Gainesville Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Reflections for Lieutenant Corey Dahlem
This time of the year I think of you often, and it puts me in a somber state. You were a great boss and a great loss to our family! Carolyn and I laugh when we think of the time you loaned us your car and the breaks gave out on us around the corner from GPD. We just knew you were trying to knock us off... LOL We also think about how you would do that double nodd thing with your head and neck, and yawn and stretch to skirt around giving us hard work assignments or bad news. That was only because you cared about what we thought of you as a person and cared about our feelings as your employees. Things are busy here and it's a different time and season, Carolyn's moved on to bigger and better things... we still manage the unit well. We will NEVER forget you LT. Sleep well until we meet again in heaven someday. PS. Tell Jesus that despite everything that goes on in this world, there are some of us still BELIEVE and appreciate his sacrifice! Ericka J.
Crime Analyst
GPD Employee
March 25, 2010
Hello Lt.,just wanted to say hello, God Bless all in the THIN BLUE LINE.
Cpl. Mark Miller
OPD / City Watch
March 13, 2010
Happy Valentines day Dad! Miss you and love you!
February 14, 2010
DUI arrested tonight in your honor sir. "life has a flavor the protected will never know".....
January 29, 2010
Merry Christmas dad! Miss you and Love you!!!!!
December 25, 2009
"Spooner" I was just leaving reflections for four more
Angels in blue, whom were taken from us while having coffee before their shift started, Mrs. Dahlem, Katie, and
Brandon, just wanted let you know that all of you are in the prayers of me and my family, I wish all of you a blessed and safe holiday, LT. thanks again for being a great friend too all of us who knew you, god bless.
December 1, 2009
Hey Lt, Its the night of the FL v Fl State game. They were playing in the swamp and it was Tebow's last game and I hate to tell you that Florida prevailed. I think you would have really enjoyed the atmosphere. I def thought about you and realized just how special you truly were. A seminole among Gators. Hope you are resting well. The dept is going through some changes but you are always close to our hearts.
November 28, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Love ya!
November 26, 2009
LT. Dahlem I was just wanting to say that you and your family are always in my family's thoughts and prayers.
I just saw where katie was writing about picking at you for leaving the turn signal on and she does it, well on that note with me it's my rear strobes after leaving a scene, so I guess it's human nature. well "Spooner" we all miss you very much, Mrs. Dahlem, Katie, and Brandon You're
Always in my prayers, LT., thanks for having my back when I'm directing traffic at events or scenes, God Bless!
PFC. Mark Miller
Ocala Police / City Watch
November 16, 2009
Mr. Dahlem,
Thank you for always being the best neighbor a kid could ask for. All the times me and brandon would jump off the roof of your play house onto the trampoline...or the trip to indiana we had. I will forever cherish those moments. Thank you for making me a better person. I miss you everyday that your not with us.
I have some great news though. Today i became the first recipient of the Corey Dahlem Scholarship at Florida State University. But i would much rather have you here with us rooting on our seminoles than any scholarship.
Lost, but not forgotten...
Lifetime Neighbor
October 26, 2009
we always made fun of you for leaving your blinker on when you turn... cause only "old people" did that.. but your excuse was it was stuck and didnt click off... well i have to admit i went about 10 miles yesterday until i realized my blinker was still on... haha even the dumba nd silly things still remind me of you!
Love you,
October 3, 2009
Was looking at the memorial website and like always ended with pulling yours up. It takes but one reflection to read before tears start welling up inside and then slowly fall down my face. It's been extremely busy here in G'ville as of late with lots of robberies and guns on the streets. When I come to this website I am able to remember what's important in life. I can only hope to accomplish half of what you did in your life. You are an inspiration!
GPD Officer
August 17, 2009
Miss you! Please keep an eye on us and keep us safe. Love you!
June 4, 2009
Good morning Lt.,
Just wanted to let you, Mrs. Dahlem, Katie, and Brandon,
Know that your, always in the prayers of our family.
Well take care for now "SPOONER".
PFC. Mark Miller
O.P.D. / City Watch
April 14, 2009
On the anniversary of your loss, I wanted to thank you for your service and sacrifice and to mourn the loss of another hero because of a drunk driver!! Officers!! Do not let this man's death be in vain!! Get out there and get those drunks off our roads so YOU do not become the target as this fine Lieutenant was!!!
Love and prayers to the family and officers of Gainesville P.D.
