Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Joshua Everett Norris

Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisiana

End of Watch Thursday, July 5, 2007

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Joshua Everett Norris

Hey Josh,

tomorrow, at 2130 hours, i've been waiting to see this!! it's gonna be hard to watch, especially during the final roll call. always thinking of you, rest in peace brother!!

St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Office

November 3, 2008

Only a few days till your story is shared with the rest of the country.

Rest easy brother..

Police Officer, Colorado

October 31, 2008

Rest in Peace, Deputy Norris. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

Detective Heckman
New Bern Police Department

October 29, 2008

Hey Boy

It is official, I'm retired and just another civilian effective this month, still have to turn in my stuff. Was in Philly earlier this week and went to eat at a famous Philly Steak sandwich stand. The cool part was this place honored all it's fallen Philly Police Officer's and Fire Fighters with pictures of them and engraves a brick on the walk way to the stand with their name. They also collect for a college fund for the fallen officers children year round. This generated a conversation between myself and the owner's son since it is always great to known that some in the public understands the sacrifice which comes with the job and of course you came up and we talked about the show you will be on, so you have a new fan in Philly. The program has start running, kind of torn on it, like seeing the department shown on TV and you having the chance to be a TV star, just would have been nicer to be able to bug you and make fun of you while we watch it with the family. Gina doing good in Iraq according to Kenny, just keep watching over her for us son. Duke is doing prison time since he keeps jumping the fence and getting out and it seems that the shock collar is not working, so now we have to lock him up inside when we are not home. Since everyone knows it was yours and Jess dog in the neighborhood, they call the sheriff's office when he gets out and we are not at home. So Duke has been picked up a couple of times by the cops, last time they actually dispatched it over the radio to get someone over to house to get him back in yard for us. Kenny and two other beat units showed up to get him, so I guess Duke has some stroke on the department. Well just thinking of you boy


October 24, 2008

Hey Josh,

tomorrow i am teaching at our academy.....traffic stops. there is also a reference in the class about the dangerous calls officers go on, like 103's. sometimes i forget to wear the wrist bracelet honoring you, i am sorry for that!!! however, i'm always thinkin about you. i've heard there are a few knuckle heads in the class, let them know this job ain't no place for know it alls. i work with a guy from your academy class, he's ok, a bit shaky. it's not his fault. do me a favor, he has potential to be a great cop, so give him a swift kick in the ass for me. i can remember when i heard of your death. i was on vacation in n. carolina and my phone started ringing off the hook. i never met you, but being a former deputy from the 2nd, i could see how they adored you!! i have never worked with a bunch of guys that i could say were cops than when i did in the 2nd. it's not the same where i'm at now. i feel like i'm rambling, but i just wanted you to know that you are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers, as well as your family. watch over us and protect us from harm. i look forward to seeing the episode honoring you on "the rookies". dammit i know you had so much potential, GOD knew that and i suppose he needed you more. later josh, we miss you, your brothers and sisters in law enforcement. I MISS YOU!!!!!!

St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Office

October 23, 2008


I just wanted to let you know that I watched your video on YouTube again today...and couldnt believe how much you remind me of myself. All my life, I have known that I wanted to be a police officer, to make a difference in people's lives, and in my community as a whole. I also come from a family of police officers similar to yours. I just want to let you know that I plan on displaying the same sense of bravery, courage, hard work, and selflessness that you so proudly displayed in your short career. May your family find comfort in knowing that you paid the ultimate sacrifice doing what you were born, and loved, to do.

Aspiring Police Officer

October 16, 2008

Well, Baby...
I got the house in Metairie...right next door to Mama Ann and Papa Charles. Looks like I can move in some time in the next 2 weeks (if I can find some help). This is a big task, but I know you wanted me back in Metairie and I'm sorry I couldn't get it done til now...but everything happens for a reason. Just wish it hadn't been this way. I hope in time things will settle down for everyone and we can try to all be closer again, like before. So much turmoil at times. Really wish you were here to be the were always so good at that.

Looking forward to watching the "Rookies" show on A&E starting next Tuesday...I want to see you and your classmates doing the job you loved so much. Just to hear and see you means so much to me. I miss you so much.

Please keep a watch over us and continue to let me know you are here...I love your little 'messages'.

