Colorado Springs Police Department, Colorado
End of Watch Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Reflections for Police Officer Kenneth Chua Jordan
I shed alot of tears yesterday at your memorial service but I stood with pride next to all of our brothers and sisters in law enforcement.
I put on my uniform and pin on my badge every day in your honor, as well as those who have given their lives before you.
Rest in Peace, Officer Jordan.
You will NOT be forgotten.
Patrol Deputy
December 12, 2006
Rest In Peace
3T17 out east but not forgotten
Willie Sunday
AMR- El Paso County
December 12, 2006
May the love and comfort of Christ surround you in your time of loss. Our Department also lost an officer and I believe our heros are walking the streets of Heaven together. Rest in peace Ken, you are a hero.
Deputy Bruce Fox & Kay Fox
Aiken Co Sheriff's Office
December 12, 2006
Your life, though all to short, was so full of love, laughter, happiness, and just so much LIVING. We could all learn so much from the example you set on how to really live life to the fullest every single minute. Thank you for all you did while you were here, and for what you mean to everyone now that you are gone...A TRUE INSPIRATION TO US ALL! Hero is not a big enough word for you...but it'll have to do. LET IT BE!
December 12, 2006
Officer Jordan(Ken)-
For a week now, I have had this lump in my throat and sickness in my stomach, emotionally paralyzed, having learned that someone I held so highly could be taken from the earth so senselessly. I have watched the news, followed the “explanation” of why someone would do this, and I couldn’t find any peace. You were a supportive friend for many years, and although I had lost contact a bit, I took this so hard. I really couldn’t believe that someone so good and constant could have his life taken in this way-and so young. I grieved for the lost promise of your life, the lost companion of your girll and family, the lost friend and police officer colleague. But then I found this amazing site where I could come to read and cry along with the the growing pages of messages of others and exercise some of my devastation. As I returned and watched the pages of messages grow, I realized that, although I would give anything to have you back, you had never been alone. You were surrounded by people who saw the same goodness, in fact greatness, that I had always admired in you. You had made a difference in so many lives in 32 short years, and I had the privilege of sharing some of those 32 years with you. Although I (we) will always miss you, this collection of tributes, of which mine is just one humble attempt, attests to the fact that you were appreciated, respected and loved as you should have been. I will always feel a piece of my heart has gone with you, but I am so proud of you and allyour good works, that I am finding a little more peace with this craziness. I do hope that someday I get to see your face agaiin and tell you how proud I am of you. May you rest where only the best of souls deserve to rest!!
Lindy Frakes
Elk Grove High School and Palatine, Illinois
lindy frakes
high school teacher/coach
December 12, 2006
As expressed on here several times, words do not come easy.
You have touched so many in this community in a positive way. Hundreds of people lined along the streets in the cold weather shivering but refusing to leave until the procession was over. Seeing these citizens coming out to show respect for you and your sacrifice gave each of us a renewed faith in people. Thank you for serving. You will always be remembered.
Patrol Deputy
El Paso County Sheriff's Office
December 12, 2006
I live in Las Vegas, Nev. I have two policeman son's so I realize the danger in one being a police officer. I express my deepest condolences to the Colorado Springs, police dept., the family, friends and citizens of Colorado Springs.
Sincerely, Leilani Heslip
December 12, 2006
To Officer Jordan's Family and Heidi:
No bond is as great as that between a parent and child. (I have lost 1 my self) I feel the pain you are going through. My deepest condolences are with you all as you grieve. I did not know Officer Jordan but seems he was a very caring, loving person. Thanks to all the Officers out there that risks their lives everyday....
December 12, 2006
Because of people like you. Me and my family can sleep better at night here in Texas and the rest of the world.Me and my family are truly sorry for your lose. You and the other officers are in my Prayers. God took another angil to help protect the Heavens.
God Bless You and Your Family
December 12, 2006
Two in less than one year is way "two" many. My thoughts and prayers go out to Heidi and the family and friends of Officer Jordan. May you rest in peace.
Thank you to all who serve and protect.
Officers wife, niece, and cousin
December 12, 2006
I want to say I am glad to have known you in Jr. High and High School. I remember in H.S. having "quick hands" competitions with you and Phil Arends in English/Lit. class. You would say "Your have such slow hands Zielinski." Your tennis hands were much faster than my baseball hands at that time. Both you and Phil were smart enough not to take me up on foot race challenge however. Even back then, I remember you always wanted to be a police officer. I'm glad you got the chance to do what you always wanted to do and love. Not everyone gets that opportunity. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. You gave up your life but saved countless of other lives during your time as a police officer. So many are thankful for it. My condolences go to your family in this difficult time. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Rest in peace Ken. You will be missed.
God Bless,
John Zielinski
High School classmate
December 12, 2006
I lost my father in the line of duty on December 5th, 2003. My regards to the family, friends, and coworkers of Patrolman Jordan.
Deputy AJ Clapp
Thorntown Police Department
December 12, 2006
Officer Jordan,
We appreciate everything you did for our city!! You were and always will be a hero to us. Thank you for protecting us and doing what you loved. To your mother, father, sister and her family, and Heidi, you will be in our thoughts and prayers!! I wish you all the best and please know that we are very grateful for the work your son/brother did in protecting us here in CS and he will NEVER be forgotten!!
Even though I have never met you Officer Jordan I am deeply sadend by your loss but admire your courage for becoming a police officer and for the person you were as described by many others. You touched many lifes and made our city a better place!!
