South Bend Police Department, Indiana
End of Watch Sunday, April 23, 2006
Reflections for Corporal Scott Lee Severns
Well another summer passes and another Christmas without you. But your still in my thoughts all the time with memories you left. Like the Chicago Cubs bus trip only you could get us on for free. Sitting in the bleachers and you making friends with everyone around us. Walking into Club LaSalle in our “pimp” shirts and you would actually have woman come up to you and buy your drinks. All the time you would have that smug smile on your face saying, “That’s how we roll.” The Notre Dame Tailgates with you walking on the field like you owned it after the game and getting your picture taken with the USC cheerleaders. The years we spent on midnight patrol together and then MSOS. These are just a few of the many memories I will never forget.
I’ll never forget that faithful night when I last talked to you on the phone. You said, “Drink one for me and I’ll be there in a little while.” But you never showed up. Going out to certain places has not quite been the same since then.
I keep a photo of you in my police car to remind me of our friendship. It’s also a reminder of the evil that lurks in this world and why we still do our job everyday. Even if some of our judges don’t.
Although I miss my best friend, I feel honored and privileged to have been as close of friends as we were.
Mary Christmas buddy you are not forgotten, Tim Huff
Tim Huff
South Bend Police
December 14, 2007
Well, you received an early Christmas present this year. I can only imagine the scene Bruno caused when he ran through those gates towards you! We will miss him, but we know that he is with you, happy and no longer in pain. Thank you for sharing him be with us.
December 13, 2007
There is not a single day that passes that I don't think of you Scott. Some time has passed but nothing can change the way it hurts to know your physical presence is no longer with us. I miss you terribly and ache for you at times. I miss your smile. I miss your laughter. I miss everything! You were one in a million and we are all blessed to have had the time with you that we did! You always made me feel special even if it wasn't your intention! I will NEVER EVER meet anyone like you again.... I just want you to know that you are on our minds constantly and will truly never be forgotten! I love you very much Scott!
If you have some extra time please keep watch over us and continue to be our guardian angel =)
December 13, 2007
You got your boy back this morning. I am so happy that he is back with you and you can be together again..the Dynamic Duo. Merry Christmas, Little Fish.
It meant so much to me to be able to help care for him after you were taken away from us. He was that last piece of you that all of us wanted around to remind us of you and we really believed that you communicated with us through him. Barking us down if we were talking about things you didn't like or agree with....he was a hoot. Thank you for the priviledge of being able to know him and care for him all these years.
How fitting that your boy lay down under the Christmas Tree and left this earth right there. Your mom and Haz were there with him for his transition. After seeing him last night, I knew you were calling for your buddy, I wasn't sure how long it would be, but I knew it would be soon. I am so glad he won't be in any pain anymore and he will be so happy to see you again. Take good care of him, because we are going to have a hole in our hearts for our Big Boy who always greeted us at the door or threw his squirrel around the living room or had the smile on his beautiful face. He filled your house like you did, a Force to be reckoned with.
The folks at Gilmer Park took such good care of him, especially his special "girlfriend" Jennifer....we are all crying and we are all going to miss him so much.
We miss you and the boy, but the thoughts of your future together bring a smile......
Much Love to you........
Bruno's "other" girlfriend
December 13, 2007
Scott - Bruns could use your help right now, please help him out in the way that is best for him. We are all hanging in there and miss you so much. Your buddy does, too! It's in his eyes no matter what people say about dogs not knowing. He misses you.
November 30, 2007
another holiday is coming up and you won't be here with us. They aren't fun anymore without you. We all miss you Scott so much.
November 21, 2007
Corporal Severns,
I'll never forget the day God called on you to join him. Before that point in time I knew police work was a dangerous job and that men and women just like you do more for the community of South Bend in a day than most civilians will do in a lifetime. But I never appreciated what you personally stood for until that day and I'm ashamed of it. Everytime I'm back home I talk to different people in the community. Everyone has a story about you. Everyone. It's crazy man. You were loved more than you could ever know by more people than you probably knew. Sadly though, I never knew you. My girl worked at the golf club you played at often. She said you were one of the nicest guys to come through there. She said you were always polite, respectful, and engaging in conversation as opposed to other people who might look past her or ignore her because she is just an employee.
The crazy thing is I hear all of these stories about you and I feel like I know you somehow even though we never met. And then I realized that I actually looked up to you. You were the first "ordinary" guy to be my hero. You inspired me, not only in the way you left us but more importantly in the way YOU LIVED YOUR LIFE. It hurts knowing that I'll never get to meet you in this life but hopefully in the next I'll get the opportunity to tell you this. I'm in L.E. too. It was a decision I made prior to you leaving us but hearing about how you lived your life only reaffirmed my decision.
I'll pray for you and your family. Watch over us, South Bend needs you now more than ever.
