Beaumont Police Department, Texas
End of Watch Friday, April 27, 2007
Reflections for Police Officer Lisa Renee Ligda-Beaulieu
Miss you Crazy.... I am almost there!
December 4, 2008
We went to Madison's for my birthday the other night. It was the first time I had ever been there but you were on my mind all night because it felt like you were there. Another Holiday season is approaching, I still have all those funny Christmas pictures. You are missed so deeply by so many.
Tammie Harrison Lang
JCSO Spouse
December 1, 2008
Hey girl, as usual I was thinkin about you at work today. There's not a day that goes by that you don't cross my mind. Things are going good here or at least as good as they usually go. I'm looking forward to the Ride for the Fallen this year or at least I think I am. This year we will put your name on the wall so I guess it will be kind of a bitter, sweet ride. Everybody's doing good for the most part, although I don't get to see them as much. Yvette and Charla or detectives now so I rarely get to talk to them. Guess that's really no excuse due to it taking little effort to pick up a phone. Kinda kicked my own self in the teeth there didn't I. Well, I promise I'll do better in the future. I'm gonna go now, just wanted to say hi and I miss you.
Remembering you always, Bobby.
Officer R. Rector
Beaumont Police Dept.
November 23, 2008
Hey, me, Charla & Tina and some more folks had lunch today with your mom. Of course we had to laugh at you about the "grill cheese" sandwhich story. As you know Charla's 29th b-day (NOT IN HER DREAMS) is tomorrow SO that was why we were together...your mom just happened to be in town working. Of course you know all this...I was just thinking about you and wanted to holler at ya.
later Tiki
Sgt. Borrero
November 20, 2008
Hey my friend, I was on the internet and I hit the wrong button and your page popped up, I am speaking back since you crept up on me.
Alfred Spikes
Beaumont Police Dept
November 14, 2008
I need you next week! Please stay by my side.
tina lewallen
Beaumont PD friend
October 29, 2008
I'm sitting here thinking about you and I know you would have laughed to see me in Petco yesterday. Radar and I buckled and we are picking up Emmy's new puppy tomorrow. We had him for an hour Saturday and a short time Sunday to see how she would do with him. HE is adorable. She is absolutely insane over animals. I am forever keeping her away from the cows. She squats in front of them...and tries to snap her fingers.. then yells "come here boy" to the biggest bull we have,"Romeo". She has no fear. A cat adopted us over a year ago in Warren, when we bought the house and we named her Lisa. Of course Lisa brought friends and now we have Cub and several others that come and hang out. We even took in a donkey named "Shrek".
We made it through another "Hurrican Drama" and as was unorganized and crazy. So many "Rita" memories came back to me. All the damage we fixed and remodeling we did. We are selling the house and moving to Warren. It makes me sick to leave the memories we made in the house. You helped me with every paint color, carpet and tile decision, and just about every other decorating decision that was made. How in the world am I going to build my new house without you! I miss you so much and keep waiting until the hurt will ease. I smile everytime another animal comes into our life and I know you send them...
I'll love you forever little sister!
October 14, 2008
Another sister has come to join you. Just wanted you to know that I thought about you welcoming her. I thought of your family and friends and department and prayed for them all.
September 5, 2008
Hey,as you know we got a new puppy, we named her Lille Mae. I wish you could see her playing with her big sisters. She is wearing a pink collar, she is so sweet you would have loved her!
July 10, 2008
Hey girl, JIS is having a reunion in Las Vegas! We will be honoring you on Saturday, July 26th! Wished you could be there. Thinking about you.
Sr. Deputy Sheriff, George G Sauers
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
July 5, 2008
Lisa, I remember the great times we spent together in Jakarta, Indonesia. Remember the motorcycle rides? We had so much fun!!! Did BPD know what a rebel you were when you lived overseas? You were always so sweet and kind. your laugh and smile could cheer up anyone. Well, I just found out that you had you handled your last call and that your shift on earth is completed. I am so sad that you are gone. You will never be forgotton.
Sr. Deputy Sheriff, George G Sauers
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
July 2, 2008
Still missing you my friend. Everyday. You are one of a kind. I hope you like the little garden cross :)
June 25, 2008
Officer Beaulieu,
I never knew you but I have read your story this evening after losing one of my own, Trooper DS Blanton of the NC State Highway Patrol...
I just want you to know that you will never be forgotten. God bless you, your family and your brothers and sisters at BPD. From the looks of it, your legacy there will live forever. Godspeed Officer.
TRP Jl Thorpe
June 22, 2008
A drunk only got 11yrs for taking you smile away.. that is a tragedy add to the tragedy of your loss.. bless you for your work, your courage and your braverly
God bless
Mike, Msgt USAF Ret
Air Force
June 22, 2008
I miss you. This has been a rough month on our department. It just makes me sick the way officers are treating other officers. I know your laughing at the hypocreaceae of it all. For the first time in my 14 yr career here, I am ashamed to be a Beaumont Police Officer. It'll get worse before it gets better. Melrose Place with guns is all it seems to be lately. You always had such a deep deep seated sense of pride being a Beaumont Police Officer, more than anyone I have ever met. How I wish you could rub some of that off on me now. I have a recording of your laugh from a traffic stop. TOnight, I will listen to it- I hope it will bring back memories of happier times at work. Bonnie Lisa will be 1 in a couple of weeks. She is learning to walk now and has a beautiful smile.In the mornings we hear her cooing in the crib and I tell myself your playing with her. I miss you! I hope you saw me cabbage patching and doing the running man! LATER-
Peace Out-
Tina Lewallen
Beaumont Police Department
June 20, 2008
girl i know you were laughing at me,charla and tina & candy, saturday night. we really missed having you at that 80's party. iknow that you would have showed up with the big hair and make up. charla won the contest as you know..she looked like it was 1985 all over again.
we really miss you!
