Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective James Zadroga

New York City Police Department, New York

End of Watch Friday, January 6, 2006

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Reflections for Detective James Zadroga

Well baby it's been a long time since I have written, just so much going on. However I never forget about you. Tyler Ann just got her report card and I know you would be very proud of her she got an A+ and all the rest and the rest were all A's. I miss you so much when I have something to say I'll say I have to call Jimmy. I love you baby, and will never forgt you, your always in my heart and on my mind. I love you R.I.P. Our lives have changed since you and Ronda died.

linda zadroga

November 13, 2012

I worked with Jimmy at the 6th precinct too. Funny guy who really enjoyed life. I'll never forget the day he pulled up in his brand new, bright yellow Mustang. I told him it looked like the fastest taxi cab in NYC. The guy always had a smile on his face.

Jon Goldin
Former NYPD, current Takoma Park PD

April 30, 2012

Happy Birthday,Rest in peace.

Ret PO Christian Doran

February 16, 2012

Thinking of you and your family today on this sixth anniverary date. Your memory is honored and revered and our country is indebted to all of our 9/11 heroes, especially to the first responders.

Tyler, Ann I lost my son in 2005 when he was killed in the line of duty. Thousands of miles separate us, but I want you to kow that today you and your grandparents are in my heart's embrace. Like you, I have sad days when I miss our heroes and wonder why all this happened to us. Sometimes I thnk I will always wonder why. There is one thing I am certain about. Your daddy and my son would want us to live full lives, to have those moments of joy...there is nothing we could do to make them happier or prouder than to live our life with passion and purpose. Your daddy is watching over you every day...our loved ones are part of us, they are in our heart and soul. I am sending you a big hug from California.

P.S. I think it is awesome you got to see Justin Bieber

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

January 7, 2012

Jim I just read tyler anns letter to you, don't worry we're taking good care of her. She misses you every day, and she always wants us to tell her funny storys about you , she whats to know ever thing about you. She wishes you never became a police officer, because you would still be here if you did something else, i try to tell her it was your calling-- to help people. It's hard for a cilivian to no why we love the job never mind a small child. Don't worry we'll never let her hurt herself we watch her very closely since you passed. The holidays were tough on her this year. But we made sure she got a lot of gifts I spoil her just like you did/

Chief Joe Zadroga

January 6, 2012

It seems like you were just born yesterday. As you grew up you were a happy self sufficient child, You would make everone laugh you had a terrific sense of humor. You were able to talk to anyone, you were outgoing. My heart broke the day you said you wanted to be a cop, I didn't want that for you or your brother. However you were old enogh to make your own decision. I knew you would make a good cop because you were able to help anyone that was just you. Plus you had street smarts. I laid awake last night on your 6th anniversary of your death and though about the 4times you were shot at and survived. who knew ou would die that way? Well it's our sixth anniversary and the hurt just keeps getting worse. I love you. Watch over your daughter Tyler Ann. Gone but never forgotten.

linda zadroga

January 6, 2012

dear dada i miss you i wish you listened to grandma and did not become a police officer and you would still be alive i cant stand you being gone i wish i knew you and mommy better i think of you everyday it is the 5th christmas without you and know i am 10 and you will be dead for so many year since a couple days in 2006 you would die but we never knew well the good thing is i met justin bieber i wish i could talk to you on the phone that would be amazing or if you typed back and sometimes i want to kill myself to be with you sometimes in school i feel like bursting into tears because i miss you but i cant cause people will make fun of me i love you even thow you are not alive and i keep having flash backs of waking up and seeing you dead on the floor but i always think why did you have to goand tell mommy i said i love her and my stomach really hurts i geuss you see me crying please make grndma think so she will not curse anymore around me here i have to go i will talk to you anther day i dont want to stop talking to you today happy new year love you alwalys bye i miss you

Family Tyler Ann

December 31, 2011

Well Jim today is New Years Eve we're having a few people over the first time since you left us. One is a first responder, I really hate getting friendly with them because you usually get hurt most of them end up passing away. But no matter what it's still not the same as you being here. We probably won't be having anyone if it wasn't for this woman Joey coming down. I don't think I'm going to make midnight you know I don't stay up that late. Tyler Ann is so excited I hope she makes it last year she fell asleep 5 mintues before the ball dropped. Well baby we'll be thinking of you. Happy New Year.


