Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Bryan Dennis Tuvera

San Francisco Police Department, California

End of Watch Saturday, December 23, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Bryan Dennis Tuvera


Sometimes when I think of you and how you are no longer here with us...and how much more there was to learn from you and share with makes me want to scream. We all miss you so much, Bryan. There is so much I never had the chance to say and there is a heaviness in my chest because of it. We all try to move on because it is the right thing to do--because we are all trying to be strong for one another. But it can be devastatingly hard to pretend.

We need you. We'll always need you. May you and God help keep us strong.

I love you always.

Sister in-law

July 17, 2007

I just got off duty tonight and is my usual practice, I came to this site. I try to read about the fallen heroes before I go to bed because it helps me remember why I do what I do each day. I don't do it for the money; I don't do it for the glory. All of us who wear a badge know that those rewards are not that great. I do it for my fallen brothers and sisters like Ofc. Tuvera. While I did not know him, I know of him. I know of him from reading about him here. I can see what kind of man and what kind of cop he was because of what others write about him. So, through them, I do know him. I do what I do each day with Ofc. Tuvera and so many others in my mind and in my heart. I will continue to fight the good fight for all of them. I only hope that I am half the officer that he was. God Bless your family, friends and fellow officers.

AZ Narc

July 14, 2007

Because You Remember Me (author unknown)

I know I am still with you
in your prayers, your thoughts, your heart
And though you cannot see me,
I will always be a part
of life's sweet celebrations
in those times when you reflect
on how, though things are different,
through our love, we still connect.
We'll see each other someday
when our spirits all are free,
until then, I am with you
because you remember me.

Bless you, Bryan.

Jackie Bautista
Friend of Tuvera Family

July 5, 2007


I just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers everyday. I hope you can move forward and continue to work as a SF police officer. I am so proud of you because you had told me that is what you wanted to be. I do know how difficult it is. My department has lost two officer's in four years and I see how many lives it effects. It is devastating to say the least.

It brings me to tears to learn that you found someone in Bryan and to have him taken away from you so soon. I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you during this difficult time and what a special and courageous person you are.


Pittsburg PD (Ex 426 LP Manager)

July 3, 2007

Hi Bryan honey

Just wanted to say “only 3 days to HAPPY BIRTHDAY WILLIE DAY”. I called Tracee with your usual “Happy Birthday Willie” message. Hopefully it made her laugh. It seems like an eternity since I have heard your voice and seen your smile. I just changed my screensaver to your picture so I can see you throughout the day while I’m working. I’m using one of the pictures Mike Zhang sent me of you in your “B Tuvera” jacket next to your police car. I so much wish I had that jacket. But then again, I so much MORE wish I had YOU here. Grandpa’s been in the hospital for almost 2 weeks. Funny story about his “accident” in bed, compliments of Mike Machado. Poor Grandpa. We all know you are up there laughing because of it. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t cry for you. Always remember, we all love you and miss you. You will always remain in our hearts.
Love mom

Sandy Tuvera

June 29, 2007

Bryan Funeral Eulogy, written and given by Steven Leonard

12 years ago, I stood before a church full of police officers, family and friends to deliver the eulogy for a San Francisco Police Department Dispatcher, my uncle Ben Tuvera. He succumbed to a heart attack at the age of 50. I remember thinking at the time, 50 years old, way too young to die.

Today, I stand before a church full of police officers, family and friends to deliver the eulogy for a San Francisco Police Department Officer, my cousin, Bryan Tuvera. He was shot and killed by an escaped felon while responding as backup for fellow officers trying to arrest the felon. He was a 4 and a half year veteran of the SFPD force, 2 months newly married and only 28 years old. Way, way, way too young to die.

Just 2 months ago, I was standing in front of some of you to deliver a speech at Bryan and Salina’s wedding. Bryan chose me to be his best man, an honor that I could not believe. Out of his entire network of family, friends and fellow officers, he chose me. I knew we had always been close, but this honor completely blew me away. I had jotted down a few notes for my speech, but mostly chose to speak from the heart. After all, I had known Bryan his entire life. There was no way that time permitted me to tell every story about him, so I kept things short and simple. The only marital advice I offered, was that with both of them having the same job, it is OK to agree to disagree. Men and women just think differently. They both looked at me and nodded. They were both so in tune with one another, I knew they understood.

