Winston-Salem Police Department, North Carolina
End of Watch Friday, February 23, 2007
Reflections for Sergeant Howard J. Plouff
Tonight I watched as an extended family, numbered in the thousands, gathered in memory of Sgt. Plouff, a true testament to his character.
I saw his wife weep tears of pain and heartache, and then force a smile through her suffering, demonstrating her strength, her will, and her resolve. I can not emphathize with her in her grief, because I have not experienced such loss, but I imagine my wife standing before the masses, in front of a casket draped with the American Flag. My heart pours out to you and your family.
Each day I wear a thin blue line bracelet that simply reads "Heroes Live Forever". But in the physical world, heroes don't live forever. Our days are numbered, with the Lord knowing the hour at which He will beckon us home. Our pulse will fade, and our breaths will cease, and we will be no more than an empty earthen vessel. But in the intangible realm, where memories and faith prevail, a hero never dies and is never forgotten. Its just a temporary pause, where dreams of past encounters help pass the time, until we meet again on the other side of eternity.
Unfortunately, these Heroes are often not realized in life, but death is the catalyst that thrusts them into the light of the general public. Exposing police officers for what they do on a daily basis, and that is to go to the aid of those in need, whether it be a citizen or a fellow officer, regardless of the inherent risks and perils. I am fortunate in that I am surrounded by Heroes, whether that truth is accepted by the multitudes or not. I know the sacrifice that we face each day that we come to work. Today may be the day that I die in the line of duty. Today may be the day that I don't get to come home to my loving wife, or to see my unborn child take its first breath. Thats the choice we make and the risk we gladly accept to make a difference in our community, and to protect those in harms way.
So in life or in death, Sgt. Plouff is a hero, and in your hearts he will live forever. Nothing can strip you of those precious moments that you shared with him in life. So until God calls you home, cherish your memories and your many blessings. My prayers are with you, his family and his squad.
Rest assured Sgt. that we will accept the challenge of continuing the mission.
Police Officer
Winston-Salem PD
February 26, 2007
God bless you sir for your bravery in the line of duty. My heart goes out to your family and your fellow officers as I know you will be missed. Rest in peace Sarge we'll take the watch from here
Officer Cadet
February 26, 2007
To The Family - My heart and prayers are with you.
To Sgt Plouff. Thank you so very much for your tour of duty. Thank you making your city safer. You are a true HERO.
Police Officer
Key West FL
February 26, 2007
Rest in Peace Dear Brother. You earned your place in Heaven. We will be praying for your family and fellow Officers at WSPD. You will not be forgotten.
Sgt. Jim May
Charlotte Mecklenburg Police (ret)
February 26, 2007
thank you SIR!! we lose too-many brave officers every-day.
You will not be forgotten, ever!!
us citizen
February 26, 2007
God bless to the family, friends and co-workers of Sgt. Plouff, RIP and thank you for your service.
February 26, 2007
To Mrs. Plouff and Family:
I would like to offer my heart-felt condolences during this very difficult time. I never knew Howard, but after reading some of the memorials that have been posted, I know he was a great man and a terrific cop.
My heart goes out to your family. On the very day that you suffered this loss, our city was burying Officer Anthony Holly, one of our finest here in Glendale, AZ, who was shot and killed on a traffic stop Monday morning, 2/19/07, at the young age of 24.
May God Bless you and watch over all of us during this most difficult time.
Sgt. Plouff, we will continue to pray for you and your loved ones. Good night, brave soldier. Thank you for all of your service and dedication to your community.
Glendale, AZ
Glendale, AZ
February 26, 2007
In thinking of the life given, all officers are prepared to give up their life in the line of duty, or else they wouldn't be there. And it's because of the things like the postings here, and having attended other law enforcement funerals and knowing of the losses and of the selflisness of fellow officers, that each one carries on...because we all know that if you are lost to this world, the others will step up and carry on for you-they will do what it takes to take care of your family. They will never replace you, but they will take care of what you have left behind-and never blink an eye. That is what keeps officers going-Sgt.Plouf knew before he left that we would step forward and while his family is without him, they are not without family...
February 26, 2007
I would like to take this time to say "Thank you." Although I have never met you, I can see by all the posts that you were a wonderful person and a terrific cop. A true hero never dies, but patrols a new beat. You will always be remembered. My family will say a prayer for yours tonigt. God speed and rest easy, Sarge.
