Pennsylvania State Police, Pennsylvania
End of Watch Monday, December 12, 2005
Reflections for Corporal Joseph Raymond Pokorny, Jr.
In a few days they will be dedicating the portion of I-279 in your Honor. I don't think anyone will ever forget you, but now those who didn't know you will!!! I think about you often and miss your cheerful voice. Keep watching over all of us here still pounding the pavement.
Just remember you will never be forgotten!!
Pa State Police
April 25, 2007
The PSP has a motto- "the first and the finest" -You were the embodiment of that, Corporal, and you stand as a model for each of us, police officer or not, on standing up for what is right and just no matter what the cost. I never knew you but I passed your memorial everyday that I worked at HQ...I will always pray for you and all our fallen. God Bless your family.
Former PSP Civilian employee
Former Civilian Employee/PSP
April 9, 2007
Now that grandpa has passed we know that you are both in heaven golfing together and watching over our family. I wanted you to know that we feel you both around us and we appreciate your protection you give from heaven. I have met other officers who knew you and they all say how great you were and how much you are missed. Thank you for watching over everyone and I felt you around me when i had my car accident, so i want to thank you for keeping me safe! God bless you, and tell grandpa we said hello and we miss you both so much...
Jackie Pokorny
April 2, 2007
Corporal Pokorny,
I never knew of you until the day those thugs killed you. But officer i will never forget you, or your brothers that fell before you.
God Bless You Sir!
Jon Niedbala
Pittsburgh Resident
February 16, 2007
Your spirit of administering Justice lives on in many of us as we continue the war on drugs and violence. May you rest in Peace Corporal.
January 19, 2007
Trooper Pokorny,
We remember your sacrifice one year ago. We continue to keep your spirit and family members in our daily thoughts and prayers. God's speed.
Baldwin Borough Police Deaprtment
Baldwin Borough Police
December 13, 2006
Sir, I still remember one year ago today hearing the news of a brother officer in a neighboring state being taken from us. As one can imagine, it made me sick to my stomach! Know that we will always remember you and you left us a true hero!
Cpl/1 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police
December 12, 2006
I only met you one time...It was a lasting impression. Your humor, advice and guidance will be in my mind forever. You may be gone, but certainly not forgotten.
pgh pd
December 12, 2006
May you have sweet sleep and may your loved ones be blessed and comforted by Our Lord.
December 12, 2006
In a few hours will be the one year anniversary of you leaving us. It is still so hard to believe that you are gone. I part of me still thinks that you are just a phone call away. You are and will always be in my thoughts and prayers. I think of you often and also of your children and hope they are doing well. I know you are watching over all of us and will be waiting for us to see you again. You rest now and just know that you will never be forgotten.
December 11, 2006
On the eve of the anniversary of Corporal Pokorny's death, my heart bleeds for his family. I have attended several charity events in his memory and was able to purchase a t- shirt at one event that memorialized Corporal Pokorny. I wear it proudly ever chance I get to 5-K road races that I participate in so that Corporal Pokorny's memory never fades. I will never forget the sacrifice he made and his family will always be in my thoughts. May you rest in peace Corporal Pokorny and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service.
Patricia A. Romzy
Moon Township resident
December 11, 2006
I am not an officer or in any way involved in law enforcement. Last year I had been hospitalized and returned to my home to recuperate. I woke up to the news of the terrible and unjustified slaying of you as a man "just doing your job". I watched with grief and sadness as your family and friends said goodbye. I knew others who knew you. My heart was broken. You were just doing your job. I travel the Parkway each and every day, and I pray that you have met your God as you had hoped you someday would. I pray for those who patrol and safeguard our roads from violence and who are just doing their job. I am old enough to remember "where I was" when Kennedy was killed, when the Challenger exploded, and of course when the Twin Towers collapsed. I add your passing to the list. It may not have been global or national news, but for the region, and those of us in the Beaver County Community, you were and always will be one of our own. You were just doing your job... Sad, how in just an instant for no reason at all -- life is shortened... I visit your resting place and hope that you have found peace. I pray too that your family finds peace and hope that you are at rest for you were just doing your job. Be safe Corporal... It is now time for God to just do his job...