Knowing I was in front of a room full of cops, I researched some “cop speak” in an attempt to get a few laughs. I mentioned that during this wedding reception, we would probably break a few laws. Things like 416 Disturbing the peace, and 647F Drunk in public. The cop speak had sparked the loudest laughs of the night. Sadly, just 2 months later, the evening of December 22, it would be “cop speak” that would spark the deepest sorrows of the night. 406 Officer down.

I was home watching the news and the headline of the evening was a SFPD officer had been shot in the Sunset District. Bryan and Salina both immediately jumped to the front of my mind. I knew Bryan was stationed at Taraval in the city, so I said to myself, “it wasn’t him.” I didn’t know the Taraval station was in the Sunset. My thoughts immediately switched to Salina and those too were quickly dashed when the report came in that the officer was a male. I went on with my evening. 30 minutes later the phone rang, my mom’s cracking voice on the other end immediately told me something was wrong. It was Bryan who had been shot. I went numb. Details were sketchy. I immediately called his sister Tracee, and she told me “Bryan was shot and he didn’t make it.”

An hour later we were in front of San Francisco General Hospital. Officers, family and friends were out front and in the hallways of the hospital. At 12:01am, December 23rd, 12 years to the day of his father’s death, Bryan had passed away.

Bryan grew up in South San Francisco. When I was young, I knew were we close to their house when I saw the writing on the hill “South San Francisco, The Industrial City.” To this very day, I still think of Ben, Sandy, Bryan and Tracee every time I pass by on 101.

Bryan was blessed to have two loving parents. He developed a perfect compliment of his parent’s best traits… his dad’s “street smarts” and sense of humor and his mothers “book smarts” and loving heart. He was an excellent student throughout elementary, junior high and high school. He graduated from South San Francisco High School and went on to graduate from San Francisco State University with a degree in criminal justice. He entered the police academy and became an officer with the San Francisco Police Department. When we were kids, I never would have envisioned Bryan as a cop. Now that he’s gone, I can’t envision him as anything else.

Growing up, our family tradition was to always spend Christmas Eve together. Bryan’s dad loved to tell his cop stories. Ben would hold court and the evening would be filled with laughs. After Bryan became a cop, he took over as the best storyteller. He loved telling a story and we always looked forward to them. He and I stayed in touch frequently, always sharing a laugh with one another.

When Bryan met Salina, he truly became a man. He was always right by her side. He was always smiling. He had spent his entire life avoiding the camera, yet after meeting Salina I received 3 photos of them together. His heart had blossomed. He was in love. I remember the day he called me to tell me “he kind of got engaged”. Typical Bryan… a little shy at first, but a long story was soon to follow. Months later, we had lunch at Fisherman’s Wharf and he told me, “I sort of need a best man.” I was honored at his request of me. I shook his hand and gave him a hug and said “absolutely”.

Their wedding in October was a fantastic event. Bryan was very calm, cool, collected and ready for marriage. I will never forget 10 minutes before the wedding, he and I were standing together in the courtyard and he could see Salina through a window on the 2nd floor of the hotel. We were in the middle of a conversation and he just went into a trance. His eyes were fixated on Salina and nothing else existed in the world. I stood right next to him and just admired his love for his wife to be. Everyone had a great time at the wedding and it was great to see Bryan amongst his family, friends and peers. He went around the room. He worked every table. He introduced everyone. I hadn’t seen some of his cousins from his mom’s family in years, yet there we were, laughing with each other like were we kids again. He truly was king of the cousins on both sides of his family tree. We were all so excited to see Bryan and Salina together. Their life together was taking off. I had already prepared myself for a future phone call from him… something like “Salina and I are kind of pregnant”. Sadly, this call will never come.

