Fort Smith Police Department, Arkansas
End of Watch Friday, March 23, 2007
Reflections for Officer Daniel C. Martinez
My thoughts are of you today and each and everyday. I will never be able to put into words how much I miss you. I will always have the memories of us growing up together and how much fun You and Doug and Anna and I had all together. I still see your beautiful smile and laugh and will hold that in my heart until the day that I see you again. All my Love Big Brother........
Jessica Martinez
March 25, 2008
March 24, 2008
This is my first opportunity to convey my condolences to the family of Officer Martinez having only come to know of this site when my own brother died in the line of duty last June. It is my hope that the past year has helped to dull the pain of your loss and that you are now able to find some small measure of peace in your lives. Let this day bring you an opportunity to remember the honorable man that your loved one was. God Bless.
Jennifer Mayo, sister of
Deputy Hilery A. Mayo Jr. STPSO La. E.O.W 6/9/07
March 23, 2008
My thougths and prayers are with Officer Martinez's wife, children and family. I know holidays are hard, especially that today is Easter as well as the one year date of losing your officer. May God bless you.
Denise Nichols Carpenter
Alabama State Trooper Brian Nichols EOW 2/17/2002
March 23, 2008
sometimes i think the first year is the hardest, and coming to the first "anniversary" is even harder. i don't know though. it's been 3 years for us and that pain is still fresh, the wound still deep.
march 23rd means the same to us as it always will to daniel's friends, family, and coworkers. it is not just Easter for us today. i pray for daniel's wife and children, for his brothers in blue, for his parents and family... this journey is a hard one but please know, from one survivor to another, daniel will NEVER be forgotten, nor will his sacrifice.
peter's killer, too, committed suicide. there's no real justice in that, no real closure, just a loss we all question every day. i'm fairly certain, though, that peter welcomed daniel into heaven with open arms and showed him the ropes. it's those thoughts that give me peace.
God bless,
LEO Wife and survivor of Peter Grignon EOW 3/23/05
LMPD - Louisville, KY
March 23, 2008
It's been a year ago today that you were taken from us. Though time has past us by, the memory of you grows stronger day by day. I believe each of us strive to better ourselves, hoping that someday we all may live up to the standards you have set for the entire law enforcement community.
We miss you so much.
~~~Gone but, never forgotten~~~
~~~Fallen so we may stand~~~
Shavon Adams 422~~ Communications
LeFlore County Sheriffs Department
March 23, 2008
Come Sunday Danny, it will have been one year since you were taken. I just wanted to let you know that I think about all the fun times we had together at Shady Point P.D.
A couple of months ago Pearl found a picther of you, me and Mark kicking around the P.D.
And who can forget You, Sabrina, Mark, Sam , Pearl and me driving to float down the Illinois River. You driving a Camero with no T-Tops, and it starts to pure down rain. you said " just go, as long as were driving the rains not getting us wet." LOL.
Each day I walk down the hall of the police department. I see your picther in a glass shadow box that hangs on the wall, and have to close my eyes and grit my teeth. The other day I stopped at it and had to open it, just to touch your picther and say a prayer for you and your family. I will always have the memorys of the good times and I thank you for them. God Bless you and your family.
Patrolman Michael Jackson
Poteau Police Department
March 22, 2008
Danny, one year ago you took your final call which ended in a terrible tragedy. The year has passed so quickly, and each day that passes everyone at the P.D. still thinks about you. In May you will be honored at the National Police memorial site and several of us will be there honoring the courage and the ultimate sacrifice you made on march 23, 2007. Until we meet agin Danny rest in peace and watch over us.
Fellow Officer
Ft. Smith P.D.
March 21, 2008
Danny it has been almost A year now And still hurts like it was yesterday. Kirstin got her permit a couple of weeks ago I know you be so proud of her. I know that Kirstin and Morgan miss you so bad, but they are very strong girls . The other day Morgan made a face at me and it was just like I was looking at you. She is so much like you in every way she going to be your racecar driver, she already told me she was going to race next year. We all love you and miss you every day. Love Always
March 7, 2008
I never got the chance to know you but I have heard such great things about you. I am now married to one of your fellow officers. You are still in thier thoughts... My husband mentioned the other nigth that is had almost been a year. It breaks my heart everytime I here about what happend.. I can't imagine how hard it must have been on your, family,friends and fellow officers to loose you. Danny please watch over my officer and all the officers in the department. You will never be forgotten
March 4, 2008
I never knew you personally, but wish that I had. You arrested my little brother several times, and he always told me that he wouldn't want to be arrested by anyone else but you. You touched so many lives-more than you will ever know. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayer still one year later. God Bless You and hope to meet you in heaven some day.
Citizen of Fort Smith, ar
March 1, 2008
It is so hard to believe it has been almost a year now since you were taken from your loved ones. In honor of you, Officer Daniel Cruz Martinez, I salute your memory with good memories and prayer for those that are left to journey through life without your presence. You were a good man, Danny RIP
Rhonda Rhodes
February 29, 2008
February 27, 2008
Unfortunately I didn't have the honor to know you but I have friends who knew you well. I can't believe it's been almost a year since you died. I hope your family is doing better.
The reason I'm writing to you today is to tell you that I was watching a show on Discovery Times this morning called "Officer Down" and it made me think about you. ALthough the circumstances were completely different than yours, it made you come into my head. I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate your dedication to our community and your career. I wish that every person could have the faith and love that you carried. I can tell you that you are greatly missed. I didn't even KNOW you and I miss you! I remember the day that my boss called me and told me you had been killed. My boss was Officer Forrest's wife and she was beside herself with grief. I know a lot of people at the FSPD and I was really pained to hear that one of our great protectors had been taken down.
