Pulaski County Sheriff's Department, Indiana
End of Watch Friday, October 7, 2005
Reflections for Deputy Shadron Kiley "Shad" Bassett
Hey Shad, just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving. I've been thinkin about you a lot lately, which is nothing unusual but more today than ever. Please watch over all of us as we travel around this holiday. Miss you bunches!!!
Ashley Johns
November 24, 2005
To the sister of Deputy Bassett,
I am a good friend of Jake Laird. I have lived your nightmare for 15 months. Surround yourself with your family and friends. Know that you are a family of people who care about you, some of us don't even know you. Find the strength to keep putting one foot in front of the other. If Shad was anything like Jake he would want to see you down here laughing, and remembering not mourning. I know how hard it is to lose someone whom you love more than life itself! Please know that you are not alone.
My thoughts and prayer are with you my sister...
Friend of Jake Laird
November 18, 2005
Hey Shad, I can't believe it's been over a month! I miss you so much and I keep telling myself that it's going to get easier but it just hasn't seemed to happen yet. Oh I have some pretty exciting news that I thought you'd like to know...The poem that I wrote about you, well I put it on a poetry website not long after I wrote it. I got a letter in the mail today saying that it was being published in a poetry book. To be quite honest, it brought tears to my eyes. I guess I have to say that's just my little "tribute" to you. You'll never know how much you touched my heart and Im so glad to have had the opportunity to have met you. You touched my heart in more ways than you will ever know. When you left us on October 7th, you took a little piece of my heart with you and until we meet again, nobody will ever fill that spot. Love and miss you bunches!!! WOOP WOOP!!
Ashley Johns
November 14, 2005
Rest in peace Brother.
Patrolman Carl Carson
Pittsboro Police Department
November 11, 2005
My fiancé, Dennis McElderry, was the first law enforcement casualty of 2003. Dennis was a Deputy Sheriff with the Davis County Sheriff's Office in SE Iowa. Dennis died doing a job he loved, just as I'm sure Shad did. It saddens me to know that Dennis was not the first to die in the line of duty, nor will he and Shad be the last to die this way.
Having gone through the pain of losing Dennis I can truly understand and feel the pain that Deputy Bassett's family, friends, and co-workers are going through in losing him. My heart goes out to you all, especially to his wife. No one can truly understand the pain of loss until they've walked in our shoes. Please know that my thoughts are with you and that you are not alone in your "journey". Should you ever need anything please do not hesitate to contact me. (The Davis County Sheriff's Office will always know how to reach me.)
As a fallen officer "survivor" and a friend, please accept my condolences on behalf of myself and the McElderry family. I never got the opportunity to know Shad but, I am certain he was well respected and well loved. Shad will live on in the hearts of all the lives he touched. You were all blessed to have been able to know and love Shad, even for a short time. I pray that Shad, Dennis, and all the other fallen officers will continue to watch over us all as only they can.
Thank you Deputy Bassett for a job well done and for helping to make this world a safer place for us all. Please say "hello" to my fiancé Dennis for me.
Wishing you and all those who loved you brighter and better days,
Jocelyne :)
Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Fiancée of Deputy Sheriff Dennis Ray McElderry (EOW: 01/03/03)
November 11, 2005
In the quiet misty morning when the moon has gone to bed,
When the sparrows stop their singing and the sky is clear and red.
When the summer’s ceased its gleaming,
When the corn is past its prime,
When adventure’s lost its meaning,
I’ll be homeward bound in time.
Bind me not to the pasture, chain me not to the plow.
Set me free to find my calling and I’ll return to you somehow.
If you find it’s me you're missing, if you’re hoping I’ll return.
To your thoughts I’ll soon be list’ning, and in the road I’ll stop and turn.
Then the wind will set me racing as my journey nears its end.
And the path I’ll be retracing when I’m homeward bound again.
Bind me not to the pasture, chain me not to the plow.
Set me free to find my calling and I’ll return to you somehow.
In the quiet misty morning when the moon has gone to bed,
When the sparrows stop their singing,
I’ll be homeward bound again
Poem by Marta Keen
Friend of Jake Laird EOW 8/18/04
November 11, 2005
I never dreamed it would be me,
My name for all eternity,
Recorded here at this hallowed place,
Alas, my name, no more my face.
