Metra Police Department, Illinois
End of Watch Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Reflections for Police Officer Thomas Alan Cook
Well Tom its almost that time again.I can't believe 3 years have gone by.It still seem like it was yesterday just like Wally's.I know you and Wally are watching over all of us . We are trying to make you guys proud of us .Because we are all so proud of both you.I will think about you on thursday. Pammy and the kids are in my thoughts often but on thursday they will be them alot more. Keep the boy's in blue safe tonight and every night . Love The Rolniak's :)
August 25, 2009
"Blessed are the peacekeepers, for they will be named the sons of God." Matthew 5:9
Rest easy brother...
Deputy & Firefighter
Southwest Florida
August 19, 2009
Well i did it. I took the kids downtown. We went to Navy Pier. I still remember the first time we took the kids there. Jimmy rode on the Thomas the train. We ate at the expensive mc donalds. This time we ate at bubba gump shrimp. Not your kind of restaurant but the kids liked it. We also went on the ferris wheel. Jimmy and Jessica started to rock it just like you aleays did. Then we went to the air and water show. Jimmy was in heaven. He had to tell me what the airplanes were. You tought him so well. We then went to american girl. Jessica still remembers how you were in the store. I don't think I could tell who was happier her or you? I am proud to say me and the kids had a great time. We made it home safe and sound. Thank you for starting those memories with us. I will try to keep them going for me and the kids. We love you forever and ever.
Pam,Jim & Jessica
Wife of Thomas Cook
August 18, 2009
Justice is moving slow--but with each court date--it looks closer and closer, and definately moving in the right direction!! We will never forget and we will see this thru untill the end. R.I.P
August 15, 2009
Still think of you buddy thanks for being a friend you are not ever forgotten rest in peace
Line of duty disabled PO Jack DeHeer
Chgo Police
August 7, 2009
It was a sad day for me and the kids. We knew that some day it would happen. Today I had to make that decision. Kiska is now up with you and Mishka. She was very sick. The kids said that you were waiting for her. I will miss her big smile and her face! I can still remember the day we bought her. The store was closing and they stayed open just for you to convince me to buy her. You said that Mishka was lonley and he wanted a friend. She jumped up in my face and kissed it. That was it. She came home with us and she found her name. Kiska. Keep good care of her. I did my best. Me and the kids still you guys with all our heart.
Pam,Jim & Jessica
Pamela Cook
August 4, 2009
I know that mom is with you now. She has been so heart broken without you. Tell mom Ill be ok. Well I did the cops bike ride across the state of Illinois. You don't no how many times when I thought I couldnt do it that I thought of you, mom and dad cheering me on. I miss all of you so much and at times I feel so all alone. Watch over us all......
July 20, 2009
The angels came and took your mom so that she could be with you. She is at peace now. Both of you will never be forgotten.
July 12, 2009
Happy Father's Day
June 21, 2009
Happy Fathers Day. You taught your children so much while you were here and they will never forget. They are so much like you at times. Pam is a wonderful mother. You would be so proud of her. We miss you so much Tommy. Tell Dad Hi for me
June 21, 2009
My Prayers Are Still With You And Your Family, I know Justice may be slow But it will be Harsh on those that took you from your family to soon.
Your Service Will Never Be Forgotten Brother...
Rest Now In The Loving Arms of Our Lord Jesus Christ...I Pray Each Day That He Eases Your Pain And Your Families Pain.
+ Rest Now Brother, For You Have Earned It +
Deputy Sheriff Alan M Lazarus #10229
Cook County Sheriff's Department, IL.
June 19, 2009
You Are Not Forgotten!
June 17, 2009
Im thinking about u tonight. It's my birthday. You would be giving me such a hard time. And I'd remind you that you weren't that far behind me. I miss you so much....
May 29, 2009
Thank You!
May 28, 2009
Thank-you for your service. Rest in Peace.
Lt. Stephen A. Joy #980
Prince George's County Police, Md.
May 25, 2009
Thinking about you alot this week. R.I.P. You are not forgotten.
May 15, 2009
Dear Terri
I am thinking of you on this Mothers Day and hold you in thought and prayer.
Your friend Phyllis
Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater
May 10, 2009
Your little girl had her first softball game today. She was so nervous! I wish I would of listened to you and started her when you wanted to. She did great just like you always said she could. Her team is the blue krush. She has your pin on her softball bag. I wish you could be here to see her play in person than from above. We love you and miss so so much.
Pam Cook
May 2, 2009
Dear Son: You are sorely missed and much loved. Forever in my heart. Your loving Mother.
Terri Cook
April 27, 2009
i've played a lot of the games you've beaten so i could play the levels. I'm stuck on a level and now i have now one to turn to.
April 23, 2009
Happy Easter--Hope you are watching over all of us.
April 13, 2009
Another Easter. We filled the eggs for the hunt. Left out the baskets and carrots for you know who. I hope Kiska does'nt eat them. I hope the kids have a good one. They have been pretty good.Jessica bought a lamb from build a bear. She named it Lammy-kin. Just for you. She will always be your Lammy-kin. I remember the times I had to work and you were there with the kids on Easter. You were so happy! We love and miss you with all our hearts. Happy Easter!
Love Pam,Jim & your Lammy-kin Jessica.
Pam Cook
April 12, 2009
You are in our hearts and minds---ALWAYS!!!!!!!
March 28, 2009
My Dear Son -Another monthly anniversary has come. No trial date yet. we are patiently awaiting it. We love and miss you and our lives will never be the same. Forever in my heart, Mom
Terri Cook
March 27, 2009
Please keep an extra eye out for Kiska. I took her to the docters today. She had a sore on her head. They said it could be a spider bite or cancer. Gave her medication. I have to go back in 2 weeks for a check up. Jessica went with me and she was so scared she cried all the way home. The kids are enjoying her now. They fight to take her out! Please you and Mishka keep an eye out for her please. We miss you very much!
Me and the kids.
Pam Cook
March 26, 2009