Bryan County Sheriff's Office, Georgia
End of Watch Monday, December 11, 2006
Reflections for Sergeant Michael William Larson
I passed a truck yesterday and had to take a double take. The guy driving looked just like you. I think of you often and wonder where would you be and what life would look like if you were here. Would we still be married? Would you have a helicopter? How excited you would be being a grandpa. How proud you would be of Megan, Shawn and Lil Megan. They are all grown and started their own lives. I don't see or talk to Megan, Shawn or the grandkids. That was their choice not mine, but I do miss all of you. Until we meet again. I love you and always and forever.
Wife, Lisa
February 10, 2025
I can't believe it's been 18 years since you were taken from us . You've been gone more than twice as long as we were together. I wish I could just talk to you one more time. There is so much I would say to you. Thinking of you always. Until we meet again. I love you and miss you so much.
Your Wife
December 11, 2024
Seventeen years. Can't believe it's already been that long. My heart breaks every time I hear of another officer lost, knowing what their family is going through. Keep your eye on Megan and Shawn and continue to watch over them. Love you a bushel and a peck.
December 15, 2023
Missing you so much. Wish you were here to talk. I have so much on my mind, that I need help sorting out.
Until we meet again, I will always love you!!
Lisa M Larson
July 26, 2021
Happy birthday old man.
Little Megan
Youngest daughter
May 16, 2021
Holy ****. Daddy, the world has lost it. They've gone crazy. What I would give to hear what you have to say about whats on the new recently.
Half the world is dying from a fast-spreading, flu-like disease, and the other half think it is a government conspiracy for several reasons, and then there are people like me who are in the middle.
I am all for a conspiracy theory and researching the crooks in higher power, but I am not enjoying watching so many people suffer from the ignorance of others. If everyone, whether they believed the situation is being hyped up or not, would just stay away from people and remain in their homes, this could all be over.
It sounds scary, but I kinda wish the government would enact a mandatory quarantine across the US and be done with it. This virus has taken away so much from so many people already, and I can't take anymore.
ANYWAYYYYYYS. Just to keep you updated:
-I am on my last college semester. I won't be allowed to walk across that stage because of the virus. It would've been a week before your birthday. Everyone was flying to Oklahoma for the first time since I moved here. Even though I won't get to walk, I am proud of myself. There were SO many times I didn't think I could do it, but I made it to the end.
- I FINALLY have a boyfriend. Jesus, it took 21 years, but it was worth it. He is so good. We are long distance, but so far, we are doing well. I went to see him in February, he is supposed to be coming to see me in a few weeks. Probably get canceled because of the virus, but I can still hope.
- I am moving home. I decided that I can't be in school anymore right now. It stresses me beyond belief and I am done after I get my bachelor's . So, this summer, I will be renting out our old house from mama. I can't wait to be back around family again. The past three years feels like a lifetime. My boyfriend is gonna get to meet mama then, too, because he is helping me move cross country, so that will be exciting.
- I went to the Grand Canyon with my Mema! It was a short trip, but we went, we saw, and we conquered. It was incredible. You know I am afraid of heights, but part of me wanted to jump from the side of the canyon and fly across it like a bird. LOL. Made me think of your helicopter dreams and how cool it would've looked from above. I plan on taking many more trips all over the world, but this was my first big trip. Felt proud.
In true Megan character, I am procrastinating a few essays at the moment, so I guess I better get to them. Love ya.
Little Megan
March 27, 2020
Hard to believe it's been 13 years since you'be been gone. The other day I was telling the girls the, "Help me Bike, help me" story and realized how many years have passed since the night we got the call. Megan and Shawn seem to be doing well (as I'm sure you know). Keep watch over your sisters and brothers in blue. It's way too often that we hear another hero is lost. Love you a bushel and a peck.
