Des Moines Police Department, Iowa
End of Watch Sunday, February 11, 2007
Reflections for Police Officer Sean Wissink
Jackie Kennedy said it best when she said, "If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do matters very much." These past few years have been a true testament to that! We must have done something right when we raised our kids because they are both turning out better than either you or I could have imagined.
As of this summer I am now raising two teenagers. Teenagers are a precarious breed even without having been through what ours have gone through, but they way things are going I know damn well we did something right! You would be so proud of both of them. Madison is so tall now and turning into such a sweet, caring, and smart young lady. And Hunter only has about another inch to go before he will be as tall as you were! He's also very sweet, protective, and smart. Madison would tell you he is way too protective, but I think as much as he tries he just can't help himself.
Hunter is driving now, which scares the hell out of me. Please keep him safe....PLEASE!
You will never be forgotten. Know that you still live on in our children's personality and spirit everyday! Love, M
July 23, 2010
We think of you always. In the last 3 years our lives have changed so much. We have made mistakes and have made many memories. During all of this you have been in our thoughts. When we laugh, we think of you. When we cry, we think of you. We always try to think of what you would tell us when we are stuck. I am sure that many times you have shaken your head and laughed that great laugh that we remember and other times you have shaken your head because of the decision we have made. I am sure I have felt you kick me in the ass several times after I have made the wrong decision but then you help me up and send me on my way. Please watch over us, keep us safe, and keep helping us make the right decisions.
July 3, 2010
Hey Brother, thought of you all day today as it was the third year of the golf tournament in your memory. I will say that it gets better every year. I am so damn proud of your family! Your wife has to be the strongest person I know. I know that you are so proud of her. Hunt looks and acts more and more like you everyday. Hr is growing up to be just like you! Madi is growing up so fast. She has your attitude and there is no doubt who her parents are! Your Mom and Dad are simply two of the most amazing people! Period!! Your man Lance did what he does and damn near had us all in tears today! All the boys showed up and honored you the right way! Just wanted to let you know that we all still miss you everyday and love you!
See you again someday,
Little Brother
May 17, 2010
Hey brother! Thought about you all day today as it was the 3rd memorial golf tournement in honor of you. I will say that it gets better every year! I am so damn proud of your family!! They show up every year to this in honor of you and they do an AMAZING job! Hunt is going to grow up to be just like you. every time I see him he acts and looks more and more like you! Your wife has to be the strongest person I know!! I know that you are so proud of her! your mom and dad too. they are two of the most amazing people! Maddi is growing up so fast too! she has your attitude and ther is know doubt who her parents are!Your man Lance did what he does and had us all damn near in tears today!! :) All the boys showed up and got wild and honored you the right way! enough rambling for me. Just wanted to let you know that we all still miss you everyday and love you!
Love ya brother, see you again one day
Little Brother
May 17, 2010
Thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday, and days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All I have are memories and a picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake, with which I'll never part. I'll forever have you in my heart.
March 2, 2010
Hey again brother, been thinking a lot about you lately. On this the anniversary of your EOW, just wanted to let you know that.
Tonight we will be getting together with all the boys, your folks and family. Crown and Cokes brother and remembering....
Take care,
February 11, 2010
My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this anniversary of your EOW. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. You will never be forgotten.
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
February 11, 2010
Ofc. Wissink:
You and your family are still in my thoughts and prayers! Rest In Peace Sir...Thank you for your service!
Officer D. Abbott
Peterborough Police Dept. (NH)
February 11, 2010
Today, i send a note to say, walk the new fallen officers down the path, they will need to have a friendly face,and support to show them the way. I sit and reflect today, what the families of the Washington Police officers are feeling, they have heavy hearts and a lot of pain, but they should now that they were part of a great big family that will always be there to help them and support them in their time of need. Love and Miss you.
December 1, 2009
Sean, I have not written to you like this before, but i felt that I needed to say that we all really missed you on your b-day. I know you were with us and with your wife doing those shots of crown but it still had an emptiness in my heart. I know now you have grandpa and grandma with you and you are having those wonderful cookies-remember to share. I just wanted to let you know that we love and miss you. Your family.
September 10, 2009
Happy Birthday man, just wanted to say hey and let you know we are still thinking about you.
