Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Nevada
End of Watch Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Reflections for Sergeant Henry Prendes
Although I did not know you, I have a friend that works for Metro. My friend had nothing but good words about you. You are a hero to all of us in blue......RIP
Deputy Sheriff
Lake County IL
February 6, 2006
To my dear friend, loving wife and family of Henry Prendes.
God speed to you as you are blessed to have such an amazing person watch over you now and in the future.
We shall never forget.
All my love.
Theresa Moch
February 6, 2006
Sergeant Prendes, you have served your city and community with honor and dignity, we will carry on from here. To the family of Sergeant Prendes you all are in our thoughts and prayers. Please remember that you all are now part of a much larger family. To the men and women of the Metropolitan Police Department (Las Vegas) hold your heads up high as you all carry on. Rest in Peace...Boss
Detective First Grade Robert F. Jackson
Metropolitan Police Department Washington DC/Homicide Branch
February 6, 2006
I never knew you but I didn't have to. You were one of the few that just wanted a better place to live in. I thankyou for it and all of your boys still doing the job
February 6, 2006
God Bless you during this time. I just lost my police officer husband Hank Nava in Fort Worth, Texas also to gunfire. I too have two young children. I too want him back. I can relate to everything you are feeling right now. Hang in there and know that they are both working the beats of heaven now and looking down on us to protect us.
Teresa Nava
Teresa Nava
February 6, 2006
May you rest in peace, brother....
K-9 Off. B. Rice
Irvington Police Department, NJ
February 6, 2006
I Only Met Henry One time On New Years Eve, And I Can Tell You That Man Was Somebody We Should All Be More Like!
He Told Me Alot Of Postive Things About Just Life, And Being Right With The Lord! Godbless The Prendes's
Thomas Calabrese
Family Friend
February 6, 2006
Sgt. Prendes
You have paid the ulitmate scarafice. We have your watch from here. Rest in peace BLUE ANGEL!
Police Officer
February 6, 2006
"That man is special who acts selflessly, using his head for himself, and his heart for all others. That man is special who leaves the world better than he found it."
Sarge, I never had the privelege of knowing you, but I promise that you will NEVER be forgotten. Rest in peace.
Madsen, p# 7315
February 6, 2006
To my beautiful husband, Henry, I want you here with us, but I know that is a selfish thought, because youare in awe in the presence of God. You are more full of life than ever. You are still busy here on earth continuing God's will, bringing people together and making peace. I promise you I will make our dreams come true, and I will protect the girls and not let anything come between us and our love for our God. I Love You and I can't wait to see you, Dawn.
Henry Prendes' Wife, Dawn Prendes
February 5, 2006
God bless your soul. Rest in Peace Dear Brother. Thank you for your service. We Will take over from here on out.
OFC DS Ziants
February 5, 2006
My deepest condolences to the family of Sgt. Prendes and his fellow officers. Sgt. Prendes not only served the citizens of the Metropolitan Las Vegas area but also the millions of tourist who visit your find city every year. My you rest in peace Sergeant.
Sgt. Derek Chow, Retired
Victoria Police Department
February 5, 2006
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. A life of honor is all that can be asked...we'll take it from here.
Albuquerque PD
February 5, 2006
Rest in peace Sarge, your sacrifice will never be forgotten. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. Godspeed.
R. Chamberlin P#6626
February 5, 2006
HP,there is comfort in knowing that you are with the Lord. I will never ever forget the person that you were.
Your courageous response on 2-1-06 to save the life of a citizen knowing that you may be putting your life in jeopardy speaks to your character as a police professional and as the caring man that you were.
Your motivation, willingness to help others, and your sense of humor will forever be etched in my mind and the others of Academy Class 1-91.
HP, it is now time for you to secure and rest easy with the Lord. Farewell until we meet again my friend.
Sergeant John D. Hayes
Las Vegas Metropolitan P.D.
February 5, 2006
The funeral line was long,
There's an awful lot of cars,
Folks came out of the restaurants,
They came out of the bars.
The workers at the construction sites
All let their hammers drop.
Someone asked. "What is this all for?"
And they said, "Aw, just a cop."
Some chuckled at the passing cars.
Some shed a silent tear
Some people said, "It's stupid,"
"all these dumb policemen here."
"How come they are not out fighting crime?"
"Or in a doughnut shop?"
Sure is a lot of trouble,
For someone who's just a cop."
They blocked the intersections,
They blocked the interstate.
People yelled and cursed,
"Damn, it's gonna make me late!"
"This is really ridiculous!"
"They're makin' us all stop!"
"It seems they are sure wastin' time,
On someone who's just a cop."
Into the cemetery now,
The slow procession comes,
The woeful Taps are slowly played.
