Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Jason Lee Saunders

Campbell County Sheriff's Office, Virginia

End of Watch Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Jason Lee Saunders

One year ago today. You are missed so much. No one will ever forget you. Your mother and father are such strong people and I pray for them daily. You will never be forgotten. You had a heart of gold. Memories of you will last forever. God Bless.

April 2, 2008

Happy Easter in heaven Baby J. We miss you so much.

March 22, 2008

I miss you so much. God Bless your family.

March 18, 2008

We watched as you pinned on your badge for the very first time.
You had trained and studied; learning what was needed to do the job
you would be called upon to do.
How you proudly stood at attention, saluting and repeating the oath,
vowing to give your all and do your best.
But now, shifts over...
lie down and rest.

You left early in the morn, while we slept snug and warm
Just as often you returned in late even'tide when,
long before, we had retired.
You sacrificed your rest and time that we could live and laugh
work and play, knowing we were safe, vowing to give your all and do your best.
But now, shifts over...
lie down and rest.

When we called you answered, whether friend or foe, neighbor or stranger.
You risked life and limb, comfort and safety, always to ensure that we
enjoyed home and workplace, recreation and employment.
You gave of yourself dutifully to the searching faces and pleading hands
reaching to you for help; responding quickly to the slightest call,
vowing to give your all and do your best.
But now, shifts over...
lie down and rest.

Now we stand, sad and somber, quietly listening to Tap's final song.
You answered the call and gave your all as you responded to the last bell of Destiny's alarm.
One last time you pinned on your badge and honored your oath;
seeing nameless faces and unknown grasping hands
You kept your vow, you gave your all, you did your very best.
But now, shifts over...
lie down and rest.

America will never forget you.

March 17, 2008

…For the sake of others!

The uniform we wear, the weapon we tote
In this selected job, we have not even a vote

We answer our calls, all fear put aside
Approaching the bad guy, with courage and pride

In a blink of an eye, a weapon is out
A bullet is fired before you can shout

The movements are slow; you feel no pain
Because of your courage, they will gain

A family in safety, because you were there
You put them first; swallowing your fear

you took a step and the bullet the same
you fall to the ground, calling HIS name

Your Brothers kneel, they tell you to rest
As they keep pressure on your gaping chest

They hold your hand, and look in your eye
They whisper softly, please don’t die

You take a breath, long and slow
They hold you tight; they won’t let go

Their tears are falling onto your face
Time is short; they try to race

In vain their efforts; your time has come
No shame in crying, some feel numb

Time heals wounds and memories drift
But we will always honor Brother Vandegrift.

By Shawn J. Carmody

Ofc. Shawn J Carmody
Phillipsburg Police Department

Sgt. Shawn J. Carmody
Phillipsburg Police Department Phillipsburg, NJ

March 16, 2008

Jason... It's almost a year now and nothing around here is the same!! Today was a BEAUTIFUL day and the song "who you'd be today" came on and I was driving down the road and I just broke down..It hurts so bad. At the funeral and even now people ask me why I cried/cry soooo much for you? why am I so heartbroken over you more than I was with others? You know why Jason, because of who you are and because of all the talks we had!!! I still have your calendar in my car and you still always find a way to take your flower down from my visor and place it somewhere in my car where it wouldnt "just fall".. I know you are there always Jason and thank you so much for everything you ever taught me and showed me! you are an amazing man and you are missed SO MUCH BY EVERYONE!! hope you like everything on the upcoming events!! =o) MISS you and LOVE you! always and forever


March 11, 2008

Jason, its fast approaching a year that you have been gone from us and it still isnt any easier knowing that you wont be at work when we get there. I was sitting in here in dispatch listening to some of the saved calls and one of them was you, when I clicked on it to play, my heart stopped the moment that I heard your voice. God what I would give to hear you again and to have you back here with us. Its funny, we were sitting here the night of your birthday and for once that night, it was quiet in dispatch, no phones ringing, no calls, no radio traffic whatsoever and all of a sudden something fell in the hall, we couldnt help but think that you may have had a hand in that letting us know that you were around, watching over us and playing a "joke" on us, kinda made me chukkle and put a smile on my face. We miss you so much Jay! You meant so much to so many and I dont think there is one person out there that doesnt miss you. There is going to be a memorial in DC in May that most of us are going to try to go to, watch over each of us on our trip up there and back. I'll check back in with you soon, until then, keep an eye on us and keep us all safe! Love ya buddy! P.S. Skittles


February 29, 2008

What can I say besides the obvious. I miss you and think of you all the time. I heard a song that made me think of you yesterday. When I first heard it I cried a little inside but then I smiled thinking of all the memories we have. All the good times we had in dispatch and how much you touched my life. What you taught me and how you lived your life has made me change. I try to live my life the way you would if you were still here. My son is growing and I hope that he will grow up to be a wonderful man like you. That is every mothers dream!! Thought of everyday and missed. I love you!! Check in on us from time to time. We could sure use your help. Also happy belatd birthday.


