New Hartford Police Department, New York
End of Watch Monday, February 27, 2006
Reflections for Police Officer Joseph Daniel Corr
Somebody killed a policeman and a part of America died. Rest in peace brother and thanks for your service.
NC Game Warden
April 22, 2007
Joe, Justice was finally served (as much as could be without the death penalty). While he didn't accept reposnsibility and blamed everyone else, he will be in prison the rest of his life. Keep an eye on your brothers and sisters in law enforcement. It continues to be bad for law enforcement. Know that we are here for your family including your family in blue.
Ellen Guerdat
VP WNY Concerns of Police Survivors
Ellen Guerdat
April 19, 2007
Today..April 19th, with a sentence of 300 years/life,
our hearts again band together in our love for You.....
Your family, your law enforcement brothers/sisters, your
many friends, the whole comunity who loved you and miss
you so much each day Joe...Watched as sentence was given
to Number Two.. You had to be proud, as your family spoke....and the Chiefs address to the court definitely was a class act. You know me, I am so emotional....I would simply have been most, most politicaly incorrect....
Joe, you are missed so much. We treasure our memories..
H. Cristi Freeman
FRIEND [ who misses you so MUCH]
April 19, 2007
Joe- The 2nd of 4 received the maximum sentence today, the best anybody could hope for. It still doesn't ease the pain for us. We love you, miss you and are forever proud of you!
Sherri Philipkoski
April 19, 2007
Just wanted to stop in and let you know that you have not been forgotten nor will that ever be the case as your loved ones will never let that happen. They will carry those special memories of you forever in their hearts. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol.
Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
April 18, 2007
I miss you so much...i miss your laugh and your many nicknames you had for me (lynn being my favorite). Everyday i think about you. Jake always tells everyone that "uncle joe and cody are up in heaven now" Jake pretty much says that almost everyday...I know that billy, jake and sara think about you in some way or another everyday and when sara sees your picture she says "uncle joe - my godfather" you are our hero...just thought i would let you know that we are always thinking of you. Love you always
April 16, 2007
Officer Corr,
I was thinking of you today when we went to Officer Lindsey's calling hours. Just wanted to say that you are never forgotten and are a true hero...Kaitlyn is beautiful by the way! God Bless You!
Ashley Marziale
Sgt. Marc Marziale's daughter
April 16, 2007
With the recent murder of Utica Police Patrolman Lindsey, I can't help but think of you. I know he has joined you in heaven. May you both give strength to all local members of Law Enforcement as well as family & friends of those who are grieving. You are gone, but not forgotten.
Jenna R. Gross
Onondaga County Emergency Services
April 15, 2007
The recent murder of a police officer in Utica brings back all the thoughts and emotions from when you died. I miss the way you used to get after me me if i didn't have your "times" ready when you got to the Station. My prayers are with your family at this time. Miss ya Joe
" Central "
April 14, 2007
Joe it is spring now. But it would not realize it because it keeps snowing. The softball team is getting ready for its next season. We will need your support through out the season again to help us win the championship. We miss you every day. We hope this season will be like last and we go all the way. Everyday when it is sunny it is a reminder that you are looking down and watching over use. Be in goo company to the lord
Josh Ambrose
April 11, 2007
Officer Corr,
You are my role model. A police officer has to have many characteristics and you displayed all of them. It is so hard to believe you have been gone a year but I think of you and your family every day.
May God Hold you in the palm of his hand and bless you.
Ashley Mason
High School Student
April 6, 2007
Not a day goes by that you are not thought of, wished for, and prayed for. You are gone but certainly not forgotten by anyone who knew and loved you, and that is what is important. Joe, you will live on forever in the hearts of those who knew you the best and those who you loved yourself. You had so much love to give and we continue to feel it each and every day. We miss you and love you so very much!!!! Until tomorrow comes for us.
March 18, 2007
My dearest only Son,
I pondered about what to say for your 1st Anniversary of your death. At this time I'm not able to say anything because I can't see the keyboard thru my tears.
Love and miss you, Mom
March 16, 2007
One year, two years, ten years, our lives will never be full again without you.
Missin the hell out of you cuz.
February 28, 2007
Last night was, in the words of your dad, bittersweet. The memorial service was a great tribute, to a great person. You are truly missed. This past year was tough for everyone. Thank you for watching down on all of us, and protecting us from up high. Please continue to keep us safe.
You are in my thoughts often, and my prayers always.
Officer F.S. McCully
Whitestown PD, New Hartford Fire, Friend
February 28, 2007
Dear Joe,
This has been a tough week for everyone who loves you. Yesterday was a wonderful tribute to you and I am sure you must be so proud of Tracie for her strength. You are our hero, but so is Tracie. We love you and we will always be here for your girls.
