Pasadena Police Department, California
End of Watch Friday, February 24, 2006
Reflections for Police Officer Kyle Russell Ballard
Your reflection on my husband's site nearly broke my heart. I can't say I know exactly what you are going through, but I so clearly remember the pain of those first few weeks after Jesse died. I didn't think my heart could stand it.....I didn't think I could get through it. I don't know if it would help you to talk to someone who has been there - but I would love to talk to you and help you in any way that I could. My email is, I would love to hear from you. Please be strong; I am praying for you and your sweet boys.
Carin E. Sollman, surviving spouse
Officer Jesse E. Sollman, EOW 3/25/05
March 8, 2006
It is said that a funeral service is for those who are left behind, for those mourning the loss of a loved one. If that is the case, then this service is for all of Pasadena, because last Friday morning, Pasadena lost somebody everyone loved a lot.
The death of Officer Kyle R. Ballard has devastated the Pasadena Police Department, and has saddened everyone at City Hall. Kyle Ballard was one of those persons whom everyone liked immediately because of his naturalness, because of his comradeship, and personality, and sense of responsibility. He was a natural leader; a true professional; a friend and a wonderful human being.
I took office as Mayor in 1999, not long after Kyle began his service as a Pasadena Police Officer. In my work since then, I have learned of what a fine role he played in the Department, and am not surprised about the significant impact his death has caused.
I am grateful for Kyle’s contributions to the City, and want to acknowledge the many ways he helped Pasadena progress during the last eight years. We all owe Kyle Ballard a debt of gratitude
On behalf of the City Council, I want to extend condolences to his wife Laurie and children Ethan, Andrew and Owen, to his parents, and to all the members of his family. At the same time, I extend condolences to the Pasadena Police Department.
Perhaps it will be of consolation to know that he will be remembered by everyone in Pasadena who came to know him as exemplifying the best this City has to offer
There are no words that can ease the burden of this loss, but I want to assure you that you all are in my thoughts and prayers, and those of every member of the Council. It is our hope that over time memories of the love and respect of his many friends will lessen the sorrow you feel today, and bring you joy.
I want to mention that at its weekly meeting on Monday, the City Council honored Kyle by observing a moment of silence “in memory and in honor of Officer Kyle R. Ballard”.
172 hours ago—one week to the hour—the winds went out of the sails of this great City—and since then, all of us, with heavy hearts, have been trying to get the ship started again.
It has not been easy.
But with these ceremonies, starting with the memorial service at the Rose Bowl, and with this event here at First Church of the Nazarene—with the spirit that prevails today among us all--the sails of Pasadena are filling up again, with strong winds that will carry us forward, still with heavy hearts, but truly inspired by Officer Kyle R. Ballard, and “strong in will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield”.
Mayor Bill Bogaard
City of Pasadena
March 7, 2006
March 6, 2006
Thanks for the great job you did. You will forever be remembered for the kind spirit and person you were. Someone as strong and rich in life as you does not fade away easily. You will forever be in the hearts of all of the PPD family.
Pasadena PD
March 5, 2006
Kyle, this is to you my friend. I am learning to fill my heart with the memories that you left with me growing up as my brother. I am looking at the napkin that you wrote on while you, Janna and myself were hangng out at Acapulcos. I kept it, don't ask me why and I wish I wasn't reading it write now feeling empty. Just in case you forgot it reads "Brad, from water to blood, brothers forever, Kyle"
I miss those days. Do you remeber when you received the nickname "kamakaze Kyle"? Hoocher and I laugh about it all the time unfortunately you weren't laughing at the time. My sister stills reminds us of the time you placed her tent 20 feet up in the tree at Huntington Lake. And the fish. Cleveland and I still can't believe that our campsite almost won the biggest fish competition due to your amazing talents with a golf club. If it weren't for the luck of Poe we would have won.
Kyle, you and I share a bond that defines my childhood and we both know that our childhood was one of the best. My mom and dad love you as they do me and were so thankful that I had you as my closest friend.
Hey, do you remember painting. Now I know you are laughing. We both know that those 3 summers drove us to finish college and find a career. Do you remember how hot it got painting that shopping center on Indian Hill? Using brown paint on your chest to cool down ws not the smartest idea.
Kyle, we can go on forever, and we will, as you said on this napkin that I am looking at.
I am deeply sorry for not being a large part of your life for the last few years but I am well aware that you found other brothers to pick up where we left off. My heart has a lot of room for love and you occupy such a big part of it and I am forever greatful. I will talk to you again. Take care of yourself Kyle.