Love you Baby,


October 13, 2008

Well Boy it has been some time since I wrote. Well another storm has passed and you missed all the fun of working 12 hour shifts in a completed empty city. Just dropping a line to say everyone is doing well and you are in everyone's hearts. Take care son


September 17, 2008


it seems so weird that you have been gone over a year. i hate that Nicole and i let the times when we were going to drive over to to metarie to come see you, adam, and robin slip by. there is not a day that goes by that i dont think about you. i know you are probably a bit angry with me for not pressing charges on my ex when you saw what he did to me. but in truth it seemed like you were there with me when it happened. and it was knowing that you were watching over me and giving me some of your strength to get through that, that i was able to leave my ex. i am truly grateful for that. if you were still here i know you and the boys would have made a special trip out here to straighten him out for doing that to me. but aside from that..i am thinking about making you my first topic for my speech class. i think everyone needs to know about you. you are truly one of the best ppl i know. i am very grateful to have been your cousin for the years we were allowed to have you. i miss you and i will update you later. love you

Crystal Elliott

September 8, 2008

We're gettin ready for Gustav.....look out for us on the westbank. We will need a warrior like you giving us the strength to fight !!! We miss you !

Third District Deputies
Jefferson Parish Sheriffs Office

August 31, 2008


Need you to met another one of the family of blue at the gates, we lost a Lafourche Parish Sheriff's deputy yesterday a Deputy Shareef. Well son dropped my retirement paperwork and just waiting on a response. Nothing much on the home front, had Gina's going away last weekend. Looks like she will be leaving in a week, I know you are busy up there, but keep a eye on her for me. Take care boy


August 21, 2008


Been sometime and just want to let you know that you are still in everyone's heart. Well made my mind up and will retire, figure drop my paperwork end of Aug and give all my stuff to Adam. Beth bought an outfit for Adam's Lil Josh, which made me think what would your's and Jess's kids would have looked like and knowing Beth they would get a gift everyday. I swear lil Mat gets a gift every time we see him, bought a lil car that he can push, but the cool part is he can actual work on the engine, which you can take out the spark plugs, water pump and even has a high rise manifold. Kid, wish thinks could have been different and I would be just calming everyone down with planning for a wedding right about now. Well the home front is pretty quiet, the next big thing is Gina deploying so watch over her, here is your chance to have something on her when we all finally make it heaven and get to sit and jaw jack like we use to at the house. Adam gave Jess a rough cut of the ROOKIE program, it was great to hear and see you again. Jess was a little upset when program was showing you getting chewed out, but told her it was just for the program to have drama and that everyone on the department knew you were a going to be a good cop. The heart jerking part was watching it and knowing the terrible end was coming. Should have a nation in tears once it airs. Loved the part when you gave your FTO grief when he checked some of your paperwork and he could not find anything wrong and you said " How you like them apples", man it brought back so many memoirs of you around the house. Here is one that will floor you, thinking about trying to become a Deacon. Yea I know you are saying what the he** with that, from Marine , to Cop and know this. Figure give you a laugh, take care son, you still a big part of our family.


July 29, 2008

well joshua everett,
i can't believe a year has come and gone. everyday is still a struggle, and some are harder than others. i enjoy talking to your mom and keeping in touch with her, for me it is helpful. talking to her is like talking to a part of you. i miss you, and are always thinking of you!


July 6, 2008

Deputy Sheriff Norris,

You are an inspiration to everyone you touched.. It has been a year since your passing but you will never be forgotten, you are a HERO.. Continue to watch over your family, and friends as they need you.. to Jessica and Josh MOM I know how hard it has been but take each day one day at a time and know that Josh would want you to go on and be happy. The pain in your heart will heal, know that you will always have Josh in your heart..
God Bless You ALL....

Sister of Ofc. John P Harris EOW 8/19/1994 Henrico PD Virginia

July 6, 2008

Deputy Norris, ever since I heard of your story and watched your video, you have further inspired me. I thank you for what you did serving your county, state and country. You are a true hero and I am proud to say that I look at you as a source of inspiration to pursue my dreams and one day also wear a badge with pride.

You, your family and loved ones made the ultimate sacrifice, my sympathy and condolences to all.

Sarkis Karapetyan
Just a citizen

July 5, 2008

Well Josh,
It's now been a still doesn't seem real, as if it was a nightmare. Today several of us are going to Honor you, We will "NOT" forget you. I see Adam evey now and then and he seems to walk taller and stronger then ever. Well, just know that the 2nd and 3rd are always thinking of you, and they miss you! Keep watching over us and I'll see you again.