June 9, 2008
Hey Girl,
Me and the kids moved into a house with my parents on New Years Day this year. I quit my band March 1st and I'm going it alone again.My life mirrors my music...LOL. I couldn't sleep last night so I started going through boxes of stuff I pulled from my storage when I let the storage space go. I found the red fleece gloves with leopard cuffs that you gave me the first Christmas we worked together. I smiled...then cried. I was never good at remembering to get gifts for my friends...but you always got me one. I used all of the Lisa's Mad Cow seasoning that you gave me a long time ago,but I still remember it vividly. I know you would have been proud of me for finally getting the courage(I'm sure you'd put it differently)to leave and get on with my life. The day of the one year anniversary of you leaving I was supposed to go to a Baby Shower,but Tyler got sick. I was almost relieved,because I couldn't figure out how I was gonna sit there and be excited,when I was numb.
I miss you...
Paige Hopper
Dispatcher NPD
May 19, 2008
well lisa lou,
me,tina and the honor guard just got back from d.c.
i can't express the emotions that i felt being there. we all miss you very much!
i wish that my first trip to d.c. was not for that memorial service. although it was impressive, i much rather have you down here with us.
well i am sure you laughed at us trying to find our way around the metro or subway whatever the heck those yankees call it. i was ready to be back home after the first ride. i think you would have had fun people watching like we did. there were some strange birds up there.
you would have really enjoyed all the fine looking men in uniform! while waiting to get on the metro we saw this dude that you really would have appreciated!
lew and bobby along with the other guys looked great doing there thing, they really looked sharp. unfortunately our honor guard is getting too much practice.
later nerd!
beaumont p.d.
May 16, 2008
we are up here in DC, national police memorial week honoring your sacrifice. It has been a wonderfully painful experience. This is such a place of honor, surrounded by the history of heros that also gave the ultimate sacrifice. It has been a good healing experience. I met an officer from New Jersey and he spent all evening with us and ur Mom. Gloria gave him a "Lisa" shirt. A couple of others saw him the next day etching your name at the wall in silence. You have touched lives even in your death. As you look down. Drew and Leora had awsome matching caps in your honor.You are so missed. I knew after getting married, I had slowed my ways, and after kids even more, but without you, there is something always missing. I could laugh at you or with you and vise versa. I realized last week, I don't laugh nearly as much as when you were alive. I miss that part of me. I lost a part of me with you. I have something else to say, but YOU KNOW! Typing that made me laugh!!!
I love you and will never forget!
Officer Tina Lewallen
Beaumont PD
May 15, 2008
I can't believe you have been gone a year. Last weekend, Mom and I were looking through old pictures trying to find some of my recital pictures for a slide show I am doing. Mom picked up one album and the picture on the front was of you. Mom, Dad, Ken, Jody, and I just sat there in silence. It took our breaths away. As we kept digging, it seemed like you were in every album. I don't think that many people realize the relationship you and I had. It still does not seem real that you are gone. Those pictures reminded me once again how lively you were. I know that you are in heaven looking down on all of us. I can see you rolling your eyes as we all sat there not knowing what to say everytime we came across a picture with you in it. Rest in peace. I am trying to decide where to display those pictures. But, I am not sure that I am ready to see them daily yet. It still seems so fresh and the wounds seem so raw. Thanks for the time and fun we shared. Make sure my mansion is decorated the way I like it before I get to heaven. We all know you have good taste.
Tammie Harrison Lang
May 8, 2008
I never knew you, but I know the pain that these pages of folks that love and miss you experience. We all know that pain too much. Its been a year, that does not make it easier on anyone, but the memories that you left behind will live on forever.
Captain Tim Bryan
Gregg County Sheriff's Office
May 8, 2008
May 1, 2008
It's a few minutes past midnight and I can't tell you how many times I thouht of you and your friends yesterday. I know that allowing that one year mark to pass was wretching for your family and friends.
Silently, I prayed for them. After meeting several of your family/friends on the Ride for the Fallen last year and news of your death being so fresh....I have found myself coming here to read their love poured out to you.
I read their messages and internal struggles as the trial came and then the sense of relief that it was over though all they wanted was to have you back. How beautiful the lives you touched. Their love for you and yours for them is so obvious and real in the words that are left here.
As this begins their second year without you physically here, I pray that they understand the impact they make on others as they write to you here. The compassion they show to those who have also lost in their honor and love.
Keep watch over us all.
April 28, 2008
This is why I HATE drunk driving!!!
Thanks to everyone here who has taken the time to share you with
those who didn't have the opportunity to know you or your wonderful
personality. Now we can understand the void that is missing from
each of their lives and the impact you had on everyone you met...from
family, to officer, to civilian, to criminal. Your memory will be everlasting
and we won't think of you without smiling. You were a special, unique
individual who now resides with the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings.
When it's my turn to join you, I am so curious and anxious to hear your laugh. I look forward to getting acquainted. Thanks for glorifying the Lord with your life while you were here for such a short time. You are missed!
Lynn Kole
Bellingham, WA
April 27, 2008
It's hard to believe that it has been a year ago today that you were taken from us on that fateful night. There has not been a day that has gone by that I do not think of you. I see you so often in everyday life. A sight , a sound, a song, and there you are in my mind. No matter how much time passes I will not forget you. You had an impact on us all. I know that you are here amoung us in our hearts and minds. our memories of you will last forever.
Beaumont PD
April 27, 2008