Ripon Police Department, California
End of Watch Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Reflections for Police Officer Robert Winget
Greetings from the frozen tundra of the Gem State. I miss ya.
C/O J. A. Martinez
Idaho Department of Correction
January 26, 2013
Miss you Bob, thinking about you!
Lt. James W Barbour Sr
October 21, 2012
Bobby, thinking of you while preparing for another L.E. funeral tomorrow for One of our brothers in Stan Co. I miss you. Sparky- 04-19-12
1st Sgt Steve Merchant
Ripon Police Department
April 20, 2012
Tomorrow marks the 5th anniversary of the loss of such a fine and dedicated officer. We want to say that You Officer Winget are not Forgotten. Thank You for your selfless service and bravery. You are remembered with great respect. We continue to keep your beautiful family in our daily prayers. Watch over them from up above. God Bless
Family of
Sgt. Howard Stevenson EOW 1/9/2005
April 9, 2012
Robert “Wing Nut” Winget (RIP)
I left Law Enforcement 3.5 years ago. Since then, I have returned to my life as “A Lazy Surfing Beach Bum.” Here I was busy uploading Surfing - Related photographs upon my various Facebook Surfing Sites, and for some unknown reason, “Wing Nut” popped - into - my - head. Although I often think about Bob, it had not donned upon me that less than 24 hours from now, marks the 5th Anniversary (sic) that Bob left Us.
It is truly difficult to believe that it has been five years since Fellow Ripon Police Department Personnel said “Farewell“ to Bob.
On 29 April 1992, the largest riot in US history began. Bob and several of his fellow Stanislaus County deputies were sent to Los Angeles to assist us
As the 20th Anniversary of the 1992 Los Angeles Riots / Civil Unrest approaches, I have begun archiving my photographs and stories from my month - long deployment during that Turbulent Period.
Bob is Most - Certainly - NOT - Forgotten, and I will Proudly Display photographs that I have of Him Before, as well as During April - May 1992.
(May He Rest - In - Peace.)
Semper Fi,
“Major Pain”
Michael B. Parlor
April 9, 2012
Bob, I think of you often, I still have your "baseball" card on my desk from Stanislaus S/O.
We all miss you Brother, you were a great Husband, Father, friend and a nice person to everyone you met.
God needed your smile and services in heaven, someday we will meet again.
Thank you for being who you were. We are all better for knowing you
Floyd Padget
April 5, 2012
It's a few days away from being 5 years that we have lived without you. I couldn't imagine a day or a month or a year without you much less 5 whole years. Sometimes it does seem like you were taken from us just a short time ago. Your presence is still all over our house with pictures, memorials, and our shrine to you when you first walk through the door. God has been good to lessen the pain but our hearts will always be broken in our loss of you. Our loss...God's gain! Always hard being the one left behind for you have gone on to the glory God has for you in Heaven. Love you and miss you so much. I will always be your "Mrs. Winget" forever and always.
Love you dearly and deeply,
Wife of Robert Winget
April 4, 2012
Thinking of you Bob!
Acting Lt. James Barbour
January 28, 2012
Rest in Peace, Officer Winget. Your sacrifice is not forgotten.
Officer 11169
January 19, 2012
Officer Winget,
I know I am late posting but I needed to stop by and let you know that we have not forgotten you or your family. Your bravery and sacrifice will remain in our hearts always...I keep your family in my prayers along with so many others. I know that this life is temporary and am looking forward to meeting you in Heaven. With great love and respect I salute you Officer Winget!
Kathy stevenson wife of
Sgt. Howard K Stevenson EOW 1/9/2005
April 29, 2011
Merry Christmas Bobby. Miss you just as much today as I did on that first day. Watch over us. Until we meet again.
