Harford County Sheriff's Office, Maryland
End of Watch Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Reflections for Deputy First Class William H. Beebe, Jr.
Even though I never met you or your family, I feel like I have known you. It is amazing the effect you had on this county. I know that your name will go down in history and nobody will ever forget you. May Gob Bless you and your family forever! Our hearts are with you.
December 7, 2006
I had the honor to be asked to do your "Last Call." And though I hold this as an extreme honor, it was probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my communications career. Though I did not know you well, I do know that you were an excellent Deputy, Family man, and friend. You will never be forgotten. Your family is blessed with the knowledge that everyone you came in contact with you is blessed just becasue they knew you. Rest in peace
Shift Manager Michael W. Sherman Sr
Harford Co Emergency Operations
December 7, 2006
Beebs, words cannot express how much I miss you. I keep thinking this is all a dream. It was a pleasure to spend those six months sitting next to you in the academy (except when you got sick and had to sit in the back of the classroom, that was a pretty hard week for me). You were always there when I needed you. You made the academy easier, always making us laugh. You were the most honest, caring, and dedicated person I have ever met.
About the bet we made, I realize you already made it (Tina told me.) But, if I can be just half the Deputy you were I think I will do ok. I will never forget you. Please watch over all of us, as I'm sure you will.
Don't worry about Tina and Jesse, your extended family will be there for them.
Thanks Beebs for being in my life!
DFC Teresa Lally
Harford County Sheriffs Office Friend
December 6, 2006
Rest in Peace, your tour of duty has ended and our brothers in heaven will guide you.
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. Each scene, he noticed, began with two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the Lord.
When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that at times along the path of his life, the pattern altered, so that there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This really troubled him and he questioned the Lord about it.
“Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you’d walk with me all the way. But I’ve noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints.. I don’t understand why, when I needed you most, you would leave me.”
The Lord replied, “My son, my precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.
Aloha brother..
MPOII Michael Fujioka
Honolulu Police Department
December 6, 2006
I can't begin to imagine how as family, and friends you may feel. What I can offer you is the love of a stranger, I may have never met you, or Deputy William, but our hearts and our prayers are with you all.
Kelley W. Camarote
Police Officer's Wife
December 5, 2006
It is impossible to put into words the way that we are feeling at this time. I am so glad that we ran into you on Saturday night and I will forever remember the last thing that you said to me. I'll never forget how excited you were when you found out that you were accepted into the accademy, how hard you worked and how determined you were. If I could see you one last time, I would give you a hug and say Thank you.
Thank you for being a great friend to me and an even better friend to my husband. Thank you for always caring about my son. Thank you for being in my wedding. Thank you for making our streets safer. Thank you for being so smart. Thank you for being so witty. Thank you for always putting a smile on our face.
It was a blessing to have known you and I look forward to the day we meet again.
All our love!
Betsy Dean
Betsy Dean
Wife of 626
December 5, 2006
Deputy First Class Beebe, you have served your community and county with honor and dignity, we will carry on from here. To the family of Deputy Beebe, you all are in our thoughts and prayers. Remember that you all are now part of a much larger family, that will be there for you always. To the men and women of the Harford County Sheriff's Department hold your heads high as you all carry on. Stay safe. Rest in Peace...Brother.
Detective First Grade Robert F. Jackson
Metropolitan Police Department Washington DC/Homicide Branch
December 5, 2006
Bebee, you were an angel then, and now. Rest assure that your family has been, and will continue to be well taken care of by your friends and fellow officers. You will not be forgotten.
Tina and Jesse,
Find strength and comfort in knowing that you have this angel watching over you. I love you both, and I know you will both make it through this together.
December 5, 2006
The world was definitely a better place with Bill in it. Whenever he would meet someone new, he would say, "It's a pleasure to meet me!" He would say it jokingly, but it really was a pleasure knowing him. I just want Bill to know that we are going to be there for Tina and Jesse and his parents if they need anything. I can't say anything that hasn't already been said, so, I'll just say, Well Done, and God Bless!
We miss and love you,
Marcus C. Johnson
Marcus C. Johnson
December 5, 2006
My prayers go out to all his family, friends and brothers/sisters in law enforcement. May God be with all of you during this difficult time. R.I.P
Cpl Jean Paul Rochat
Swiss Army, MP Service, Traffic Unit
December 4, 2006
I was so overwhelmed by the response on this website from so many agencies worldwide. He would be so proud. Thank you for all of the kind words. I would like to say I am doing better but I think I am worse. Our story was so full of love and happiness. I just keep waiting for him to come home. When he came home at night he would be undoing his belt keepers as he walked up the steps and I heard him every night. He loved his job so much that I was jealous everyday for I wished I had a job I could be so passionate about. He always had the right thing to say and he picked me up so many times as he did to everyone he touched. He would be so proud of our boy, Jesse, he is only 9 but he is so strong for me. The Harford County Sheriff's Office family have made this process be easier for Jesse and I and Mom and Dad Beebe,...we are so grateful. He followed all the rules no matter how little, He loved his Mama(Debbie), and gave so much of himself to Scouts, Work, Friends, and of course family. At first I was lonely and missed him so much we passed each other alot when he was put on 4-12am but He said he was needed the most there. I supported him in everything he did and in turn he supported our boy Jesse. I take each day as it comes but I have no idea how I will ever love, smile or make it without you My Love. You were my Knight in Slightly Dull and you told me when we first met that with my love I made you shine. I hope I did. I MISS YOU, help me make it for Jesse. Please watch over me and make me do what I need to do for him. All my Love Forever, Princess
Tina Kolb
December 4, 2006
Dear Family, Friends, and Co-Workers of Deputy First Class William H. Beebe,
We are so sorry to here about your tragic loss of your loved one. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you in support during this very difficult time. We wish we could be there in person to offer support. We know that sometimes there is little comfort that comes from words. As the holidays draw nearer remember those special moments you have shared together and the love you shared. Keep focused as you can on the memories and joyous times for these things may bring you comfort. Rely heavily on family, friends, and other law enforcement for support. Honor your fallen loved one, for their sacrifice will not be forgotten. Deputy First Class Beebe is a hero. He will live on through all of you forever.