There's loud salutes from guns.
The graveyard workers shake their heads
"This service is a flop."
"There's lots of good words wasted,
On someone who's just a cop"
Yeah, just a cop to most folks.
Did his duty every day.
Trying to protect us,
Till they took his life away.
And when he got to heaven,
St. Peter put him at the top.
An angel asked him,
"Who was that?"
And he said, "Aw, just a cop."
Deputy Sheriff
February 5, 2006
Vaya Con Dios Brother. We are proud you are one of the elite of our Thin Blue Line. We are grateful for your service, faithfulness and dedication to duty and above all for your selfless sacrifice. Be assured your loved ones are never alone for we are always but a phone call away if needed. Rest in Peace
Bob Johnson VA-VI
Bob Johnson U.S. Marshal's (Ret'd)
Blue Knights International Police Assn.
February 5, 2006
Rest in peace brother.
PEI Canada.
February 5, 2006
To the family of Sgt. Prendes,
I offer my deepest condolences to you in this hour of your greatest sorrow.
As a mother who lost a daughter to murder in 2000, I know your grief.
The only thing I can offer you to ease your pain is that at least you know who murdered Sgt. Prendes and can rest easy in the fact that his killer has been brought to justice!!!
My daughter would have turned 23 years old today. She was murdered just one month after turning 17.
I not only deal with the enormous grief of losing her, I also deal with the fact that even though there was a witness to her attack, the police still have no idea who killed her and at this point probably never will!!
So at least you can be greatful that your loved ones killer is off the streets and you know that he will NEVER harm another soul!!!
I know it's not much but it is something!!!
God bless you all, you are in my thoughts and prayers!!!!
February 5, 2006
Unfortunately, I did not know Sgt. Henry Prendes personally as we are new to Las Vegas, but his picture seems that of an extraordinary public servant.
We ask that Sgt. Prendes death in the line of duty be remembered by continuing to develop procedures to deal with owners of extremely dangerous automatic weapons: if an officer must respond alone to the scene of a crime, participants such as the wife should be interviewed before approaching potentially dangerous individuals like this one. The crime scene should not be approached in haste. Also, a lone office might be advised to demand that participants come, disarmed, out of confined spaces while the officer maintains appropriate cover.
“Police say (the suspect) Crump fired at least 50 rounds from what they believe was a semi-automatic assault rifle.”
There are some 21,000 domestic disturbance calls each year in Clark County, Nevada. Potential batterers should not be automatically sent to jail without proper hearings and counseling for months at a time as I am told occurs in Reno. This treatment unnecessarily jeopardizes relationships and employment records of the “batterer”. Rather, flexible sentencing should be used to identify dangerous individuals and deal with them appropriately, as might have been expected in this case where the person had previously been identified to have abuse problems.
Thank you for heeding this reponse in view of the personal tragedies involved. We sincerely hope that the untimely death of Sgt. Henry Prendes will serve to protect the lives of other brave officers of Las Vegas Metro and other police forces.
Robert Gries
February 5, 2006
You served in hell for 14 years. God has a special place beside him for people like you and I am positive you are there now with the others like you that paid the ultimate price while serving the citizens of their community. Rest in peace my brother and those you leave behind will be proud to carry your memory. You are a hero who gave the most valuable thing you had, your life, for the performance of duty.
God Bless you and your family. we will try to carry your memory with us for as long as we have in the world.
Sgt. P. Ziros
Bolden Area Command
Sgt. P. Ziros
February 5, 2006
Its Officers like you that make all others proud to wear the same uniform and badge. You truly represent Las Vegas' finest. You are a Hero, your sacrifice will not be forgotten. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in this time of need.
Corrections Officer R. Burleson #8115
February 5, 2006
To the mother of Sgt. Prendes,
Even though we have never met, my heart breaks for you and your loss. You have received that aful call that we as police officers mothers hope to never receive, the "officer down" was your son. My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family. Please know that your son was "simply the best," and as another mother of one of Metro's finest, I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and God bless you.
Catherine Gabron, Civilian
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
February 5, 2006
Our wish for our son when he graduated from the Academy was that during his career he would never have to know the sorrow of attending a fellow officer's funeral. Sadly, that wish was not granted. We can only say how sorry we are that the Prendes family has to experience such grief and how our hearts go out to them. The Prendes family, and the entire Metro family, are in our thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time.
Parents of a Metro Officer - SW Command
February 5, 2006
Just had to write again...and wish Sereant Henry Prendes' family all my sympathy and love. Las Vegas has lost a wonderful and dedicated man, but he is now with God and one day we hopefully will meet him in Heaven. God Bless all of his lovely family...In Spirit, Penny Gilmore
February 5, 2006