Rocklin Police Department, California
End of Watch Sunday, October 9, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Matthew John Redding
Hope you had a good Easter in Heaven with the Lord, Matt. We all love and miss you, buddy.
April 16, 2006
I love you buddy! You will always be with us. I can't believe six months have passed. I often wonder how long it will be until we meet again? You have reminded us so that life is just a vapor. Thank you for your constant inspiration! Although you are gone you live on, not only in our hearts but all around us. I am so happy for you and yet constantly ask the Lord to help me through my journey here. Enjoy your new life! Save me a seat at the table!
April 10, 2006
I can't believe that it has been six months since that horrible day. I will never forget that 6am phone call..... everyone misses you!!
April 9, 2006
How I wish we would all make sure our friends do not drink and drive. 6 months ago a careless, unthinking man drove drunk and changed lives forever. I wonder if he knows how he hurt so many people and how he cut short the life of a man that was so loved. Matt will always be remembered in history as someone who died protecting the public. The man that hit him and drove off will be remembered as the careless coward he was that fateful day. Rest in peace are the hero always in our hearts.
April 9, 2006
6 months. 6 months since that tragic Sunday when you were taken from us so suddenly and numerous lives changed forever. It seems so short a time and in some ways, so long.
Because I am the mother of a man who feels your loss so profoundly, I, too feel it through him. You are thought of every day and missed so very much. Visiting you seems to help ease the pain and it helps to reflect on all the good and happy moments.
I can only reiterate on things I have told you before .... I thank you for being the wonderful man that you were and for giving Justin a brother and a hero to look up to. You have touched our lives forever and I thank you for your wisdom and guidance -- then, now, and forever.
And as the song goes "been far away for far too long." Rest in peace, Matt. We all were truly blessed to know and love you.
Laura Raphael
April 9, 2006
I miss your smile Matt. The special look in your eyes when you looked at me and all the wonderful times I was lucky enough to spend with you. You will always be my special someone, I will remember you always, and I can't wait until we are together again.
I Love You Matt.
April 5, 2006
I miss looking up at your smile, I miss your laugh and the playful twinkle in your eyes. I still cry because you are not with us.
April 5, 2006
If we could all only live our life as well as you lived the world would be a better place. Thank you for showing us how to live with such a zest for life! Not a day goes by that I do not remember what an awesome guy you were. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
April 4, 2006
I love you.
March 21, 2006
Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up.
-Psalm 71:20
March 18, 2006
What is Courage
(Dedicated to all men and women who give of themselves for the welfare and safety of others)
Courage, the act of standing by your convictions..
Courage, the demonstration of a action that is not convenient..
Courage considers the odds, evaluates the principles involved, and choses the most noble..
Courage, true courage resides in righteous virtue, unselfish committment, and the acceptance of the sacrafice deemed necessary to effect the change..
Courage is not for soft men who enjoy the praise of their peers..
Courage is not inidividuals who do not want to get their hands "dirty"..
Courage is foreign to the faint of heart, and even more distant from those who seek self promotion..
Courage is a man's man ( an women ) attitude, for it causes a man to rise above all that is selfish, convenient, pleasing, it puts man in the realn of God, it rises him to his highest being, calling from within the depth of his/her sole a virtue that is God-like in nature, where his next step is done in fear and trembling, yet done..
Courage embedded in humility, for this is it's root essence, is as the finest of gold, the brightess of diamonds, the purest most noble of all that can come forth from the human soul..
May God help us, for this virtue is as a stream in an arid desert, so few an far between are these inidividuals that instil nobility and change in man's society of self attainment..
May God protect all those who set to reach such heights, and may the promise of eternity reside within them...Amen/Arthur N. father in law to have been
Arthur Navarrette
March 12, 2006
My deep felt condolences go out to the Redding Family and Jessica and her family. I know it seems so ureal even after 5 months. I have followed the story, as I have those of Andy, Larry, Earl, and so many others. My heart breaks to think of those who were so close to these loved ones who lost their lives protecting all of us.