I’ve never met a person who was so precise and calculating. When it came to his friends and family, he was completely selfless. Bryan never asked for anything. He didn’t even want a bachelor party. Talk about making things easy for his Best Man. I scored some Field Level Giants tickets from my HR rep, and asked Bryan if this would pass for his party. I asked if he wanted to invite any friends, and he said it would be real cool if your dad and brother could come. Bryan even tried to pay for his own food that night. He was just that kind of guy.

The last time I saw Bryan was Wednesday, December 20th. At the wedding we had made a deal to meet together every 3 months for dinner. We planned to meet at the Elephant Bar in Burlingame and had a wonderful time. I sat there in amazement at how much Bryan had grown and how genuinely happy he was. He and Salina joked about a menu item and he bet her $1.28 that he was right. They talked about buying a house. I was so proud of both of them. We exchanged presents, gave Salina a hug, shook Bryan’s hand and gave him a hug. We agreed to watch their wedding video with my family at our house soon. We will watch this video someday and we will continue to meet with Salina for dinner every 3 months or so.

For some reason, I don’t have a bit of hatred in my heart surrounding the circumstances of his death. There is just too much hurt. It can’t be real. I can’t even ask the question, “why?”, because I know there is no good answer. I know my pain cannot even compare to the pain of his mother, his sister and of course, his new wife Salina. I vow to spend the rest of my life watching over all three of them. I will always be just a phone call away.

I know that Bryan is together again with his dad. They were more than just father and son, they were best friends. I think the happiest day of Ben’s life was when Bryan learned how to walk. From that day on, Ben had a servant. As soon as Bryan sat down on the couch, Ben would say, “Hey Bry, would you get me a soda?” All of us would laugh, and of course, Bryan would do it. On the night of December 22nd, I envisioned Ben saying to Bryan, just hang on til the 23rd. And, as we all know, of course he did. Heaven now has the best dispatcher and best police officer on patrol 24/7 to watch over and protect us.

All we can do now is cope with the loss of Bryan and reflect on his life. What a son he was. What a brother he was. What a friend he was. What a cop he was. What a husband he was.

In addition to Salina, his other two loves were professional wrestling and comic books. He always wanted the good guy to beat the bad guy. Perhaps, this is what drove him to become a police officer. He lived his entire life this way. Bryan, you will always be in our hearts. On the night of December 22nd, you gave us your all. You were Hulk Hogan. You were Superman. You were a true hero.

Sandy Tuvera

June 29, 2007

The following is the text to a speech given by Lt. Jason Cherniss at the ceremony of Bryan's entry into the SFPD's "Wall of Honor,".

If something bad happened to a member of your family, who would you want to come?

You would want the officer who would be the first through the door, no questions asked. The officer who, when everyone else scatters at the scene of a difficult and chaotic incident, asks, “Is there anything I can do for you?” The officer who others use as a resource. The officer with patience and compassion. The officer who isn’t in it for the glory, rather for the satisfaction of doing the right thing. The officer who makes the uniform great, and not the other way around. The officer who would give money to an elderly woman for a taxi after having to tow her car and cite her. The officer who, despite exhaustion, would stick around ten hours after the end of his shift to book and log property. The officer who honors and loves his family. The officer who, had he never been a cop, would have been just as special working the counter at Starbucks. You would want Bryan Tuvera to come.

Bryan was not outspoken, and he was slow to take credit. Several years ago, I contacted a sergeant at Park Station to discuss a merchant I knew in his district. The merchant was a victim in a complicated series of incidents, and I told the sergeant that he should get his best report writer to handle the case. The sergeant sent Bryan, still on probation.

Bryan won the respect of both his peers and his superiors. I remember one of the new midnight sergeants coming in to the lieutenant’s office after Bryan and his partner Joe picked up yet another one of those difficult runs that they always seemed to go out of their way to get. The sergeant said, “You know those guys in the 'six car?'” I said, “Bryan and Joe?” She said, “Yeah! I love those guys.” I knew exactly how she felt.

I could not accurately describe Bryan without mentioning the people who profoundly affected Bryan’s life, and made him into the person who touched us all.

To Bryan’s mother, Sandy: know that we will never forget your son’s life, and it will be Bryan’s life, and not his death that will continue to inspire us.

To Bryan’s wife Salina: seeing you with your family and friends in the weeks following December 22nd, it was clear to me that your strength and love for Bryan only made him more of the man that he was.

