Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Nevada
End of Watch Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Reflections for Sergeant Henry Prendes
To the family of Sgt. Prendes,
My heart goes out to you. My brother was a Metro officer before moving to Reno and joining the Highway Patrol. He passed away 3 years ago but like you, I was and always be proud of the service he provided to our community.
Sgt. Prendes and all of the other officers in Las Vegas and around the country go unappreciated.
I just wanted you to know that even though I didn't know him personally, I appreciate him and his valiant efforts to keep our community safe.
Thank you for your sacrifice. He will be missed.
Janet L Henke
February 9, 2006
After attending the memorial I can honestly say Sgt. Prendes is not only the officer I strive to become, but the man I strive to become as well.
Rest in peace Sarge.
February 9, 2006
Thank you.
George J. Lyford - Retired FBI
February 9, 2006
To the wife and family of Sargeant Prendes: I truly know the pain you are feeling as I lost my husband, Deputy Edward "Skip" Schroeder on Jan. 10 of 2005. He was doing what he loved and I can tell by all that is written here that so was Sgt. Prendes. I know at this time, you will feel like you can't get through the day, let alone the nights. It is amazing the strength you have way down inside that will help you move on each day. I cry each time I read about another officer dying in the line of duty and question why. We will never know that answer until we meet them again. I think that God needed good men up there to patrol his heaven and he calls the best. Sgt. Prendes was one of the best and anyone that reads everything written here knows. You will have more support from his "brothers and sisters" than you can imagine. They will be there for you always. More than a year has gone by since we lost "Skip" and there are days when it seems like yesterday. I remember all the wonderful things about him and that helps me get through each day. Hang onto the wonderful times you shared and the love and know he is always around you. I realize these are only words and no one can even imagine how you feel except one that has been through it. You are in my prayers. May God bless you and give you strength and peace.
Wife of Deputy "Skip" Schroeder
EOW 1/10/05
Roxanne Schroeder
February 9, 2006
I just Officer Prendes's family to know that we are all with them in this time of sorrow. Officer Prendes gave his life for our safety and we will forever be gretaful for his sacrafice. My God be with his family and co-workers and give them strength to go on. He is watching over us now and will always be a miracle to us. Thank you for your courage and service.
Juli Duffy, civilian
February 9, 2006
r.i.p. brother,,,,,, my god watch over your family
PO Daniele
February 9, 2006
To Officer Henry Prendes and his family,
God Bless you all. We are thankful for our policemen and the outstanding and difficult jobs they do for our safety and protection. Whenever any officer is injured or killed in the line of duty we feel sorrowful and saddened by the act of violence directed at them. Without OUR policemen our lives would be utter chaos and devistation. Our thought and prayers are very much with Henry and his family...and his brother officers all over the world. WE THANK THEM ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS. REST IN PEACE FOR ALL OF ETERNITY WITH OUR LORD AND FATHER OF US ALL...
Clyde and Kathy Hall
Residents of Las Vegas
February 9, 2006
The Henry I remember was just a boy. A boy who played little league with my brother Travis. A boy who always gave 110%. I knew he had joined the force as had my brother. I was proud of them both. But never was I so proud as to hear of the kind of man you grew to be Henry. One who loved the Lord above all. I would be so honored in my death to hear my children speak as yours did. I have been so sad this week for the community and the light it has lost in you. I find great comfort knowing you are at home with our Lord.
My thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Shanna Williams
Las Vegas
February 9, 2006
God Bless those who dedicate their lives to ending crime against innocent victims. You paid the ultimate price and your reward awaits you in heaven...
Las Vegas...
February 9, 2006
Sergeant Henry Prendes and Family,
As an educator, you are the type of person that we hope that our students try and pattern their lives after.
As a father, My heart aches for your daughters. I hope that I make my daughter as proud as you make your daughters.
As a fellow Christian, you set an example as how to live your life. Always putting others first.
There must have been an opening for HERO in Heaven. Henry, THANK YOU for your sacrafice...