September 8, 2009
Hey again bro,
Not to be a pest, but our little girl was born Wednesday morning, a it later than planned but all is well now. I am sure you already knew about it, but as things got a little interesting, you popped into my head again with the relax and breathe bit and I passed that along to her at a tough time like you did to me once. I am so glad you got to meet my wife, seemed so fitting that us being friends for so long that you two got to meet. Not much else, baby and mom are doing great...home now. Just wanted to thank you for a bunch of stuff, I think you know what I mean.
Still miss you brother,
polk county sheriff
May 22, 2009
Hey bro,
Just got to thinking about you. I am sorry but up until tonight I had never visited the site, I guess I just could not bring myself to go there until now.
Your dad has been helping me out a bunch, and the more I am around him I can see where you got it. We talk about you, and both seem to have some "stories", I bet we have both heard them many times before, but I guess it just feels better telling them and hearing them again.
Not much else is about that time, and I hope I can be as good a daddy as you.
Anyway, it is a pretty quiet night out here and I just wanted to say hey....let you know we all still miss you.
Take care man,
April 30, 2009
The tragedy in Oakland,CA over the past weekend has really brought back the feelings of finding out you were taken from your family too soon also. Some people say, it was your time, but I cant believe that. It was not your time! Your time was not supposed to come until we were old and our kids were raised and we had both met our grandbabies and you could throw them in the air and make them smile and laugh like you did our babies. It was not the officers in Oaklands time either! They were ripped from their families too soon as well thanks to some A$$hole.
Anyway, we miss you very much and I am picturing you with all of your fallen brothers sitting around laughing and having a drink or two. Hopefully you can show them around up there and show them how to help their families be patient while they are waiting to be with them once again, as you have done for us.
I love you always and forever, patiently waiting to see you again...m
March 23, 2009
Sean, we stumbled upon a tape, I think it was an attempt to make a hunting video or something (we must have just gotten a new video camera). Anyway, at first we had no idea where the tape was from or where the shots were taken, but then you can hear, "ok, you two can shoot these geese." Then it hit us. It was a hunting trip out by our house with you. It's a short little tape, but we actually got to see you and Grandpa Lyle on it - and we get to hear your little chuckle and both of your voices. It was not your big belly laugh we all still miss, but at least it was something, it was still your laugh! We all still miss that so much.
I think it was bitter sweet for my husband to get to see both you and his dad and recall the fond memories you all had together. Yet he still misses you both so very much.
I know you are watching over us all and I can just hear what you are saying about the kids. They are all growing up so quickly - it is scary. Mine still talk about you and continue to miss you too, so I appreciate you continuing to watch over them and thank you for the fond memories you left them with. Although we were not family by blood, we were family and to my kids you will always be uncle Sean and to my husband (and I) you will always be brother.
We love you -
Shelly Bean
March 18, 2009
Officer Wissink,
I can't believe it's been 2 years since your passing. I only met you once when you responded to a complaint on my street. You were very professional, and caring. I hope you and Officer Hildreth are watching over the men and women in blue in Des Moines, God Bless you and those you left behind.
Private Citizen, Tonya Stephenson
Former Des Moines, IA Resident
March 5, 2009
Officer Wissink,
You and your family are still in my memories, thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your service to Des Moines. They lost a fine Officer. You will never be forgotten. Rest In Peace Brother.
Officer D. Abbott
Peterborough Police Dept. (NH) (DMPD Explorer 02'-05')
February 27, 2009
I am really missing you right now.
February 21, 2009
Forgive me for missing the anniversary of your E.O.W., but I felt as though I could not continue to read about so many tragedies. I now realize the visit each day to leave a word of encouragement and hope to the loved ones of others, helps me to remember that I am not alone with my pain and heartbreak. So may I say to your friends and loved ones that my thoughts and prayers are with them now and always. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol and may they know you will never be forgotten.
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
February 19, 2009
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones today and every day. May God continue to watch over you. I know the daily struggles you face without you and the terrible pain within their hearts. God, wrap your loving arms around them and help them with their grief and let them feel your presence .
Your sacrifice has not been forgotten.
Brenda Lucas
Mother of Chief Anthony D. Lucas, EOW 2-4-2005
February 11, 2009
To Officer Sean Wissink, his wife, children and other loved ones, and his fellow officers with Des Moines Police Department:
On this the second anniversary of your tragic death, please know that your memory is honored and revered today.
My heart is with all family members and friends who call you beloved. They are all in my thoughts and prayers today. I can see from the loving reflections left by your wife and soulmate, your children, and your loyal friends that you were an amazing man who is loved and missed by all those whose lives you touched.
