Portsmouth Police Department, Virginia
End of Watch Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Reflections for Patrolman Richard Lee Spaulding
G-d Speed My Brother
odps Inv Unit
December 26, 2005
December 22, 2005
You are a true hero who made the ultimate sacrifice. May the memory of your service, heroism and sacrifice remain forever. May God bless you, your family and brother/sister officers.
Pennsylvania State Police
December 13, 2005
May God bless your family and friends!
Sgt. Hank Edwards
Bessemer Police Department
Bessemer, Alabama
Sergeant Hank Edwards
Bessemer Police Department
December 10, 2005
My fiancé, Dennis McElderry, was the first law enforcement casualty of 2003. Dennis was a Deputy Sheriff with the Davis County Sheriff's Office in SE Iowa. Dennis died doing a job he loved, just as I'm sure Rick did. It saddens me to know that Dennis was not the first to die in the line of duty, nor will he and Rick be the last to die this way.
Having gone through the pain of losing Dennis I can truly understand and feel the pain that Patrolman Spaulding's family, friends, and co-workers are going through in losing him. My heart goes out to you all, especially to his wife. No one can truly understand the pain of loss until they've walked in our shoes. Please know that my thoughts are with you and that you are not alone in your "journey". Should you ever need anything please do not hesitate to contact me. (The Davis County Sheriff's Office will always know how to reach me or write jocelyne1974 at canada dot com)
As a fallen officer "survivor" and a friend, please accept my condolences on behalf of myself and the McElderry family. I never got the opportunity to know Rick but, I am certain he was well respected and well loved. Rick will live on in the hearts of all the lives he touched. You were all blessed to have been able to know and love Rick, even for a short time. I pray that Rick, Dennis, and all the other fallen officers will continue to watch over us all as only they can.
Thank you Patrolman Spaulding for a job well done and for helping to make this world a safer place for us all. Please say "hello" to my fiancé Dennis for me.
Wishing you and all those who's lives you touched brighter and better days,
Jocelyne :)
"Wherever a beautiful soul has been ... there is a trail of beautiful memories."
Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Fiancée of Deputy Sheriff Dennis Ray McElderry (EOW: 01/03/03)
December 7, 2005
"His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord." Matthew 25:21
Deputy M. Clifton
Chesapeake, VA Sheriff's Office
December 6, 2005
You don't remember me, do you...?
I was the one who unlocked your car after you accidentally locked the keys and your baby up at the mall.
I was the one who gave you a ride to the gas station when you ran out of gas on that back road.
I was the one who changed your tire because you couldn't figure out how to work the stupid scissor jack.
I was the one who directed you safely through that busy intersection when the traffic signals weren't working.
I was the one who gave you a jump-start after you left your lights on.
You don't remember me, do you...?
I was the one who found the item that identified the guy who raped your daughter.
I was the one who spent my days off in court to testify and help convict the man who beat your son so badly.
I was the one who located your grandmother in the woods that night when it was 22 degrees and she had wandered away from the nursing home.
I was the one who loaned you the raincoat the night we stood and watched your house burn.
I was the one who talked with you for two hours about your son running away from home.
You don't remember me, do you...?
I was the one who held your hand, wiped the blood out of you eyes, and calmed you down while the Fire Department cut you out of what was left of your car.
I was the one who called you at 2 a.m. to come pick up your 16 year old daughter because she had been drinking too much.
I was the one who knocked on your door at 4 a.m. to let you know your 16 year old daughter would never be coming home again.
I was the one who did CPR on your 3 year old after you found him in the pool.
I was the one who helped deliver your new baby when you didn't quite make it to the ER.
You don't remember me, do you...?
I was the one who got that snake out of your bathroom around midnight.
I was the one who got my knees and elbows scraped up fighting with the shoplifter with your carton of cigarettes.
I was the one who took your son for a "ride-along" so he could see what it was really like.
I was the one who gave you the right directions so you wouldn't miss that business meeting.
I was the one who stopped you to let you know your right rear tire was going flat.
You don't remember me, do you...?
I was the one who escorted your son's funeral procession from the church to the cemetery and cried behind my sunglasses because he was my friend, too.
I was the one watched over your place while you were on vacation.
I was the one who worked for you on Christmas Day so you could be off with your family.
I was the one who joked around with you after your truck got hit by a train and you walked away without a scratch.
I was the one was able to talk your husband into going into counseling with you.
You don't remember me, do you...?
I was the one who got shot when I pulled over a car for a traffic violation and the driver turned out to be an escaped convict who had sworn he would never go back to prison.
Oh, by the way, my memorial service is at 2 p.m.
Will you remember me now?
I will remember you!! RIP
December 4, 2005
Thank Ofc. Spaulding for your service to the community,you will never be forgotten,Rest In Peace Brother
Carolina Beach Police Dept.,N.C.
December 4, 2005
December 2, 2005
Thank you brother for the job well done! We have the watch now!
Police Officer
Chesapeake Police Department
December 2, 2005
Although we are not police officers, they have been very near and very to our hearts. My father-in-law is an officer in Austin Texas...
