Texas Department of Public Safety - Texas Highway Patrol, Texas
End of Watch Sunday, January 1, 2006
Reflections for Trooper Billy Jack Zachary
Just thinking of you brother. Thinking of what a good Trooper we lost this date four years ago. Rest in peace brother.
Trooper II
Texas Highway Patrol
January 1, 2010
In just a short time it will be 4 years and still hard to believe. I think of you often. Even though I'm a Detective and no longer on patrol, I still would have loved to have had the opportunity to work with you. May God continue to be with and bless your family and friends and most of all your precious daughter!
Detective Melissa Fautheree
Cedar Park Police Dept
December 31, 2009
BJ, There are never the words to express how much we miss you. Christmas will never be the same without you physically at our family gatherings. We miss your laughter and playful nature. Your Christmas stocking is still hung every year and your presence is felt. Your beautiful smile lives on in precious Zoe. We hope you had a Merry Christmas with other loved ones in Heaven and we are grateful that God sent his son so that we can see you again and share eternity with you.
We love you very much!
December 29, 2009
Just thinking bout you brother. Rest easy.
East TX Trooper
December 13, 2009
BJ, It's Thanksgiving and we miss you so much. We share joy and laughter, but our hearts ache over you not being physically with us. You are a blessing that we are so grateful for. And we thank God that one day we will be with you again.
We love you so much!
Your Loving Family
November 27, 2009
It is sad to think that you have yet missed another birthday. She turned 4 this week. I am still in awe of her beauty and intelligence that she has at such a young age. Of course she did think I was tricking her on the day she actually turned 4. She didn't believe that she was really 4 because she hadn't grown any. Her "matter of factness" is quite funny at times. You would be proud of her big sister role she has taken on. I have been blessed with 2 beautiful and happy girls, which has definitely made life very exciting. I wondered how in the world I was going to love another little girl as much as I love Zoe, but God grows hearts in a miraculous way. Rai makes everyone smile!! Kev and Ang are pregnant too! Our family is growing. It's going to be fun watching them be parents. You were an amazing husband and daddy, and still are very much apart of our daily lives still. You always will be. I love you so much.
October 9, 2009
Hi BJ,
We celebrated precious Zoe's 4th birthday, and we felt you there with us. She brings us so much joy! Watching her run and play is like watching you at her age - she is the female version of you. :) We hope you are able to see everything she does. You are always in our thoughts and we love and miss you so much.
We love you!
Your Family
October 8, 2009
It's 1:45 am and I'm sitting here writing my autobiography for a class I'm taking at Dallas Baptist. I don't have to tell you that you consume a lot of my high points, because I feel you here with me as a type. As I wrote about you, God brought me to google your name and I came across this page. Now, it's bookmarked and I'll use it often to put my thoughts about you in print. I miss you BJ and I hurt without you. I think about you daily and my youngest is a reminder to me that I will always have a BJ in my life and I wouldn't have it any other way!! As inconsistent of a friend as I was to you, you were always a constant for me and I love you dearly for that. It's an under-statement to say my life has been blessed with you being a part of it. I miss you something fierce and selfishly I want you back with me on this earth, but I know you are in a better place and I know I will be with you someday soon. I love you BJ!!
Cory Jeter
September 14, 2009
An officer was laid to rest today in Pasadena and I thought of you. Your funeral and passing still puts a lump in my throat and I can't believe you are not with us anymore.
Tara is doing so well, the strength you give her still is amazing. Zoe is beautiful as you know and reminds me of you. Happy Belated Birthday and Anniversary.
A friend
August 26, 2009
BJ, I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday today. I was in Madisonville a few weeks ago and I got to talk to your dad and Jon. Man I miss you and Todd so much, till we meet again my friend. God Bless your family.
a friend
July 27, 2009
Happy Birthday BJ. You should be physically here to celebrate with all who love you. We miss you so much and not a day goes by that we don't think of you and wish you were here. You will always bring us joy even from Heaven. Thankfully, we have many happy memories of shared celebrations until we all see you again.
We love you!
Your Loving Family
July 25, 2009
Another July approaches with me anticipating your 36th birhtday and our 7th wedding anniversary. I sometimes feel this is a harder month than the month you were taken from us all. Please comfort me and help me to be strong. Your always with me always. I love you.
July 22, 2009
Evenin' sir. I can't help but notice your wife's reflections. It's a shame you had to leave us so soon. I'm hopin' to be a Texas State Trooper one day myself. i've wanted to since i was 'bout 8 years old, i've wanted to be an officer since i was like 6. I'm 15 at the moment. Mrs. Tara, I am sorry to hear of this insedent and that ya'lls daughter barely knew her father. I somwhat experience your pain. y good freind was Carthage, Texas Ofc. Everett William Dennis, was killed in a single car accident while on duty. E.O.W. 6/3/08. In 2006, TxDPS lost 3 officers. We've lost 84 Troopers. i pray everyday there won't be a 85th.My thoughts and prays are with your family trooper. Watch over my buddy Trooper Billy Wallace
Trent Welborn. Resident of Texas
July 4, 2009
Happy Father's Day BJ.