Thank you to all the police officers! You are great people with wonderful hearts! We truly love you all!!
Rest In Peace Officer Jordan! You were and always will be a GREAT MAN!!
Citizen of Colorado Springs
December 12, 2006
Your funeral was yesterday and what a wonderful celebration of your life. The pictures they displayed of you and your loved ones showed the Jordan that we all love. Each one expressed how much you enjoyed life and lived everyday to the fullest. I miss you so much. I love you and I will keep you in my heart forever my dear friend. Until we meet again, Love Nadine.
December 12, 2006
Words can hardly express the sorrow and grief of this tragic event that took Ken away from everyone he loved and who loved him. It is obvious this past week how many lives he touched in such a short time. My only regret is not getting to know him better. Ken was always laughing, smiling, and helpful when he came in to Memo. I always knew when I saw him walk in those doors that he would help us out in any way, without being asked. It was heartbreaking, hearing the news that morning when I came to work. Ken left a legacy that will continue. He will not be forgotten.
Ken, Thank you for everything. Thank you for protecting me at work, keeping the streets safe for all my loved ones, and having the courage to do so every day. Words can not express my undying gratitude for your service to our community.
I Did Not Die
Do not stand at my grave and forever weep.
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn’s rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and forever cry.
I am not there. I did not die.
Melinda Sue Pacho
Death is Nothing at All
I have only slipped away into the next room.
I am I and you are you,
Whatever we were to each other,
that we are still.
Call me by the old familiar name.
Speak of me in the easy way which you always used.
Put no difference into your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughed
At the little jokes that we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever he household word that it always was.
Let it be spoken without an effort,
Without the ghost of a shadow upon it.
Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same as it ever was.
There is absolute and unbroken continuity.
What is death but a negligible accident?
Why should I be out of sight?
I am but waiting for you, for an interval,
Somewhere very near,
Just around the corner.
All is well.
Henry Scott Holland
To his family, friends, Heidi, and all his brothers/sisters at CSPD and elsewehere, you are in our thoughts and prayers.
KF, JJ, BB, CM, LM, SB, SJ, JG,BE, AB, RS, MEMO Security
Memo Security
December 12, 2006
Rest in peace you are a hero and will never be forgotten, even though I didn't know you very well, you have impacted my life, I am so excited to be a police officer one day and you will always be with me. Thank you for serving the Colorado Springs community.
the family,
you have so much courage and so much respect. your son, brother, friend, hero, police officer, boyfriend, is now a hero and you will never be forgotten. You will always be in my prayers.
a grateful citizen
December 12, 2006
May God bless you and your family until you are reunited in his presence. Rest in peace brother.
Officer Sweeten
Lehi Police Department
December 12, 2006
Your ultimate scarifice was not in vain. What you did out there on the streets kept the citizens of Colorado Springs safe from people who didn't care about others. Just know that your legacy will live on in every police officer and deputy out there.
To Officer Jordan's family, my deepest condolenses. Your loss is heaven's gain. Just know that Ken is looking down on us all and protecting us.
Deputy Stevens
December 12, 2006
We all gathered to say good-bye today. And you would have been very proud of Jason, Heidi, and your whole family. They all had it right when they said to remember the good times, because that's the way you would want it. You were never without a smile, a laugh, or happiness around you.
I've tried so many times this last week to sit down and write something "sassy" 'coz that's the what you would expect. But for once, I am at a loss for words. You were an amazing man, an incredible cop, and a terrific friend. Not a minute goes by that we don't think of you and miss you more than words can express. God speed my friend.
To the Jordan Family, My thoughts and prayers are with you. You raised an amazing man. My life is better for having known Ken.
To Heidi, I wish I had the words. But know that we are all here for you, with a loving arms open to help in whatever you need, whenever you need it.
We have the watch now Kennipoo....Rest in peace.
December 12, 2006
One week after being taken from us, we laid you to rest in a beautiful ceremony. Officers from all over the state and the country came to pay their final respects. During the lengthy procession, citizens lined the streets along the route to honor you and the sacrifice you made. The void we feel in your absence is immense but each of us left behind is better for having known you and you will never be forgotten.
Watch over us until we meet again. We love you.
"Gone but not forgotten"
Dan Thompson
Colorado Springs Police Department
December 12, 2006
The streets today were filled with red and blue, all of those people were there to honor you. May your heart smile to know how much of an impact you had ... and will continue to have on the employees and citizens of this city. Thank you again for your service. You will be missed.
December 12, 2006
Dear Jordan Family: You and your son are in our thoughts and prayers. I could not attend your son's funeral although those of us at my workplace were able to watch it online. There are more people praying for you than you'll ever know. Our hearts go out to you all. Your son Ken will never be forgotten.
Colo Spgs Citizen
December 12, 2006
Our city is better off because of officers like you.
I am so deeply saddened that your career and life ended so early.
You are a true hero who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
I give my deepest sympathy to your family, friends and fellow officers.
Rest in Peace, Sir.
Colorado Springs Resident
December 11, 2006
Rest in Peace Brother
Police Officer
Chicago P.D.
December 11, 2006
As I watched your funeral today on television, I was overcome with so much sorrow. Growing up I had many friends as officers that kept me on the straight and narrow. I can only imagine that you were that kind of guy. To your lady, God has a plan for you. You are going to be okay. Trust me. And to his best friend, I hurt for you so much. You too, will be okay. You are so extremely that. To his Mom and Dad, you are in my prayers till my dying day.
God Bless
December 11, 2006