The very least we thought we could do as a community was to try and make things a little bit better (especially for the children) for the families of our fallen officers.
We are hosting a fund raising event on Dec 12 to benefit the families of our fallen ones.
I hope Mr. Spaulding is looking down on us from somewhere and knows his community is doing all we can to help these officers families!
Rest in peace Officer Spaulding!
Thank you for all you did for all of us!
You will NEVER be forgotten.
Lisa Deckard
December 2, 2005
"Of every one hundred men in battle, Ten shouldn't even be there, Eighty are nothing but mere targets, Nine are real fighters...We are lucky to have them...They the battle make. Ah, but the one, one of them is a WARRIOR...and he will bring the others back." Hericletus
Although I left PPD in 2001 and I didn't get to work with you very much, your reputation stretched across the state. You are a true warrior and hero. I am honored to have known you.
J.D. Underwood
J.D. Underwood
ATF (Formerly Portsmouth P.D.)
December 1, 2005
Rest in Peace Brother. We are grateful for your dedication and faithfulness to duty. Be assured your loved ones are not alone for we are but a phone call away.
Bob Johnson VA-VI
Bob Johnson U.S. Marshal's (Ret'd)
Blue Knights International Police Assn.
December 1, 2005
Pride and sorrow run together right now. The pride I have to be associated with such a wonderful person as you is overwhelming, yet the sorrow to lose someone of your caliber is devastating. I can honestly say I learned from the best; you were an amazing Field Training Officer. You were everything an FTO ‘wasn’t supposed to be’. You made me feel comfortable rather than vulnerable, let me speak when I had something to say or ask, never yelled, called me a rookie, or made me feel like I wasn’t ‘one of the boys’. You taught me many valuable lessons, the most important one being: if you’re there for other people when they are in need, they will be there for you. And you were true to that, always there for anyone whenever they needed your assistance.
I will keep many fond memories of our times together close to my heart. Like the night we found the new born baby in the back yard. You asked me, “So lil sis, how does it feel to be a hero? You saved that baby’s life!” Well Rick, I ask you the same, how does it feel to be a hero? Or the night we were so tired you turned up a rock song so loud we couldn’t hear the police radio. We were head banging and acting crazy trying to stay awake, while dispatch was calling us repeatedly to answer a call for service. They finally alerted our radio and I answered up laughing. Everybody thought we were sleeping, nobody expecting that you’d be head banging in the police car with your recruit!
Even after field training you were there for me. The night I had a suspect resisting arrest you threw him on the car and told him, “If you hurt that girl, I’ll take your life.” I never had a fear in the world when you were my back up. You taught me well Rick and I thank you sincerely. Even off duty you were one of a kind. We couldn’t get you to go out too often, always a family man, but when you did the gang seemed complete. Dinner at Hooters, UNO on the bar patio, the memories go on and on.
I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to say goodbye and I’m sorry you had to miss breakfast in October. You were more important to me than you realize. I miss you dearly and your legacy will carry on through me and the others you’ve had such a profound effect on.
“Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy.”
Former Officer Jessica Adair
Portsmouth Police Department
November 30, 2005
Rick rode the beat next to me for almost 5 years on midnights, and no matter where I went, what kind of call I was on - Rick was the first one to back me up. It gave my wife no small measure of comfort knowing that when I went to work at night, I always had backup and whatever happened, I wouldn't have to face it alone. Rick will be sorely missed, and I am blessed and honored to have known and served with him.
May the raindrops fall lightly on your brow,
May the soft winds freshen your spirit,
May the sunshine warm your heart,
May the burdens of the day rest lightly upon your shoulders,
And may God enfold you in the mantle of His love.
-Irish blessing
Officer Stephen B. Spirek
Portsmouth Police Dept., Portsmouth, Va
November 30, 2005
I am honored to have known you and appreciate everything that you did for the Portsmouth PD. You are a hero who will be in my heart forever! Thank you for keeping me and my family safe as we slept. Thank you to your family for sharing you with us. You will always be my brother and I could not ask for a better angel to watch over all of us! Rest now Brother, we have the watch now.
Sgt. Lisa Smith
Portsmouth PD
November 30, 2005
I am most honored to have been your FTO, your partner and most of all your brother and friend. When you were in field training a fellow officer had to shoot and kill a suspect and you where there, risking your life with us. Even though you were still in training no one watching would have known it. Since then that bond has never been broken.
One night when I nearly had to shoot a suspect you were the first one there, steadfast. When a truck hit me you were the first one there and that was the only time I ever saw you afraid, afraid for a brother. But most of all you were there during one of the darkest times in my personal life and without you……I would have been lost.
There are many people who can say the same things for themselves that I am saying here and that is why you are so well loved. You always gave everything you had for a friend and for the job and now you have given your life.
In all of the sorrow and grief surrounding your death I saw your grandson, five year old Wesley, standing, alone amid such awful pain and grief. When I looked at him so calm amidst so much sorrow and with him knowing that his PawPaw was in Heaven, I drew strength and hope from that small boy. When I look at him I see you strength and in spending time with him I see your love in him and just like you I see how much love he has to give, a small boy who is stronger than us all.
