Texas Department of Public Safety - Texas Highway Patrol, Texas
End of Watch Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Reflections for Trooper Eduardo Chavez
My Love,
Happy new year!!! I love and Miss you!!!
January 1, 2007
Today was Officer Dan Bessant's funeral. In preparation for this event, I read Dan's reflections. One of the most touching was by Trooper Chavez's wife, Iliana.
I have to feel guilty because up until today when I read Trooper Chavez's bio, I would not have known of the tragedy that the Chavez family, friends, and the Texas DPS has faced. I am so sorry for your loss and I know that simple words offer little comfort, but I was very touched by Iliana's strength and words of encouragment for Katelyn and Baby Wyatt Bessant.
Iliana, thank you so much for the reflection you left. I will keep you and Baby Eduardo and your family and friends in my prayers. Rest assured that I have already shared your husband's bio with all of my co-workers here in the report room. We are complete strangers, but we do share a common bond and this story touched me and I will share it with those who are close to me.
May God Bless you and keep you. May you have hope and strength for the new year.
RAA #1354
ESPD/PCPA, California
December 28, 2006
First Christmas In Heaven
I've had my first Christmas in Heaven
A glorious wonderful day!
I stood with saints of the ages
Who found Christ, the Truth, and the Way
I sang the glad songs of redemption,
How Jesus to Bethlehem came,
And how they had called His name Jesus,
That all might be saved through His name.
We sang once again with the angels,
The song that they sang that blest morn,
When shepherds first heard the glad story
That Jesus, the Saviour, was born.
O, dear one, I wish you had been here:
No Christmas on earth could compare
With all the rapture and glory
We witness in Heaven so fair.
You know how I always loved Christmas;
It seemed such a wonderful day,
With all of my loved ones around me,
The children so happy and gay.
Yes, now I can see why I loved it,
And, Oh, what a joy it will be,
When all of my loved ones are with me,
To share in the glories I see.
So dear ones on earth, here's my greeting:
Look up till the day dawn appears,
And, Oh, what a Christmas awaits us,
Beyond all our partings and tears.
- By Dr. Albert S. Reitz -
Love you and miss you so much Lalo...
December 26, 2006
dear trooper chavez,
I never had the privliage of meeting you but i serve with your brother german. may you continue to serve from up above as you watch over all those who wear the badge with great honor. god bless your family and may he watch over them this holiday season and may he give them the courage and strength to go on. you will never be forgotten. thank you for your commitment and service. hopefully i will get to meet you one day in heaven. rest for now my fellow brother. until next time
deputy javier solis jr. hidalgo county sheriffs office
deputy javier solis
December 20, 2006
Happy Birthday Ed! Sure do miss you buddy!
Howard L Hawbaker
Palmview Police Department
December 1, 2006
My Love,
Happy Birthday!!!!!I wish you were here to celebrate with a barbecue full of your jokes and smiles! Remember last year, you were working your last night, before your birthday-four day weekend, and you caught that cocaine load, we were all so proud that you caught ANOTHER load, but it did not surprise us, you would always exceed the expectations! I hope you enjoy your birthday in heaven as we will celebrate your life with all the wonderful memory's you have left us, and of course with our son who every time I look at I see so much of you!!! I love and miss you more than words can say!
Your Love
December 1, 2006
It's good to see that you're staying strong Mrs. Chavez. You and your family will forever be in my heart and prayers. God bless you and officer's everywhere. Happy Thanksgiving Trooper Chavez.
November 28, 2006
I see the countless Christmas Trees around the world below,
with tiny lights, like heaven's stars, reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away that tear,
for I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear,but
the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring,
for it is beyond description, to hear the angels sing.
I know how much you miss me. I see the pain inside your heart,
but I am not so far away. We really aren't apart.
So be happy for me dear ones. You know I hold you dear,
and be glad I'm spending Christmas, with Jesus Christ this year.
I send you each a special gift, from my heavenly home above.
I send you each a memory, of my undying love.
After all "Love" is the gift, more precious than pure gold.
It was always most import in the stories Jesus told.
Please love and keep each other, as my Father said to do,
for I can't count the blessing or love he has for each of you.
So, have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear.
Remember, I'm spending Christmas, with Jesus Christ this year.
~Author Unknown~
Love U Lalo... I miss U...