Bryan was a twenty-eight year-old superhero enthusiast with a boyish face and innocent persona. He was the character on the after-school special you rooted for. The guy who would stand up to the bully at school. And the great part of this story is, Bryan got the girl.

We are here to witness the unveiling of Bryan Tuvera’s name on this memorial. This location is very familiar to us. This is the place that we talk about last night’s bust. We wait here for the DA to come and tell us that our case is going forward or it has been pled out or continued. Almost all of us now know someone who has fallen and who is memorialized on this wall. It is our duty to honor the legacies of these brothers, sons, fathers, and husbands. To honor them may not always be easy, but we should always strive to be the officer you would want to come if something bad happened to a member of your family. To do so will honor the people on this wall.

To do so will honor Bryan Tuvera.

Sandy Tuvera

June 29, 2007

Brother Bryan-

You were that academy classmate with the quirky smile in the back of the room. A little quiet at times, but you came into your element when you needed to. I was always the "other" Brian (the one with the misspelled name according to you..)

I was horrified to hear the 406 (officer needs emergency assistance) that night in December while getting dressed in the locker room. I knew it couldn't be good. I just couldn't believe it was you - I didn't want to believe it was you. I kept telling myself that there was just confusion at the scene and the story was all mixed up. We showed up at the hospital and were assigned to keep you safe - if we had only been assigned an hour before in the Taraval to help you out.

You left an impression on everyone who met you. From reading the reflections above, you've even left an impression on those who never even met you.

Peace brother Bryan - we'll chat again...

Off. B. Rodriguez # 4075
San Francisco P.D.

June 29, 2007

My dearest Bryan,

I cannot believe it has been 6 months since that tragic, frightful night you were taken from us. I feel like it has been an eternity. I can't even remember what it is like to be happy inside or to laugh outloud. You were the one who brought us laughter. Your great wit, your wonderful sense of humor and the little twinkle in your eye always made us laugh. I could never have asked for a better son. You were the best from the moment you were born. I was the lucky one. You made me a very proud mom. I look at your picture every day and cry. I have asked a million times over, "why my child?", but I never seem to get an answer. I know you are with your father now. At least I can say you have never been without one of your parents. Out of selfishness on my part though, I wish it was still with me. I know I told you this before, but I have to say it again. You picked a beautiful soulmate. Salina is an angel, just like you. You were blessed to find her and experience true love. My heart breaks for the two of you, as you both deserved a lifetime together. How could God have given the two of you only 2 months of married life? What was he thinking? My heart breaks for Tracee too. She has now lost both the men in her life (her father and now her brother). Why, why why???

To keep you posted on the new things with the family, Teresa's family moved to El Dorado Hills. The house is beautiful. You would love it. Jon moved to an apartment with 2 other boys. He likes his place and is looking forward to his sophomore year at Sac State. Mike moved to Santa Clara. He has a cottage in the back of his house. Tracee teased that Grandma and Grandpa could move there. Mike lived in their back shed, and now they can live in his. He has not sold his other house yet. Christina turns 21 in less than 2 months and Michelle graduated from high school. Tracee made us feel really old when she reminded us that ALL of the cousins have now graduated from high school. Grace and Jesse get married next month. That will be hard for us all, as you were supposed to be in the wedding. This will be our first wedding since yours. I'm sure there will be a lot of tears as we think about your happy times and what "should have been". Tracee had her bridesmaid's dress altered by Lucy. Lucy did the alterations for her dress for your wedding. Lucy cried with us as we talked about you. We found out that she is related to Manny, one of your FTOs. Small world honey.

Well, that's about all the news here. Always remember how much we love you and how "VERY" much you are missed. None of us will ever heal and none of us will ever be the same.