Deputy Williams
February 26, 2007
Deputy Davis
Pittsylvania County Sheriffs Office
February 26, 2007
My heart and prayers are with the wife, daughters, family, friends and coworkers of Sgt. Plouff. May God be with you and guide you all through these troubled days ahead. Sgt. Plouff, thank you sir for you many years of dedication, protection and service to us all. Sir you are a true HERO and may you rest in peace.
God bless you all,
Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02
February 26, 2007
Rest in peace Sarge!
Officer S. Bilsky #175
Duke Police Department
February 26, 2007
R.I.P. Brother...
Patrol/SRO/GC - #3775
Adrian Police Department
February 26, 2007
The first page tells me all I need to know about you. 0200 hours, a sergeant on the midnight shift, on the street, with the troops, cut down helping four officers in a bad spot.
I wish I could have known you. I am sure we would have hit it off.
Rest in Peace my Brother
Lt. J.S. Decker # 603
Prince Georges Co. Maryland Police Dept.
February 26, 2007
Rest in Peace Sir........
Officer Thomas Wiederhold #1890
Fort Worth Police,Tx
February 26, 2007
Rest in Peace Sergeant...
Genesee County, Michigan
February 26, 2007
Your a true Hero. Mahalo for your many years of service to our country. God bless you family and friends during these troubles times. Aloha.
Hawaii Sheriffs
February 26, 2007
My prayers are wiith his family and his brother officers. Another great man, headed upstair to look down upon us. Just another reason for the communities we served to understand the threats we deal with on a daily basis. When will we recieve the credit and understanding and respect we deserve without it taking the death of another officer to bring the community together. I pray the suspect(s)involved are caught and get the well deserved punishment behind bars for the rest of their life. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Patrolman G.J. Bickel
Clearwater Police Department
February 26, 2007
We pause to mourn the death of Sgt. Plouff and honor his memory. Our thoughts, prayers, and sympathies, go out to his family, friends, and all the members of his department.
May God comfort each of you.
Major D.W. Warren
Montgomery Police Dept. - Montgomery, AL
February 26, 2007
Thank you for your service, Sgt. Plouff. I never met you but you lived near me.
When I drive to Winston-Salem and see those blue and white cars, I appreciate that constant presence. It's the thin blue line which keeps us safe.
I was unemployed for a while and went into the Forsyth County Schools to substitute teach. I was the one who got the education, seeing violence and drugs and disrespect I wouldn't have believed. Believe me, without uniformed officers in our high schools here, there would be no order whatsoever. They keep the lid from blowing off.
Finally, a student said one day he was going to go to his car and get a gun and kill me. I believe he meant it. I never went back to a school to substitute again.
But every day, the men and women and blue go back. Back to situations I would never want to face.
Thank you, Sgt. Plouff. Thank you all.
Without you, where would we be?
--Rick Cochran
Pfafftown, NC
February 26, 2007
May God bless the Plouff family and the Winston-Salem Police Department. You are in our prayers!
M.P.O. D.J. Cheek
Asheboro Police Department
February 26, 2007
God bless you Sergeant Plouff.
DFC. Daniel O'Donnell
Orange County Sheriff's Office (FL)
February 26, 2007
I would like to take the opportunity to extend my deepest sympathy to the family of Sergeant Plouff. I did not know him but I have a tremendous amount of respect for public servants, especially those who serve in the Law Enforcement capacity. Those who walk into danger in order to protect the public and most vunerable, I salute you. These are difficult times and I am praying for the Plouff family. I wish God's grace and mercy to the family and I am prayerfully interceding that justice wil be carried out for the taking of this brave life.
L. Warren/Greensboro,NC
February 26, 2007
To the family, friends, and the entire Winston-Salem Police Department, my prayers are with you. I only had the opportunity to work for Sgt Plouff a few times, and didnt know him very well. But what I do know is that whenever his name came up in conversation, it was always positive. I never heard anyone say anything bad about Sgt Plouff. He always had a smile on his face, and would always manage to say hello in passing. Sgt Plouff will live on in our hearts and souls forever. The Winston-Salem Police Department will never be the same. A brave member of its ranks is missing. A special prayer goes out to Sgt Plouffs family. (A wife and two little girls) May God find some way to heal your broken hearts.
Sgt Plouff, we love you brother.
Police Officer
Winston-Salem Police Department
February 26, 2007
My thoughts and prayers go to the family of Sgt. Plouff. It is not the way in which one leaves this world that makes them a hero, but what they do while they are here. I can see from reading the other reflections that Sgt. Plouff was a true hero. Go in peace, brother and god bless your family.
February 26, 2007