A Beaver County resident....
December 11, 2006
I am a member of the RDMC Lake George NY Chapter and a Police Officer. A note to the family, I was in Washington for the memorial and it was a wonderful experiance yet one of my saddest days of my life. I walked around the memorial prior to the cerimony. This hit me and made me think of the times that I may have been ignorant of saying just what I should have when I left the house before my shift to my new fiancee. Everyone that is reading this should read all of these messages. NEVER forget to say you love the ones you love each and every day. I am so proud to be a member of a group of guys like these. These are truly brothers in every sense. I saw pictures of your wake.. Thank you Family Members and I only wish that my family will respect me so greatly, I wish that someday I will be at least half the man and Officer that Poke was. I have talked with his coleagues in D.C. He will be with ST. Peter at the gates checking IDs. God Bless you Sir.
PTL Jason R. Amell
Tupper Lake PD
December 9, 2006
Even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you shall not be afraid, for I am with you. Corp, you are a TRUE WARRIOR and hero. You will NEVER be forgotten.
Tpr. PSP
October 30, 2006
Cops are human ( believe it or not) just like the rest of us. They come in both sexes but mostly male. They also come in various sizes. This sometimes depends on whether you are looking for one or trying to hide something. However, they are mostly big.
Cops are found everywhere-on land, on the sea, in the air, on horses, in cars, sometimes in your hair. In spite of the fact that "you can't find one when you want one", they are usually there when it counts most. The best way to get one is to pick up the phone.
Cops deliver lectures, babies, and bad news. They are required to have the wisdom of Solomon, the disposition of a lamb and muscles of steel and are often accused of having a heart to match. He's the one who rings the door-bell, swallows hard and announces the passing of a loved one; then spends the rest of the day wondering why he ever took such a "crummy" job.
On TV, a cop is an oaf who couldn't find a bull fiddle in a telephone booth. In real life he's expected to find a little blond boy "about so high" in a crowd of a half million people. In fiction, he gets help from private eyes, reporters, and who-dun-it fans." In real life, mostly all he gets from the public is "I didn't see nuttin'."
When he serves a summons, he's a monster. If he lets you go, he's a doll. To little kids, he's either a friend or a bogeyman, depending on how the parents feel about it. He works "around the clock", split shifts, Sundays and holidays, and it always kills him when a joker says. "Hey tomorrow is Election Day, I'm off, let's go fishing" (that's the day he works 20 hours).
A cop is like the little girl, who, when she was good, was very, very good, but, when she was bad, was horrid. When a cop is good, "he's getting paid for it." When he makes a mistake, "he's a grafter, and that goes for the rest of them too." When he shoots a stick-up man he's a hero, except when the stick-up man is "only a kid, anybody coulda seen that."
Lots of them have homes, some of them covered with ivy, but most of them covered with mortgages. If he drives a big car, he's a chiseler; a little car, "who's he kidding?" His credit is good; this is very helpful, because his salary isn't. Cops raise lots of kids; most of them belong to other people.
A cop sees more misery, bloodshed, trouble, and sunrises than the average person. Like the postman, cops must also be out in all kinds of weather. His uniform changes with the climate, but his outlook on life remains about the same: mostly a blank, but hoping for a better world.
Cops like days off, vacations, and coffee. They don't like auto horns, family fights, and anonymous letter writers. They have unions, but they can't strike. They must be impartial, courteous, and always remember the slogan "At your service." This is sometimes hard, especially when a character reminds him, "I'm a taxpayer, I pay your salary."
Cops get medals for saving lives, stopping runaway horses, and shooting it out with the bandits (once in a while his widow gets the medal). But sometimes, the most rewarding moment comes when, after some small kindness to an older person, he feels the warm hand clasp, looks into grateful eyes and hears, "Thank you and God bless you, son."
Robert A. Miller Jr.