Gordon West
Ripon Police Department/Friend
December 25, 2010
Kelley and I were in Cancun with Gay and John and the hotel was so beautiful and the ocean water was so beautiful and aqua colored and I thought for just a fraction of a second that I'd like to call you and tell you how much you would have loved it there. But there is no calling you, talking to you or hearing your voice but as much as I wanted to tell you how beautiful it was there, I have to think that it's nothing compared to the beauty that you are enjoying in heaven. As pretty as it was there, your sights are even more glorious there. It's just so hard for me to fathom that because my own eyes have not seen such a sight. I bet you'd love to call me and tell me how beautiful heaven is and how you can't wait for me to see it for myself.
But as always, I miss you like crazy and by the grace of our good Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I will see you again. Until that day comes, I pray God allows you to know just how much I love you and miss you. You were and still are my everything!
Love you,
Chris Winget
Loving Wife of Officer Winget
November 25, 2010
Constantly looking at your pictures, in the car, bathroom, family room and your "shrine" as you walk through the front door. Can't wait for the time I will see you in heaven. I would love to touch your face, it was always so baby soft and hug you big time. I miss you like crazy and always have, and always will. You will forever be my left arm and right foot. It is only by the grace of God that I have survived this long without you. Until we meet again...I LOVE YOU!
Mrs. Winget
Loving Wife of Officer Winget
October 6, 2010
Kelley and I are just sitting here and we have a collage of your pictures on the computer screen. Just looking at you sitting at the station, in uniform, at the desk writing a report, with all your equipment on your belt, I was wondering how many times in your 35 year career that you suited up with all your equipment on your equipment belt and carried that around with you everywhere you went. We guessed that if you suited up an average of 250 days a year for 35 years, you suited up about 8750 times! WOW! You really did love your job and loved to protect and to serve. You always looked sharp at a tack and very handsome too. Even if you took off 750 as a give or take of perhaps not suiting up, it was still over 8000 times. That is a whole lot of serving and protecting.
There is just not an hour that goes by in a day that any one of your girlies don't think of you. Ashley, Kelley and Bonnie and I talk about you constantly!!! We love you and miss you like crazy, like always.
Kisses to you till we meet again...Your Mrs. Winget
Loving Wife of Officer Winget
May 29, 2010
Thank you for your service and ultimate sacrifice Officer Winget, you will NEVER be FORGOTTEN I keep your family in my daily prayers...always asking Our Lord Jesus to watch over them and keep them safe from harm. I know they miss you so very much and are looking forward to seeing you in Heaven! I hope to see Chris one of these days, we both have such busy schedules, maybe we will see each other a the Sacramento Memorial in May. Please tell Howard we are sending our love as always...Thank You and God Bless
Kathy stevenson wife of
Sgt. Howard K. Stevenson EOW 1/9/05
April 11, 2010
Today marked the 3rd year we have been without you since God called you home. You rejoiced at the glory God has promised us in Heaven and we mourned for our loss.
The girls and I got together this morning with Ripon PD and went out to the cemetary and laid a wreath down by your headstone. It has golden flowers in the shape of a badge. You would have loved it and been so proud of it. We went back to the PD for lunch and to visit with everyone. It was a very nice honor to you in rememberance of the day you sacrificed your life for the safety of the people of our beloved town. That is what you did best and that is what was important to you. Just being the best policeman that you could be. Your memorial also ran in the paper. You would be so proud of that, displaying the different agencies you worked and your military service accumulating over 37 years of service. It gives honor to you and your service and glory to God for your life lived eternally in heaven with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The girls and I also went to dinner this week to celebrate our 36th wedding anniversary. Ashley wrote me the sweetest card, you would have been so proud.
I love you sweetie and as always, I miss you like crazy. You were the best husband, best father, best policeman! You were the greatest, the best, you were our all in all.
Until we meet again...your Chrissy, your Chris, your "Mrs. Winget"
Loving Wife of Officer Winget
April 10, 2010
Today marks three years since you left us. Thinking of you today and always buddy.