We miss you daily and wish you were here to celebrate with us and your beautiful Zoe. She adds so much joy to our family. If only you could be physically here, too...
We love you.
Your Loving Family
June 21, 2009
BJ, I think about you every day and miss you so much. A few weeks ago your mother-in-law came to visit and we took a road trip to Rhode Island. We had been sharing happy memories of you and were somewhat lost (since the RI highway sign didn't distinguish between north and south and it was too cloudy to follow the sun...) A kind Rhode Island Officer in his cruiser suddenly appeared as if he had dropped from the sky and he helped us. I felt you had a part in sending him there. :)
I love you so much!
June 1, 2009
Just thinkin about you. I missing you a lot right now. Time doesn't make it any easier. Thomas and I had our little baby girl, Rai Ashton, March 4. She is so beautiful(bald, but beautiful!) and reminds me a lot of the way Zoe looked as a baby. Alot of other people think so too. Zoe is such a great big sister. Now every baby doll or stuffed animal has a diaper on it! ;) I wish I could see ya'll together. Someday. I love you.
Tara Zachary Pack
April 14, 2009
It has been some time now since your passing. My wife and I still remember being stopped by you and your partner Chris Ryan on Thanksgiving Day 2005 just east of Monahans. You commented on my expired registration and jokingly remarked yours was expired as well. Our meeting was brief but will last a lifetime. Then on January 1st, 2006, as I began my first tour as a CVE trooper in Odessa after nine years in highway patrol, I was notified of your passing. It too, is a day my wife and I will never forget. I am a sergeant now, and whenever asked by other's how long I have been in CVE, I always remember that day for those two reasons. Your memory means so much to us BJ. In that brief moment on Thanksgiving, my wife and I could tell the kind of person you were. Recently in San Antonio we met a woman from Atlanta, Georgia at a restaraunt who out of nowhere began to talk to my wife and I in a manner that showed how kind and caring she was. It too was a brief encounter and it is in times like that my wife and I are reminded of you. Our prayers have and will continue to go out to your family, friends, and co-workers. The Great State of Texas and the Texas Department of Public Safety will never forget you.
Sergeant Christopher McGuairt
Texas Department of Public Safety
March 22, 2009
Forgive me for missing the anniversary of your E.O.W., but I felt as though I could not continue to read about so many tragedies. I now realize the visit each day to leave a word of encouragement and hope to the loved ones of others, helps me to remember that I am not alone with my pain and heartbreak. So may I say to your friends and loved ones that my thoughts and prayers are with them now and always. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol and may they know you will never be forgotten.
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
February 19, 2009
Well any day now Rai Ashton will be born. Lots of memories have been flooding over me about the birth of Zoe. You loved me so perfectly. You will be there with Thomas, Zoe, and I during this special time. I can only hope everything goes as smoothly as it did with Zoe. I love you very much and miss you so much.
February 12, 2009
Sir you payed the ultimate price doing what you loved protecting you family, friends and community
Things happen quickly in Texas, but sir you will never be forgotten, you can depend on your brothers and sisters in blue
Keep a watch over your daughter she needs her father
You are awlways in my prayers
Brother Officer
January 7, 2009
It's been 3 years and still a day does not go by that I don't think about you. I was swinging Zoe outside today and she could tell that I was sad. She asked me what was wrong and I said that I missed you. She said maybe we can get on a plane and go see him. Of course if made me laugh and cry more at the same time. She still is so innocent in her understand of everything. I wish that was truly the case. We could get on a plane and be there in no time. I love you so much and am so glad that I have your baby girl with me to remember so much of you.
January 3, 2009
Three years, and you are thought of each and every day. I wear a blue bracelet with your name etched in it to honor and remember you. May God continue to bless your beautiful little girl, Zoe and your family. And Thank You again and again for your service and for watching over each and every one. I still wish I could have had the opportunity to work with you. I know you were a great Trooper!
Cpl Melissa Fautheree
Cedar Park PD
January 2, 2009
It's been three years... Sometimes it seems like yesterday that you were tragically taken from us and a minute later it feels like it's been forever. You are greatly missed. It helps knowing we will see you again, but even with that promise from God, we long to have you with us now. If only we could turn back time and skip 1-1-06...
We love you so much!
Your Loving Family
January 1, 2009
It has been two years. Many people still miss you BJ. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace brother.
Trooper II
Texas Highway Patrol
January 1, 2009
May your loved ones be ever blessed by Him, especially your special child.
January 1, 2009