Michigan State Police - Retired
October 18, 2006
I just wanted to say thank you for protecting and serving the state of Pennsylvania, so that some day inspiring officers like myself can someday walk the beat. My thoughts and prayers go out to Corporal Pokorny's friends and family members.
Mike S.
inspiring officer
October 13, 2006
Godspeed, brother. You will be missed.
Cpl Bill Chalfont
Pennsylvania State Police - Retired
September 8, 2006
Just wanted to say "Happy Birthday". Still thinking of you! You will never be forgotten!
August 27, 2006
My family and I just returned from visiting the National Law Enforcement Memorial in Washington, DC.. Even though I saw your name engraved in that wall it still doesn't seem real. I think of you and your family often and hope they are doing fine. You said that when you retired that you wanted to travel the country and see everything you possibly could, well, now you can! You and your family will always be in my thoughts and prayers. You will be forever missed!!!
PA State Police
August 18, 2006
How shocking and senseless..... because of one heinous and selfish act, you are gone and those who knew and loved you are left to suffer. So many victims..... thank you for your dedication to what we do. May you rest at the hand of God.
Colorado State Patrol
July 26, 2006
I continue to pray for your family, loved ones and all of our heros in uniform. Our loss is Heavens gain............
A fellow officer's mom
June 13, 2006
To the Pokorny Family,
I, along with my family just returned from the Police memorial in Washington DC and all I could think of was Corp. Pokorny. Though I did not know him, his story has truly touched my heart. I visited his name on that wall and thought about his courage and his willingness to protect us all. I also attended the service at the memorial in Pittsburgh. As the Monroeville police officer sang Danny Boy, I wanted to wrap my arms around your entire family and let you know that you are not alone. You are thought of and prayed for daily. Know that Corp. Pokorny is watching over you from a better place. May he and all the officers rest in peace.
Wife of Pittsburgh Police officer
May 19, 2006
It's been a little over 4 months since you left us and I still can't believe that you are gone. I think of you and your family so often and hope that they are doing well. You have always been a wonderful father and friend and that we will all miss terribly. I miss being able to talk to you about work related problems or just shooting the breeze. You will never be too from my thoughts. You will be forever missed!
Pa State Police
April 19, 2006
If I knew it would be the last time
That I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.
If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more.
If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would videotape each action and word,
so I could play them back day after day.
If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute
to stop and say "I love you,"
instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.
If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
so I can let just this one slip away.
For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance
to make everything just right.
There will always be another day
to say "I love you,"
And certainly there's another chance
to say our "Anything I can do?"
But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget.
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved one tight.
So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day,
That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their one last wish.
So hold your loved ones close today,
and whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear
Take time to say " I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "Thank you," or "It's okay."
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today.
March 12, 2006
To Corporal Joseph Pokorny, his loved ones, and his fellow officers with the Pennsylvania State Police:
I was so saddened to learn of the death of another dedicated officer in the line of duty. On behalf of our entire family, I wish to extend our sincerest condolences for the grievous loss you suffered when Joseph was brutally murdered. Joseph was killed on my beloved son Larry's thirty-seventh son didn't live to see it as he too was fatally shot in April of 2005.
Joseph, please know that your memory is honored and revered today.
My heart goes out to your family. You’re in our thoughts and our prayers.
Joseph, you rescued us, saved our possessions, our lives and our families. You are one of the rare heroes among us. You were always there for us in the most traumatic moments of our lives. No matter when we called, we just expected that you would come and do whatever it took to help us, and you always met our expectations. Your selflessness and dedication are awe-inspiring.
This world, this country, your community truly are better places because of you. To have lost you is a great tragedy, an irreplaceable, immeasurable loss for society. We are grateful for and to you, and honor you for all you did for us day in and day out whether you received a word of thanks or praise.
Rest in Peace, Corporal Joseph Pokorny.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the twenty-two years of distinquished service Joseph gave to his community and the citizens of Pennsylvania, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on December 12,2005.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
March 8, 2006