Maryland Transportation Authority Police, Maryland
End of Watch Friday, September 1, 2006
Reflections for Corporal Robert Thomas Krauss
Well Bob only 2 days left to work at the Bay then off to BHT. It's scarey and then I'm happy in a way. I'll miss all the people after 20 years, I think you know the feeling from when you had to leave, it's like your family. Miss you lots and still can't believe you're gone. It shouldn't of been your time.
September 21, 2006
Rest in peace my brother
"Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the children of God"
Deputy Corbin M35
Madison County Sheriff's Office, Rexburg Idaho
September 19, 2006
It is a time of sorrow, it is a time of grief, and it is a sad time for officers and families during this sudden loss of life. We here at Cops Evangelist Ministries will have you in our prayers daily for the following days of grief. Remember that officers are honored to protect us on our homeland and we thank them for their sacrifice.
Joe Taylor
Cops Evangelist Ministries
Joe Taylor (Former FL LEO)
September 18, 2006
To Friends & Family of Cpl. Krauss,
We typically dedicated our DUI special enforcement efforts and events in honor of a fallen hero that succumbed to hands of a drunk driver. On 9/15/06, officers took part in such effort in honor and memory of Cpl. Krauss. I'm happy to report that on that night we made 6 DUI arrests and as result 6 less drunk drivers on the road in Northern Virginia with no chance to hurt anyone.
May your memory live forever Cpl. Krauss.
Sergeant S. B. Fard
Alexandria Police Department
September 16, 2006
My thoughts and prayers are with the family of Corporal Krauss.
Alison Moeller
Sisterinlaw of Cory Ricks eow 1/13/06
September 12, 2006
Thank You for all your have done. My prayers to your family, may you rest in peace Brother.
Stan De Long, Police Officer
Ballston Spa PD - NY
September 12, 2006
Thnak you for your many years of service and dedication, Sir. May GOD bless your family and friends now. Rest in peace.
Shirley Roberts
Aunt of Fallen Hero John Logan EOW-3-14-04
September 12, 2006
I know you heard it and seen it. I just want to let everyone know that the motor cycle that was blasting out the rumbling sound was your old bike! I guess the guy you sold it too wanted to let you hear how she sounded one last time. Every time I see a full moon I'm going to think of you, up in heaven riding on the golden streets of heaven..Don't do any burn outs now, you know thats what I love to do! ___________________________O-^O
September 12, 2006
I come to the ODMP often to remember my late fiancé Dennis. Everytime I come here it breaks my heart to know that yet another officer has fallen and that yet another family has to live their lives without the man they loved. My heart goes out to everyone who knew and loved Coporal Krauss, especially to his wife. Know that you are not alone in the "journey" that you walk. Should you ever need anything please don't hesitate to contact me. The Davis Co. Sheriff's Office in Iowa will always know how to reach me. You will be in my thoughts.
From reading the reflections left for Robert, he sounds like he was a great man with a beautiful spirit. Those of you who knew him in life were so blessed to have been able to share in it. I hope that you will all continue to find a way to celebrate and remember Robert's life and the MAN that he was. Remember that Robert's life was about so much more than the way he died. Robert will continue to live on as long as we continue to remember him.
Corporal Krauss, thank you for helping to make this world a little safer for us all. YOU will not be forgotten. Please continue to watch over all of us as only you can. If you happen to bump into my late fiancé Dennis up there give him a big hug for me and the kids. It's been three and a half years but we still miss him terribly.
Wishing you brighter and better days,
Jocelyne :)
"Forever Remembering 26-3"
Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Surviving Fiancee of Deputy Dennis R. McElderry (EOW: 01/03/03)
September 11, 2006
Hey Bob,
Still can't believe your gone. Lisa and I talk to you daily and things happen and we know you're there listening. It just doesn't seem real. The day of the funeral work got I phone call from the BHT and can you believe it I got a transfer, you know how long I've been trying. We say you had something to do with it. Miss you alot.
September 11, 2006
I don't even know where to begin. You will never know how much you meant to our family. Samantha and Lane will forever call you their "Uncle Bob". We have had allot of wonderful memories and we will forever treasure them. We love you!!!!
Tracey Weismiller
Friend/Wife of fellow officer
September 11, 2006
I would say thanks for walking the line, but from what I've read on your page it seems like you RODE it, and rode it well. However the journey, thank you. Requiem in pacem.
Recruit KH #2648
VBPD Class of 43
September 9, 2006
Rest in peace.
S.O.S. J. Diehl
September 9, 2006
Dear Bobby,
Until me meet again at Cancun Cantina in the sky.
God Bless
Officer Jeff Colleli
Metropolitan Police Washington, DC
September 9, 2006
From growing up together, becoming the very best of friends, to the best man in my wedding, to a fellow brother in blue......I will never....ever forget you!!!!
You will forever hold a special place in my heart as Best Friends who were Brothers in Blue....
Until we meet again, walk the beat together from the heavens above.........
Retired Police Officer Ron Becker
Baltimore City Police Department
September 9, 2006
Bobby you will truely be all aspects of and play..did not get to work with you that much but i got to know you while sitting with you at the hospital back in december..great man..great friend to all..enjoy your ride off in the sunset..there is cold beer waiting in the cancun cantina in the sky
ofc w. blair
mdta police
September 9, 2006
ride on brother rest in peace.
thom strunk
bounty hunter
September 9, 2006
my condolance to the Kruass family from the rockinranch flordia
September 8, 2006
Uncle Bob,
Wow can i say? i still cannot believe your gone. I still get tears to my eyes when i think of the fact that i can no longer hear you or see you anymore. When i went to the viewing i kept thinking this isnt real, this isnt you. Why did it have to be you? i was still in shock because you were doing so well. i will never ever forget you. You had the coolest imgainary friend name ever and the coolest truck to match! It still hurts when i think that your gone but its easier when i think about all the memories. I am sorry i didnt get a ride on your bike or that we didnt get to eat crabs one more time.
Love Always
Tiffany Younghein
September 8, 2006
My thoughts and prayers are with you Ms. Janice and David. Bobby was a great person and will be truly missed. I will always remember the fun times we had growing up in the same neighborhood. Bobby is up there with Derrick now watching over us all.
laurie merkousko wells
September 8, 2006
Bob, Met you on the day we had that ill-fated detail for a funeral possession. From that incident we became good friends and I will miss your conversation and love of motorcycles. Was hoping next year when I got my job motor you could give me some pointers even though you would not be riding with me. Now I know you will be riding with me now. Tyrone
Off. Tyrone Lee, Sr
Maryland Transit Administration Police
September 8, 2006
Now that your duty here on earth is over I Thank you for making this world a little bit of a safer place..It is a difficult job to be a motor officer who is exsposed to all the elements..Just a bit more dangerous then riding in a patrol car..I feel that they are some of the bravest that serves the PD..Now with Angels singing as your sirens shine down on your family and friends and continue to act as a gaurdian Angel!!
Ashley Moyer
Wife Of Montgomery Alabama Motor Officer
September 7, 2006
Rest in peace blue angel. God bless.
Collins Fire Dept. (Mississippi)
September 7, 2006
Rest in peace, and thank you for your time of service. You will never be forgotten.
Ofc. Aaron P. Sparks
Gilmanton NH Police Department
September 7, 2006
Thank you for your service.
Ofc. S.L. Coffman #15174
California Highway Patrol
September 7, 2006