February 28, 2008

The calender in dispatch has "Baby Jay's B.Day" marked on it. Happy Birthday my friend, We all miss you so much. I still catch myself looking to pass you in town, or talk to you when you would call into dispatch. I would answer the phone "Saunders" and you would laugh and say "yeah me too" I can not even go 1 block down Main st without seeing one of the decals: In memory of CRAZY J. You definitely own the Big Town of Altavista :) I miss your smile, your kind words. You will never be forgotten. But, forever MISSED.


February 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Crazy J. I still can't believe you are not here. I miss you so much & think about you so often. We are sitting here in dispatch tonight & what we wouldn't give to have you walk thru the door with that shy smile and hugs for us all! Miss you forever~


February 27, 2008

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal." – taken from an headstone in Ireland

Happy 25th, my dear.


February 27, 2008

Happy 25th Birthday Sunshine!

February 27, 2008

Jason, Your birthday would be tomorrow and I want you to please put a smile on your Mom's heart- she will need an extra special "boost" tomorrow. Friends & Family I am sure will call, talk and she will probably have a very hard day, (those anniversaries & firsts are always the hardest after losing a loved one.) Let her know we all are here for her and she was the beginning of that special someone (YOU)...She did a wonderful job with you and she should be so proud of herself thru all of this...Love & Miss you and remember to "nudge" her tomorrow and make a memory that she will smile to at least once...Happy Birthday and you will have many more in my heart, Love Aunt Wanda

Wanda Goodman

February 26, 2008



February 7, 2008

Thinking of you today. I miss you so much. God Bless your family.

February 2, 2008

Congrats on your Medal Of Honor, Jason. Everyone misses you...

January 28, 2008

Thinking of you today! I miss you.

January 24, 2008

Hey Jason, I can't believe you've been gone for so long. It still doesn't seem real. I miss you so much. You should have seen it snowing the other day. I thought about us sleigh riding at Granny's when we were little. We were nuts! It's a wonder none of us got hurt. We had some great times. I cherish every memory I have of you. Words can't describe how proud I am of the man that you became. I never thought you'd be gone. I just want you to know that we all think about you every day and you are such an inspiration to all of us. We are so proud of you. You will NEVER be forgotten. Don't you worry about Scooter and Dale. We'll take care of them. WE LOVE YOU!!!

Leslie Brafford

January 22, 2008


I know you are smiling it is all you did every get together whenever you came in you had a smile for everyone. Distance kept us from being close however family is always thought about even though we do not always know someone is thinking about us. I know you are greatly missed.

Crystal Vaughan

January 22, 2008

I saw on the news the other day where you received the Medal Of Honor, Congradulations. They presented it to your parents. I know that everyone would much rather have you here doing the job that you loved. We will always remember you even if we never met in person. Whether you know it or not you have touched a lot of people some you knew and some you didn't. May God bless you and your family.

Deputy R. Cocke
Bedford County Sheriff's Office

January 19, 2008

Hey Baby hope you had a wonderful holiday! It wasn't the same here without you but it never will be either. Alot of people are still hurting and asking why you. God only knows we all love and miss you. I hope you have the time to watch over all of us and I know you are. I miss you god I miss you.... I hope you know how often in a day I think of you and how much I still needed you in my life. It's just so different and odd here without you. I feel like a robot alot of the times and just go through the motions in the day because you have to. Well I just wanted to stop by and write to you and tell you I LOVE YOU!!!! MUAH Till we meet again baby

January 14, 2008

Happy New Year in heaven. Miss you Baby J

December 31, 2007

Hello sunshine....Please know that we think of you everyday. You have a good man with you now, please watch over the family.

December 28, 2007

Hey Jason......well this was a very hard holiday season this year with out you. We have our blue light in our window and it will burn year round for you. I am so sad that Jaxon will not get to know you, if you could have only been there for breakfast this year to see him playing with all of his toys. It is still so hard not having you around.....I am holding back tears as I write this now just thinking about all the times we had growing up. It is so unfair that you were taken from us so soon but I know that one day I will see you again. Please watch over us and pray for Shaun, he misses you so much. His Aunt Frances died on the 21st and he found out today that C.S. Freazier died today. May they share heaven with you!! God bless you and God knows you are SO MISSED.

Love Nikki

Nikki Souser

December 27, 2007

My blue light is in my window each year around Christmas time. Its extra special this year because of you. I know you are at peace. I pray for your family. You were so loved!! God only takes the best. God Bless you all.
Merry Christmas in heaven Baby J

December 22, 2007

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