December 31, 2011

Well baby it's the fifth christmas without you, I don't know how people say it gets easier it's just getting harder. Well we went to Aunt Paula's last night & yler Ann got gifts over there today she got a ton of gifts from Santa, and us. She is doing okay, today we are going over your brothers. We all miss you so much another year without you and Ronda I hope you are both watching over your daughter she is getting so big. We went to the DEA party & Anchor party she got a ton of presents there too. I'm running out of room. Well Merry Christmas baby I love you and am always thinking of you & the funny things you did and how you made me laugh. Gone but not forgotten.


December 25, 2011

Well Jim this is the fifth Thanksgiving without you. Every thanksgiving I think of your last one and how good you were. Well daddy took Tyler Ann to the Justin Bieber concert yesterday, they got there at 5 o'clock in the morning. I tell you there is nothing daddy won't do for her. She met Justin Beiber a couple of weeks ago. She's doing good but I guess you know because I know that you are watching over her. Well I love you and always will. Now comes the hard times the holidays. You are always on my mind. Love you mom
In my mind & thoughts forever and my heart.

mother Det. James Zadroga

November 24, 2011

Well Jim I went fishing today for the very frist time since you passed. I had to sell your boat because it was to big for me to handle by myself, but I got a nice 33 ' Whaler that you would love, it rides like a Dream and I KNOW You're with me when I'M out there in the ocean, especialy when the little bird landed on the boat and sat with me. I didn't catch anything just a couple of hits- it was good to get back on the boat again. As you know I miss you every day and speak to you often, wish you were here to see Tyler she is really getting big. Miss you and love you!!! and help me get some fish on the boat.

Chief Joe Zadroga
Your Dad and fishig buddy

November 18, 2011

Well Jim today is the 10th anniversary of 9-11. We are all thinking of you today, Aunt Paula & Uncle Rich came over today to be with us. We had a quiet day at home, it was really a sad day . Tyler Ann watched the story about 9-11 this morning with daddy. Now she understands and sees what really happend that day. Well Jim you are our angel, our hero but most of all our son who was taken from us to early. We love you, you maybe gone but you are never forgotten.

Dad, Mom, Tyler Ann

Dad Mom Daughter
Zadroga Family

September 11, 2011


Thinking of you today and sending thoughts and prayers your way as I extend the same to your family and your little girl. Your loss was tragic, you are missed and never forgotten. You were a brave and caring human being, and a dedicated police officer who will forever remain in our hearts as a true hero. Rest in Peace.

Steve Massa
NAHS Class of 1988

September 8, 2011


Just wanted to say, on behalf of the Bianchi Family how much we miss you. Even though you would say "I was just doing my job," I feel honored & humbled to have known you, a true hero in every aspect of the word. You are a HERO in the eyes of all who knew you, and you always will be. Thank You for all you have done for this country & for your tireless efforts at Ground Zero.

May God forever bless you, your family, and your little girl. Rest In Peace My Friend.

Gina Bianchi-Choinski

Gina Bianchi-Choinski

September 8, 2011


You always had a heart of who would give his last dollar out..a true friend an Excellent Police Officer , one that gave his all, one that always gave a helping hand, one that dedicated your time to NYC 9-11 clean up as a volunteer, a TRUE HERO,WHO GAVE TRUE DEDICATION , A TRUE FRIEND,

Miss you Buddie..

My thoughts an prayers are with the Zadroga Family. God Bless..

Brian Clancy
class of 89 N.A.H.S

September 8, 2011

Jim, I can remember the days roaming the halls of NAHS and seeing you there. Hard to believe that you were lost to this terrible tragedy.

Good bless you Mr. and Mrs. Zadroga for taking care of the little angel that he brought into the world.

My prayers are with you,

Donald O'Neill, Jr and family
NAHS class of 1988

Donald O'Neill, Jr

September 7, 2011

Well baby Tyler Ann had her tonsils out on Friday, she is missing the 1st week of school. She's doing good but we have alot of things going on for 9/11 on Thursday we have to go to the City and their giving out medals to all the cops that died from 9/11 Tyler Ann is going to accept the medal. Saturday we are going to services up Bergen County Police Academy, and on the 11th ere suppose to go to another ceremony but I don't feel like going so maybe we'll skip it. We miss you so much, you don't know how many times I walk up the stairs to check on you, and half way up I remember you are not there. You are truly missed by all of us. You may be gone but you surely are not forgotten. Rest In Peace My Son. Gone To Soon.