"In the line of duty," I hear them say:
My family now the price to pay.
My folded flag stained with tears;
We only had those few short years.
The badge no longer on my chest,
I sleep now in eternal rest.
My sword I pass to those behind,
And pray they keep this thought in mind.
I never dreamed it would be me,
And with heavy heart and bended knee,
I ask for all here from the past:
Dear God, let my name be the last...
Shadron K. Bassett E.O.W 10/07/05
Officer's Son
Pulaski County
November 8, 2005
You are in my prayers.
Ofc. S.L. Coffman #15174
California Highway Patrol
November 7, 2005
You are in my prayers.
Ofc. S.L. Coffman #15174
California Highway Patrol
October 29, 2005
My family would like to extend our deepest heart felt sympathies to the family, friends, and fellow co-workers of Deputy Shadron Bassett. You are in our thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. We would like to let law enforcement officers everywhere know how much we appreciate them for putting their lives on the line everyday doing their jobs to keep their communities safe. May God watch over and protect each & everyone of you!
Gail M Pabst
Aunt of fallen Detroit P.O. Jennifer Fettig eow 2-16-04
October 26, 2005
Please accept my sincere condolences on your loss. May GOD bless you all. Rest in peace, Sir.
Shirley Roberts
Aunt of Fallen Officer John Logan EOW-3-14-04
October 25, 2005
Hey Shad, just wanted to drop by and say hi. You'll probably see me on here frequently leaving little messages but Im really struggling with this and I'll prolly continue goin out to talk to you every day. You know, it makes me feel so awesome to know that the last thing you said to me was that you were proud of me. I will keep that with me for the rest of my life. The one thing I regret is that I never got to tell you thank you for everything that you've ever done for me and helped me with. I honestly believe that you were a godsend and that without your help I would've never gotten through everything. It doesn't seem that it's been almost a month since you were taken from us but God had a better plan for you than what we could ever do down here. I miss seeing your smile and think often about the times you made me laugh. I guess thats what keeps me goin...I miss you soooooo much but I will be out there to talk tonight. Watch down on all of your friends and family. Your parents are the sweetest, it's no doubt that's where you got it from...They did an awesome job with you!! Woop Woop! ;)
Ashley Johns
October 23, 2005
October 22, 2005
We all miss you greatly. Nothing can explain the pain we have caused by losing you. You are in our hearts and always will be, you will never be forgotten. Shad you were like a big brother to me also. Forget the brother n law part cuz you are my brother. I love you very much and God needed you back to be his, but I know you are sitting up there (or dancing) looking down on us. You are loved by so many people and they will always miss you. You really made a difference in peoples lives and for that you have the upmost respect. I know your in a far better place and you left us doing doing what you loved to do and for that I have to be proud and I am proud to say you are my brother. I love you Shad and so does Malachi and Mykenzi You will be in our hearts always and forever. We all will see you soon.
Special thanks to all that has helped Shad's family through all these hard times. May God be with you all.
Tosha (shad's sister-n-law)
October 20, 2005
Our thoughts and prayers go out to your family, and department. May your memories carry on for them, and help them get through this tragic time.
K-9/Ptl. Doug Taylor
Lawrenceburg Police Dept. Indiana
October 19, 2005
Bless you and your family. Rest in peace, Brother.
Deputy N. Antoniou
San Jacinto County Precinct 2
October 18, 2005
my son,
I thank God he gave you to your dad and I. God knew you before He put you in my womb Jer.1:15. So many memories...34yrs. of memories. It was love at first sight the day I held you for the first time. We were so proud to be your parents. Then at 6-7yrs old you got two more very loving people to love you- through devorce then remarring.Patty, step mom, and paul, step dad, helped influence you and your older sisters lives. Till you were 17yrs old. then your dad had you back in his life. Thank all of you for helping the raising of this awsome young man!