My only child, a 24 year old with a degree in criminal justice is a sheriff in California. She is beautiful, tall and when you look at her you think she is a so many people have told me. She chose to do police work and I am so proud of her, yet I pray every day, many times for her safety. I know one thing though...she is doing what she loves and what Matt loved... protecting others at their own risk. My daughter is alsop a licensed paramedic which shows how prepared she would be to help you and me.
Please pray for the safety of oour police officers. My daughter knew Matt and his brother Mark ,and she deeply admired him. He is and always will be her hero.
God bless Matt. You are always a hero in our minds.
Mother of a Sheriff in Sacto.
March 10, 2006
My deep felt condolences go out to the Redding Family and Jessica and her family. I know it seems so ureal even after 5 months. I have followed the story, as I have those of Andy, Larry, Earl, and so many others. My heart breaks to think of those who were so close to these loved ones who lost their lives protecting all of us.
My only child, a 24 year old with a degree in criminal justice is a sheriff in California. She is beautiful, tall and when you look at her you think she is a so many people have told me. She chose to do police work and I am so proud of her, yet I pray every day, many times for her safety. I know one thing though...she is doing what she loves and what Matt loved... protecting others at their own risk. My daughter is alsop a licensed paramedic which shows how prepared she would be to help you and me.
Please pray for the safety of oour police officers. My daughter knew Matt and his brother Mark ,and she deeply admired him. He is and always will be her hero.
God bless Matt. You are always a hero in our minds.
Mother of a Sheriff in Sacto.
March 10, 2006
My condolences to Matt's parents, brother and fiance. Matt lives on in the "perfect world" he once described.
God bless all peace officers. They risk their lives so that we can be safe.
Mother of Sheriff
March 10, 2006
To Officer Matt Redding and his loved ones:
On this the fifth month after your tragic death, please know that your memory is honored and revered today.
My heart is still with your family and I look forward to meeting them in Sacramento and/or D.C. You’re all in our thoughts and our prayers.
Matt, you rescued us, saved our possessions, our lives and our families. You are one of the rare heroes among us. You were always there for us in the most traumatic moments of our lives. No matter when we called, we just expected that you would come and do whatever it took to help us, and you always met our expectations. Your selflessness and dedication are awe-inspiring.
This world, this country, your community truly are better places because of you. To have lost you is a great tragedy, an irreplaceable, immeasurable loss for society. We are grateful for and to you, and honor you for all you did for us day in and day out whether you received a word of thanks or praise.
Rest in Peace, Officer Matt Redding. I am so humbled by your valor and courage.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the distinquished service Matt gave to his community and the citizens of Califonia, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on October 9, 2005.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
March 9, 2006
The pain continues here in California and so many other places. Another CHP Officer killed in the line of duty yesterday. How? Officer Bailey doing his job..traffic stop and then the alleged drunk driver comes along and then the darkness begins for the family and CHP family. Just like Matt, Andy, Earl and so many others..doing a job and paid for it with their lives. God bless all the families and PLEASE do not let anyone you know drink and dirve! Life has so many twists and turns..the person you prevent from driving drunk could be the one, if let to drive, that hurts your loved one. Please let us pray for our brave officers.
So sad in Ca.
February 26, 2006
To my son in the faith. It has been 5 months and 14 days. My heart is growing more accepting, and even somewhat happy that you are with the Lord. Early on, it was by faith admix the pain. Now the reality of this is prevalent in me. Saint Paul wrote, "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord," speaking to the believers in Christ. Such a comfort. You are a constant reminder that life here, in this world is but a vapor, a short period at best. A man is no fool if he lives for that which he cannot lose, and loses that which he cannot keep. While you lived in your earthly tent, your faith grew in this knowledge, and now you have been rewarded. May God give us grace and truth to finish our races as well. May you ever marvel in His Presence. Amen AN
Arthur Navarrette
February 26, 2006
Matt you are a true friend, You were a complete individual you were the real thing! I miss you and not a day goes by that I think of what a wonderful friend you were! I wear your name engraved in a braclet that I wear daily on my wrist! I miss you brother. I miss you pepperoni boy ! I know that you are watching over all of us !
February 25, 2006
I woke up at 5 a.m.
