Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Jason Alexander Oliff

Brazoria County Sheriff's Office, Texas

End of Watch Monday, December 5, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Jason Alexander Oliff

My fiancé, Dennis McElderry, was the first law enforcement casualty of 2003. Dennis was a Deputy Sheriff with the Davis County Sheriff's Office in SE Iowa. Dennis died doing a job he loved, just as I'm sure Jason did. It saddens me to know that Dennis was not the first to die in the line of duty, nor will he and Jason be the last to die this way.

Having gone through the pain of losing Dennis I can truly understand and feel the pain that Deputy Oliff's family, friends, and co-workers are going through in losing him. My heart goes out to you all, especially to his fiancee. No one can truly understand the pain of loss until they've walked in our shoes. Please know that my thoughts are with you and that you are not alone in your "journey". Should you ever need anything please do not hesitate to contact me. (The Davis County Sheriff's Office will always know how to reach me or write jocelyne1974 at canada dot com)

As a fallen officer "survivor" and a friend, please accept my condolences on behalf of myself and the McElderry family. I never got the opportunity to know Jason but, I am certain he was well respected and well loved. Jason will live on in the hearts of all the lives he touched. You were all blessed to have been able to know and love Jason, even for a short time. I pray that Jason, Dennis, and all the other fallen officers will continue to watch over us all as only they can.

Thank you Deputy Oliff for a job well done and for helping to make this world a safer place for us all. Please say "hello" to my fiancé Dennis for me.

Wishing you and all those who's lives you touched brighter and better days,

Jocelyne :)

"Wherever a beautiful soul has been ... there is a trail of beautiful memories."

Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Fiancée of Deputy Sheriff Dennis Ray McElderry (EOW: 01/03/03)

December 11, 2005

There is no doubt this is a tragedy and difficult time for Deputy Oliff's family and friends. Keep your heads up and try to stay positive. I'm sure Jason is patrolling the streets in the sky now. No need for extra jobs, problems, stress. He's free now, and someday we'll all meet him again. Rest in peace, brother.

Deputy J. Hildebrand
Mesa County, Colorado Sheriff's Office

December 11, 2005

God bless you and your family. rest in peace brother. God's Speed


December 11, 2005


I just want to say that you and your family will always be in the prayers of me and my family. I remember the first time I met you and how your presence seemed to light up the room. You always seemed to be at the center of attention even when you didn't try. You always put yourself last and everyone else first and took great pride in your work. The void you have left in our hearts will never be filled but your memory will weigh heavy on our minds untill we meet again at those pearly gates.

You have fought a good fight.
You have finished your course.
You have Kept the faith.

Rowdy L. Webb
Brazoria County Sheriff's Office

December 11, 2005


I'll never forget the day I heard the horrible news. I woke up in a cold sweat after having the same recurring nightmare from my wreck just two months before. Rowdy tried to call me at 7am but was unable to get hold of me until 2pm. That's when I found out that you had already gone. I started shaking and finding it hard to catch my breath. I had to take what seemed like a few hours to digest the news. I went to Lisa's house and told her the news as well. We both broke down, not wanting to believe what we were hearing.

I was still in denial until I went to see you the night before you were laid to rest. As I recall, the walk to your casket was so long. Then I saw you, and that's when it all set in. The hurt was so painful I had to turn and walk away. I went and greeted all of our brothers that were there at that time. Before I left I went back you to say my last goodbye. I set my black gloves in your casket to go with you. The spiritual world is full of demons and you will need those to keep fighting the good fight like you did here with us. Even as I type this out, I look at your picture and I continue to hurt. It's not but two days before my wreck, I can remember talking to you in booking about a 95 you brought in. We had a few laughs and you were off to go serve again. This will be the last time we talk openly because now, when I pray for me and our brothers, is when we talk again.

To your family,
Jason will be missed by many of us, and now He'll be watching us and keeping us safe.

Jason, keep fighting the good fight brother, I'll miss you... "Fluffy"

David Warren Duffey II

December 11, 2005

God bless ya'll's family.

