Roane County Sheriff's Office, Tennessee
End of Watch Thursday, May 11, 2006
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff William Birl Jones
"greater lovehath no man than this,that a man laydown his life for his friends."-John 15:13- we will never forget you bill jones #730 R.I.P godspeed
July 25, 2006
Well, Bill, I wanted to be the first to let you know that I am pregnant again. This will be your second Grandchild from me. Actually it's your only two so far. I know you would have been happy. Aiden will finally learn to share! :) Everyone here is doing okay, I guess. Jeremy will get back form the Virgin Islands soon. I don't think he actually found a virgin though! :) Jeremy turns 24 on Wednesday. You will be missed, like always. We love you and miss you.
Your favorite daughter-in-law, :)
Michelle Jones
July 20, 2006
bill now some time has gone by and your memory is with me every day. i am trying to deal with the anger i have for the two who took you away. i miss you so much. i hope you are at peace, i pray for tammy and your kids. there is so much i wish i had done now it is to late i wanted to say im sorry for all the times i disapointed you, and tell you thank you for watching out for me and making me think about the choices i was making, you are a big part of my memory growing up, im glad you were there, proud to have had you in my life i miss you big brother, i wish you could have been here for my kids like you were for me,but i am glad they got to know you, and they love you will forever be in my heart and on my mind love you your little sis renee
renee luffman
July 20, 2006
Don't grieve for me now, for I am free, I'm following the path God laid for me. I took his hand when I heard him call I turned my back and left it all. I could not stay another day to laugh, to love, to work or play. Tasks left undone must stay that way. I found that place at close of day. If my parting has left a void then fill it with remembered joy. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss ah yes, these things I too will miss. But not be burdened with times of sorrow I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My life's been full, I've savored much, good friends, good times and a loved one's touch. Perhaps my time seemed all too brief don't lengthen it now with undue grief. Lift up your hearts and share with me God wanted me now, He set me free.
July 16, 2006
Peace be with you always...
Mrs. Natalie Jensen
wife of Detective Jared Jensen EOW 2/22/06
July 15, 2006
I finally got up the courage to go visit your grave last night. It was hard to really feel that we would no longer see that smiling face as we pass you on the highway. It's hard to know that I won't be able to tease you anymore when we ran into each other at the's hard to admit to myself that you are gone from us. I did cry, sorry - know how you hate that...but I will always remember you with a smile. God Bless and hold you in his arms.
July 12, 2006
"Sometimes, I wonder, who you'd be today –
One by one their seats were emptied; one by one they went away;
Here the circle has been broken, will it be complete one day?"
"We shall meet on that beautiful shore; in the sweet by and by”
"The only thing that gives me hope, is I know, I'll see you again someday, someday……”
July 12, 2006
Bill, It has been 2 months since you were on patrol here on this earth and you are so terribly missed. Becky, Bryant, Michelle & Bailee came by Sunday and of course you were the topic of convrsation. Where we saw you last, what you said, the feelings when the media made the announcement that you and Mike were gone. We will always remember that smile and your willingness to help and give comfort.We have the memorial stickers on our vehicles and someone is always asking where we got them. It is wonderful to see that everyone has so much respect and love for you.
YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN RIGHT PROUD!!!!We miss your visits and a day never goes by that your name is not spoken with love and respect. We are praying for your family we know you would do the same if it were us. Thank You for all you have done and GOD BLESS
c.jones & a.ward
July 11, 2006
In just hours, Billy’s siblings, mother and children, along with others will gather at the family church to once again remember their brother, son, father, friend. They will be seeking comfort for themselves, offering comfort to one another, and I hope, beginning to heal.
My heart has been aching for two months – for Billy, of course, and for his dear mother, loving sisters and brother, and adoring children. It’s been aching from seeing so closely how the lives of so many can be forever changed in an instant – in just one breath. Prior to May 11th, the mention of Billy’s name would have reminded me of getting "pulled over" by him on our way into Crossville, enjoying Aunt Tine's Pecan Pie or Sweet Tea (or both), sitting on the couch in the living room across from the wall where Billy's graduation picture was proudly hung; so I’ve been worried that our precious memories will be forever tarnished by the nature of his death. That’s what I had on my mind tonight when I walked into the 24-hour drug store hoping to find something to relieve the discomfort of my newborn twins' first colds.