Jason Rowland, High School Teacher/Coach
February 9, 2006
Codolences of behalf of myself and my entire department to the Prendes family.
This tradgedy is indicitive of the problems of our society. I sincerly hope there is an end to this gang and related problems soon,
although, it appears to be a losing battle
in every city. Be safe all.
Security Supervisor- Steve Gerber
Desert Passage Mall
February 9, 2006
My heart goes out the family, friends, and fellow officers of Sgt Prendes. May God give you strength and hope to get you through this most difficult time.
Daughter of a Sgt
February 9, 2006
Seems like yesterday that you were a rookie. I was so sorry to hear of your passing, but I know that you have gone on to be a better place. I am also sure you are keeping them in stitches there. You always managed to keep a smile on everyones face. Your children are beautiful and I believe that they will grow to be just like you warm, understanding and ready, willing, and able to help their fellow man. If any man was made to be the model cop, Henry it was you. I was proud to call you my friend and my fellow officer. They made a special place for you at the right hand of God. You are sorely missed my friend but God needed you more.
Jene Carey
Jene Carey
Retired Parole and Probation
February 9, 2006
The Lord is my Shepherd,
I shall not want,
His comforting hand reduces fear to naught;
He makes me walk through streets of crime,
But He gives me courage and peace of mind.
He leads me by still waters in the path I trod,
And He says in Romans I'm a "minister of God,"
He leads me in righteousness as He restores my soul,
For His name's sake He keeps me whole.
When I walk through death's valley, right up to the door,
I will fear no evil, for He comforts me more;
For Thou art with me every step of the way,
As thy rod and thy staff protect me each day.
He prepares a table, especially for me,
As I work daily among life's enemies;
He gives me authority to uphold the law,
And He anoints my position in the midst of it all.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me,
Each day of my life through eternity;
As I long to hear Him say,
"Well done...," When I lay down my life, my badge, and my gun.
Sincerest condolences to family, friends, and his fellow officers.
CPL Wayne D. Smith
Palmer Township Police, PA
February 9, 2006
As a explorer with the LVMPD i feel like i have lost a brother and i went to central with Sergeant Prendes and i just know that he wanted nothing more than to serve his community and thats what he did. he died doing what he loved and i know that he would have had it no other way. my heart goes out to his family and i just want to say REST IN PEACE and you will always be remembered as a hero. RIP SRG. PRENDES
Kelly W.
February 9, 2006
My thoughts and prayers are with Dawn and her family. I know you have the strength, and through the love and support of the City, I know you all will carry on.
Lorraine Ashdown
February 9, 2006
Boulder City, Nevada is twenty miles from downtown Las Vegas and is authorized 29 police officers for a city of approximately 15,000 residents. I felt that the family and friends of Sergeant Henry Prendes, along with those visiting the ODMP, would appreciate knowing that Boulder City was deeply touched by the heroics and sacrifice of Sergeant Prendes. Every off-duty patrol officer attended or participated in his funeral services.
The following is my commentary which will be published in toady’s BC News, a weekly newspaper:
On Tuesday, February 7, I had the honor of attending the funeral of LVMPD Sergeant Henry Prendes. Sergeant Prendes was killed in the line of duty on February 1 after responding to a domestic disturbance call at a residence in the southwest area of Las Vegas, less than 30 miles away. Sergeant Prendes, a 21st century hero and part of a rare breed of warrior leaders, was leading his officers from the front when he was ambushed by a 21-year old male with a rifle.
I was proud that most of the off-duty Boulder City police officers were in attendance, to include Officers Tomao, Grasso, and Pastore, all of whom had just worked the graveyard shift and were scheduled to return to duty later in the evening. Sergeant Byrd and Officers Barth and Rizzo participated as members of the Southern Nevada Law Enforcement Honor Guard. Also in attendance were Boulder City firefighters along with their brethren from other departments throughout the Valley.
In addition to the vast sea of tan and brown of the men and women of the LVMPD, thousands of police officers, to include those from virtually every agency in Nevada, and scores of officers from other states, some as far away as New York, were in attendance. We were there to bid a tearful farewell to a brother officer knowing any one of us could have met the same fate. The funeral was poignant for me not only because I am a proud graduate of Metro’s Police Academy, but because I was in attendance with my son, a seven-year Metro veteran.