December 10, 2019
I went to visit Meg in DC this weekend. Before I left Richmond Hill, I was sitting in my car and had a knock on my passanger window. I looked over and a cardinal was sitting on my side mirror. Everytime I see one I know you are around.
Meg is in DC for an internship until August 10th and then back to college in Oklahoma. I think you would be so proud of our girl.
While in Washington I went to visit the Police Memorial Wall and as I walked up there flew a beautiful cardinal. Again, I knew you were there. It aways bring me peace knowing you are around even if it is just in spirit. I miss you and wish you were here.
Well that's all for now, just wanted you to know I think of you and miss you more everyday.
Your loving wife
June 26, 2019
Hey Daddio!
Big news! In one week, I am heading to Washington, D.C. for a really prestigious internship. I can't really talk about it for security reasons, but let's just say, I am proud of myself, and I think you would be, too. The first thing on my list of things to do is visit the memorial wall. It's been about 4 years since I last saw it. This summer, I'll get to see it as much as I want to. I also can't wait to do a lot more touring in D.C. this time around. We were supposed to go in 2006, and I've always wondered what kinds of things you would have wanted to see. Would it have been the basic monuments and museums, or would we have dug deeper into our nation's capital? I assume a little of both, so that is my game plan.
Your birthday is tomorrow, so I've been thinking about you a little extra the past few weeks. I wonder what kind of celebrations we would be getting up to now that I'm 21. It's a little bit annoying that I can't drink without thinking about you and the tragedy that can come with this age, but at least I know I will always have you as my guardian angel on my shoulder keeping me in line and safe. :)
OH! and with Trinity's birthday coming up later this month, I thought you should also know that Shawn has a newborn son! That's three biological grandkids for you old man. Keep an eye on them.
Love you always,
Megan McFarland
May 15, 2019
Rest in peace Sergeant Larson.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 15, 2019
Hey Brother,
A lot has happened and changed since you’ve left us. We lost another Bryan Deputy to a drunk driver, had a police Chief taken out by a fleeing felon, too many good guys being taken way too soon.
I will never forget this fateful day. Lisa called me, I was in Orlando teaching a week long SWAT Medic class. I was to say the least, overwhelmed and in disbelief. I rearranged my schedule immediately, and rushed back as soon as I could clear, I went straight to your house, the same home that just a week earlier, we were making plans on a Canadian Hunting Camp and price comparing kit helicopters. I remember going in a room with each of your children and making sure they understood just how much they meant to you and offering to be there for them for anything they need so long as I am still breathing. I relayed the same to Lisa. Occasionally, they have taken me up on the offer but I know as much as I can offer, it will never be enough to fill the void.
I still tell the story of the “pringles” radar antennae” still get a chuckle out of that one
Lt Mark Rich
Midway PD
December 11, 2018
Hey Brother,
A lot has happened and changed since you’ve left us. We lost another Bryan Deputy to a drunk driver, had a police Chief taken out by a fleeing felon, too many good guys being taken way too soon.
I will never forget this fateful day. Lisa called me, I was in Orlando teaching a week long SWAT Medic class. I was to say the least, overwhelmed and in disbelief. I rearranged my schedule immediately, and rushed back as soon as I could clear, I went straight to your house, the same home that just a week earlier, we were making plans on a Canadian Hunting Camp and price comparing kit helicopters. I remember going in a room with each of your children and making sure they understood just how much they meant to you and offering to be there for them for anything they need so long as I am still breathing. I relayed the same to Lisa. Occasionally, they have taken me up on the offer but I know as much as I can offer, it will never be enough to fill the void.
I still tell the story of the “pringles” radar antennae” still get a chuckle out of that one
Lt Mark Rich
Midway PD
December 11, 2018
It blows my mind when I think about how long I have been without you by my side. Twelve years and there are still days that it feels like it was just yesterday. I think all the time, where would we be? What would we be doing? How different would our lives be? and many many other thoughts run through my head.