Zach Wright, 7 year old son of officers
Alvin PD Detective & ex-Brazoria Co. SO Deputy

December 10, 2005


What can I say that hasn’t already been said? Though we only knew each other for a short time, that short time will be an eternity for me. I can only say that not an hour goes by now that you are not in my thoughts along with Holly and your family being in my prayers. I can’t offer much accept these few words that I hope mean as much to you and your family as you did to me in the short time we knew each other;

Your tour here is over now as up comes the sun,
Your brothers are here to go 10-41.

You were ready to head to your humble abode,
Because you knew Holly would be there, to help ease the load.

No matter what call dropped or where it might be,
You knew you weren’t going, you knew it would be me.

I took your calls because you did it for others,
We looked after our own, because we were all brothers.

You never met anyone that you didn’t greet with a smile,
But for your Brothers in Brown, you went the extra mile.

You touched us all with your style and grace,
If I could right now Jason, I would take your place.

We tour this county in each, our own way,
But now we ride 2 man, each and every day.

Your right there beside me in that passenger seat,
To laugh and smile, as we ride our beat.

You were and are here with us in our time of need,
We love you Jason, and wish you Godspeed.

I’m sure your watch now is never boring nor gets old,
Because now your touring, those beautiful streets of gold.

Remember this Jason; I will never forget you,
Until we meet again brother, when I go 10-42.

John "JJ" or "Eddie Munster" Jones
Brazoria County Sheriff's Office

December 10, 2005

Psalm 90:12 Teach us to count our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart.

May we in our grief here be comforted by the fact that our God is a merciful God.

May God extend His loving hand of comfort over all your loved ones and support them in this time.

May all the people that you served here appreciate the sacrifice that you have made and live as to honor that sacrifice.

We have all lost a brother. A hole has been created that can not be filled as easily as filling a position. We will miss you and pray for you and your family. We will not cease to honor your name and your memory.

Phillip Newton
Brazoria County Sheriff's Office

December 10, 2005

To My Brother and Best of Friends


I came to Brookside Village PD and this County three years ago. I was excited and apprehensive at the same time, and only knew one other sole with a badge. I met you on a disturbance call as your back-up. Our friendship started there and will live on forever. Since your passing I have tried to define what it means to be in our profession, being a public servant. I have since realized that you encompassed and are the epitome of the definition I have been searching for. We are charge with the safety and welfare of our constituents. We set forth every day and night putting ALL other first and ourselves last. We deal with the dredge of society every day of our life, and are told to just deal with that misery. We often see and manage things that most average citizens cannot even begin to imagine; things that give persons nightmares. We rarely have time for family, and even when we are off duty – we rarely really are….Jason, you are all these things and more…you taught me that WE in this line of work have to look for the silver lining no matter how faint. You taught me that WE were born to wear a badge and do all these things…because of the strengths WE carry inside. You told me once one a disturbance you backed me up on, that you liked the way I verbally flipped a suspect. You asked me where I learned how to do that…I remember looking you in the eye and saying, “I leaned it from you.” The last time we talked was Friday night and you told me that you were going to talk to Captain for me, because you wanted me to be on patrol with you, as a BC Deputy. I may not wear a brown shirt, but because of you and how you always made me feel welcome – I will for ever bleed BROWN. I love brother, you will be missed but never forgotten…You meant everything to us (Chris, Ronnie, John, Mike, Mario, JD, Bobby, Chris A., Cox…and of course Holly). The North End Rattle Posse will live on forever in you honor….NOW PUT YOUR GASOLINE BOOTS ON AND KICK THE CRAP OUT OF EM UP THERE! WE’VE GOT IT DOWN HERE.