The LVMPD Mounted Patrol and razor-sharp honor guards from Metro, Southern Nevada, and other agencies paid a fitting tribute to Sergeant Prendes along with a motorcade of hundreds of police vehicles led by the deep-throttled cadence and precise maneuvering of scores of LVMPD motorcycle officers.
I was part of the motorcade from Henry’s church, the Central Christian Church in Henderson, to his final resting place. A lump in my throat gradually swelled at the outpouring of gratitude by thousands of citizens standing along the procession route and on the bridges and overpasses. Many waved American flags and held hand-written signs of appreciation and love not only to Sergeant Prendes, but to his brothers and sisters of this honored profession. Several motorists stopped their vehicles in the opposite lanes and covered their hearts as the six-mile long procession passed by. A disabled veteran sat upright on an electric scooter as he paid his respects to the passing motorcade of a true American hero.
I did not personally know Henry Prendes but after listening to his pastor, family and friends and Sheriff Bill Young speak so eloquently during their time of grief, I learned that in addition to being the consummate police officer, he was a man of deep faith who set an example we should all follow. Pastor Wilhite’s remarks that Henry Prendes, “died a hero but more importantly lived as a hero,” succinctly reflect the fullness of the godly life that Sergeant Henry Prendes lived.
Rest in peace Christian brother, we have the watch.
“Control 267, Metro 4067 is laid to rest.”
Officer Daniel M. Jennings
Boulder City, Nevada Police Dept.
February 9, 2006
I was in vegas and watched the service from my hotel. He seemed a very nice guy and good cop. May he rest in peace.
From London, England
Jack Bateman
From the UK
February 9, 2006
ce ce austin
February 9, 2006
Henry, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for excelling in a most significant position. Though you now dwell in a new home, your work continues on, without missing a beat. My heart is heavy, my soul is light. So very much love and prayers to your beautiful wife and children. The world is unquestionably a better place, because you were here.
Another Police family
February 9, 2006
I pray everyday for the Lord to grant me the courage and bravery that you displayed. May every officer find the faith that guided your life and tought you to place "self" last. May God abundantly bless your family and show them His peace. May you forever Rest In Peace Srg,... we have it from here.
Mike Smith, Patrol
February 9, 2006
I just want to say that anytime someone dies while trying to correct the wrongs created by others it is a horrific and honorable deed. I would like to tell Dawn Prendes that I totally understand what she is going through as I lost my husband after being only married 18 months. As to Sgt Prendes' girls, my daughters have also had to grow up without a father. It is the deeds that make it easier to get through, the pictures, the memories. Don't ever let them go and know that he will always be with you, as my husband has always been with me. I have never had a person who I did not know affect me in the way that Sgt. Prendes' death has affected me. I watched the coverage all day yesterday and as with every one else who has wrote - God Bless Sgt Prendes and his family. Go in Peace.
Las Vegas Resident
February 8, 2006
While on vacation in Las Vegas, with 10 of my fellow officers from Pennsylvania, we learned of your untimely passing. It was an honor for all of us to briefly pay our respects as the procession traveled the unusually quiet strip. Rest in peace brother. We'll take the watch from here.
Officer Patrick Nicastro
Middletown Township Police Department, Pa
February 8, 2006
My hearts and prayers go out to Henry Prendes and his family.I am so sorry for your loss.I have lived in Vegas my whole life.I have never been so proud of our Police Departmentand and our community.I sat at work and watched the service on T.V. I cried the whole service.I will always show, so much respect for the police. My heart hurts for everyone.I pray that God with give you all stregnth through this.I pray that he protectes you all.God Bless and be save
Antonio's pizza
February 8, 2006
My thoughts and prayers go out to the family, friends and fellow officers. It is men like you that make this city a safer place. SIncerely, J. Kelliher
J. Kelliher
February 8, 2006