November 28, 2006
Hi My Love,
Happy Thanksgiving!!! I miss you soooooo much! I wish you were here to see the baby for his first turkey day but, I am sure you are watching from above. I love and miss you like crazy!!
Your Love
November 23, 2006
My Love,
I miss you so much!!Today eleven years ago you came into my life and made me complete. Your smile, jokes, honesty and your ability to light up every room that you would enter is missed everyday, nothing is the same!!!Our son looks just like you, super beautiful, he even smiles the same!!Thank you for making me laugh as much as you did, and for loving me so much!! I miss you and love you forever!!!
Your Love
November 18, 2006
November 9, 2006
My Love,
I can't believe it has been six months since I was able to see your wonderful smile! I love and miss you, every single second of everyday.
November 2, 2006
Howard Hawbaker:
thank you for helping us get to know Trooper Chavez better. My condolences to his family. May God bless
Explorer Gillock
Grapevine Police Department
November 1, 2006
WOW! It just amazes me how many people love you. I can't blame them, you were one of a kind, and you always will be. We're constantly thinking about you, and I have you with me everyday. I put your picture up at the station, and you keep me going everyday. I hear your baby is very cute and very hyper. I haven't had the chance to see him, but I'm sure he looks like you, and without a doubt be as great of a person as you were. One day we will all meet again, but for now we will all we can do is wait. Te extranamos muchisimo. T cuidas, y cuidanos a nosotros tambien. Love you primo.
October 31, 2006
Ed... They had a ceremony today to unveil a new memorial in your honor. Unfortunately, I couldn't be there physically but I was there in spirit. I heard it was a nice service with a good turnout. Iliana was presented with a shadowbox with your cuffs, credentials and a THP patch. It was all in the paper today. I feel like crap that I couldn't make it, but I think you know that I would have if I could.
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you for one reason or another but the good thing is that the hurt isn't there as much as it was before. Happy memories are starting to take over from the sad ones. At least now I can remember all the fun we had together and with your family and friends. Remember that night at Koolie's right after recruit school?!
Anyhow, hold the fort for me until I get there buddy. No offense, but I hope it is a while before I get to see you again! I look forward to it though. It will happen soon enough.
Howard Hawbaker
Palmview Police Department
October 7, 2006
Today a beautiful monument was dedicated in honor of you. It was a very nice and moving ceremony. I got to see your son for the first time. He is adorable. I know that you are looking over him so I know that you can see how well he is being taken care of. I am now in your old stomping grounds and think about you often. I was in the Zapata office the other day and could not help but remember the positive energy you always generated.
Sgt R Jankovsky
THP Laredo
October 6, 2006
Hi sweety... how's heaven???...I just want to say HI and remind you how much we love you & miss you... say HI to our abuelito Nacho...see you soon lovely cousin...LOVE YOU!!!
October 6, 2006
Sir, I honor your service and your sacrifice. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God." Matthew 5:9.
August 29, 2006
Blessed are the peace makers for they shall inherit the earth.
August 16, 2006
My prayers and thoughts go out to Officer Chavez's wife and family. I am the sister of Fallen Officer John M. Bennett. I will keep you all in my prayers daily and God Bless.
Rene Bennett-Guerrero
Department of Defense
August 7, 2006
We love and miss you 24/7. You are always in are hearts forever.
August 5, 2006
Lalo... I met the baby... he's wonderful... When I see him it feels like if you were right behind him taking care of little Edward and Iliana... He's so hyper just like you... sometimes I think you were born again on your beautiful son... Lalo we miss you so much, being at your house and finding out you were not at home has got to be by far the hardest thing I've ever had to do... I pray for Iliana every day to be strong for the baby... See you soon lovely cousin... Love YOU... With love CHIO
July 20, 2006
I think about you all the time! I miss and love you soooo much! Thank you for everything you have done for me and the baby,and for loving us the way you did and still do. Please continue to watch over us! Love you forever!!!
July 15, 2006
Peace be with you always...
Mrs. Natalie Jensen
wife of Detective Jared Jensen EOW 2/22/06
July 15, 2006
Trooper Chavez will be missed by not only his "Family" but also his THP Family. It is a terrible thing that he did not get to serve any longer than he did. To his wife, Iliana, we are here for you. Rest easy, we have the lead.
Trooper II
Texas Highway Patrol
July 9, 2006