18, 2008

We had The 1st Annual John P Miller Golf Tournament yesterday...You would be so proud. There was a great turn out and it was a success. Of course there was a shadow with your absence, but you were there in all of our hearts. It makes us all proud to honor you in such great ways. The foundations benefiting from the tournament will help so many other families and it is all in your name. We will continue to honor you everyday and every year at the tournament! We love you so much and miss you terribly!

sister in law

June 17, 2008

My son, my angel it has now been seven months without you and I miss you so much all the time. Tomorrow is fathers day and you and your dad are now in heaven together and that gives me some peace. You and dad were the most wonderful men in this world to ever have as fathers. No one can ever replace you or even come close to the great men you were. I will be visiting your places of rest soon but only to put flowers in honor of your memory my son, I know where you are already.I know when my time comes that we all will be welcomed home again by my men that I long so much to see again. Until then my sweet boy rest well. I love you so much...Your Mama

Carolyn Miller

June 14, 2008



June 4, 2008

Stephanie and i went to the National Police Week in Washington D.C. It was so hard to see your name on the wall but you will always be remembered. You have had so many honors you would be so proud. Family, friends and the CHP have been so good to Stephanie and the kids i know that you are resting easier because of that. Everytime i see the highway patrol on the road i think that you should still be out there doing what you loved. We miss you!

Mother In Law

May 25, 2008

I watched the kids while Steph was in Washington honoring you. I see so much of you in both of them! They talk about you all the time! We will keep your memory alive! I can't believe it has been 6 months since you've been gone. We all miss you so much! I know you see how proud we are and have always been of you! The Memorial in Sacramento was amazing! So many officers were there to honor you. You will always been remembered! It was heart breaking to see your name of the fountain at the CHP academy and at the capital. I love you!

sister in law

May 21, 2008

Dear Mrs. Miller, please let me start by offering my deepest condolences to you and your family. My name is Nitesh Patel I am a Trooper with the New Jersey State Police and am writing this after coming back from Washington D.C. this last week to honor all the fallen Law Enforcement Officers from last year. I took part in the Police Unity Tour and that raises money for the Law Enforcement Memorial, and it was an honor for me to have worn a bracelet with your husbands name on it throughout the entire ride from New Jersey to Washington. I tried to look for you or any other family member at the candlelight vigil to pass the bracelet off to you, but I could not find anyone. But please be assured that John is memorialized on W panel 54 and his proud brothers and sisters of the California Highway Patrol made sure he was well recognized. I would still like to give this bracelet to you, if you would accept it. My station phone#973-338-1370, you can reach out for me there if you would like to leave any information on how to go about contacting you. If there is anything I can do please do not hesitate to ask. Once again please accept my deepest heart felt sorrow for your lose.

Trooper Nitesh Patel #6521 – New Jersey State Police (Bloomfield Station)

Trooper Nitesh Patel
New Jersey State Police

May 20, 2008

Last week during Police Week in Washington DC I had the distinct pleasure of meeting your wife and close friends with the CHP. What an outstanding group of people. When a police officer dies, officers everywhere feel a great sense of loss. RIP my friend, we have it from here.

Ofc Kevin Munger
Jacksonville Sheriffs Office (FL)

May 18, 2008

My son John Paul Miller has been gone now for six months and my heart is broken forever. I loved my boy so much, he was my best buddy and such a wonderful son, I was so very blessed to have him. The sorrow I feel is not even measureable and I have a really hard time finding a way to ever be happy again. I feel so very cheated in this life, but I know I have to continue on the best I can. Seeing all the other families who also have lost so much makes me know I am not alone in this terrible sorrow. Our sons are now with God watching over us and we now never have to worry about them again, only cry for our loss and emptiness in our lives. As I sit here thinking about my child I cry and smile at his wonderful sweetness and genuine goodness that he always showed to everyone who knew him. His family, friends, and even strangers now know what a true hero he was and what a true man should be. A complete stranger in Sacramento was so touched by my son that she brought us flowers in tears. She said she couldn't imagine losing a son and brother and father and husband like him. To her I thank you for your thoughtfulness at a time we were so very weak from our grief. God has angels here on earth to help us in our deep sorrow. My son, I love you and long to see you again. Love you baby! Your mama

Carolyn Miller

May 15, 2008

Time is supposed to make things better, but it is only getting worse. You were honored at the capitol, and at the academy, now in Washington D.C. Mom can't be there physically, due to our financial situation. You know you have always had mom's total, unconditional praise for you in anything you ever did! We don't need things to remind us of you ever because in our hearts you are not gone only away from us for a while. This past week has been hard on us, and Im sure the rest of our lives will be hard also.

Mama Loves you Son "but you know that"

Carolyn Miller

May 14, 2008

You would be so proud of Chandler and Reese they started soccer this weekend on the same team, Stephanie and i both said you must have been with him because he has improved so much and this is Reese's first time playing she kicked the ball a few times but she like sitting on the bench eating the oranges better. They were so cute going on field for the first time hand in hand. We miss you!

mother in law

May 4, 2008

"No time on earth is long enough to share with those we love or to prepare out hearts for good-bye." author unknown Miss you so much!