Dep. Paul Sperandeo
Jefferson Parish Sheriffs Office, Gretna Police dept. La

July 5, 2008

Hey Josh,
Was thinking about you today at work. So weird to think that its been a year already. It feels like yesturday Jess was calling me about the engagement! I think about you often as you probably already know. Watch over us and keep us safe......Here's to you Josh, For God only Takes the best!


July 5, 2008

So my honey we are comming up on a year. It still at sometimes doesn't seem real, I'm still waiting for you to come running down the stairs and waiting for the sound of your knees popping and you hitting the floor cursing some random curse word that you have made up to spare your niecefrom the potty word you have brewing. :)

I know u are around, and I thank you for that, it's nice to feel your presents and knowing your looking out for us. Keep up the good work. I just want you to know, that you have impacted my life in a way that could never be explain, and I thank god of allowing me to get to know you. I love you and ask you to keep just a watchful eye out for those you love.

I Love You!!!

MChelle Calvert

July 5, 2008

You are missed brother. We will allways remeber you.

Austin PD

July 4, 2008

As I think about everything that has happened since last July 5th, it makes me think of all the things that could've been accomplished if only events would've had a different outcome. Like how many more people could've been saved if you had still been on the job this last 12 months? How many more criminals would be off the streets because you were out there catching them and putting them behind bars? But more importantly, how many hearts would not be permanently broken? How many tears wouldn't have been shed or tomorrow's forever changed?

I know how I feel and I know that it's ten times + worse for Jessica... I can only try to begin to understand the loss she is going through. Losing a son is a different kind of lingering pain, but losing a future spouse... one that you planned to spend the rest of life with... how can anything compare to that? I can only imagine! I wish that in time that she will be able to come around again... I miss her so much and it tears me apart to know that she is hurting so badly and I can't help ease the pain. Josh, please help her to be able to be with us again. I know I will never be able to make her feel 'better', but maybe together we can go forward. I think Josh would want us to be able to be around each other for comfort and support. Okay, maybe it's that I need Jess for that sometimes. No one else was as close to you as she was at that time in your life and I sometimes needed you two to keep me from slipping down further. I talk about you all the time, but human touch...a sometimes the best medicine if it's from someone I really care about and love. I hope Jess knows how much I truly love she was already a part of the family. She was, even without the little piece of paper. I knew you were going to ask her a long time before you finally did and was elated to have her in the family. You two were simply perfect for each other. You did good, kid!

As always, I am so proud of you for everything you accomplished and even more that you stood for what was right and never faltered. What a truly inspirational person you are! You were so honored and proud to put on your uniform and that feeling only comes from having loyalty and a strong dedication to what you loved doing and believed in. Heaven opened up the gates for you and and gained a wonderful, loving, and caring "Angel" a year ago. I was blessed to have you in my life and hope that I earn enough good points down here to be with you again some day. Just keep tabs on me so I don't falter ... I wouldn't want to mess up and not see you again.

I love and miss you terribly,
All of what's left of my heart is yours...!

P.S. I need a GREAT BIG HUG!!


July 3, 2008

Well Josh feel crazy writing to you like this, but gives me the chance to feel like I'm keeping you informed and so you know you are not forgotten. Since there were so many that you touched , that will never be an issue. Had a scary one Monday, Lil Matt was at the house and went in to a seizure, of course in the rushing to get him to the hospital ran right pass the unit and into Beth's mini-van. Yea I know what was with that. In route nearly 20ed with Robin while he was crossing Vets by the mall. He had to be thinking what idot in a mini Van just ran the light and cut off a cop, but he did not skip a beat, and after seeing I was driving followed and even jumped the light at Corky's for me, plus stuck around for a few. Will say boy, looking at Robin n the emergency room brought back bad memories. Just a heads up, both Robin and Adam are doing you proud on the force, touch their heart so they know that you know and that there are no shoes for them to fill or shadow to out grow, just for them to do their best while out on the street and come home at the end of each watch. Everything is ok with Lil Matt, doctor said it is normal when kids have spikes in fever, but still a heart stopper. Looks like we will head over to Mike's for the fourth, so can bet that conversation will be about you. Take care son and be good.

June 26, 2008

It's been almost a year since that dreadful day. I can still hear the announcers on our area Newshcannels telling us you had passed away. Everyone in the Third has been thinking of you and miss you. Your photo is the last one we see as we exit the roll call room everyday. For some, like me, It helps to see you as I leave for Duty and even tap your photo. Well I'm sure you know that already. Anyway, I'll be thinking of you even more for the next two weeks. And you'll get my prayer next Saturday. I will see u again, Rest Easy Brother!