I know you are still with us even though you are not in the flesh. Just the other day I was driving down the road thinking about you and what swooped past but a beautiful Cardinal. I see them all the time and I know it's you watching over me. Please don't ever stop.
Michael continue to watch over our kids and grandkids. I know that goes without saying. Megan and our grandkids are still in Michigan, Shawn is still in Georgia and Meg is in Oklahoma. Keep them safe. We miss you so much.
Know I think of you often and miss and loved you so much. Until we are reunite.
Your Wife
Loving Wife
December 10, 2018
In 2 hours it will be 12 years ago that I received that horrible knock at my door. As I lay here thinking about that, it scares me to death thinking are all of my loved ones at home and safe. The answer today is NO. I just got a text from April saying she just left work and another from Sherry saying it's snowing in Ellabell. Michael please watch over her as she travels. I don't know that I could handle another knock like that ever. Well this post was supposed to be about you, not my fears I have on this day every year.
I miss you more than one can imagine. Please continue to watch over our kids and grandkids. Until we meet again.
Your wife
Loving Wife
December 10, 2018
My department head recommended me for an internship at the White House yesterday, and my initial thought was how if I got it, I would be alone in D.C. all summer. Then, I remembered I could visit the memorial wall to see your name whenever I wanted. It’s almost worth it just for that.
Little Megan
December 8, 2018
Hey brother I just found out a few days ago that we could still chat with ya. I'm so sorry what happened to you, I've had some similar close calls and know in a split second everything can change. I know we haven't talked much but I wanted to thank you for one specific conversation we had decades ago. It was late 1990 and I was a young Private right out of Basic Training and MP school. I had arrived in my first duty station, Ft. Sill Oklahoma, with my then wife. I was as green and scared and a young man could be. One day I received a phone call but I didn't recognize the voice until you said "It's your cousin Mike". I was shocked! Here's the coolest guy I've ever known in my life, a Special Forces pilot, calling ME??? As we chatted I tried to hide the fact that basically I thought you were a rock star. You were so nice to me, you gave me encouragement and a sense of confidence that I've never forgotten!! I remember telling my then wife about you and how I hoped we would keep in touch. Unfortunately we wern't able to and now you're gone. I hope you know the impact you made in my life and that your sacrifice for your county, state, and country will never be forgotten because Heroes Never Die!!!
Officer Brent Hopkins (Cousin)
Indianapolis Metro Police Dept.
November 13, 2018
Happy Birthday Michael! You would be on the downside of the hill rolling towards 60 after this year. (And if you were here
I'd be playing that one for a LONG time!) Unfortunately you are forever 43 instead. I know this will post a day late but at least I didn't forget... Love you and miss you a bushel and a peck!
May 17, 2018
Hey Daddy,
Today was the happiest I have been in a long time. Like years.
After raining for days straight, it finally stopped and the sun came out and brought the warm wind with it. I just sat in my driveway with my windows down, listening to music. Life has been so hectic lately that I haven't been able to breathe, so today, when I got that break, I thought of you. I wanted so badly to jump on the back of your motorcycle and take a drive.
I won't lie. There are weeks that go by and you don't cross my mind. That is just life. But when you do pop in, I know it is because you are truly with me in spirit, and that makes the moments so special.
Love you always,
Little Megan
Megan McFarland
February 26, 2018
Hey Mike- Another year come and gone without you in our lives. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if you were still here. I'm pretty certain there would've been at least one major change (and you know what that is). I'm absolutely sure we would still be yanking each others' chains just to annoy each other, like typical siblings. Know that you are still loved and missed, it still sucks, and we love you a bushel and a peck.
December 10, 2017
Missing you and thinking how could it be 11 years since I spoke to you in person and got a response. Wish I could talk to you and hear your voice. Watch out for our kids and grandkids as they are now in OK, MI and GA. We miss you. My love for you will be forever.
Lisa Larson
December 10, 2017
Hey Daddy,
BIG NEWS!! You won't believe this, but I moved to Oklahoma.
