DeKalb County Police Department, Georgia
End of Watch Thursday, June 29, 2006
Reflections for Detective Dennis Carmen Stepnowski
We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.
George Orwell (1903 - 1950)
Sleep well. Sleep quiet, the light will shine in your stead. Others step forward to fill in the space, but none can fill in the footprints you left. We follow through with your plan and will continue in your name.
MPO Dave Helm
DKPD Brother.
July 10, 2006
From your brothers and sisters in red, we will never forget. Some speak of an extended family, that extension does not stop with the blue line, it extends throughout all public safety. As a firefighter and emt, I run many calls with our officers, MVC's, assaults, overdoses, etc. On some calls, an officer will swing by just to check on us if we're not in a good neighborhood.
We too feel the loss of a fallen brother and will never forget.
5-5-5-5 Det. Stepnowski will be 10-42 for the duration.
R.I.P. Brother
Brandi Hall FF2
Dekalb County Fire Rescue
July 10, 2006
A Poem for Step
When I started my career that day
They asked of me a question.
Why do you want to be the police?
To Protect and Serve, I mentioned.
Then they pinned a badge over my heart
And I swore the Oath of Blue.
Never fully knowing that I had just
Joined a family of soldiers so true.
Nightly we hit the streets together
After praying for all of our own.
Patrolling all the neighborhoods
While our loved ones slept alone.
We looked for signs of trouble and
Listened for cries of sorrow
Because we knew the differences made today
Would be the peace for all tomorrows.
Why do you police for me?, they ask
I want you to be safe.
I yearn to be the role model
Who shows others to behave.
To be the Best of the Best is what you taught to me
In spirit, body and mind
You are the Golden Example of it
The best friend a Brother may find.
You led me by example
For justice quenched your thirst.
You taught me to be hungry
But keeping officers’ safety first.
Jokingly I referred to you and your team
As a patrolman’s 9-1-1.
For when we couldn’t find the strength
We called to you to get it done.
I was on a traffic stop that day
When my smile became a frown.
Instantly it took my breath away as radio
declared, “Officer Down.”
For now my Brother needed me
And I rushed to be by his side.
But the angels beat me there that day
As my Guardian Angel died
Your reputation proceeded you
With actions speaking your words.
Your presence here made us all feel safe and
Of your protection, God has heard.
All wept that day when we laid you down
10-42 was Echo 7
But I take comfort, for in this I know:
You now watch over me from Heaven.
July 10, 2006
May God be with your family.
Dep. 73-153
Shelby Co. Sheriff's Dept.- IN
July 10, 2006
Step, I have been trying to think of a way to express in words what a mentor, peer, friend and beat partner you were to me so many years ago at South Precinct where we forged our reputations in the department. I know there were many times where either one of us was mad at the other for some stupid reason or the other, but seems so trivial now when I sit and think about what has transpired over the last two weeks. When I found out I dropped my phone in shock and broke down, thinking there is no way Step is to good for that to happen. Then the pure and utter rage came over me wanting to go and do what I did best in life, Police like we once did a long time ago. This all coming a week and a day after I retired/resigned to move on to what I thought was bigger and better for me. Then I started to think and reflect on what you were to so many of us and what you would want from all of us. You would want us to continue in our lives and celebrate what you were "A TRUE WARRIOR IN EVERY ASPECT, THE LAST OF THE TRUE MEAT EATER'S.!.!.!"
You were always there when it went bad, you were always there during all those chase's may it been in a car or on foot, all the fights and anything that even might of had a possibly of going bad you were there. I want to say thank you, because knowing my pride I never did... You were the real deal and I thank you.. There is a quote from George Orwell that speaks of you so well: "People sleep peaceful in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." It might not be exact because Im writing with emotions so I apologize, but I hope it expresses what Im trying to say...
Step sleep peaceful now and let those rough men stand watch for you now, you deserve it so very much my brother in blue..
Good bye for now true warrior and sleep peaceful....Looking foward to seeing you again!!!!