You fought the good fight, you finished the race, and you kept the faith.
Rest forever in the peacefulness of God's love and mercy Scott. You've touched more people than you'll ever know.
November 8, 2007
Hey, thanks for the song on the radio this morning. I was thinking and picturing you on my way to work and still so sad when you sent me my song of you. God, I miss you.
November 3, 2007
I miss you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
November 2, 2007
sorry for your lost.I re-call you pulling me over and letting me go after a "long" talk.hope your follow officers have learn something from you.
October 30, 2007
It's another sad day for the SBPD. I know you are beside yourself about all that is going on. I read the paper this morning and immediately picked up my cell to call you. Yeah, I needed, wanted, and had to talk to you. I mean seriously, this would be one of our greatest conversations. I miss you. I am able to have these wonderful conversations about you now where I don't fall to pieces. But I miss you so much everyday. I hold on to thess thoughts in my heart: You lived the life you wanted. You loved everyday. I can't remember a day when you were ever down or negative about anything. It was always fun. You were always enjoying everything you were doing. You were taken from us, but you were taken in the line of fire and if ever there was a way you would want to go that was it. Fighting the bad guys.
You, the Superman!
love you & miss you
October 23, 2007
why are some people so stupid? They have the nerve to say that the killer's moms need hugs also - not just your mom. They raised their sons - something must have gone wrong since they have no respect for life. It is still partially the parent's fault when an adult child does wrong. How were they brought up? to think it is okay to kill someone? then to hear a relative say that all people make mistakes? they should have only gotten probation. I don't think so. I sure hope someone takes care of those thugs in prison. They deserve to get what they did to you Officer Severns. You are and will always be a true hero to alot of people. You are loved and missed more than you will ever know. Keep a watchful eye on all of us. Be our angel!!!!!!!!
October 23, 2007
hey sev,
whats up? i am so sorry that you've lost your life in the heat of battle
the guy who did that is going straight to prison for a long time.
but anyway i miss you like hell and i wanted to see you again, but i
couldnt i, was at school, okay getting to the point, i miss you sev, and
ill never ever forget you. you are in my prayers, always!!!
take care of yourself and god bless you soldier.
Theresa LeeAnn Laurence
October 3, 2007
You are our hero-we are proud of you and nothing will ever change that. He will pay in the end, he will see you again someday before he makes in before God. You did what anyone with honor and dignity would do-protected the life of another, some people have no respect for life and nothing to be proud about, well you did and still do. We love you and miss you every day.
Godspeed and RIP 2018
September 27, 2007
Scott, it went down probably the way we all thought it would, but not as we hoped it would. Sound familiar?
"In like cases"....let's see, a human being is gunned down and loses his life, he's dead and gone and six feet under, he can no longer speak for himself....."and in like cases" we can't serve out a penalty any higher than this. Yeah, right!
So, as I looked around the courtroom at all of OUR City's officers, (you know, the ones we ask to be there for us in a crunch), I wondered how they felt about the sentence Finley got. These men and women go to it every single day, sometimes putting their lives on the line (more and more, lately)and they ask for justice for their brother and this is what they get? This is what you get? I doubt he'll even serve what he was given.
Your mom was so right...there is no way your life and your spirit could ever be put down to a piece of paper to be read in a courtroom. Your father told the story of a son through different phases in his life and now his best friend is gone. I guess as regards the justice system, we now just have to accept and move on.
The one true constant in this whole tragic affair is that we, all of us...FAMILY, FRIENDS, BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN BLUE...knew who you were, Scottie, we know what you stood for and we will continue to honor your memory. Of this you can be sure.
I wish you were still here, I wish time could be set back to that day and we could re-route you anywhere else, but GOD has a purpose for you. We'll adjust, we have to, but know that you mean so much to so many.
Godspeed, warrior.
September 26, 2007
God I pray today that the sentencing will go our way and justice will be served for you. You are truly a hero in this community. Scott - noone is forgetting you. All the time your name is brought up by total strangers. but everyone of us would give our last cent, our life, whatever it would take to have you back here with us. We love you with all our hearts and miss you more that anyone could ever know. Life will never be the same without you here. We just go on one day at a time and do the best we can. Be with us today! We love you.
September 26, 2007
Unbelievable. "I don't know why I did it"???? Still makes me tremble with complete rage when I think about who is gone and who remains....
An outstanding man,a well-loved son, brother, grandson, friend, citizen, contributing member of society; who helped society each and every day, A HERO, is gone forever, never to be held and kissed again, and who remains...?
A thug. A thug who can't think of why he pointed the gun at you, why he shot you as many times as he did, why he shot you again while you were down, why he left you and your friend there in shock and pain and then left us in shock in pain......
You'll never return, you'll never get the chance to see your mother and father again, your sister, your family and friends who still to this day have the pain and emptiness of your death etched forever in their faces and hearts.