So I just wanted you to know that even almost a year later you are still just as much in our hearts and minds as you were when you were still on this earth with us. Thank you for your heroism. Words can never describe the gratitude that I have for you.
Citizen's Police Academy Alumni
February 16, 2008
Danny,I was so in disbelief when I heard about your death. My heart broke into a million pieces. You were one of the best. I knew you for a short while but you had a good heart and did your very best to be all you could be and "YOU DID". Everytime I saw your picture in any of the papers I would clip it out and save it with my other memories. I stopped and went and pulled out my pictures and I have a few of them when you and Doug first started your career in law enforcement. How good looking you were in your uniform. You were an excellent officer. I was proud of you. I know this must be so hard for Kirsten and Morgan to lose their daddy. I know what a wonderful daddy you were to your girls. Daniel and Karen must have been devasted to lose you in such a violent way. Though I moved away and never saw you again except for the day you pulled me over ;0) when Joe was having a heart attack. You were so kind, and so understanding...thank you Danny....I never got the chance to say thank you...Sabrina and I have kept in touch from time to time....know she cares and this hurts her also. How can it not hurt? You two shared a life and a child. Send you love, kisses, and hugs to your family Danny. They miss you so much. You have joined my son, Craig in the hereafter and await the arrival of your family as Craig does his. Life is but a vapor and your's was cut short by a cruel act of another human being. May your family, especially your girls find peace to help them continue to walk without you being here with them to know you are still there in their hearts and love them as much as ever. I loved you much Danny, you were a very special young man and I will never forget how kind you were to me at all times....even in the times things were so difficult. RIP Officer Daniel C Martinez RIP
Rhonda Rhodes
February 12, 2008
Danny, I didn't personally know you, but your story has deeply touched my life and inspired me to be a better person, and a better mother. I have only heard great things about you and what you had done in your life. Even after some of the things you had been through you were still a positive person. You touched all the lives around you and even touched people that didnt know about you or your family. You and your family will always be in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless you and take care of my friend Dustin.
someone who would have liked to have known you
February 5, 2008
Keep an eye out for Dustin. You should be able to find him because of his contagious laughter. Yesterday seems like a dream, just like the night that you were so senselessly taken from us. But now I have two good friends in heaven to watch over us. It will soon be a year since you left and it still doesn't feel real. I think of you everyday that I go to work. Now I have two friends that will continue to have my thoughts and prayers. It was so warming last trip to McAlester when I saw the sign in honor of you on the highway. Your friends miss you everyday Danny. You and Dustin keep your eyes on us, because you know we need all the help we can get, and help from two of God's angels makes us all safer.
Officer Mary King
Officer Mary King
Heavener Police Department
February 5, 2008
Well Today our buddy Dustin Duncan joined you in guys please keep a watch on us until we join you.. We miss you my brother...Tiff says she misses talking to you and always being there for her..(thank you for being like an uncle to the girls)..You would be so proud of her Danny she is a very fine young women...Thomas and I were talking the other day about our Reserve academy and laughing about you always slamming me to the ground and well you remember..(ha ha)...good memories Danny...We all miss you.
The Evans family
Ella Evans Park Ranger
Friend and Fellow Officer
February 4, 2008
To this day, I still cry about happened that night. It's not right what happened. You know that the rest of your fellow family, friends, and officers, took it hard that night when you left us. We still, to this day honor you and thank you for the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE. Rest in peace Danny, and have God watch over not only you, but all of us. You are in the best place possible. Never unwish that you were away from God and back on the retched world. We love you Danny. As said at your funereal, "We will cover your beat from here."
Police Explorer Nick Sisti
February 3, 2008
Hey Danny!!
Well It's hard to belive that on March 23 2007 You lost your life..and it is now January 25 2008..and in 2 more months it'll be a year..It just seems like yesterday..
January 25, 2008
On Januray 11, 2008 family members of Daniel Martinez accepted a plaque honoring Officer Daniel Martinez for the Ft Smith Police Departments 2007 Officer of the Year. Daniel gave his life on March 23, 2007. Daniel might be gone, but he will not be forgotten. Daniel was a great person and fellow officer and deserved this award. I know his family was honored that Daniel received this award from his fellow officers. Until we meet again Daniel take care and watch over all of us.
Fellow Officer
January 13, 2008
Hey Danny,
Its the start of another year and we are all still thinking of you. We know you are watching over us and we are grateful for that. ut its not the same. I still remember the night I rode with you. We got a lot that night and you made a big impression on me and it made me feel good when you said I should ride with you more. It sucks that I didn't get to. But we will keep going and doing things in your honor. We will see you again someday. It was an honor to know you.
Sgt. Hunter Bonar
Fort Smith Police Explorer
January 5, 2008
A Life Remembered
On Dec. 19, Oklahoma state officials declared that a seven-mile stretch of Oklahoma 260 extending through Wister would be known as “Officer Daniel Martinez Memorial Highway.”
January 4, 2008
I miss you brother!! We have all missed you these holiday's. I know that you was there, but it wasn't the same with out seeing you or talking to you.
Keep everyone safe, My Brother and Angel...
Clay Caudell Reserve Officer
Poteau Police Department
January 1, 2008
Danny I was getting ready to go 10-8 this Christmas night and thought I would wish you a Merry Christmas. I'm sure you're having to watch over everyone in heaven tonight so keep an extra eye for all of us. We miss you a lot. I'll catch you later I'm going 10-8.
Fellow Officer
December 25, 2007