Smith County Constable's Office - Precinct 4, Texas
End of Watch Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Reflections for Constable Dale David Geddie
Constable Geddie and Family,
Our prayers and thoughts are with you. We thank you for the service you have provided to the citizens of Texas.
President Chad Randall
Pearland Police Officer's Association
June 8, 2006
"Final Call"
An Angel In The Sky Must Leave His Place Of Rest,
Gently Tucking His Wings Beneath His Armored Vest.
For Duty Has Called, There Is Much Work To Do
Little Did He Know, This One Is Dressed In Blue.
Arriving On The Scene, He Knows Just What To Say,
"Follow Me, Fallen Brother, I'll Show You The Way."
"Your Duty Has Ended, Your Work Is Now Through."
"Come Hang Your Hat Beside Mine, I'm A Cop, Too."
Wife of Texas State Trooper
Smith County
June 8, 2006
When I began my law enforcement career, D.D. Geddie, was one of those few officer that would stop and help you in learning how to do this job right. Nobody "knew" D.D., you "experienced" D.D. He was a quiet man who was the picture of character, honor, and integrity. I spoke with D.D. last December, while he worked security at a local store, and was refreshed just by visiting with him. I can only hope to achieve the status of a man as he represents. Godspeed D.D., save me a place at the banquet table. John 15:13 "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." We love and miss you D.D.
Sergeant Wes Criddle
Quitman Police Department / Friend
June 8, 2006
Shine your light down on us.
Lift us up so we can see.
Shine your light when your gone.
Give us the strength to carry on.
Frankston Police Department
June 8, 2006
You shall be remembered for your service and duty that you have done so well. My prayers will be with you and your family.
Tim Gish
Former Smith County Jailer
June 8, 2006
We have no words to immediately buffer the pain felt by your family at your passing.
Perhaps there will be some comfort for your family in the trying days to come as we citizens express our sincere gratitude for your life, service, and supreme sacrifice.
Your light will continue to shine in this world through the example of your life.
I have no doubt you will soon hear the words,
"Well done, good and faithful servant."
Ron Swartz
Citizen, Smith County
June 8, 2006
God bless the family of Constable Dale Geddi and to all the brave members of the Smith County Constable's Office for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Cpl Jean-Paul Rochat
Swiss Army, MP Service, Traffic Unit
June 8, 2006
To The Family of Constable Dale Geddie:
We in our Fire Department are saddened to hear of the death of Constable Geddie. Please accept our sincere condolensences. We share your pain and your sorrow. We also lost a dear family member in recent years. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Such losses are hard to contemplate; however, I believe it can best be explained as an unselfish act of giving his life so that the citizens of Smith County are protected from individuals who hold such reckless disregard for human life.
Remember the biblical message: "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends"
"Blessed are the Peacekeepers, for they shall be the children of God"!!!!!!
Lance Trout
Fire Chief
Mid-North Johnson County VFD
Fire Chief - Lance Trout
Mid-North Johnson County VFD
June 8, 2006
THANK YOU Dale for your unfailing comittment to the citizens of Smith County and Winona. Your gentle, warm and protective presence will never be forgotten. Our prayers and thoughts are with your family. We thank God for you and pray his richest blessings upon your loved ones.
Winona TX
Appreciative constituent & neighbor-Winona TX
June 8, 2006
Rest in peace, Constable Geddie. Your life's work will continue through the fine example you have set for your brothers and sisters in law enforcement. May those who love you find solace and peace.
E. Brown
June 7, 2006
I send my condolences to the family, friends, and Smith County Constable's Office regarding the demise of Constable Dale Geddie. I hope everyone that knew this officer will continue to remember his bravery, courage, and the legacy in which he left.
Constable Geddie your shift is over now, we will take it from here. Rest in peace, brother...
Deputy James E. Bradford Jr.
Bradley County Sheriff Department
June 7, 2006
THANK YOU Dale for your unfailing comittment to the citizens of Smith County and Winona. Your gentle, warm and protective presence will never be forgotten. Our prayers and thoughts are with your family. We thank God for you and pray his richest blessings upon your loved ones.
Winona TX
Appreciative constituent & neighbor-Winona TX
June 7, 2006
Thank you Constable Geddie for your honorable service toward the betterment of your state and our country. God bless you, your family, and the Department you served.
Albuquerque Police Department
June 7, 2006
I have known constable Dale Geddie for a few years.After many years in law inforcement with Smith County Sheriff's
Department(TX.).Then working on his own as a private investigator, Dale ran and won the office of precinct 4 constable's office.Dale always worked hard helping others and helping to keep others safe.He will be missed but not forgotten.You did good Dale. Rest in peace my friend.
June 7, 2006
My God be with you and your family, You shall be remembered for your service and duty that you have done so well. My prayers will be with you and your family. REST IN PEACE
Cody Runnels
Rusk County S.O.
June 7, 2006
Rest in Peace, Brother
Deputy Bennett
Henry County Sheriff's Dept. (Indiana)
June 7, 2006
may we never forget. me and my chief were just in an oil field theft class with one of your officers. you just never know.
patrolman jason parker
new london tx police department
June 7, 2006
My prayers are with the family of Constable Geddie. Sir, God bless you for your service, may you now rest in peace. You will not be forgotten.
Kalamazoo County Sheriff's Department
June 7, 2006
Dale Geddie is a super law enforcement officer as well as a super human being. It is a majior loss to the residents in Pct. 4 . If there could even be a IDEAL law enforcment person, it was Dale. He was very supportive of our small volunteer fire department, which was in his pct. Dale will be missed very much by one and all. My deepest sympathy goes out to his wife and kids , and all that knew and worked with him . As one of the earlier posts mentioned, HE IS RE-ASSIGNED. Wel will miss you Dale.
John B. Freeman
Chief- Jackson Heights VFD (Smith County,Tx)
Chief - John B. Freeman
Jackson Heights VFD (smith county,tx)
June 7, 2006
May you rest in peace. Your dedication will not be forgotten by all who knew you.
June 7, 2006
We here of so many of our Law Enforment Officer's being gunned down all around this world, But some how it's different when it's so close to home. My heart goes out to Constable Dale Geddie's Family & Friends. May the Lord be with you all and guide you through this untimely lose. My Father was in Law Enforcement(may God rest his sole 11/2005).He was able to retire and lived a good life.
June 7, 2006
God bless you and your family!
S. Hall
June 7, 2006
Our deepest sympathy goes out to the family and friends of Constable Geddie, and our thoughts and prayers are with our brothers and sisters in the Smith County Constable's Office and the Smith County Sherrifs Department.
The Miami Beach Police Department
June 7, 2006
Our thoughts are with Constable Geddie's family.
Sgt Chris Whatley
Kaufman Co Sheriff's Office
June 7, 2006
I met Dale at the race track where he worked security on Saturday nights, and he was one the most friendly guys you would ever meet. Always a warm smile and a handshake and usually more than one pat on the back. Nearly every time I saw him whenever we passed during the night he would pat me on the back and he just knew how to make you feel great. I will surely miss his winning smile and those pats I have become so familiar with. It's a terrible loss not only to the racing family but for the law enforcement family and residents in Smith County. It's going to be hard for a long time to come just knowing he won't be at the race track anymore. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family as I know this is so hard for them to believe. He was a one of a kind man and I will miss him.
Terry Griffith
June 7, 2006