I love you honey,
Love mom

Sandy Tuvera

June 26, 2007


I told Correa and Rodriguez I was going up to Sac/The Capitol on Memorial Day and they asked me to make sure to bring you flowers, which I placed next to your name. I also brought flowers for Ofc. May, Ofc. Lasater, Ofc. Birco, Ofc. Clearman, and Ofc. Espinoza, along with American flags with respective agencies and star numbers- from the SFPD Officers of Bayview Station...I didn't know you well, but your loss has not only bothered me and reminded me of the lost officers I worked with on a regular basis (Birco and Zak), its also hurt the officers I work with that knew you well/academy classmates. How hard is it for people to understand our blue domino effect? Sorry to you, Salina, family and friends, bless you all.

Ofc. Brown, USMC
SFPD, Bayview Mids

June 2, 2007

To the family of Officer Tuvera, especially his wife Salina:

I never knew him, but we walked the same walk. I was at the funeral at Saint Mary's. I went to the reception at the Irish Cultural Center. I paid my respects to a man a never knew, but learned I would have liked him if I had.

I was thinking of him today. I do not know why. So I dropped by the site. I read the reflections. I decided to leave this one. I do keep Bryan in my prayers. I also pray for you all, the people he loved most. I believe that nobody is truely gone as long as you hold them in your heart. Never forget and know he is remebered with honor by those that knew him and those that did not know him, but learned of his heroism. God bless you all.

Corporal Timothy J. Zuniga
UC Berkeley Police Department

May 19, 2007

I got to meet your colleagues at the Police Memorial Week in D.C. You served with distinction in a department that is very prestigious. I was impressed by your colleagues.


May 17, 2007

I'm a 40 year old black male who lives in new york. I'm at my night job thinking about my younger sister who has passed away recently and I clicked a few times while on the computer and I see this peaceful face on screen. I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of this great officer. I'm looking at his face and thinking about my sister at the same time and it's just this peace that came over me like something was saying to me " your sister is in great company!" They should wall paper bryan's face all over the cell of the coward that took his life!. Once again , I'm am so sorry ,but always remember that god see who's good and they will be given another chance trust me. To all of his family and friends strong and stay close to each other always.

Tamal allen
new york, new york

Tamal allen

April 28, 2007

Six months ago today, we celebrated our lives together as husband and wife--a day that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Know that I am constantly thinking of you and you will remain in my heart forever. I am still at a loss for words but I will write you soon. I miss you and I love you with all my heart.

Your loving wife.


April 15, 2007

Hi sweetheart,

Today is Easter Sunday, our first Easter without you. We went to brunch at the Hyatt Regency in Burlingame. Salina, Andrea, Ghentyl, Salina's mom, Tracee and I were there. I couldn't help but cry because you were not there with us. You were there in spirit though. I remember a year ago today, you were with us at the Marriott in Burlingame for Easter brunch. Lindsey joined us that year.

That night, Dec. 22nd, changed our lives forever.

I miss you more each and every day. Your absence becomes more difficult as time goes on.

Give us strength to get through each day. Stay by Salina's side and protect her always.

You are forever in our hearts.

Love mom

Sandy Tuvera
grieving mom

April 8, 2007

Hi honey

What a terrible loss the world has suffered because of this tragic event. I used to tell you not to hate because hatred was a strong emotion that would drain you. But I have to tell you, I truly feel hatred now. I HATE what has happened to you. I HATE what was taken away from you and from us. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't cry. I miss hearing your voice, listening to you laugh and seeing your smiling face as you talk about your new life with Salina and Bosco. I miss your visits to the house. I miss you calling me every day checking in to see how this "old" mom was doing. I miss seeing you sitting on the floor, reading your comic books and us having our daily chats. I hope you know how proud I have always been of you and how very much I love you. I promise to take care of Salina for you. Please watch over us all. We need you now more than ever. It's been very difficult. Please give daddy a BIG hug from me and tell him to take GOOD care of you.

I miss you honey.
Hugs and kisses to you
Love mom

Sandy Tuvera

March 29, 2007


I know you were watching over your Mom and Salina yesterday in Sacramento. Your Mom's speech was incredible and touching and step 1 was accomplished towards passing a bill in your name, which would require convicted criminals at minimum security facilities to wear GPS tracking devices.

I think of you daily and miss you terribly. I've been to your station and viewed your memorial in the community center. You are missed by your family, friends and peers. We love you.

Keep an eye on your dad up there.