Alissa Scott
Widow of Beryl Wayne Scott
E.O.W. 09-10-02
Lisa Schultz
Widow of Don Schultz
E.O.W. 05-12-04
Co-Founders of Survivor Help Network
December 4, 2006
Beebe (my favorite deputy) a.k.a "Mr. 732":
Well, yesterday was my first day back to work since all this happened. I'm not sure why I decided to go because I knew I wasn't ready yet but I felt like you would've wanted me to be there... but it was SO hard. Things definitely aren't the same on our shift without you here... I really miss your infamous "10-4, 10-76!" and didn't know how much I took that for granted until I realized I'd never hear it again. I'm not going to work today. I need a few more days... but I feel like it will be more like an eternity before the hurt goes away.
I wish I had told you before how much you meant to our shift and what a pleasure it was working with you... but I still hope you had some idea of just how fond we all were of you as both a person and a deputy.
When I saw you on that ambulance call earlier in the afternoon on Monday, I wish I had some way of knowing that it would be the last time I saw you alive. I never in a million years could've imagined that a few hours later you'd be one of MY patients on that ambulance and that we would be trying so hard to save your life! I wish I had the opportunity to hug you one last time and to express to you just how much I appreciated you just being YOU! It has been my privilege to know you and to work with you and to become your friend... it was my honor to hear you introduce me to your family as your "favorite dispatcher" and to have you tell me I was "the best dispatcher ever" even at times when I felt like I sucked. I will never forget you or the many times you've made me laugh or smile. Your life has left footprints on my heart that will never go away and your death has given me a deeper appreciation for life.
I know you were with us that day for the funeral... when the sun peeked out of those dark clouds, I felt like you were there. Wasn't everything beautiful? All that for you! You would be so proud of Tina & Jesse and your parents... and of course your classmates. Everyone did so well under the circumstances. But we all need you to keep watching out for us and to keep letting us know that everything is going to be ok... that YOU'RE going to be ok. Don't think I'm crazy if I just talk to you sometimes, ok? It makes me feel better and I'm sure you're listening to me!
Rest in peace, my friend... we'll take it from here. We love you and miss you...
~ your "favorite dispatcher",
Dispatcher #33
Harford County Division of Emergency Operations
December 4, 2006
Our brother has been taken and gently laid to rest; Fate seems so cruel at times to only take the best. While those who care for no one are left to walk life's street; Bringing less joy than sorrow to those whose path they meet. Our brother lives forever if only in our minds; He'll never be forgotten nor ever left behind. He'll stand before us always as if to guide our way; Through all our tasks and duties awaiting us each day. Our brother has been taken and though we wonder why; We'll still perform our duties as days then weeks go by. We'll travel where fate leads, through days of dark or fair; Until we stand for Roll Call beside our brother there!
DFC Brad McQuay # 677
Harford County Sheriff's Office
December 3, 2006
We will love you and miss you forever. May your angel wings carry to the highest. May the sun always shine upon your face. May God take care of you for eternity. I will never forget you. Rest in peace 732. "5"
DFC Scott A. Johnson #505
Harford County Sheriff's Office
December 2, 2006
God bless you and your family at this time of pain and sorrow. You will never be forgotten by your entire police family.
St. Louis City Police
December 2, 2006
Thank you for your service.
D. Lindsey
WA resident
December 2, 2006
God Speed, Brother.
Union PD, NJ
December 2, 2006
Thank you DFC Beebe for making our community a better and safer place. Prayers to the family, co-workers and friends. God bless.
Bonnie White
December 2, 2006
Bill, we buried you today. It was the hardest day of my 14 years as a cop and I miss you, brother. It was an honor to be one of your supervisors - you made my job easy. When you joined Honor Guard never did I ever imagine that one day we would be saluting you one day. We miss you, may you rest in peace, you have earned it.
CPL John Seilback K9-7
Harford Co Sheriff's Office
December 1, 2006
To all of those touched by the loss of DFC Beebe, our thoughts and prayers go out to you in support during this very difficult time.
DFC Beebe - rest in peace, your dedication and service will not be forgotten, you truly are a hero.
Jennifer Yingling
Concerns of Police Survivors - MD Chapter
December 1, 2006
May you never be forgotten. My thoughts and prayers go out to you, your family and the members of the Hartford County Sheriff's Office. Rest in Peace, brother.
Sgt. Keith Beebe
Stonington, CT Police Department
December 1, 2006
Heaven opened up and shedded tears for all who loved you today, the day of your burial. Blessed are the dead that the rain falls upon.
December 1, 2006
I pray for strength and peace for your family and friends. May your spirit have a joyous homecoming. "Rest high on the mountain" brother!
D/Sgt. Vence Woods
Michigan Dept. of Environmental Quality-Office of Criminal Invest.
December 1, 2006
May God bless your fiance and child, and give comfort to your family, friends, co-workers who mourn your loss. My heart goes out to all of you. Rest in peace, Deputy. Many thanks to you, and all law enforcement officers, for your services.
December 1, 2006