LoVae Pray Martines, Law Enf. Liaison
MADD-San Bernardino County, CA
April 4, 2009
Your heroism and service is honored today, the second anniversary year of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer who was murdered in the the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.
Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered.
Rest In Peace.
Phyllis Loya
Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater
April 4, 2009
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones on this anniversary of your EOW. You have not been forgotten nor will those that love you ever let that happen. Continue to watch over all of your loved ones.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
April 4, 2009
To Lt. Corey Dahlem, his family and his fellow officers with the Gainesville Police Department:
Our heartfelt thoughts are with you on the anniversary of Lt. Dahlem’s tragic death and we honor him for his valor and sacrifice to the community. Rest in Peace, Lt. Dahlem and thank you for your service.
Wives Behind The Badge, Inc.
Members and Staff
April 4, 2009
Just to let you know, you are still not forgotten around here. On a slow Sunday night (while on mids), I had to take time out of my lunch break to pass along to our fellow officers the Memorial Service we have planned for you this week. I included a link to this site so they could read for themselves the memories many of us have shared about our time with you and how in our daily activities there are still constant reminders of the good times we had. There are many new faces around the department these days. Don't feel bad if you don't know who some of them are, I don’t know who some of them are either! I know in time you will be acquainted with all the new people and keep up with the rest of us. Keep watch over all of us out here and make sure we return home to our loved ones in the morning.
Ofc Dave Lepianka
Gainesville Police Department
March 30, 2009
I want to thank all of you who have helped our family through this difficult time. We are adjusting and the kids are doing well. Both will graduated from college and will be going to Firefighter/Paramedic school.Katie is with the Alachua County fire rescue reserves and patrols the intersection where her dad was killed. She was out there on the national championship night helping students/citizens just like her dad did for 22 years!!
January 30, 2009
LT, Its been almost 2years and I just want you to know that I miss you. I think about you often. I want you to know that you were heavy on my heart during this last football championship detail. I didn't think it would bother me...that I could block it out but as I drove into the briefing my heart grew heavy. It was a very tough night. I had to stand at that corner the corner where your life was taken. The night got busy so I was able to distract myself but as the students cleared it was hard. Luckily we all went home safe on that night but I was worried. Thank you for continuing to watch over your shift. We miss you sir.
Ofc Renee Nichols
Gainesville Police Dept
January 29, 2009
Just wanted to tell you something...I was saying our prayers with my 6 year old the other night. Out of the blue, she included "your friend's daughter that doesn't have her Daddy with her anymore." Corey, she was talking about Katie. Of course, she doesn't realize you are still with your family and with us. I guess I didn't realize how much we still talk about you. You will always be in my head making me laugh about something. Keep watching us and keeping us safe.
Corporal Tscharna Senn
Gainesville Police Department
January 26, 2009
I was on the web, and just wanted to let you know that you, Mrs.Dahlem, Katie, and Brandon, are always in mine
and my families thoughts and prayers,especially when I'm
On duty with the Ocala police Dept., one of the major tasks
when on duty is working traffic with the zone officers, but I know that the lord, you, scott, and our other brothers have my back, well "Spooner", I'm gonna run for now, Always in my thoughts and prayers. M.Miller/OPD-C.W.O.
PFC. Mark Miller
Ocala Police / City watch
January 18, 2009
Dear Lt. Dahlem:
Tonight was January 8th, 2009 and our Department was once again tasked with working another National Championship Detail for the University of Florida. This time it was the football team and they won.
You would have been very proud of the way the men and women of the Gainesville Police Department performed their jobs tonight. You were definitly on everyone's mind tonight. Sally came by GPD today and wished us well. Katie was out there tonight on her EMS bike patrolling the very intersection that is now named after you. I will admit, as I stood there and watched her ride through the crowd, that I had to fight back tears.
Lt., you are truly missed. Thank you for your leadership and example. It's 0443 hours and I'm finally home. As a supervisor, I watched out for my troops tonight like I knew you did. I just wanted to let you know you were there with us tonight and we did not let you down.
Sgt. Dan Stout, ID# 337
Gainesville Police Department
Sergeant Dan Stout
Gainesville Police Department
January 9, 2009
Lt.Dahlem, and family just wanted to let you know that all
Of you are in our prayers, God Bless.
PFC. Mark miller
Ocala P.D./City Watch
Mark Miller
OPD-City Watch
December 30, 2008