Dep. Paul Sperandeo
Jefferson Parish Sheriffs Office, La

June 25, 2008

I regretfully didnt hear this terrible story until now, although i try to keep up with the web site. Damn i don't know what to say. Such a young proud man and such a EVIL coward responsible. I know it is not right to "hate" but how can you not. Sir i can't imagine the pain your family has endured and hopefully never will, i do know you are with such hero's as Trooper Shawn Blanton and Sgt Jeff Hewitt who has been taken by EVIL recently from our area. I ask as i always do Please Lord let this be the last. Even at a young age you were a inspiration Sir and you leave a great legacy. May the Lord give your family the strenght to continue on. The State of Florida and a greatful nation will be forever in your debt.

Public Safety Supervisor, Gary Mintz
Warren Wilson College, NC Public Safety

June 22, 2008

Well boy it is only 16 days away from that awful date, and it feels so strange. I swear I have aged another 40 years since that day, and every second is engraved into my mind , from Gina calling asking if you were on duty and telling me someone was down in the Second. To Kenny confirming it was you and it was bad. To me running Jess down before she heard it on the news while she was showing off her engagement ring. Pulling Jess over in my unit and telling her that Caw Caw would take your truck home, that we needed to get to the hospital, hoping it was not that bad. Running with lights and sirens, but feeling as if we were standing still and that Jess's and your future was slipping away. Seeing the doctors work so hard on you, asking God to just give you a chance and even trying to strike a deal with him where he could take me if you could just survive this. Watching Jess crumble and knowing there was nothing I could do to change it or stop her pain. Just moments before the world took that terrible turn, Beth and I were discussing about talking with you and Jess that evening on setting a firm date for the wedding and start looking for churches and the like. I even joked with Beth that you and Jess would not wait a year like Mat and Tara to have a baby. but you two would still put me in the poor house with the wedding. Never in my life would I believe something as simple as a ring of a phone could change the lives of so many and impact so much.

What helps me through those dark moments I have or when the hate builds up so great in regards to the individual that took your life or the ones that called without giving warning that an individual was armed and lead to you being ambushed which resulted in you losing your life. I remember you standing in the front door way of the house with that nervous look on your face on Jul 4th. Knowing what you wanted to ask after only seeing your face for a second, guess I should have let you off the hook earlier instead of making you sweat and actually having to ask, but it was the right of passage in getting married. The smile on your face when I dropped my guard and cranked a smile, but the pride was to great to hold a straight face knowing that you two were going to be a great couple. You and Jess grinning like crazy that morning of the 4th when you two came back to tell her mom and discussing basic stuff. The fact that you did not want to take away from Ambers Graduation, the birth of Lil Mat speaks volume of how thoughtful you are. I was so happy for you two if you would have told me that you guys want to be married that day, I would figure out away to make it happen. There are thousand more that we have with you, which helps with the pain.

Josh your name is still on everyone's lips, in everyday conversation. I was on a trip and even a woman from Kansas City had heard about you. She notice my ID when checking in on a flight in North Carolina and just happen to be seated next to each other on the plane. In our conversation on the dangers of police work she asked if I had knew you since she saw the clip on u tube about you. I told her yes I was privileged to know you from a young boy, to the great man you had came to be. That you loved your job and was going to do great things, focused on the future, had a deep concern for those that asked for help and someone that fathers prayer that their daughters would marry. Boy you overcame hurdles in life that would knock most down or make them give up trying and you did it with your head high, a big smile, and a open heart. When you lived at the house I got a chance to see how strong that little scrawny kid was and dedicated to making it in life regardless what would be thrown at him. I'm proud of you son and if God would have blessed me with a son, I would want him to be a mirror image of you. Visit you on Thursdays and see new stuff every week, still the social butterfly my boy. I will celebrate your life this Jul 5th, and remember you as that young boy running around with Will and Mickey, always with a smile and the times you were at the house and the happiness you gave to Jess while you two were together. Take care boy and be good.

June 19, 2008

Well Boy
You name sake nephew Josh E Norris sleep over the house, amazing that you passed the trait that makes all the women in my house making over you to him. I swear Beth, Jess and Amber was nearly fighting over the little guy. Lil guy was wide awake, guess he did not get that from you, just kidding. Jess and Amber had to take team the feeding last night. Well son life looks a little brighter, just wish you were here to take in all that is going on. Take care son and hopefully we will met again at the end of my time, watch over everyone and leave some good words with God about me, always can use the help

June 6, 2008

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