Hearing your voice again
But it was just the TV
Coming from the other room
Your half empty coffee cup
Is sitting right where it was
I almost moved it last night
But it didn't feel right
It's too soon, it's too soon
It still feels like
You were just here
You were just holding me
I was alright
I never would have believed
That you'd go away
That you could just disappear
When you were just here
The calendar on the wall
Doesn't miss you at all
It still says you'll be there
With us all on christmas eve
The picture you hung last week
Keeps staring back at me
There we are still laughin'
Like nothin' ever happened
I still feel you in the air
It's not fair, it's not fair
I reach out and you're not there
But I still feel you everywhere
No matter how much I try
Or how hard I cry
It still feels like... you were just here
it's almost been a year since we lost Pete. His house and "office" room weren't even complete yet. He and Rebecca had just celebrated 1 year in the Smokey Mountains 3 days before. I hear this song and think of him and you and Matt and so many others. I think of my fiancee. I hold him tighter because of you. I admire how you carry on Matt's spirit and also let God's love and grace shine through you.
God bless,
LEO Fiancee and friend of Peter Grignon EOW 3/23/05 (
February 25, 2006
Another sad day in No. California. CHP Officer Earl Scott was laid to rest. Another hero, just like Matt. Both young, good people, doing their job to protect all of us.
God rest their souls.
February 23, 2006
such a huge loss. RIP
brent bruno
February 22, 2006
To Matt's Fiancee --
I saw a reflection from your mom on another officer's odmp page and I couldn't help but check out Matt's page. When I read you were his fiancee my heart just broke for you. I lost my fiancee about 2 1/2 years ago. He was a LEO and was only 21. I understand the pain you feel each day -- even though you don't know me, I understand how your heart is feeling. There is no rhyme or reason for these officer's deaths. There is nothing anyone can say or do to make it any better. The only thing that I have found that works for me is honoring them and God in whatever I do. They are looking down on us and are so in awe of the strength we have. Little do they know it comes from them.. :) I am truly sorry for the road you have to walk without Matt. Please know that I am thinking of you and you can get in touch with me anytime. Just call the COPS headquarters and they will give you my email address. I have met alot of fiancee's along the way -- it helps to talk to those that have gone through similar situations. I will be praying for you.
Dont worry, I am sure that my Daniel welcomed Matt into the Kingdom of Heaven..he will make sure he is taken are of. :)
Lots of Love to you and Matt's family.
Jessica Ruhl
Fiancee of Police Officer Dan Starks
EOW 10-25-03 Ft Myers, Florida
February 21, 2006
he turned to me and said, "what do you mean? I have never left. Where did i go? Didn't you know i was always there?" Was it only a moment that we were apart? I could not recall, not today, not as i looked into his shinning face. Beautiful just like i remembered him, perfect in love. Jesus was smiling at us, a secret smile of joy, as if He knew all along that it would be like this. Had saddness ever existed, were those faint recalections of pain real? So much joy all around, so much love in our arms... I could not remember the pain I had seemed to once know. So, i thought, this is life, this is what it means to live and to love.... and to be loved. i was very happy to be here. i was very happy to know this is what i had held on to faith for. Surely Jesus has wiped every tear from our eyes...
February 19, 2006
another day of gray
fog's heavy chill
lasting far too long
sick with memories
alone i sit waiting for it to lift
so cold my heart aches in winters kiss
this death of life
my heart cannot take
sorrow's moment a bit too long
my lifes awakening different from what i wished
please don't ask me to play
i cannot move when i am so cold
i wish he were here today
here to warm my thoughts
to warm my lips with his kiss
i wish i could touch his face
and feel his embrace
so precious his smile....
i don't know what to do,
no, today, is not a good day to go out and play.
February 19, 2006
Today, a very sad day as it was on Oct. 9,2005 when Matt passed away, another hero...a CHP officer was shot and killed in Northern California. I passed by the scene on Hwy 99 on my way to work and I felt so helpless and all I could do is pray for this fallen officer and all those who risk their life to protect all of us. My prayers continue for Matt's family and Jessica and also now for this CHP hero.
Mother of sheriff recruit
February 17, 2006