It was right there in the cold/flu section that I was finally offered reassurance - suddenly, the elevator music with it's subliminal requests to "Stay, Shop, and Buy, Buy, Buy!!" was inexplicably interrupted by the sounds of bagpipes softly playing "Amazing Grace." Seconds later, the hymn stopped and the muzak returned. So it's at 2 in the morning at an all-night pharmacy that I am finally consoled. Though it's been said repeatedly since Billy’s death, it took me 2 long, questioning months to feel it for myself - Billy really is in a better place. The hymn promises, “Yeah, when this flesh and heart shall fail, and mortal life shall cease, I shall possess within the veil, a life of joy and peace.” Tonight, I know it’s true.
Billy, thank you. Thank you for being handsome, and funny, and good to your mother, my dear Aunt Tine. Thank you for being a father to so many. Thank you for serving your country, your county, your town, your neighbors.
Aunt Tine, Rosie, Susan, Lyn, and Ray - the loss each of you has experienced is unimaginable to me, so it is with absolute humility and sincerity I offer these condolences: May this service offer at least a bit of the solace you so deserve. May the quiet dignity and the strength that you have maintained over these past two months carry you through the months ahead. And finally, may the pain you now feel, be replaced with relief that he really has begun a “life of joy and peace.”
July 11, 2006
I didn't really know Bill too well, but I do know his daughter (Melody) and the rest of his family. They're all great people, and so was he.
He's greatly missed by many, but i'm sure we will see him again some day.
Love, always and forever-
Daughters cousin.
July 8, 2006
Be waiting by the river for me and mommy, cause when we get to Heaven we are going fishing.
July 8, 2006
Daddy, I miss you very much.
I enjoyed every moment we spent together especially when we would try to catch butterflies, you were so funny, but I know you're in Heaven, catching them for me, and you will save them until i get there with you. And remember on Halloween I scared you so bad you screamed and ran away from me, and that was funny too. You were such a loving and funny daddy. I know you are by my side all the days of my life and I will see you again in Heaven one day, but until then I will think about you everyday and you will always be in my heart.
I love you,
July 8, 2006
Just to let you know, the merger happened. I am now with the TBI. Also, went back to mamaw's house like we did last year. I remember how much you enjoyed seeing all the ole timey stuff, and telling me about the Indians that lived in the area. I can say the same things everyone else does, there is so much we wanted you to do with us that you enjoyed doing that carry so many memories. Jones, you will have such a long lasting effect on everyone. You will be remembered as long as there is a breath in my body. Thank You So Much Boss.
David Laxton
Best Friend
July 7, 2006
I’m still shocked. I’m preoccupied with your death, saddened by our loss, and desperate to ease the pain your mom, sisters, and Ray are still experiencing. I’ll be praying for guidance, searching for signs, and asking myself, “Are you acting out of anger? What would Billy want? Does it matter?” – want to do the right things for the right reasons.
Don’t know if I need to tell you this or if your spirit knows it already, but not a day goes by that you’re not thought of, loved and admired.
May the peace that at times eluded you here now be yours everyday and always.
July 7, 2006
Just to let you know some things NEVER change.
Everyone misses you
July 5, 2006
The magnet still has it from the grave.
A Dear Friend
July 5, 2006
It seems like an eternity that you left us. Marc misses you terribly and he cannot bring himself to even look at your photographs. I will be there on the 11th and although I begged him and Michelle to accompany me, they have refused. Your leaving is too much for them to bear. Mom is doing ok. I will spent some time with her and of course you will be our main topic.(smile) You told me to keep in touch with her no matter what part of the world I may be living so I will honour your wishes. I cannot believe that you are gone but I know that if you had a choice, you would never leave us. It is very hard for me but I have to let you go and say goodbye. You have moved on and I have to do the same. You left many aching hearts in all walks of life - men, women and children. Your legacy is one to be admired and respected. Tennessee will miss a fine gentleman and officer and all those who were fortunate to have known you in this lifetime will want to be there with you in the next. I miss you terribly and will keep your memory alive.
Miss you and love you forever
Your dear friend, Norma
Dear friend
July 5, 2006
i miss bill so much he was a great police officer!
and my little sister melody does to!
he will never be forgotten never! he was always their for me when i needed him
i love you bill
sister of daughter (melody)
July 4, 2006
If I learned anything from your death, it is to live everyday as if it was my last. Last week, I brought a yellow Kawasaki Ninja. You always loved bikes. I have always wanted one, so bad. You would be tickled to death, and you would have got the Black Honda to going riding with me. You would have hated the color, though. "Yellow...Boy, what are you thinking? Your mother is gonna kill you..." I just wanna to let you know that everytime I go riding I wear your "Bill Jones 730" wristband so that I know that you will keep me safe. My mother is sometimes worried, but I smile and say, "Jonesy, is with me...don't worry." Happy 4th of July! Thanks for serving our country, Jonesy. And...I look forward to riding with you when we see each other again...