Chris Dowdy
July 10, 2006
Thank you for your bravery, you really are a hero. I wish that you culd have removed this terrible person from the world without having to lose your own life. The world is a safer place because of your actions, but Dekalb County is not because it has lost a very brave man in you! Thank you and may God be with your family.
Former Fulton County Georgia Police Officer
July 10, 2006
July 9, 2006
My sincere condolences go out to the family, fellow officers, and friends of Detective Stepnowski. From Carolina to California, Alaska to Alabama, the thin blue line will take it from here.....
Law Enforcement 23rd Psalm:
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,
His comforting hand reduces fear to naught;
He makes me walk through streets of crime,
But He gives me courage and peace of mind.
He leads me by still waters in the path I trod,
And He says in Romans I'm a "minister of God,"
He leads me in righteousness as He restores my soul,
For His name's sake He keeps me whole.
When I walk through death's valley, right up to the door,
I will fear no evil, for He comforts me more;
For Thou art with me every step of the way,
As thy rod and thy staff protect me each day.
He prepares a table, especially for me,
As I work daily among life's enemies;
He gives me authority to uphold the law,
And He anoints my position in the midst of it all.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me,
Each day of my life through eternity;
As I long to hear Him say, "Well done my son...,"
When I lay down my life, my badge, and my gun.
Sgt. Kevin B. Kelley
Carteret Co. Sheriff's Office Beaufort, NC.
July 9, 2006
To Mr. and Mrs. Stepnowski,
It is never easy when you have to say goodbye to a fallen hero. I have been in this line of work for 29 years and all of those lost have a special tear that was cried only for them. Extended Family was a term I never really understood until I became a member of this DeKalb County Family. In 911 every day you see the men and women in blue, you work with them, you get to know them, sometimes you like them a lot and sometimes you like them a little, but you always love them and you do all you can to keep them safe as they do what they do. Honoring what they stand for, Respecting them for the job they do, Loving them for their contribution to the lives of others. To the family of Officer Dennis Stepnowski...Honor, Respect and Love were always felt for Dennis by every one he met. What an honor to add to that list NEVER FORGOTTEN.....and he will not be. If you ever need to reach out for anything please do not hestiate to call on us.
Sandy Pendley
DeKalb Police - 911 Communications
Sandy Pendley - 911 Watch Commander
DeKalb County Police
July 9, 2006
God Bless you and your family. Rest in peace my dear brother.
Sgt. Jim May (ret)
Charlotte Mecklenburg P.D.
July 9, 2006
Rest In Peace.
U.S. Marshals
July 9, 2006
Detective Stepnowski,
I want to thank you sir for making the world a safer place for us all.Your sacrifice isn't in vain sir,there are many of us that will gladly continue the watch in your name and the names of so many others.Thank you,with heartfelt sincerity.
St.John Sheriff's Office
A sister of the shield
St.John Sherifff's Office
July 9, 2006
You will truly be missed. You were one of the best around, a joy to work with. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Laura Bales 911 Senior Operator
Dekalb County Police Dept
July 8, 2006
You died a hero and will always be remembered for it. Rest in peace, sir.
Recruit Cruz Balmore
Atlanta Police Department
July 8, 2006
I never had the honor of meeting you but you were a good friend to a friend of mine. He always spoke very highly of you and how you were a true cop. God bless you, your family, and fellow officers. Thank you Det. Stepnowski for your outstanding service, you will not be forgotten.
July 8, 2006
I'll never forget the first time meeting you. I was working in east Atlanta (Z6) and you helped me track down a stolen car that had just ran from me near Flat shoals and Fayetteville Rd. As a new officer I remember being impressed with the way you presented yourself and your knowledge of the job. I was fortunate enough to run several more calls with you during my time with APD. You are truly the kind of officer that we should aspire to be. Rest in peace brother. Gone but not forgotten.
PO II Roger Bell #944
Gwinnett County Police
July 7, 2006
Your actions speak very loudly, you are a true hero and hero’s are not forgotten. May you rest in peace and may your family be safe in knowing that you are in the hero’s corner in heaven.