Sean, I know that you rescued us, saved our lives and our families. You are one of the rare heroes among us. You were always there for us in the most traumatic moments of our lives. No matter when we called, we just expected that you would come and do whatever it took to help us, and you always met our expectations. Your selflessness and dedication are awe-inspiring.
This world, this country, your community truly are better places because of you. To have lost you is a great tragedy, an irreplaceable, immeasurable loss for society. We are grateful for and to you, and honor you for all you did for us day in and day out whether you received a word of thanks or praise.
Rest in Peace, Sean. I am so humbled by your valor and service.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the distinquished service Sean gave to his community and the citizens of Iowa, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on February 11, 2007.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater
February 11, 2009
Hi honey, I still miss you everyday. It’s coming up on 2 years since you left to go on a trip for work and never came home. I still think about that day more often than I would like, more often than I am sure you would like me too, but I can’t help it. Hunter has been driving a lot lately and can’t quite understand why I am so jumpy. He’s a great driver for a 14 year old, but you were an exceptional driver too. Please protect him and Madi for me; I couldn’t bear to loose one of them too.
Both kids are on the honor roll again, you would be so proud of how they are growing up. Our "baby" is now babysitting other children, can you believe that? Cooper is still hunting with the best of them and Hunter actually shot a buck that would make you jealous as hell! Sone and Grandpa were so proud of him, but I couldn’t help but think how proud you would have been too. I think when he’s hunting he feels closer to you which is why he would go every single day if I would let him! Madi feels close to you the same way when she cooks with me, she always talks a lot about how you would have done something or shown her how to make things or how you let her sneak up after you got home from working third watch and we were all sleeping and you two would make eggs or something at midnight.
It’s amazing to me the memories that the kids cherish the most about you because it’s really the little things that have made the biggest impression on them. Realizing that has made me a little more confident and forgiving of myself when I am not the best mom I could be, it will be the little things, the wonderful things, the everyday things that they will remember; not the times I yell or don’t buy them something they want or ground them. We did such a great job together as parents; it’s made it a little bit easier to do solo.
Thank you for being a wonderful husband, father, and friend. I love you and miss you more than I can even express!
Until we meet again....pnut
January 16, 2009
Hi honey, I still miss you everyday. It’s coming up on 2 years since you left to go on a trip for work and never came home. I still think about that day more often than I would like, more often than I am sure you would like me too, but I can’t help it. Hunter has been driving a lot lately and can’t quite understand why I am so jumpy. He’s a great driver for a 14 year old, but you were an exceptional driver too. Please protect him and Madi for me; I couldn’t bear to loose one of them too.
Both kids are on the honor roll again, you would be so proud of how they are growing up. Our "baby" is now babysitting other children, can you believe that? Cooper is still hunting with the best of them and Hunter actually shot a buck that would make you jealous as hell! Sone and Grandpa were so proud of him, but I couldn’t help but think how proud you would have been too. I think when he’s hunting he feels closer to you which is why he would go every single day if I would let him! Madi feels close to you the same way when she cooks with me, she always talks a lot about how you would have done something or shown her how to make things or how you let her sneak up after you got home from working third watch and we were all sleeping and you two would make eggs or something at midnight.
It’s amazing to me the memories that the kids cherish the most about you because it’s really the little things that have made the biggest impression on them. Realizing that has made me a little more confident and forgiving of myself when I am not the best mom I could be, it will be the little things, the wonderful things, the everyday things that they will remember; not the times I yell or don’t buy them something they want or ground them. We did such a great job together as parents; it’s made it a little bit easier to do solo.
Thank you for being a wonderful husband, father, and friend. I love you and miss you more than I can even express!
Until we meet again....pnut
January 16, 2009
It's hard to pass the spot on 141 without thinking of you. The memory burned into my mind. I desperatly had hoped for a better outcome. My heart is broken for you and your family.
RIP sir.
EMT and former police officer
Your medic on scene
January 2, 2009
Hey Bro,
I can't believe it has been almost 2 years since you were taken from us. You are still brought up or thought about every day in conversation. I am sure you know that your family is doing fine, strong...just like you taught them.
Here lately, all I can seem to do is shake my head....I'm sure you know what I am talking about, nuff said.
I wanted to thank you for everything again, friendships that have been made will last a lifetime, and you were always a huge part of them.
We are expecting coming up this summer, if you have time I would appreiciate it if you could look in on mom to be and baby R from time to time, it would mean a lot to me.
Take care of yourself brother, I miss you.
R Brother
December 26, 2008