Jennifer Fenelli
sister in law

April 24, 2008

Hi John,
I went to a spinning class tonight and it kicked my rear! I thought I'd let you know I was thinking of you the whole time and you were my motivation to get through it. I kept thinking about your workout stories from the academy. You are with us all always and always in my thoughts!
I miss you so much. I love you brother!

sister in law

April 21, 2008

It has been five months today, yet it seems like yesterday I was watching you get into the car to go to work. The kids and I miss you so very much. They are always talking about you. Chandler wants me to cut his hair like daddy, so this summer he is getting his head shaved. He wants so much to be "super strong like daddy". Reese misses you so much too. Everytime we go somewhere she has a story about you to tell. I make sure that we talk about you all the time because it is so important to me that they remember you and know how important they were to you. They will know that everything you did you did for our family. I miss you more than I can say. Not only did I lose my husband five months ago, I lost my best friend. I miss our 10+ phone calls a day and your silly jokes that I know you would sit around and think about. You were so proud of your job and I know that you loved every second of it. You were presented with the 2007 MADD California Hero Award this month. I know that you would have been so proud to receive that award, and I was just as proud to receive it in your honor. We love you and miss you so much!

Stephanie Miller

April 17, 2008

Mom and me were talking today about you and dad as usual and we decided that you guys are pretty proud of us and Rodney. We are doing our best to go on the way we always did, only now it is only us girls and a young man who is definately you and dad all wrapped into one cool kid. Those are some big shoes to fill but he is doing his best to keep us going and we will make it, because of your influence on him. We went to your babies birthday party and we love them so much, everybody does. Even with a room full of people the party was completely empty without you. I guess the face in the cake days is one of those special memories we can hold onto, we have a lifetime of those, thank god. Little brother I am getting ready for bed, I just wanted to express my respect for you on this fifth month since you have been gone. I miss you so much and I love you forever. Kiss dad and grandma for me, I will see you all when I get to where you are.

Love your big sis,
Amy Miller

April 17, 2008

John Miller, today is another sad and painful reminder that you have gone on to a much better place. It hurts so bad to not be able to talk to my boy and tell you everything on my mind and for you to do the same. You were always my buddy and we could talk about anything and always depend on each other for anything. I miss you so very much and not a day can go by without you being in my thoughts. It has been five months now, should be easier but instead the pain feels even deeper. When I see you again son we have a lot to catch up on, but I know in my heart you know everything we are doing, I just wish I knew how you were, even now I still worry about my boy. I know you are in good hands but thats how mom is; you should know that. I just wish I could hug and kiss you one more time and soon I will son.

April 16, 2008

To Officer John Miller, his loving family, and his fellow officers with the CHP:

Your memory will always be revered as an honorable man who died in service to his community. I had the pleasure of meeting your wife and beautiful children yesterday at a meeting of Norcal Cops. They will continue to be embraced and supported by the law enforcement community

To John's mother: I know the anquish of losing your beloved son. You are in my thoughts and prayers and may you continue to find comfort in your faith and from all those who care for you. There are many who stand ready to help you on this painful journey.

This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the sacrifice John and his family made on November 16, 2007 as he so faithfully served and protected the citizens of California.

Phyllis Loya, mother of Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg Police Dept., eow 4/24/05

April 6, 2008

Today was Easter, but more importantly it was one year since you had graduated from the academy. One year ago today I pinned your badge on you with so much hope and pride. I know that you were so proud of your accomplishment not just for yourself, but for me and the kids. That day was such a great day, and I remember it like yesterday. So much has changed since then. We had so many plans together and wanted to do so much. At times I feel cheated, but I will not allow that to shadow over all of the wonderful memories that I have of us together. You were meant to wear the badge, I knew that from the time you went into the academy. The kids and I miss you so much, the days are not the same without you. The kids are so proud of you, and talk all the time about you and the CHP (I know that you would laugh at the things they say!), and things they did with you.

We love you and miss you so much!!

I love you honey,

Stephanie Miller

March 23, 2008

Happy Easter John. One year ago today you graduated and became a CHP officer you loved your new job and you were so proud. This was such a happy time for you and your family, i wish you could be here with all of us today and always. We love and miss you so much. Linda

mother in law

March 23, 2008

My sweet son John Paul Miller, tomorrow is March 23,08 this was the day you were so looking forward to. One year on the force! It is here son, you accomplished everything you set out to do and I know you are looking at us all with love from above. I have always been so proud of you but you just can't know how much I hurt for you to be here with us now. I loved seeing the joy in your sweet face with even the smallest things in life. Today is Easter and your sisters birthday, a very, very blessed day, I know we would have all been together for this occasion and in my heart we are, always dear son. We will continue on as you and dad would want, but it is so hard, I miss you both so much. I do so look forward to being with you again, but until then be happy with dad and grandma and be waiting for us all to meet you at those gates!

I love you so much my sweet son

Your mom

March 23, 2008

John, Today is your precious sons birthday. I see so much of you in him! Just know your memory and life lives on in them even though me miss you terribly! I love you!

Jennifer Fenelli
sister in law

March 18, 2008

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