I'm not alone though, which is good. I'm here with a special family that I met at COPS Kids Camp. I made a split second decision and called mama on my drive home.
It's been kinda hard being so far from the fam, but now I'm kinda closer to Big Megan, so I'm hoping I'll get to make it up to see her and the kids soon.
I start my new college next Monday. I got asked to be on their newspaper/Magazine team, which is a huge honor. It gets distributed all over the city every year, so I'm really excited about that.
Miss you as always,
Love Little Meg
August 17, 2017
Today I was working on our agency's LODD benefit packet for families and went on ODMP as a resource. Thought I'd look at your page. Shouldn't have done that at work! I can hear you now "Oh pooh bear". I rarely post here but thought I would today. I read the one from mom about being the guest speaker. It's a little long but here is what I said. I hope that it has meaning to anyone who reads it. Love & Miss you!
Thank you for the honor of speaking tonight. To ensure I don’t get tongue tied I hope you won’t mind if I use my notes:
Certain dates hold special meaning to us like Birthdates, holidays, wedding anniversaries, etc. Those dates are important. Let me give you some specific dates, please bear with me as there are a few: December 14th, 1928; January 20th, 1929; December 24th, 1931; November 6th, 1954; December 3rd, 1971; December 2nd, 1972; December 3, 1979; March 29, 1983; September 23rd , 1984; August 22nd 1991; December 13th 1997 and May 24th 1999.
What can you recall about those dates? Some of you may recognize one of them because you were working at the Collier County Sheriff’s Office or Naples Police Department and know of the tragedy that befell a fellow deputy on that particular day. You remember that a co-worker, a friend died.
There are many here tonight that know those specific dates and probably the hour, that they received news that forever changed their lives. The day their father, son, brother, grandfather, or uncle died. If you were to talk to these surviving family members about the day their loved one was killed in the line of duty, many would not be able to recall a lot of details about the day itself. Because like so many other days had before, the day began routinely. Their loved one put on their uniform, packed a lunch, said goodbye and I love you before heading out the door. For them that day started like any other.....until the knock at the door, the sight of deputies on the doorstep and the news no one ever wants to hear.
They can probably tell you in great detail because when that news comes, everything slows down.... then everything crashes.
I know from experience, because these are the things I remember when my brother, Sgt. Michael Larson of the Bryan County Sheriff’s Office in Georgia was killed in the line of duty on December 10, 2006. I can tell you in great detail about the call I received. It was 1:30 in the morning.
At first I was confused I assumed a call at that hour was our Dispatch needing something, but it wasn’t dispatch. From this stranger on the other end of the line I understood two names Mike and Lisa (mikes wife). My head cleared quickly and I heard that there had been an accident, I heard Mike’s name....What? Ok, a drug impaired driver left his disabled vehicle in the road, Ok, Mike was responding to back up another officer, there was an accident.....and I remembered I interrupted her and asked where Mike was NOW? The person on the end of the phone said he died. My next question was if anyone had called my mom who lived just next door or my dad who was in Indiana. When she said they just got off the phone with my mom, I simply hung up. I immediately left my house and walked to my mom’s house where she opened the door and we clung to each other and we cried. We called my two sisters and through sobs tried to console each other. Those early morning events are seared into my memory. Our family finding ways to cope and support each other as best we could.
Over the next few days we experienced a wide range of emotions anger, frustration, fear, and unbridled sadness. Woven in with these “normal” feelings of grief was also pride. We were all proud that Mike had honorably served his community, pride that grew when the community came out to thank US for his sacrifice, pride when his sacrifice was honored by the Police Unity Tour. During his memorial service members of his agency shared stories about working with Mike, like the time when the Capt got a call thanking him for the new traffic unit out in the school zones. The Capt. Was puzzled because he knew there was no new traffic units or equipment due to budget constraints. He soon learned that it was Mike out there slowing traffic. He had “built” a radar gun using black paint and a Pringles Can to get people to slow down in the school zone. These were small moments in time where we were able to smile through the tears.
