Fairfax County Police Department, Virginia
End of Watch Monday, May 8, 2006
Reflections for Detective Vicky Anne Owen Armel
Thank you Vicky, for all that you were to our community. My thoughts and prayers are with all who knew you. You will be fondly missed and remembered by all of us in the DC Metro area.
MPD Police Wife
May 11, 2006
To The Armel Family
I, like all members the Police Department and our community are deeply saddened by the loss of Det. Vicky Armel. This tragady has touched me on a personal note and as a member of the United Buddhist Church of America Monastery, I've lead my temple in prayer for Vicky and her family. As a fellow colleague in the Fairfax County Police Department and on behalf of Central Records, we wish to extend our regrets to the Armel Family for their loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
Thanh Huynh Admin Assistant !!
Fairfax County Police (Records)
May 11, 2006
You are, and will always be, the perfect example of what an American Hero is! The blood you shed will ALWAYS keep the stripes in our beloved flag red and wet! Our job is a hard one, some don't understand that. But although I didn't know you, I will never forget you. May the Lord above us bless you and your family, and thank you for being a true inspiration. I truly hope that as an officer, I can make you proud. God bless you Detective Armel.
Police Officer
Arlington County Police Dept.
May 11, 2006
May God watch over your family and coworkers during these trying times. As a child growing up in Fairfax county, I remember being so impressed with the men and women of the FCPD. Your bravery on May 8th is an example of the professionalism that has been associated with FCPD for many years. Thank you for your time on earth keeping northern Virginia safe. Take care and know that your family and coworkers are in our thoughts and prayers.
TFC J. Prince
Maryland State Police Trooper 4
May 11, 2006
To FCPD, friends and family to Detective Armel:
Your loss is felt by all of us. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank you for your sacrifice for which we are all safer.
God Bless you in your time of sorrow.
Special Agent
Washington, DC
May 11, 2006
Those we love must someday pass beyond our present sight... Must leave us and the world we know without their radiant light. But we know that like a candle their lovely light will surely shine to brighten up another place more perfect... more divine. And in the realm of Heaven where they shine so warm and bright. Our loved ones live forevermore in God’s eternal light.
In Valor There is Hope...
Rest in Peace Vicky... Your family and friends are in our prayers.
Lt. Karen C. Carr
Chesterfield County Police Department
May 11, 2006
My thoughts are with Detective Armel's family during this difficult time. May God Bless Vicky, her husband, her children, and her law enforcement brothers and sisters.
Wife of Fairfax County Sheriff
Wife of Fairfax County Sheriff
May 11, 2006
Thanks for helping keep my family safe in this county.
I will never understand why God lets bad things happen to good people.
You will be missed.
Deputy Sheriff
Fairfax Sheriff's Office
May 11, 2006
The thin blue line became a little thinner at the Sully Station on May 8, 2006. I pray that we will never forget the dangers that we face each and every day as police officers, for such remembrances will make us stronger. Let us never forget the courage displayed in the parking lot of the sub-station by all the officers. Let us never forget Vicky nor her family in their time of need. Let us pray for a speedy and complete recovery for Mike.
Lt William F Kiefer, Retired
Fairfax County Police
May 11, 2006
by Jorge Luis Gonzalez
..the old timer just couldn't remember where he had left it...
had it been a whole year already?
...was it that time of year again?
...the old timer kept looking for it and began to remember thier faces, their smiles
...was it that long ago?
...the old timer had chosen this life, just like they did
...the only exception was that the old timer, could still search for it and they stopped looking for it so many years ago
...they didn't need it anymore, their search was over
...it was a good thing where they were at
...there was no fear there, no apathy there, no arrogance or ignorance there
...no hatred, no retaliation, no vindictivenss
...no evil, no death, just eternal life and happiness
...the old timer wanted to be there at times because the weight of the human cross was at times too much to bear
...the old timer finally remembered where it was
...he walked to the desk, dusted off the Good Book, opened it and found it
...this soft of black colored cloth
...it even covered some of the deep scratches on that old tin star
...just like the ones that covered the old timer's soul
...he didn't like this piece of cloth, he didn't like what it represented
...but the old timer didn't want to forget either and the old timer owed them at least that much
...as the old timer closed the Good Book, the piece of cloth had left it's mark on the page
..."Blessed are the Peace Makers for they shall be called the sons of God"...
..dedicated to the memory of those who didn't come home...to all the pieces of black cloth worn today, and for the lives we cherish and honor this Police Memorial Week...
May 11, 2006
The heart of a serving Officer,
Dedication to what is true.
Giving each day of their strength,
To protect me and to protect you.
We take it for granted,
The sacrifices they made each day.
Long hours and little sleep,
Truly not enough pay.
But that is not the focus,
Of those who serve and protect.
They stand in the gap for us,
Weather or not they are given respect.
Those that are not officers,
Or a family member to.
Can not truly understand the work,
Of serving Officers like you.
Most citizens live their lives each day,
Violence seldom touches you.
But those that are wearing a badge,
Face it for more than just a few.
But when a precious life is lost,
And the ultimate price is paid.
The world does then truly know,
The dedication it takes to protect and save.
We mourn and grieve for the one that’s lost,
Struggling through each coming day.
But that sacrifice is not lost on us,
For we give honor, respect and praise.
Therefore it’s not enough to just remember,
The lost and their sacrifice.
It’s important for all to be actively stopping,
The violence that took that life.