Detective Lee S. Doll
Colorado Springs Police Dept Netro Vice, Narcotic's and Intell Unit
July 7, 2006
Whenever good men or women are lost in the act of protecting the citizens of our country it is a tragedy and a loss to all of us. Whether they be law enforcement, firefighters, or military, they have made the ultimate sacrifice so that you and I may live in peace and continue to enjoy our lives.
We owe them a debt of gratitude that can never be paid.
May God bless them all.
David S. Wagner
Col (USAR ret) Armor
Col David S. Wagner
USAR ret. Armor
July 7, 2006
It is with deep sadness and regret about learning of the passing of Dekalb County Police Officer Dennis Stepnowksi. My deepest sympathies and condolences go out to his family and entire Dekalb County Police Dept. I didn’t know Officer Stepnowski personally but I know it would have surely been the ultimate honor. I used to live in Georgia and had been through Dekalb County many times, and when I learned of this tragedy it hit close to home. I watched the funeral on the evening news and I think that one of Officer Step’s fellow officers said it best “He didn’t die a hero; he lived as a hero everyday.” A lot times the work that police officers do go noticed until, one is killed in the line of duty. The public doesn’t get to see the other side of law enforcement that officers deal with on a day to day basis. Everyday that an officer put on the uniform and perform their duties they are the true definition of hero. I read a lot of the reflections left by some of the people that knew Officer Stepnowski and he sounds like an officer that went above and beyond the call of duty and was truly an outstanding officer. I know that Officer Stepnowski with be patrolling the streets of heaven, with all of the other fallen officers.
May god be the Dekalb County Police Dept. and the Stepnowski family during this time of need, your fellow brothers will take if from here. The law enforcement and corrections community has lost a true hero that will never be forgotten and will be deeply missed.
R.I.P Officer Stepnowski
10-7, 10-42
Corrections Officer
WV Division of Juvenile Services
July 7, 2006
To the family of Dennis Stepnowski, as I read though these reflections I can see what a wonderful person and officer Stepnowski was. Just remember he will always be looking down on you.
To a brother in Blue, you sound like you were a great man and partner. Look down on use in blue when you are walking the beat in heaven
Minnesota Cop
July 7, 2006
Brother, you gave the ultimate sacrifice, rest well, the keepers of peace will not forget you.
Detective Steve Fisher
July 7, 2006
Oh Step....I'll never forget the first time I saw the legend "Stepnowski". I was in a fight on a part time at 4:30 a.m. close to the Gwinnett border. I'm finially top of the perp putting cuffs on and then this huge angel comes through the door. You picked him up off the floor like he weighed two pounds then looked at me and winked! I followed you out the door and you said "way to go". You stopped on your way home from work to save my butt.
Ever since that night I always called you every time I did something good because I wanted your approval. I new if you said something positive about it then it really was something to brag about.
I'm gonna miss your big smile and those stupid jokes. I'm gonna miss how safe I felt every time you came to my calls with me. I'm gonna miss those thousands of KDT's I got working evening shift (I was almost in 41's because of you). You are such a wonderful friend and brother. I can't wait to see you soon.
C.S. Baxter
DeKalb Police
July 6, 2006
There can be no greater honor in life than to give yours for another. I admire all that you had become and know that the work, service and committment you had given your community is as monumental as you were. I feel proud to have know you back when and pray that your wife, family and friends find comfort in knowing that your blessed for all eternity.
May god be with you always, rest in peace.
A Childhood Friend
July 6, 2006
Thank you for serving your community in such an honorable fashion. I did not have the fortune of knowing you, however, reading the reflections left by so many, you were someone to be admired. You lived a hero's life and you died a hero. To the family and friends of this courageous man, you have my deepest sympathy. May you all continue to fight the good fight just as Step did. I SALUTE YOU!
Special Agent
Department of Justice- OIG
July 6, 2006
Detective you will not be Forgotten
"Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called Sons of God."
Matt. 5:9
July 6, 2006