Brazoria County Sheriff's Office, Texas
End of Watch Monday, December 5, 2005
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Jason Alexander Oliff
Hey bro, wow jason uhmmmm i dont even know what to say man. We did the dirty work together, u know the stuff! 105 degree and uncle bob behind us hollering drag those limbs and well haaha just always workn ur rear off! i learned 5 things while my 6 mths with coles tree service went on.
1. the value of appreciating what u have from hard work, and never ever be late! < ur 240 sucked btw! my neon was faster~>jk lol!
2. the goodness of laughing and enjoying what u do ! > at the time i did not enjoy it~! > but jerry and u an ur crazy two uncles were the best individuals a young man could have asked for!
3. that i wanted a family like you guys and a brother like you and jerry~! so i became a father with 3 girls i was close! hahaha!
4. the harder u work for something, the better u will care for it! because of you, i changed my life.
5. the ability to forgive
i gave law enforcement a run and im truly happy! jason u were my best friend in the whole world and i just wanna thankyou for the memories and the wisdom u gave me about family, faith , and friends.
Rocky Turner COIIII TDCJ
Texas Dept Of Criminal Justice
June 20, 2011
Thinking about you today..wishing you were here to wish you
a Happy Birthday...
Debi Bottoms
February 4, 2011
Happy Birthday Jason! I love you and miss you every day.
February 4, 2011
Hey Jason, well another year has gone by, they go so fast these days. My kids are older now and when we drive by the spot on your highway where you were taken, they ask "who cross was that for, your friend daddy"? I tell them yes and what a great MAN and OFFICER you are. My kids will know who you are and never forgoten. Thanks for keeping me safe again for this year, I miss ya, and until we see each other again, RIP, thanks for being my friend.....
JD Green
January 18, 2011
It's Christmas Day...I remember you're last Christmas just like it was yesterday..we had snow and your Camaro froze to the parking lot..John went to the SO and picked you up and brought you home..John had been going through the neighborhoods filling up the back of his truck with snow and was going to put "long necks" in the snow in his truck to keep them cold...I miss you every day...December is really tough for us...
December 25, 2010
I'm sitting here crying and typing on my blackberry. I miss you so much. Some days I can't stop thinking about you or us. I just wish you were here to hold my hand and tell me it's ok. I love you! Forever and Always.....xoxo Me
December 19, 2010
say you in my mind ad in my prayers...youll always be my brother,my friend and my hero. thanks jay.. thanks debbie and holly..
December 14, 2010
miss you brotha! your forever in our minds and thoughts...god bless...
mario botello
December 14, 2010
This morning I sat straight up in bed. It was 5:40am..I can't believe it has been 5 years..I miss you everyday and I don't think Carl will ever be the just had that ability to touch people..your kindness, humor, dedication and honesty. Most of all I loved the way you loved my daughter....I try not to wonder "what if", but I can't help were such a wonderful young man...taken way too soon....
Debi Bottoms
December 5, 2010
It's been 5 years tomorrow. I think about you every day still. I miss you...the way you laughed, the way you always made fun of me, the way you loved that camaro I just miss YOU. I will never ever forget you or us. You're more than a lover, you're my best friend. Forever and always....Me
December 4, 2010
Jason, We have been doing real good. Work is great and the guys are doing good. You would be proud of the guys. Got some new ones, they don't know who you are. It don't take long for them to find out. Your boys talked to my son a lot about you. Your on his hero list. Tell my dad hello and take care of him.
Captain Richard Foreman
Brazoria County Sheriff's Office
October 22, 2010
JJ, hey sorry I did not post on 12-05, although I did think of you, as I always do. Just wanted to say hi and thanks for being my "true friend". Keep watching over us brother, til we see each other again, RIP..
JD Green
January 6, 2010
To Deputy Jason A. Oliff, his family and his fellow officers with the Brazoria County Sheriff's Department:
Our heartfelt thoughts are with you on the anniversary of Deputy Oliff’s tragic death and we honor him for his valor and sacrifice to the community. Rest in Peace, Deputy Oliff and thank you for your service.
Wives Behind The Badge, Inc
Members and Staff
December 5, 2009
Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you. I miss you and know that you are with God now. Tell your mom I said hi. I can't believe it's been 4 years. Some days it seems like it just happened. I got re-married and I'm a mom now. I hope you are proud of the woman I have become.
Love Forever and Always
Holly Campos
December 2, 2009
I love you, Jason
Aunt Jessie
July 18, 2009
say jason its been awile...i miss you brother, i miss all my brothers at the s.o...ronnie,chris, mike, just everyone. ive been gone from the s.o. going on two years. not a day passes when i dont think about all the fun we had as, we like to call the a team. alot has gone on, but i wont bore you...but i can say people change, i know first hand. i apoligize to you and all my brothers... love you jay.
mario botello
May 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Sweet Boy
Debi Bottoms
February 6, 2009
Jason, Cant believe its been 3 years already. Seems just like the other day we would take our breaks laughing at the "big house". Well yesterday another fellow officer was taken from us at HPD which reminds me everyday the sacrafice yall made to keep us safe. Thanks for being my "true friend". You are missed so much but I know I will see you on the other side one day. Keep watching over us down here. My prayers are always with your family. RIP my friend.
JD Green
Alvin ISD PD
December 8, 2008
Jason, just wanted to let you know as time goes buy the good times & memorys we all shared will never fade. The only thats certain is one by one will all be together again and maybe I can ride along with you if you dont mind.
Regards & Peace
Ron Falks Sr.
Father of BCSO Deputy Ronnie Falks
December 8, 2008
My sweet JJ...It is so hard to believe it has been 3 years since you were killed. I often imagine how things would be if you were still here. I miss you everyday and probably always will. I know we will meet again. That is something we all hold on to. Until then..we love you
Debi Bottoms
December 5, 2008
My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this third anniversary of your EOW. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. You will never be forgotten.
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
December 5, 2008
Jay, It's taken me a very long time to accept you're not here. We miss so many many things about and with you and Holly. You would love your namesake (Jason Moore) we call him bird too and he's tough as a boot. I know you'll standing post to greet me when I come home so until then know you will never be forgotten.
April 30, 2008
We are truly upset of the outcome of yesterday's trial. It's not anything anyone of us wanted to hear. We are so disappointed in the decison that was made. You are still in our hearts and are thought about every day. We love and miss you so much.
Stephany and CJ
April 17, 2008
You have been on my mind a lot lately. CJ and I were talking about old times the other night and we couldn't stop talking about you. We were talking about how you were the person that made me come out of my sell. I was so shy. You always made me laugh and always found a way to embarrass me. We were laughing so hard that we stated crying. I wish you were still here. CJ could turn to you so easy when he needed a shoulder. I don't really think he has truely grieved for you or his dad. I still find him holding a Shrek stuffed animal at I love you and miss you!
April 1, 2008
Hello Jason...been along time since we last talked...jus wanted to say that I miss ya and miss your lil calls for advise on how to handle situations...I know you are watching over us and some day soon we will meet again...I doesnt get any easier missing people you love; you jus learn to cope with the loss until we all meet in in peace brother...time flys but I can remember it like it was yesterday...
Jeff "Beve" Bevers
BCSO Reserve
February 23, 2008