Bradley Smith
March 5, 2006
Officer Ballard, family, and the Pasadena Police Dept.
Once again, we lose another warrior a dedicated Officer for the people. Words cannot explain why Officer's leave such in mysterious tragic ways. We are not immune to death especially when we represent the badge that we wear. Regardless what we are doing, we must not take life for granted. I came to realization that if an Officer dies in the line of duty, it's what he or she loved to do. It's not the pay that keeps us wearing the uniform, it's being a public servant to the people in our cities and counties. Officer Ballard died for what he had believed in, that is being a loyal public servant to the people, for that we praise his life and celebrate his goodness..
To the family of Officer Ballard, I thank you for supporting him as a pulic servant, for your efforts, he made this world a better place for our children. My prayers are with you during this days of darkenss.
To the Pasadena Police Dept. Family sorry for you lost, we all feel the pain. Be safe and let's continue to march in serving...
Officer S.Neri
California Highway Patrol
March 4, 2006
Kyle,,,,i will truly truly miss you. as with everyone else,,i always looked forward seeing your infectious smile. i will always remember you best from our mud runs,,as you said in your auto biography, you love dirt/mud..and you certainly proved it during the runs. it was very evident by your photos what an amazing husband/father/son you will never be forgotten by everyone who loved you here on in peace..kj
kelly jo mcglothlin , dispatcher
pasadena police department
March 4, 2006
I did not know you well, but I knew you and that's what matters. You would walk by with a big smile and always say hello. You were always such a happy man. It is quite clear that all who knew you and even those who didn't, have so much love and respect for you. You are in a great place now to watch over those same people and your family.
To the family of Kyle:
I am so sorry for such a loss. Know that Kyle is watching over all of you and with a proud smile. Know that you are greatly loved by many and you will never be alone. You have a big family here at the PD. God Bless you all.
Debbie Villalovos
Debbie Villalovos
Pasadena PD/Dispatch
March 4, 2006
Mrs. Ballard and Family: I dont' know your family or Kyle but I just wanted you to know that my thoughts and prayers
are with you. May God's love surround you and give the strength you need to go through this dark time. I will continue to lift you up in prayer. No words I can say fill the void you feel. But God's arms of love are surrounding and comforting you even if you don't feel it right now. God Bless You and comfort you.
Warmest thoughts
Fred DeVito
Fred DeVito
Pasadena resident
March 4, 2006
Rest in peace, fellow brother.
Officer Spencer Louie
South Pasadena Police Department
March 4, 2006
Kyle you set a standard as a police officer that all of us at the department strive to achieve. The standard that you set as a father and family man is something EVERYONE should strive to achieve. I will always remember singing Dora the Explorer songs with you while writing our reports. I'm also honored to have shared the last run with you. May God bless you and your family.
Mario and Amber Calderon
Police Officer Mario Calderon & family
Pasadena Police Department
March 3, 2006
May you rest in peace. Thank you for your years of service to this great city. I am saddened by your passing, but I take comfort in knowing you are in Gods arms and He is taking care of you. I cannot imagine the grief your family is going through, but may God give them strength in dealing with the pain. I will always pray for your family, that God will watch over them and give them strength in this difficult time.
Jason Hansen
March 3, 2006
With deepest regards and sympathy. Thank you for watching over those on the streets. It is our watch now.
Lexington Division of Police Recruit Class 22006.
Recruit McClanahan
Lexington Division of Police
March 3, 2006
Dearest Laurie, Ethan, Andrew, Owen, Karen, Russ and Diana........
My heart is broken and grieving for your tremendous loss. Though I only had the privelege of meeting Kyle one time, it was very apparent that he was an incredibly special person. At lunch with Karen, she always spoke about how Kyle adored you, Laurie, and your sons; and what a rich, happy life that you shared. What an incredible legacy has been left behind for your sons....they were blessed to have the BEST Dad, and he will not be forgotten.
Please know that you are and will continue to be in my prayers for peace, rest and comfort during this difficult time.
With Love,
Keeley Wittmer
Keeley Wittmer
World Vision
March 3, 2006
One need not know a brother in blue to feel the pain and sorrow that life often presents this special breed of person. By the youthful smile in this photo, I know Kyle enjoyed his job and the people he served. May God bless you and your family Kyle.
Richard Ontiveros, SVU Ret. Det.
Wesley Chapel, FL
Formerly LASD/Retired BGPD
March 3, 2006
In Valor there is Hope. Rest in Peace Brother.