Steve Leonard

March 28, 2007

Three months ago today changed our families' lives forever. I miss you so much...and I love you even more.

See you in my dreams,

Sister In-Law

March 23, 2007

God bless the blue angels.
Those willing to go, everyday into the valley of the shadow.
and those who now find peaceful shelter on the other side.
You are forever in our hearts and prayers.


March 22, 2007

May God bless you and your family. You are forever in our hearts!

Retired Police Detective
Orange, NJ

March 17, 2007

May you rest in peace 1941!

Robin & Cassandra De Los Reyes

March 12, 2007

Dear Bryan,
I am still at a loss of words...on several ocassions I have attempted to write you but have failed every single time. Mentally I am blank when I try to put thought to paper....but do know that it is only you and our grief-stricken family that consumes my thoughts every single day and night. Like your sister, I too will eventually write to you whole has just taken so long for the numbness to wear off. Until then I will speak to you privately in prayer, in places of peace and solitude when I am lucky enough to locate them. But do know that I love and miss you terribly--we all do so much. And I will continue to pray to God for solace, strength and peace for all of us:

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."

Loving & Missing You Always,

sister in-law

March 12, 2007

Miss you. I have tons more to say but you know me and my writing skills. You aren't here to help me. It's going to take me forever to perfect it. It's coming soon though, I promise.


February 28, 2007

Officer Tuvera,
Thank you for your service. I will pray for your family. May you rest in peace.

Police Trainee

February 6, 2007

Dear Bryan,
Wrote you this letter but have no address to send it to, so with a heavy heart I’m posting it on your memorial page. Recently we lost you, you were cowardly murdered and you didn’t deserve that. My family is thankful for the service you gave on behalf of San Francisco. You were killed less than 2 miles from my childhood home and less than 2 miles from where my mother now resides. It is with all outrage at the lack of support people afford police officers that I again say THANK YOU, DEAR FRIEND. I will save my disdain for the elected officials and uncompassionate citizens for a more appropriate place and time. I am not religious or even spiritual but know that you are whole and well taken care of at your final resting place.

I wept at your funeral service for I am sorry on so many levels, for you and all you went through that horrific evening. I weep still for your widow Salina and her family the Suslows, your mom, sister and your family. I am sorry for all the people whose lives were touched by you that now have an enormous emptiness in their hearts from your unexpected death.

We all have been grappling with the emotional journey your loss started us on. It is with such conflicted feelings I awake everyday. Blessed to have been at your wedding and danced with you. Bryan the hottie groom even let you lead. Then again, so sorry to have went to your wedding and funeral in the same year. Sorry we didn’t have a great deal of time together. Yet, I smile at our last conversation that ended with, “We are friends for life and have 25 years of catching up so we better get on it so that I can catch up to your and Salina’s friendship.” Truly thought we were going to become the Wonder Twins. I am grateful to have bonded with your family both blood and law enforcement yet melancholy that your loss is the reason why.

I admire you for being a police officer as it has always been a dream of mine and you were living your dream. Wanted you to know that your wife Officer Salina Tuvera my dear sweet friend is stoic and delicate, she misses you. She is so strong yet so lost without you, her soul mate. We had been waiting for you, Bryan Tuvera her Mr. Right to bless her life and you did in all the ways one would ever dream. The love you two shared is your everlasting gift to her. The man you were is your legacy, you left some awful big shoes, not many will reach the caliper of man you were…are in our hearts. Salina is dynamic and amazing and just know she’ll deal with your death with the passage of time but she’ll never truly get over losing you, none of us will. Please keep up with the feathers, she absolutely loves it. Float some down for your mom and sister, as they need encouragement as well.

Have no fear my man, your family: wife, mother, sister, in-laws, cop family have a friend here and at a moments notice with a flash of the Bat sign I’d drop any and everything for anyone of them. So much to say but I will leave you with this: BRYAN, you went out like a true superhero as only a superhero sacrifices oneself for the good of all mankind!!!!! Hope my “comic bookese” is up to par for ya. Miss you and much love.

Mona Green grateful former SF resident
Forever friends with Salina and Bryan Tuvera

February 2, 2007

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