Rick when I think of you I think of all the good that you were; Loyal, brave, hilarious, a leader, tough and relentless, yet there is one word that describes you best and that word is LOVE. I am absolutely devastated at your loss and none of us will ever overcome our grief at your passing.
When my time comes I will not be afraid because I know you will be the first one on scene with a smile on your face and we will be what we are now…brothers forever.
Ian E McNett Jr.
Portsmouth Police Department
November 29, 2005
To the family friends and co workers we express our sorrow for your loss. We will dedicate our service to the ones who paid the ultimate price.
Constable Charles Clack
Precinct 1 Polk County Tx
November 29, 2005
Rick, I wrote this for you as I watched your family stand in your yard telling stories about you as tear drops ran down their cheeks but laughter spilled over as the spoke about the times they shared with you. I too had my stories to tell and many tears have crossed my cheeks, but the smile I remember on your face the last time we talked made my heart heavy but some how put a smile on my face.
Brother of not my blood but of my heart I say this to you, I promise to protect your family. I promise to hold my husband close as he too lost a great friend and brother in you. I promise to take care of your grandson that you daughter so lovingly named Ian and I his God parents. Now I will close by reading you aloud what I wrote as I watched your family and friends weep for their Great loss.
One by One
The night was cold and crisp as one by one they came to pay their respects.
The wind touched our faces as if to dry our pain. As we tell our stories and hold each other near the wind whips her tail bring a chill to our bones. At one point we say, "Is this all real, can it be that we are just going insane. As Rick would say everyone has to be a little insane. With his smile that leave you to wonder *hmmm* yes he is a little insane. But then agian he is an officer and we all know that is just part of the job.
I love you my brother and as I promised you before I will always protect those you love and respect.
As the cold lonesome wind blew a group of officers gathered around the flag pole in the middle of the night.
The officers ranged from rookies to seasoned veterans, each having their own memories of you.
There were no words spoken as the red and blue lights pierced the darkness.
The stinging tears flowed for a fallen friend as all eyes watched Old Glory being lowered to half-mast.
The only sound to be heard was the old flag popping in the wind.
After a moment of silence the group then fell out one by one and the flashing lights were extinguished as each officer drove slowly into the night.
A great man *GOD* once said that he knew each time a sparrow falls.
So dear Lord hear our cries and feel our pain for this time..... it was an Eagle
Linda McNett
Linda McNett
Portsmouth Police Officer's Wife
November 29, 2005
rest in peace
November 29, 2005
Thank you for your service.
Ofc. S.L. Coffman #15174
California Highway Patrol
November 29, 2005
Thank you so much for your dedicated service to our Department and our city. You were truly answering a calling when you first came to work as an Aux. on "2C" back in the day. For years, you worked hundreds of hours for free, never complained, and always had a kind word or joke for your fellow Officers. You bailed me out of many situations where we would have been dangerously short had you not volunteered to come in. When I look in the dictionary under "policeman" I expect to see your picture. There are very few Officers in this world that care so deeply about their fellow Officers. Believe me, I recognized that and so did your fellow Officers. You make me proud to be a Police Officer. Your funeral was superb, Rick. The Police came from everywhere and we know you were smiling down on us. There was a row of about 6 wreckers on one corner with their "emergency equipment" on. It was a nice tribute, and I'm putting them back at the top of the list!!! Enough rambling now, just want you to know that we love you, we miss you and a lot of us are hurting pretty bad right now. Rest assured we will "Man up and hit the street" as you would expect. May God bless you and take good care of your wonderful family. Rest in peace POLICEMAN Spaulding.
Sgt. D.K. Butler
Portsmouth Police Dept.
November 29, 2005
November 29, 2005
Rick, there is so many memories I have with you thoughtout our years working togething. All the calls that stand out in my mind, you were there with me or calling me on the phone checking on me because you were busy helping another. Everytime I went on a call and knew you were coming, I knew I was going to be O.K. We spent many nights just talking about our families, my kids and your "little man". I will truly miss these times and all other times we spent together. It was a honor knowing you and working along side you. It wont be the same at work, but we on 3rd platoon will watch over the peolple and the work you cared so much about. We will make you proud, so many of us learned a great deal from you and I will not let you down. I wished for a different outcome but I'm glad to have been with till the end. I along with so many have last a true friend and a hero. I will miss you forever. I love you like my own brother. Rest now and I will 10-10 you later.
Officer Rick L. Willis
Portsmouth Police Department
November 29, 2005
Uncle Rick, you will forever be loved and missed. A part of you will always be with me forever. I hope that I can make you as proud of me as I was of you. You made our family proud. Just like all your brothers and sisters at the Portsmouth Police Department I know you will have my back on any call. Thank You, for a job well done, I know you would not have had it any other way. From your family and you family of Blue we love you and miss you dearly. I will see you again one day. Love, Your Nephew Barry N. Bennett
Police Officer Barry N. Bennett
Wilmington Police Department, N.C.
November 29, 2005