Rialto Police Department, California
End of Watch Thursday, October 18, 2007
Reflections for Officer Sergio Carrera
Hey Big Serg
Not one day goes by that we dont think about you.
Everyone says think of the wonderful memories when I feel down, but honestly those precious memories arent enough sometimes. I've replayed the same memories over & over for almost 2 yrs now & even thought of the new ones we would of had but it's getting to the point that I just get more upset cause it breaks my heart that we can no longer create new ones. I need new ones, I need you brother.
Ive been talking to someone at the PD & I'm going on a ride along , just like you always told me to.
"come on a ride along with me chief & you'll see how tough Iam"
I feel the need to talk with your close friends & c-workers about memories they had with you or any little thing they can tell me about you that I didnt know. I feel that is the ONLY way I can live with you now.
my parents, Shirley, me & all the kids miss you.
Little Sister
June 23, 2009
Happy Father's Day Sergio,
Last night I had a hard time sleeping. I knew that this day was coming. I wish you were here so we could celebrate what a wonderful father you were. The kids miss you so much as I do. I wish I could hold you one last time and tell you how much I love you. You were such a great father to Sergio and Bella. No one will ever be able to take that away from them. They always talk about you. I look at them now to the way they were when you died and they are exactly where you would have wanted them to be. Please tell my dad that I miss him. And that I always think about him. I know that you are always with us even during those tough times when I feel overwhelmed. Please know that I will always Love You and will Never forget you. You left and impression in my heart that will never be replaced. We miss you so much. Love You always.
June 21, 2009
Everyday is a different day. There are times where we feel we can get threw the day. Then there are times where it’s so quiet and your there with us and we don’t want the time to end. It’s a feeling that we don’t want to loose. Things have changed but your presents remain the same. It’s hard thinking you can’t be here with us and it gets hard to know we can’t put our arms around a memory. I love when we talk about you and say Remember When…it just makes it easier to know that you are never forgotten and the stories help keep you alive. When you left you took a piece of the puzzle to our hearts…its will never be the same again. Were just glad we had you apart of our puzzle.
June 18, 2009
I miss you so much. Last night I had a dream about you. I held you so tight and didnt want to let go because I knew that when I woke up that you would be gone. Life is so much harder to go through without you. Nothing will ever be the same.
Everytime I hear the song "No One" by Alicia Keys I think about you. I remember this song by Alicia Keys coming on. We were holding hands while you drove. I remember telling you "This song explains exactly how I feel about you." Its almost as if this song was written for us. I remember dedicating this song to you. Your response was "I Love You and I Love our Kids. "I couldn't be any happier."I wouldn't have it any other way. I wish we could have stayed in that very moment forever.
vbThe next month you were killed, taken from us. Now everytime I hear this song I remember our last conversation and all the good times we had together. I can't help but cry. I wish things could have been different. I would have given my life for you. I loved you so much and still do till this very day. I feel sad for our kids because they got cheated of being able to have their dad around. They will never get to see what a wonderful man and great dad that you were. You worked so hard to provide us with what we had. I know that one day we will see each other again and I know that when that time does come I will be able to hold you so tight once again and never have to let go.
May 22, 2009
Reading the story and hearing all of the refelctions it makes me so sad to hear stories such as this one. I grew up in a family of Police Officers and I know the hardships a family has to go through. Sergio gave his life serving his community, and he will not be forgotten.
I believe that I used to know Sergio. I was recently just looking up his name and could not believe when I heard this. If anyone was close to him is on here can you confirm if Sergio used to have an AOL screen name of bmxswatcop?
You deepest sympathy and prayers go out to the family and friends.
SRA Nicholas Ferguson
May 22, 2009
I miss you!