September 6, 2011

I never would have thought that out of the 90 something kids that graduated from NAHS in 1989 that there was a true hero amongst us. While my memories of you are mostly of your laugh or that BIG smile of yours, they’re now coupled with your heroic service to NYC. Thank you for all of your selfless acts. You will always be remembered.

Beth Barbosa Croken

August 31, 2011

Well Baby your mother-in-law was here for a week she still thinks Tyler Ann is a baby even though she's 9 now. We just came back from the villa roma we went up for a week with the PBA,DEA, Tyler Ann had a ball. She has to have her tonsils out, and she is upset but what must be done must be done. Well less then a month it will be the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Your bill was also passed in December to help the other 1st responders, we were happy about that because we know that's what you would want. We all love you. Gone but not forgotten.


August 13, 2011

Hi baby well they got him yesterday. We all had mixed emotions, we were glad, but then again it still did not bring you back. It was bittersweet. Tyler Ann said good thing they got him because when she turned 20 she was going to go after him. We miss you more & more everyday. It doesn't get easier it just gets harder. I love you. Rest in peace. Gone but not forgotten.

Love you,


May 3, 2011

Well baby yesterday would have been your 40th birthday. I though Tyler Ann wouldn't remember but she did you have one smart daughter. Daddy told her when ever she sees a goose it's you. When we out for dinner she saw geese flying over, they haven't been around because all the lagoons are frozen, she said there's dada, and his friends. He must be having a party, when we came back from dinner on the golf course there were over 50 geese, she said oh that's were dada's party is. She made us buy a carvel birthday cake and sing happy birthday to you. She misses you so much.
She has a star and she says it's you, she went looking for it last night but it was to cloudy. Well happy birthday in heaven you are dearly missed. Rest in peace.


February 17, 2011

Today is your 5th year in heaven. It still dosen't seem possible. Well the bill they named after you for all the first responders was finally passed, it was sort of a christmas present. It would have been a better christmas if you were here. Tyler Ann had a good christmas but of course there were many tears also. She misses you so much. She's doing very well in school all A's. Well we know your gone but no way forgotten. Your are in our thoughts, all the time. It doesn't get easier it seems to just get harder. But I know you are happy your with Ronda and Gram and everyone else we lost smiling down on your daughter. To her you are the brightest star in the sky. And you are also a goose, when she sees a flock of geese she says there's dada and his friends. It so hard I love you so much. Love mom, dad, and your sweet daughter Tyler Ann.

Linda Zadroga

January 5, 2011

Linda & Joe,

I read this memorial with a crying heart for you. We were so innocent during our high school years together. Jimmy and Joe graduated with my kids. I made it out of wtc2 with about 30 minutes to spare.

Take care of his little girl for him. It sounds like you're doing the right things.

I'm happy to see that the government is finally doing the right thing. Your determination made it possible for others to have what Jimmy was denied.

God Bless

Roberta Starkey Cozine

August 31, 2010

I think of you and your story often. I pray that your parents and you daughter will only grow stronger and stronger everyday. I look at your picture and you look so full of life and happy. I hope that your parents can find some sort of solace and that their hearts will slowly mend. Thank you for your service and you dedication to the city. God Speed sir!


June 3, 2010

Well baby your 39th birthday passed on 2/16 I couldn't write because daddy crashed our computer. Plus I was sick. But we did have a birthday cake which Tyler Ann picked out for you. She has a cake every year. She's doing very well in school except she laxed off in Jan. & Feb. but that's understandable. Between Christmas, your death date, and your birthdate Dec., Jan., and Feb. it's hard for her. We went to Villa Roma with the PBA & DEA for the week end she had a great time, then last week Daddy took her Ice skating to Rockerfeller center with the Anchor Club. They really do alot of good for the kids. She was home from school three days this week she had strep throat. On March 26 we're leaving for Fl. she wants to see her moms grave. love you baby. Mom

Linda Zadroga

March 19, 2010

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