Todd Wright
July 4, 2006
Hey Sarg. Just wanted to let ya know that we all still miss you and that there isnt a day that goes by that we dont talk about you. Just the other night there was a few of us together and we was up all night talking about how you were the Heart and Soul of Law Enforcement, and about some of the things that you would do that would make all of us laugh. Its still so hard to believe that someone has taken you away from us. Its seems impossible, because you were always the one that anybody could depend on.........NO MATTER WHAT. I miss you so much sarg that words cant explain. When we would be working together, or off duty I felt so Honored to have you standing by my side. God I'd give anything to have you back
July 3, 2006
Bill, the 4th of July is coming around and I know it is going to be really bad for me and Trev. All I can think about is how you would go out and spend money we didn't have to be sure Trevor had bunches of fireworks to shoot. I can't stand the thoughts of you not having your little army men stategically placed in the yard and having your firecracker war. I know now that those fireworks were mostly for you. (ha ha) Trevor hasn't even said anything about them.
I placed an "american's finest police" flag at your memorial site. You would like it. Todd had something he was dying to show you and he said he went to the site and knows that you are just tickled about it.
I have became so angry about what has happened. No one should ever have to go through this. Yesterday the paper came out. I realized how things would have been so different had you had a camera in your car. I try to think of it the way you would think and I realize that you would want me to do what I can to help out on this. The Sheriff tried but due to the budgets he couldn't get all the funding approved. I know that a camera wouldn't have saved you but it would have alot of the answers that me, the boys, Jeremy & Megan, your Mother, sisters and brother are searching for.
Trevor has decided to go to Roane State. He wants to get his education and do what you two had planned on. I believe he is going to give it his best. Wes, Chris, Matt, Kelly have really helped him through this.
Jonesy and Bert are doing fine. Jonesy still will not sit in your chair. He will jump up on people who do. He finally quit whimpering and seems to have adjusted.
I talked to Michelle and she said Aiden had another haircut. The cut was the one you would have loved. He and his dad had the same cut until Jeremy had to report back.
I sit here thinking how you always said you would come home...I don't feel I can ever come to terms with any of this. I know it is in God's plans and we are not suppose to question that. Everyone else tells me it happened for a reason. What reason? I miss you something terrible and it being the weekend of the 4th makes it worse than ever.
Keep watch over us Bill.....Love Ya
July 2, 2006
Bill, It has been 49 days since you left here for a better place. We know you are with at rest now. I have you in my thoughts and prayers every day, especially for Tammy and Trevor. I know your other children miss you terribly but Trevor was your shadow. You have given a lot of young people an example to live up to. You are a wonderful human being, a strong and loving man and a proud and caring father. Roane County can never fill the void left by your leaving. Every time I see a patrol car, I automatically look to see if it is you so I can blink my lights or wave. Anytime I saw you out on the road at work, making your rounds, I knew in my heart that you were keeping the citizens of Roane County safe. Keep the Peace dear friend, You are truly missed!!
An Old Friend
June 30, 2006
may god be with your family,fellow officers,friends and you we miss you bill jones #730
rcso deputies son
June 30, 2006
Thank you for your service. You are in my prayers.
Ofc. S.L. Coffman
California Highway Patrol
June 28, 2006
God i miss you soooo much..... you know tomorrow will be 4 years my mom's been gone, 4 years since you sat on my couch with me and told me not to cry and let her go....i never thought in a million years i'd have to do the same about you. I hear your words to me so clear, it's like you're right there, with your cigarette in one hand and your coffee in the other asking me "what the h@#% is wrong with you? she is so much better off, she doesn't hurt anymore" and you would make it ok somehow and make me laugh. I think about Trevor everyday, i remember the first time he came to work with you, he was 9 it think, i remember how he looked at you,like you hung the moon, and i wish somehow i could give him words that would somehow comfort him the way you would comfort me. Hopefully he will find comfort one day that you are at peace and he will see you again. The guys are looking out for him down here, and i know you're looking over him from up there. Love and miss you, shannon
shannon heath, paramedic
good friend
June 26, 2006