So let us all come together,
Officers, Citizens and Officials to.
To fight this war of violence,
Suffered by the ones that love them true.
So God Bless the families of the fallen,
Pray for them and the pain they all share.
Keep your hearts opened and be prayerful,
For all our Officers and what they must bare.
Dedicated to the memory of Detective Vicky Armel
By Lynne Hancock
Central Records
Fairfax County Police Department
Lynne Hancock
Fairfax County Police (Records)
May 11, 2006
"When I am gone, remember I'm with my savior;
then do not mourn because I've passed away.
Life holds so many griefs and disappointments,
and will you cry because I did not stay?
'Tis only for a spell we must be parted;
not many years on earth to us are given.
And when my Savior tells me you are coming,
I'll go with Him and welcome you to Heaven.
Grieve not because the eyes that looked upon you
shall never see your face on earth again;
Rejoice, because they look upon the Savior
who gave His life to ransom sinful men.
Weep not because I walk no longer with you;
remember, I am walking streets of gold."
May 11, 2006
Rest In Peace Detective Vicky... You were once a Police Officer and will always be a police officer, you will be remembered. Thank You for your protection and service to the community, and I really feel sorry for the outcome of Monday's incident. My deep condolences to Vicky's Family, friends and Colleagues...im so sorry. Vicky, thanks for everything....Rest In Peace and let your soul be with God.
Santos Ramirez, Criminal Justice Student
Fairfax County Resident
May 11, 2006
"The Reward" - a poem for women in law enforcement
I try not to give too much
to a job that requires my all:
I need something left for my family
after handling all my calls.
Time spent at home must be made the most of;
home-cooked dinners shared together,
time set aside for making love.
Yet I cannot help but give one hundred percent
to people in need, wherever I am sent.
Just as I would want any cop to be
when helping someone who is important to me.
So I don't hold back, I do my best on every tour.
When I pin on my shield, it's what I'm there for.
Though it often means a big ballgame I'm missing;
my husband waits alone, or a bruised knee I'm not kissing,
my kids think I'm the best cop in the world!
On that horrible day, Vicky did exactly what she did every day....she was "the best cop in the world". I hope that her children will always remember her as such. Anyone that was ever blessed by her smile knows that she was something special. May God give comfort to her family, and may they know that they are in my prayers.
God Bless the Armel family!
May 11, 2006
I did not know but I have heard nothing but great things aboutt you. you are truly a hero and inspiration to all in law enforcement. My prayers are with you.
PFC. D.A. Robles
Fairfax County Sheriff's Office
May 11, 2006
May your family have peace in all the memories of you, rest Vicky you have done your job well.
Cassandra Bright/Admin. Asst.
Prince William County Police Dept.
May 11, 2006
God took you too soon. We will miss you but never forget you.
May 11, 2006
Dear Vicky,
I have been talking to you every night since you died, and even though we have never met, I know in my heart that we are friends. It gives me peace to share a few words with you before I go to sleep, to say a prayer for your family and let you know how much everyone respects you for the person and officer that you were. God will watch over your children for you as you rest in peace. Strength to your husband and family, Peace be yours always.
May 11, 2006
While we pray for Detective Armel and her family we need to offer another silent prayer for all the other men and woman who wear the police uniform and who seem to have a name tag that says "target."
This is such a tragic event and even the more so because we seem to be unable to stop similar horrors from happening and other families being hurt.
God help Vicky, her family and all the rest of her comrades in arms.
Frank Bryce
Friend of the Force
May 11, 2006
You will live on in the hearts of your loved ones. RIP. Your courage under fire allowed other to live. You are truly a hero!...We lost a hero in Philadelphia this week... also shot down by a coward! You are in my prayers daily as are all law enforcement persons.
Mother of Phila. P.O. Joseph Leigthhardt
May 11, 2006
A lovely woman and an excellent detective. God bless her family and friends.
Special Agent
May 11, 2006
Rest in Peace Detective Vicky O. Armel,
Your a Hero and have served Fairfax County well.
A Dedicated Officer, Mother, Friend and Wife,
Such a shame you had to give your life.
You will be dearly missed by us all.
But your name will remain eternal,
As they etch it into the wall.
It wasn't by chance that you accepted Jesus Christ in 2004.
God has his plans and has given you a new tour.
You did your job on Earth up till the very end.
Please watch over us from Heaven until we meet again.
Today as we grieve and say our good-byes,
The good Lord knew there wouldn't be any dry eyes.
But for those who don't know the Lord, Simply ask him into your heart,
So in the end, you and Vicky shall never be apart.
MPO Kevin L. Webb
Fairfax County Police Department
May 11, 2006
My friend Vicky,
I didn't know that it was you that day.....I tried Vick, but I was too late. Forgive me.
Selfishly, I take comfort that we were together for a little while that day. I loved you Vicky. When I see you again, I'll tell you how much.
Detective Vincenta Call
Fairfax County Police Department
May 11, 2006
May 11, 2006
Nothing I say can even come close to expressing the sorrow, disbelief, and tremendous loss I am feeling right now. You exemplified what being a Fairfax County Police Officer is all about by your dedication and service to the citizens in this County. How I wish I could hear that "Blues Clues" dog bark one more time over the radio! And in true "Taz" style, you went down fighting. I am proud to have worked with you, but most of all, have called you my friend.
Second Lieutenant John P. Naylor
Fairfax County Police Department
May 11, 2006