Detective Jason Hedden
Los Banos Police Department
April 10, 2010
Today marks the third year since we lost you. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you. I leave your baseball card on my dresser, as a reminder to never forget you and to keep your memory alive. I came across one of your old tickets the other day, it cracked me up when I saw some of the notes you would write on the back of your cites.
Today we will honor your memory. We're getting together to do a memorial service for you. It makes me happy to know that your family will be in attendance. I miss you very much my friend. Keep an eye on us from up there ok?
Until we meet again.
Andy Martinez
Ripon PD
April 10, 2010
We are coming up on three years of your home going. It doesn't seem like it's been that long and so hard to believe that we've been without for that long. Only God can mend broken hearts and he's been working on all four of us. I love you so much and think of you all day, every day no matter what I'm doing or where I'm going. We talk about you all the time, "Dad used to do this" "Dad always did that" dad, dad, dad! We have to laugh sometimes too remembering the goofy things you'd say or do. We sometimes use your phrases like "affirmative" and "negative" or referring to a car as a "vehicle". I guess once a policeman, always a policeman. You were just so darn cute! I miss you like crazy and will always love you so much!
Your "Mrs. Winget"
Loving Wife of Officer Winget
March 3, 2010
Merry Christmas Officer Winget,
I wanted you to know that we keep your beautiful wife and family in our prayers. I think of Chris often and though we have not had a chance to have lunch in awhile I know there is hope in the up coming New Year. I do want to take the time once again to Thank You for your bravery and for keeping the streets of Ripon safe and sound when you were here. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten! I know you are in perfect love with our LORD and Savior Jesus from harm always and forever
Kathy stevenson wife of
Sgt. Howard K. Stevenson EOW 1/9/05
December 26, 2009
Life goes on but it will NEVER be the same without you. Two and a half years now and God has healed my shattered heart but it will always be a broken heart because you were half of me. I love and miss you as much today as the first day God took you home. Your clothes still to this day hang in the closet, your shoes on the floor, your belongings in the dresser and all your uniforms in the closet. Makes me think you still live here. Your towel is still hanging up too. I would give anything to have things back the way they were but I know that we will reunite in Heaven some day and that you will greet me with a big smile and open arms.
Until that day comes, know that I love you so so much and miss you like crazy.
Your "Mrs. Winget" :)
Loving wife of Robert Winget
November 6, 2009
Mrs. Winget- I hope you have found some sort of closure and solace in knowing that Officer Winget left us a true Hero, and that you have the support of Public Safety from all over the country.
Rest easy Officer...
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God" Matthew 5:9
James Clendening
Deputy and Firefighter, FL
August 29, 2009
Sgt. May went home yesterday to be with the Lord and I'd like to think he's with you too. Bless his heart, he's had a tough seven years. You never wanted to suffer like he did. You even mentioned that to me not too long before you died. I hope you two are having a great time enjoying each others company. Home is heaven and that is where God tells us our home is. It is us, that are left behind that suffer so, without our loved ones. Now one of your fellow officers is joining you in the splender of heaven.
I love you oh so dearly. I always look at your picture and give it a kiss and tell you how cute you look. Gosh I miss you so much. I would give anything to resume my life with you.
Loving you FOREVER & EVER,
Chrissy (Or your "Mrs. Winget")
Loving wife of Robert Winget
July 25, 2009
Thinking of you today on Memorial Day. You served proudly both your country and the local communities. You LOVED LOVED LOVED being a Marine and a Policeman/Sheriff/Officer of the law. Love you so so much.
Until we meet again,
Your Mrs. Winget
Loving wife of Robert Winget
May 25, 2009
Today is Memorial Day and I was just thinking how proud that you were to be a Marine. Thank you for your contribution to our wonderful country as you served in the 60's to protect our rights and freedom. Now you are singing with the angels and surrounded by glory.
Until we meet again,
Your Ever Loving Wife,
Loving wife of Robert Winget
May 24, 2009