April 23, 2009
Hi babe,
You have been on my mind alot. I am missing you terribly right now. I want you to know that I am very thankful for everything you left for us. You have given us so much. Without you none of this would be possible. I am grateful for all the time we had with you. I have the most amazing kids in the world. They both remind me so much of you, Lil Serg still remembers you and asks about you. He asks me if I think he will ever see you again. At first I would change the subject but now I tell him that we will all see you again one day. Bella really doesnt remeber you. I do tell her about you. She looks at ur pictures and automatically says Thats my Papa." I try to be strong for them. I want them to know as much as they can about you. I want them to know what a wonderful person you were. That you always had good intentions for everyone, that you loved your job, and most of all that you were so proud of being on the SWAT team. You really made Rialto proud. I loved you more than life itself. I was so proud to be your wife. I will always love you, My Big Serg! Until we meet again
April 1, 2009
Earlier today I saw the news and learned that more officers died in the line of duty, in Oakland. It is so sad to hear about this news because their families, their children, their wives, friends, co-workers and even the whole law enforcement community will grieve the deaths of these Oakland Police officers just like we will always grieve your passing. It is hard to understand all the feelings with a police officer dying because police officers have always been my heroes and I still look at police officers as my heroes.
It is so sad to read Louise's messages and your families messages to you because there is nothing any of us can do to help her grieve, help your children and your family. My heart and prayers will always be there for them.
I will never forget those last few minutes I saw you alive on the front yard right before you were air lifted dude. I remember the scene so CLEARLY! Out of the noise of the helicopter and the chaos the only sounds I remember was Lamont hollering to you and Vigil hollering for me to go with you; nothing else. But, I could picture the scene so clearly.
When I heard the news today it just brought back such strong emotions because those officers up there in Oakland will have the same experience I had. You and your family will always be in my prayers and my prayers will also go out to the families of the Oakland police officers. Today more of my heroes died.
Rest in Peace Brothers.
Ofc. G. Marquez
Rialto Police Department
March 22, 2009
John 14:27
March 13, 2009
Sergio, reality has started to sink in. I miss you so much. Sometimes I don't want to go on. I find myself crying day and night for you, wishing you could come back. I would give anything for you, to be able to have you here again. My life made so much more sense when you were here. I knew where I wanted to be and what I wanted out of life. I know that I have to be here to take care of our two babies that you left behind. They need me more than anything in the world right now. They still don't understand what happened to you or where you went. All they know is that heaven looks something like the sky. Sitting at the cemetary on your birthday was so hard for me because all I wanted to do was hug you and hold you and tell you how much I loved you. but I couldn't all I could do was hold the grass that you lay under. And know that one day we would be reunited again. Loosing you was the hardest thing Ive ever had to go through. I can't wait to see you again, and tell you how much I love you. I still can't believe this happened to you. You gave up your life doing the job you loved so much. Please give me the strength I need right now. Love and Miss you.
March 7, 2009
Happy Birthday Brother!
I keep saying to myself "ok serg, you can come back now!"
i miss you...we ALL miss you.
it truly is amazing reading all the comments & realizing how much you have impacted people.
i think about you daily, even hourly sometimes. everything little thing reminds me of you. i do things & i ask myself what would sergio do?
i was 5 months pregnant when you were taken from us & i clearly remember how happy & excited you were for your little sister. you would tell Mariano "your going to have a girl dude, cause it takes a man to have a boy" then to find out i was having a boy. im glad i told you his name 3 days before you passed, my birthday.
today was your birthday big worm & my parents house was full of kids! ALL the grandkids were there whipping up a storm! it was CRAZY! & i know that that would of been all you, cracking jokes on what our kids are doing, but most importantly our 2 boys playing together!
i laugh & know exactly what you be saying or clowning me on my parenting.
when im with our parents, i constantly remind them & tell them stories about you. we laugh, we cry. but sometimes the memories arent enough to keep us going.
i ask for strength & guidance brother, angel of god.
i love & miss you big brother
biological SISTER not STEP, Suzy
March 6, 2009
Happy Birthday, Brother.
Still fighting the fight in your honor...
God bless you and your family.
Officer Damian Jackson
Escondido PD / Palomar Police Academy
March 6, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SERGIO!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe that another year has gone by and you are not here with us. Your memory is still present here at work & in our hearts. Please continue to look over us...You will always be in our hearts...