My Eternal Love

J. Robert "Sponge Bob" McClain
Brookside Village PD

December 10, 2005

I'm not so sure on where I need to start. As I sit here typing this your picture is on the screen and all I keep hearing is your laugh. I just want you to know how good that laugh was for me and so many other people. I don't think that you realize just how many people that you have touched. On more than one occasion, I have heard some of the new people that were in training in dispatch make comments on how you took time to call them and reassure them that they were doing a good job and that everything was going to be ok, and speaking for myself you have lifted my spirits more than once when you didn't even know it. You were always good for a laugh no matter what the situation. I hope that some day I can be as good of a person as you. Chris Carson hit the nail on the head when he said that you were a spiritual role model for what we should all have inside of us. You lived your life to the fullest and not only did you care for, but you were not afraid to show that you cared for your family, friends, and co-workers. You also loved with all of your heart, that shows in the smiles on all of the pictures of you and Holly. What a wonderful place this world would be if we could all learn from you in that aspect. I am honored to say that I got to hang out with you on different occasions. What an inspiration you have been to all of us that know you and even to those that didn't! Your funeral screams that in volumes! How proud Holly and your family should be! Someone once said, "To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world," How many "ONE PERSONS" you had in your life! I'll miss you Jason but between THE NORTH END RATTLE POSSE, and THE 3 DOGS picture in dispatch (which we will not be taking down) I'll never forget you! Thanks for being all that you were, for giving so that everyone else could receive, and thanks for leaving me with a laugh that can bring a smile to my face even in the toughest of times! God Bless You Jason and don't ever quit watching over us! We need it now more than ever!

Telecommunications Officer Nikki Doherty
Brazoria County Sheriff's Department

December 10, 2005

dear jason, i cant even think of where to start. ive worked with you for about 4 years now, and my memories of you go way back, before we were even on patrol. when i would work over on your shift, you and i would sit back in the pods all night talking about our cars and our love for fast cars in general. we would talk all night about what we would like to do to our cars in the future (even though we both knew we couldn't afford it)we would entertain ourselves all night with the idea. if we weren't talking about car we were talking about how we wanted to go to patrol so bad we could taste it. well, it wasnt long after those days we both got the call, and we were patroling the north end together instead of the pods. you know......when your friends with someone, you never think to stop and tell someone what they mean to you. its times like this when you wish you would have. i remember it like it was yesterday, we were both rookies, fresh out of the jail, so we were calling each other the whole shift with questions, hoping the other would know the answer. it didnt take long for us to start catching on and the "please help me" phone calls faded out, and became just a phone call from a friend. when i was transferred to the west end several months later, naturally our encounters were limited, but the phone calls never stopped. i remember sometimes you would call me in the middle of shift out of nowhere just to tell a joke, and that was it. i remember when we met up one day so you could show me the pics of the house you and holly were going to buy. even though you were trying to play it off, i knew you were so proud of what you had made of your life you were about to burst. myself, along with all the other deputies and officers have lost a great friend, and a excellent officer. i now regret more than anything not getting the chance to let you know what you meant to me. the thing that keeps popping into my head the most is that, no matter what was going on with you, no matter how slammed we were with calls, or how many reports down you were, i never remember seeing you mad. no matter what the situation, you always had a positive attitude about things. i gotta tell you, it may not seem like a big deal to some but i truly admired you for that. you jumped into the patrol car and did your job with ease, making it look like you had been in the business for 10 years. you have nothing to worry about anymore jason, you are now in a better place than all of us, and we will meet up soon to compare our cars again. you will never be forgotten..........

Patrol Deputy R.L. Kelley 1068
Brazoria Co Sheriff Dept

December 10, 2005

God bless you for your service and sacrifice. You will not be forgotten.

St. Louis City Police

December 10, 2005

May your family find strength during this trying time, they are in our prayers. God Bless you, and we will see you at the gates of heaven.

DK Eldridge #2363
Fort Worth PD

Donna Eldridge #2363
Ft. Worth PD

December 10, 2005

Rest in peace brother and may your family find confort in knowing that they will see you in heaven someday.

Warwick Township Police

Warwick Township Police - Pennsylvania

December 9, 2005

Jason, I want to tell you THANK YOU for always being such a GREAT FREIND. We are very thankfull to have had the oppertunity to know you, you truly were a great person. I remember the day you started the S.O. I was to be your training officer and you were gunho and timmed at the same time. It did not take you long to break out of your shell. You let me know the first night you were going to be a Texas Ranger and there was somthing in the way you said it I knew you would. You were so good at setting goals and making it happen. You tried to help anyone and everyone, you were the one to get Stephany to break out of her shell, and all it took was saying two words. We will miss you so very much, We LOVE YOU goodbye.
Holly, we love you and your family so very much also and feel for your loss. If you or your family need anything at all please let us know. We LOVE YALL SO VERY MUCH.

C.J.and Stephany Albair
Brazoria County Sheriffs Department.

December 9, 2005

The thoughts and prayers of the SPring Twp. police department go out to the family of Deputy Oliff. May God bless you and may America thank you for the sacrafices you have made. Rest in Peace.