David and Stacey
David and Stacey
February 28, 2007
Remembering your ultimate sacrafice and dedication to the people of New Hartford on your anniversary of your death. My sincere condolences to the family and friends of Police Officer Joseph Corr and to the entire New Hartford Police Department.
Ofc. Eric Chiang
San Francisco Police Department
February 27, 2007
Officer Corr,
I will say a special prayer for your loved ones today, both your immediate family and your police family. Although we are seperated by miles we are bound by this Thin Blue Line and this unexplainable grief. Our department lost our HERO, a husband and daddy in 2004. His child still talks to her daddy in her dreams, as I am sure your beautiful child does. Tell her that you love her, and keep sending those butterfly kisses!
Rest peacefully Sir
Kathy/911 Dispatcher
Friend of Mark Sawyers EOW 6-5-04
Sterling Hgts PD, Michigan
February 27, 2007
My thoughts are with your loved ones on this first anniversary of your EOW. Some people will say it seemed just like yesterday, but I know for those that love you and are close to you it has seemed like an eternity since they saw your smile, heard your voice and were able to hug and hold you. All any of us can do is to take one day at a time and know that you will never be forgotten as you are a true hero and heroes never die. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones and protect them, also keep watch over those still on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. You will never be forgotten.
Always in our Hearts
Always in our Words
Forever Young
Forever Blue
Our Guardian Angel.
Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
February 27, 2007
You have been a part of my life since the first breath you took. You die too young; your future was stolen; your story had just begun. We didn't have time to say goodbye. Never had I imagined living my life without your smile, your warmth or your friendship. I always assumed we would grow old together and I took your presence for granted. I have a broken heart that time will never heal.
You had a caring heart and a generous soul that made you the most unique of persons. You loved deeply and lived passionately. I wish for just one minute I could see your smiling face again or hear your laughter one more time.
My memories I shall cherish and hold close to my heart. I want to thank you for all the joy you brought into my life. When I think about you "throwing" money out the window; how you loved your fresh Maine lobsters; how you would light up at the sight of your daughter; your very unique way of telling a story; the pride you had every time you put on your uniform; how you never really liked to wear shorts; how you always had to drive so we could get where we were going even faster; and the inflection in your voice when you would say Kyle's name and try to teach him "bad" things, it still brings a smile to my saddened heart.
Kyle misses you so very much, he asks all the time when you can come home. He tries to figure out ways to get to heaven to visit you "for just a few days". He looks to the stars every night to see what you have been up to. When the moon is anyhting but full he says "The moon is broken, Uncle Joe needs to fix it." When the moon is full again he says (usually yells) "Uncle Joe fixed the moon!" He made you a Christmas tree that he put outside so you could see it from heaven and carried it everywhere with him. Even Zach runs to the wall and points to your picture when he hears your name.
When I look into Katy's eyes it is like looking inot yours. She is a beacon of light nad hope. She is so precious and I am sure your are very proud of her. You are the part of our family that makes us whole.
A brother's love is unconditional; a brother's love is pure. A lifelong bond that will forever and always endure. My brother is my hero and my inspiration.
Sherri Philipkoski
February 27, 2007
You and your entire family are in our thoughts and prayers today. May God bless all of you and give you the strength to go on. We know Joe is in good company with Andy.
Kristin & George
SP - Rochester
February 27, 2007
Thank you for choosing to do a job that most people take for granted. It isn't a high paying job, has horrible hours and causes many missed family moments. Not many people have what it takes to do what you did. An officer can go from arresting a drug dealer on one call to deliverying a baby the next. Thank you for protecting the citizens of New Hartford even when they didn't even know they were being protected. You are not forgotten
LEO wife
February 27, 2007
May Our Lord wrap Hid Arms especially tightly around your loved ones today.May He continue to be their strengthen and comfort.
February 27, 2007
Sometimes you get the bad guy and sometimes he
gets you.
The shot that killed you also killed a part of us.
It killed a part of your family, both at work and at home.
It killed your dreams, your hopes, your future.
But it must not kill our determination to make this
world a better place or our will to make a difference.
America's streets must be running red with blood with
all the deaths of leos. Every time I come here to leave
a reflection, I feel like my words get emptier and emptier. I am truly sorry for your loss...a loss too great
for words. My heart goes out to your wife and baby girl.
Lynn Kole
Washington State
February 27, 2007
One year gone, but not forgotten. May you rest in peace.
Jenna R. Gross
February 27, 2007