Policeman's 23rd Psalm
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,
His comforting hand reduces fear to naught;
He makes me walk through streets of crime,
But He gives me courage and peace of mind.
He leads me by still waters in the path I trod,
And He says in Romans I'm a "minister of God,"
He leads me in righteousness as He restores my soul,
For His name's sake He keeps me whole.
When I walk through death's valley, right up to the door,
I will fear no evil, for He comforts me more;
For Thou art with me every step of the way,
As thy rod and thy staff protect me each day.
He prepares a table, especially for me,
As I work daily among life's enemies;
He gives me authority to uphold the law,
And He anoints my position in the midst of it all.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me,
Each day of my life through eternity;
As I long to hear Him say, "Well done...,"
When I lay down my life, my badge, and my gun.
Author Unknown
P.O. Chris Welby
Bridgeton, Mo.
March 3, 2006
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.
’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed!
Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me,
His Word my hope secures;
He will my Shield and Portion be,
As long as life endures.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine;
But God, Who called me here below,
Will be forever mine.
When we’ve been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Than when we’d first begun.
Much love Kyle, much love.
Officer Michael & Karla Gligorijevic
Pasadena Police
March 3, 2006
Dear Kyle:
You are very much missed by everyone at Pasadena PD and the City of. I didn't know you well. But whenever I showed up at a movie job, I could always count on you to be professional and supportive to all who visited the location, making the neighbors and film crews feel warmly welcomed. My sincere sympathy to your family and everyone at PD.
Ariel Penn
City of Pasadena Filming & Events Office
March 3, 2006
I met you when I first started with the PPD five years ago and each time I had the chance to speak with you, I always walked away laughing or smiling. Thank you for pushing me to finish up that last lap around the Bowl. It is a moment I will never forget. It was so typical of you, always looking to help others.
Officer David Duran
Pasadena PD
March 2, 2006
It was a great pleasure to work with you. Your work ethic, dedication and great personality made you stick out amongst the others. I will always remember you and your boyish smile.
God bless you and your family.
I will rest easy knowing you are taking care of your family at home and at the PPD from the heavens above.
Rest in Peace....Until we meet again!
Pasadena PD
March 2, 2006
My friend, there are no words to express the sadness I feel at this moment. I will miss our deep conversations about family life and the jokes we made about our farm animals. Kyle, there was never a meeting when you didn't put a smile on my face or made me laugh. You are a true HERO who was never too busy to stop for conversation or a quick "Hello." My prayers are with you and your family. You will be deeply missed. Until we meet again....
Officer Kim Baecker and Family
Pasadena PD
March 2, 2006
Although I worked alongside of Kyle for 3 years, Im sorry that I didn't get to know him as well as I should have. I do remember he was a go getter and was always smiling. When I lateraled to Anaheim PD, it was Kyle along with the rest of my brothers and sisters at PPD that I missed the most.
May God bless you, your family and all my brothers and sisters at PPD.
Officer Glenn Marumoto
Anaheim PD
March 2, 2006
Laurie and family,
Although my family and I didn't know Kyle very well, we know that you loved him very much. I especially remember when you met him at Cal Poly, and how competitive the two of you were in the math course you took together. I truly believe it was love at first sight.
We are deeply sorry for your family's loss, and wish you well as you recover from this tragedy.
Julie Alonzo and family
Friends of California
March 2, 2006
Kyle and Family,
You will be missed by both your family and your extended law enforcement family. Many of the reflections refer to your contagious smile and friendly personality. That is what I remember most about you during the three years that we were working at Pasadena together.
It is a quick conversation on the second floor that comes to mind. It was when I was working light duty after my injury. My day was not going well. I had just found out that I would most likely have to retire, I was hurting bad both physically and emotionally. I was down in the dumps. I ran into Kyle and there was that clasic Kyle "Smile." He asked me how I was doing and we spoke for just minute or so. His smile and his encouraging words were what was needed at the time. This minute or so conversation lifted me up from a very low point. I couldn't help but smile remembering how Kyle helped me without even knowing what he did.
My prayers go out to both of Kyle's families during this emotional time.
Wayne Gidley Retired Officer
Pasadena Police Department
March 2, 2006
>My name is Krysta Whiteaker. I live in Washington and i am a student
>the father of one of the recent officers that passed away, officer
>Ballard. I just wanted to say that i'm sorry for your loss and that I
>hope that you can tell his family that im sorry, and may God be with
>durning this time of sadness. Thank you so much!
>Krysta Whiteaker
krysta whiteaker
March 2, 2006