Rialto PD
March 5, 2009
Hey Sergio!! Today is your birthday. I remember 6 years ago we had our little girl Destiny and you were bummed out because she missed being born one day before your birthday but you still celebrated the next day it was so fun!! We miss you and you have helped up threw so much and we visit you and its like your there and we laugh at the silly things we did and you did with us to make so many memories stick in our heart that will carry us to a new day!! Please know you are missed everyday and you will never be forgotten. The memories you have left with us are good ones and ones that we hold dear to our hearts. Keep us laughing, keep those memories coming that is what helps us threw those hard times. And always thank you for being with us in spirit and doing all the little things we know you do to let us know your there by our side!!
March 5, 2009
Happy Birthday Big Serg!!! Love you and Miss you!!!
March 5, 2009
hey big Serg, today is your birth day. i just wanted to say happy b-day. there is not a day that passes by that i dont think of you. god bless bro.
March 5, 2009
Sergio, your lil boy is turning 4 tomorrow. He has now celebrated 2 birthdays without you. I cant believe how big he has gotten. He looks so much like you. This morning he told me that he missed you and wished that you could come back. Please continue to send us your love from up above.
February 22, 2009
February 9, 2009
Just wanted to say that you are continously missed thru out the halls and the streets .. Rialto will never be the same!
Aisha Little
Rialto PD
February 8, 2009
Sergio I miss you alot. I can't believe all the changes that I have gone through. I have come a long way and am grateful for everything you have given us. At night when I am laying in bed I still find myself leaving the phone next to the pillow waiting for you to call. It is unbelieveable how much people change when someone dies. I never thought I would find myself in a similar situation. I still look to you for advice and hope to continue getting the strength that I so much need right now. Lil Serg will be turning 4 in two weeks. He has grown so much and has come a long way. He will be starting preschool soon and is kinda looking forward to it. I told him that he has to start with preschool if he wants to be a firefighter. For now he is convinced. Bella is finally growing into her skin. She has her own personality, quite stubborn at times but that is just how she expresses herself. They tell anyone they meet even perfect strangers that their papa is in heaven, and that he is never ever coming back. I tell them that you are always watching over them and constantly giving them your love. And that you will always love them. I told them that as they get older they will begin to understand more and know what a wonderful person their papa was and that you gave your life for us doing the one thing that you loved doing the most. I know that you would be happy with everything that has taken place in our life. I too am starting to find peace and happiness again. I cant wait till we meet again. Please tell my dad that I love him and think about him everytime I pass the cemetery on my way home. I Love you so much. I am happy knowing that you are in a better place, giving us this much needed strength to go on without you. I still remember the day I got that dreadful knock on the door like it was yesterday. I am thankful to the people who helped me and are still helping me today get through this. Especially my newly found Uncle Rich Royce and Aunt Atoya. These are two people that I will always carry close to my heart. Thanks For listening, I Love you today and always.
Louise Carrera
February 3, 2009
Big Serg...Life has changed a great deal for me. I wish you were here to give me some advice or maybe even just to make me laugh. I really miss the good times we used to have...all I have now are memories and I'm so thankful to have that. Until I see you in my dreams...keep watch and tell my grandma I love her!!
January 28, 2009
Everyone really misses you here. We think of you every day that passes. It's hard to imagine our lives without you. You were such a joker & managed to put a smile in our faces. Please know that you will never be forgotten. Our sympathy goes out to your wife Louise & Kids, parents Aurora & Sergio, sister Shirley, step-sister Susan.
Family Friend
January 9, 2009
Your an angel that god sent to take care of us all and now your back in heaven with god. Your life was taken all of a sudden. I guess he needed you more than what we needed you. My deepest sympathy goes to your wife Louise & Kids, parents Aurora & Sergio, sister Shirley, Step-sister Susan
Family Friend
January 9, 2009
Big Sergio,
I really miss you. You were always there for so many people and always managed to make me laugh. You are going to be really missed. My prayers go out to your wife Louise & Kids, parents Aurora & Sergio, sister Shirley, step-sister Susan
Family Friend
January 9, 2009
I just want to thank you for being such a good friend to me. My prayers go out to your wife Louise & Kids, parents Aurora & Sergio, sister Shirley,& step-sister Susan.
Family Friend
January 8, 2009