I love you, Scott, and I pray with all my heart, soul and being that you will have justice, that your murder will not go unpunished without the most severe penalty and that the thug has a long time to think about why he did it.
May he burn in hell.
You will never leave my heart.
September 13, 2007
Hi there buddy. Tommorrow is going to be a very trying day for all your family and friends. We are going to court and will listen to testimony from both sides. It will be hard. But we need this so the judge will listen and give that thug a life sentence with no parole. Justice will be served on September 26. Be with us Scott, give us the strength that you always had. No one was ever tougher than you but you always had that heart of gold. We miss you more than words can say, but I am sure you know that because you keep tabs on all of us. You do give some of us signs that you are there with us. We love you Scott!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 11, 2007
Tomorrow...let's just hope that when tomorrow comes nothing else will happen to postpone the inevitable. I never met you but think about you daily. You have made such an impact in the lives of the ones that I love. For that I know you were a great man.
a friend
September 11, 2007
Sometimes, if I'm not careful, I forget for a second that you're not with us any longer. Something absolutely hysterical happens and I think, "I gotta call Sev and tell him about _______." And then it hits -- and it's like losing you all over again.
The justice system continues to roll at it's snail's pace. Granting continuances based on the mental state and preparedness of the defendant. What was he thinking at the time? Was he sorry? Was he scared? In the end, at least his family gets to find the answers to those questions. Your family and friends, however, will never know the answers to the millions of questions about that night that we have about what you felt, what you heard, what you thought. And most importantly, we'll never know if you knew just how much we loved you. We never got the chance to tell you that one last time before God took you home.
I hope you hear us up there, Little Fish. I hope you heard us that night, the next day, when we whispered our goodbyes into your ear. I hope you felt the warmth of our tears as they splashed onto your skin, the softness of our touch as we brushed back your hair. But most of all, I hope you hear us now as we promise that we will continue to stay strong, continue to support your family, and make sure that you are never, never forgotten.
Love ya' Buddy
August 31, 2007
1 year, 4 months, 7 days...494 days...11,856 hours...711,360 minutes...42,681,600 seconds...
Anyway that you look at it, it is too long. This is how long it has been since we lost you. Just know, you were thought of each and every one of those seconds by those of us who loved you, knew you, respected you. We will never forget you nor will we let you be forgotten by others.
August 30, 2007
Not too many days go by that I don't think about you and your family. I will always feel very lucky to have known you. Though you are not here with us earthly, you have forever left your mark on many of us and we will never be the same. Love you.
August 6, 2007
I had the honor of golfing in the First Annual Scott Severns Memorial Golf Outing. It was a wonderful day! The group that organized it did an amazing job. Though I did not know you, I felt I did after the outing. I was able to meet several family members and friends. To hear them talk about you, you made them all so proud. I am ready to sign up for next year!
August 3, 2007
No matter what I am doing, how busy I am, something always makes me think of you. Though you are not here in person, you are in spirit. I can see a Tahoe, hear a song, see the Yankees playing and I think of you. Sometimes, when it is really quiet, I can still hear your laugh. And it makes me smile. I miss you!
August 3, 2007
"The Badge"
He starts his shift each day
To respond to calls unknown.
He drives a marked patrol car.
A police officer he is known.
He's paid by the citizens' taxes
To make it safe on the streets.
But he usually has a second job
'Cause a waitress has his salary beat.
Now he doesn't know a holiday
'Cause he works all year round.
And when Thanksgiving and Christmas finally arrive
At his home he cannot be found.
He's cursed and assaulted often,
The one whos blood runs blue.
He seldom ever gets a thanks,
To some he's just a fool.
His friends are always other cops
'Cause people just don't understand
That underneath his badge and gun,
He's just another man.
He knows there might not be a tomorrow
In this world of drugs and crime.
And he gets so mad at the court system
'Cause the crooks don't get any time.
And each day when he leaves for work,
He prays to God above.
Please bring me home after my shift
So I can see the ones I love.
But tonight he stops a speeding car,
He's alone down this ole' highway.
It's just a little traffic infraction.
He does it everyday.
Well, he walks up to the driver's window,
And his badge is shining bright.
He asked the guy for a driver's license,
When a shot rang through the night.
Yes, the bullet hit its mark,
Striking the officer in the chest.
But the Department's budget didn't buy
Each officer a bullet-proof vest.
So he lay on the ground bleeding.
His blood wasn't blue - His blood was red.
And briefly he thought of his loved ones
'Cause in a moment the officer was dead.
In the news they told the story
Of how this officer had died.
And some who listened cared less,
But those who loved him cried.
Well, they buried him in uniform
With his badge pinned on his chest.
He even had his revolver,
He died doing his best.
Written By:
David L. Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Department
Columbia, South Carolina
Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission
Investigator David L Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Dept., Columbia, SC
July 31, 2007