As time has gone by the tears come less often, but every now and then I hear a song, or maybe a familiar phrase he’d say, the heartache sneaks back in. Grief is not limited to days, weeks, months or years. There are many times when we think “He would have loved to see this” or “I wish he were here”. We often think of the events of that fateful night. When he was responding to help someone else, doing what he was called to do, knowing this brings us some measure of comfort.
Every now and then I will get an email from one of Mike’s colleagues or see a note on the Officer Down Memorial Page that lets me and my family know we are not alone and he has not been forgotten. Any attempt at showing support can mean the world to someone. And remember as I said, grief does not go away after a few weeks, months, or even years. Over time we get busy with life but regardless of the timing or method, showing compassion to the bereaved family in your own way is always welcome.
To the wives, parents, children, siblings, and friends here tonight who have been touched by the lives we honor, you have been called upon to bear a special burden. And, though there is no speech or ceremony that can ease the pain, tonight we join together to honor your loved ones courage and to fill your hearts with our gratitude.
For all of those here who answer the call to keep our county safe, you know that every kiss from your spouse, every hug from a child, every visit with a parent, means more. So, I ask that you honor the lives of your fallen colleagues by giving as much of yourself to your loved ones as you give every day in service to our community. We all know that without their love and support, your service would not be possible. Family is everything!
You are our fallen officers’ legacy. You share their courage, selflessness, and dedication. Thank you for representing them and my brother.
Calvin Coolidge said “No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.” The memorials outside the Collier County Sheriff’s Office, the Naples Police Department, at state capitals and at the National Memorial all honor those who entered into law enforcement know fully that they might one day be called upon to lay down their lives. Those we honor tonight made that choice willingly. And, that is why their ultimate sacrifice means so much.
The EOW dates imprinted on our memorial wall are not just dates”....they are reminders of a personal commitment made by these men as an oath to keep our community safe. And it is during this week every year our fallen officers are honored. But it is not the dates; it is the events that are important to us and give us cause to remember.
In closing, I am reminded of a card I received after my brother’s passing from someone at the Sheriff’s Office and I wish share the sentiment. The card read “When you are sitting there alone and a memory of your loved one comes flooding back, that is their way of reaching out to you and letting you know you are still connected.”
Also, please know that when you share a memory or a story with the family members 1) it is welcome and 2) helps us stay connected with you, their brothers and sisters in law enforcement and the profession they loved so very much
February 28, 2017
Ten years flies. Hard to believe it's been that long already. Miss you a bushel and a peck. Love you!
December 11, 2016
As happens each year, this is a very sad day for me. However, you'll be pleased to know that your influence is being felt in a positive way by your wonderful daughter, Megan. Even though you're not here to advise her in person, she is becoming a very strong person, and is an absolutely great mother. She's been facing some difficulties, but will make good decisions. It was wonderful to have her here with me for a time--she laughingly said she thinks she's my clone. :-)
Angela, Lianna and I went to National Police Week in D.C. this year since it's the 10th anniversary year of losing you. It is both a heartbreaking and uplifting experience.
Please keep looking out for your kids and the rest of your family. We think of you so often.
Joanne Morris
December 11, 2016
A lot has been going on lately, as you know. I feel you here with me when I speak to you and it gives me peace. My family has been a wonder blessing through out all of this and I have been learning how to be grateful for what I have. I wish that I could get your advice and just have you as a shoulder to lean on.
I am really working on finding myself and being the best mother, daughter, sister, and friend that I can be.
Be there for Shawn and Megan. I know Megan is having some new life experiences that are wonderful but PLEASE keep her safe. Shawn is some where, I know you know, but watch out for him he is lost and needs guidance.
Love you bunches,
Big Megan
Big Megan
November 7, 2016