As a little boy you loved superman and of course playing caps and robbers. at about 5 I made you a superman outfit-pj's with a big red S on the front and a red cape. little did I know you knew you were really superman. It must have been 3wks. or so before I could get you out of the pj's, you wore them everywhere! not with my approval. One day I heard you in my bedroom- so I went on to find you about to leap from amy 6ft tall dresser, screaming no dont, stop. YOu replied, "its ok mommy, I really can fly, I just have to break through the invisible force..." You truly believed you could fly but promised me you'd never try again. Then we went throught the playing cop thing. Handcuffs and all. You even got a real pair around 12-13 yrs old from a police friend. what fun, when you lost the key and your 6 yr old sister cyn was cuffed tothe kitchen chair- fun times. Your little brother Nate always looked up to you it was great to see you become true friends, no matter what you'd be there for him when he needed you. And Sharim, well she will always remember you as the big brother who could always make everyone laugh! and all the contests that you would have with every one(you know what im talking about lol) Youd always win!!! Another wonderful memory was the birth of my g-daughter Maddy, You and Chas were so proud- What a great daddy you were. She was daddys little girl. You would spend quality time with her, She will mess you so bad. In remembering the times just you and I would go someplace together,test driving new mustangs the yellow one of course. then on my 50th b-day you and cyn and nate took me out for dinner then to a tatoo place, of all things. After were inside you tell me im getting my nose pierced.. you knew how bad id wanted todo that when I was young but it wasnt something a nice girl would to back then. I was having mixed feelings- then said yes! my kids let me get my nose pierced how funny! Then about 4 yrs. ago youd been seeking the lord. As exciting as your bith was your re-birth. I watched you go forward at church to invite jesus into your heart to be lord of your life. That was my most proud moment in your life. Knowing wed spend eternity together. We got really close. your wanting to serve God. Our talks, reading Gods word, praying together. Watching your life change before my eyes. Youd have struggles all new christians do. But youkept on going with Gods leading the way. Durring this time at church I inrerduced you to steve. You wanted to be a sheriff for several weeks I wasnt happy with your decission till one day you said "momma, I know I can make a difference in peoples lives. I gave you over to God that day- you knew your purpose. No matter what proublems came between us Shad I always loved you uncondictionally. even our times apart I prayed for you knowing God was with you still leading you in His ways. Be at peace son I loved you even through the bad times.
October 18, 2005
Shad our thoughts and prayers go out to your family, friends, and to the people of Pulaski County. The state of Indiana has lost another fine officer and you will be forevere missed...
1st Sgt. Logan
NW Indiana Law Enforcement Academy
October 18, 2005
No words can express how deeply sadened and how unfair I think it is that god decided that is was your time to go. However I do know that you ARE in Heaven and I know you are looking down on us and watching over us. You have always been my hero and I love you from the bottom of my heart. I will miss you terribly but I know that one day we will see each other again. God Bless You Always!
Much love
P.S. Give my mom a big hug and kiss for me and tell her I love her and miss her everyday! Love you!
October 16, 2005
Rest in peace brother, may God bless you and your family
October 16, 2005
What a tragedy for this officer's family and department. My deepest condolences to you all. Godspeed, Deputy Basset.
Officer Donna C. Wright
Purdue University Calumet Police Department - Hammond, IN
October 16, 2005
On behalf of the Bristol Police Dept. I would like to extend my deepest sympathy to the family, friends, and co-workers of Deputy Bassett. Although I never met Shad, I hope his wife and children see that in this business we are a family, and the outpouring of support shown at his funeral service only confirms that we will always honor his memory. Although it's sometimes hard to comprehend, God has a purpose for each of us. While Shad was taken from this world too soon, we know that he now serves a higher calling. Thank you for your service and dedication to the job, and rest easy brother, we've got the watch now.
Ptlm. Daniel Schaefer
Bristol (IN) Police Dept.
October 15, 2005
No words can explain how hard it is to loose a loved one. My prayers go out to Deputy Bassett's family.
Thank You for your service to law enforcment and god bless.
Detective Irving Givens
Gary Indiana Police Dept.
October 15, 2005
My sincerest sympathy to Deputy Bassett's family. Rest in Peace, Brother.
Deputy William Bennett
Henry County Sheriff's Dept., Indiana
October 14, 2005
In May of 2003, I was given the opportunity to become Shad's Field Training Officer. After a couple of days it was very evident that Shad's passion was to be a police officer. Shad always strived to be the best. I had the honor of being Shad's shift partner for the past 2 1/2 years. Our department has lost a great friend and an outstanding police officer. Your family will always be our family. I miss you.
Deputy Sheriff/K9 Handler/FTO
Pulaski County Sheriff's Department
October 14, 2005