OFC. Shane Dickey
Spring Twp Police (Centre County) PA

December 9, 2005

Rest in peace our brother in blue and may God be with your family.

Ptl. A. Costner
Irmo Police Dept. Irmo, SC

December 9, 2005

A Family, Friends, Brazoria County,The State of Texas and The United States of America mourn the loss of another fine Peace Officer. A new Beat awaits Deputy Jason Oliff. God Bless

Officer Thomas Wiederhold #1890
Fort Worth Police,Tx

December 9, 2005

We in the profession are often more concerned with the opinions of the folks we work WITH than the people we work FOR, and at times, how our colleagues view us is even more important than how our life long friends and family do. From all I've read, Deputy Oliff was viewed by all who knew him with very high regard and will never be far from them.

God Bless and Rest in Peace, Brother.

Ptl. Jim Leahy Jr.
Harvard University Police Dept.

December 9, 2005

My prayers and thoughts are with the friends and family of Deputy Oliff. Stay strong...never forget your hero.

Invest. Mike Bradford
Tallahassee Police Dept.-Ret

December 9, 2005

Jason and your family,
I just had to write and tell you how much you meant to my son. I didn't know you personally, but I felt like I did because of Bobby's feelings for you and Holly. My thoughts are with your family during this time and hope that you all can cope as well as possible during this Holiday seanon. He sounds like he would love for everyone to be happy and rejoice with him that he is in a wonderful place. I am proud of the Brazoria County Sheriff Department for being so wonderful to the your fellow brothers and friends of the Department. Again I wished I had known you, because you sure sound like a wonderful person. You'll be missed dearly.
Alberta Janek, Deputy Sheriff Bobby Joe Janek's mom

Alberta Janek
A Brazoria County Deputy Mom

December 8, 2005

Rest in peace brother. May God bless you and your family. Nemo Me Impune Lacessit.

Ofc. B. Boles #313
Blue Mound PD

December 8, 2005

You can rest now brother, we will take it from here. Say hi to GOD for us.

M. Cardenas Patrol Officer
Stafford P.D.

December 8, 2005

Jason I knew You A Short Time,And Verytime We Made Relief You Always Had A Smile On Your Face,Letting Me Know How Many Bad Guys You Ran Into,And If I Was Having A Bad Morning You Would Always Say "It's Going To Be Alright" Thanks Very Much For Being The Person You Were.I Remember You Showing Me The Pictures Of Your New House That You And Holly Bought And The Glow You Had On Your Face,You Were So Full Of Life That It Made Me Feel Good Just To Be A Friend Of Yours...The Last Time We TAlked Was When You Call Me For A Extra Job,Even Though We Haven't Talked In A While You Still Looked Out For Me..I Love You For That.I Know Your In Heaven With The Lord And You Will Be Back When The Lords Son JESUS CHRIST Comes Back For All Of Us.God Bless You Holly,And Family If Y'all Need Anything Call Anyone IN Brown Shirt....

Terry Pena #326
Brazoria County Sheriff Office

Deputy T. Pena

December 8, 2005

Jason....I still cant believe this happen. I still can hear your laugh. No matter what kind of day I was having hearing you laugh made my day. I just keep remembering thursday night when we were outside having our smoke break how we were goofing off and laughing and how excited you where about getting married to Holly. Everytime I saw you and Holly yall made me smile. Ya'll had the relationship that everyone dreams about. I remember when we first met. We were in jail school. Everyone in the class was from the jail. I was the only one from the warrant division in the class. I was so scared. You were the first person to speak to me and made me feel like one of the guys. Jason.. I wish I would of told you on thursday night how great of a person you were. How much you made me laugh, how much I love seeing you and Ronnie,Chris, and Mario goofing off with each other. By the way I never got around to telling you that the three dogs picture that everyone in patrol and the jail got a copy of was from me!! When I got that email ya'll where the first ones that it reminded me of. When it would get so busy in dispatch and you could tell on the radio that I was a little on edge, you would call in and make me calm down and laugh. Jason I dont think you really know how many people you have touched. I will miss you so much... Holly I really wish I could take away your pain, but I promise you it will get better and I'm here for you. I love you both and I only wish that I can be half the person you were Jason!!!!


December 8, 2005

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