Kennesaw Police Department, Georgia
End of Watch Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Tara Marie Drummond
I told him that God sends angels our way to teach us things. In his sorrow, in his despair over losing you, it's hard for him to grasp that just now. Sweet Tara, in such a short time, you taught someone what truly loving someone else was all about. Though not too many knew about this amazing love, those of us who did will always remember you sweet girl. You touched our lives in ways no one else has ever. I will carry your voice in my head and my heart forever, because you two loved each other so. We will see you again one day, until then, sweet Tara, enjoy Heaven and when you can send him a warm fuzzy now and then.
October 30, 2005
I don't know what to say just that I love you and I miss you everyday. You were such a beautiful, vibrant, smart, caring, person I am so blessed that I am able to call you my Best Friend!!!
I Love You
Lindsey Aiken
October 28, 2005
I'm sure you served your department well. May God rest your soul and be with your family, friends, and boyfriend Michael.
Deputy Meredith Ward
Gulf County Sheriff's Office
October 27, 2005
Tara, I think of you and miss you every day. I know you are in a better place and are watching over all of us. You were such an awesome person. I will never forget all of the joy you brought to me. I will see you again one day. Until then just know you are deeply loved and missed.
Love always, Stephanie
October 27, 2005
My thoughts and prayers continue to be with all of you. The faith you have shown is an inspiration to everyone. I love you all. Tara was a beautiful young lady, inside and out.
October 27, 2005
My family would like to extend our deepest heart felt sympathies to the family, friends, and fellow co-workers of P.O. Tara Drummond. You are in our thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. We would like to let law enforcement officers everywhere know how much we appreciate them for putting their lives on the line everyday doing their jobs to keep their communities safe. May God watch over and protect each & everyone of you!
Gail M Pabst
Aunt of fallen Detroit P.O. Jennifer Fettig eow 2-16-04
October 26, 2005
Tara, I fell in love with you in such a short period of time. It was an honor to serve next to you. It was also an honor to be your boyfriend.
Love, D/S Michael Gloyd
"What I would give"
What I would give to hold your hand,
to feel your warm touch,
and see you smile again,
No matter how far,
or if I have to crawl,
I will endure what it takes,
no sacrifice to small,
I would have given my life
to spare your own,
If only given the chance,
two sparrows would have flown,
I dont know what to do,
I feel so alone,
but your love keeps me going,
through this nightmare,
who would have ever known,
I loved you like no other,
and I may never love again,
not the way I loved you sweetheart,
there'd be no way to begin,
you were always the first,
to believe in this man,
who was often confused and unrational,
and without a plan,
but Tara I promise you,
I tried so hard,
to make you feel like a lady,
because thats what you are,
You are my hero,
the supreme sacrifice you gave,
to your brothers and sisters in arms,
and as long as I breathe,
your legacy will remain,
I loved you more than I loved anything or anyone i've ever known,
I miss you baby.
D/S Michael L Gloyd
Sheriffs Office
October 24, 2005
The world was a better place with you sweetheart. We will never forget the unselfish acts you displayed to seek justice and protect the community. I will forever miss you, and I will see you at the gates. To your family, I pray they stay strong and that God continually blesses them for all they taught you and all you gave. You will forever be in my memory and my heart, and I will cherish the time I knew you until I die. Rest in peace, sweetie.
Matt Evans
October 16, 2005
The thin blue line gets thinner, but we continuously get stronger. All in the blue line will meet again someday under a sunny sky. Our prayers are with you and your family Officer Drummond.
Canine Officer Marat, B.L.
Glynn County P.D. Brunswick, Georgia
October 16, 2005
You are in my prayers.
Ofc. S.L. Coffman #15174
California Highway Patrol
October 15, 2005
My heart goes out to you and your family. My heart also goes out to the instructor who made such an error in judgement, becuase they will have to live with this for the rest of his/her life.
Officer Marcus Moore
Veterans Administration Police
October 15, 2005
Brian @ Tina; Wish we could have Been With You.
Russ &Bev
October 14, 2005
My heart goes out to the family of Tara.... we rode the bus together in high school and were good friends. I don't know what to say.... Tara was a good person and a great friend. I only wish I had kept in touch with her. Again, my heart goes out to the Drummond family.
Jesse Fannin
October 13, 2005
Rest easy Officer... a job well done.
Macungie Borough Police Dept. Macungie, Lehigh County, PA
October 10, 2005
tara drummond was a really nice person. my brother really got to know her so it was really sad for my family. at his graduation yesterday he could barely hold it in because they were supposed to be there together. tara we all love you and miss you.
October 8, 2005
Tara and Family,
It has been a few weeks since we lost Tara, but I just wanted to say thank you first to Tara, I know we didn't know each other very will but I knew your Spirit will, because when I first meet you the day of your interview The Lord showed me that you were a child of God, and That you knew what you wanted to be and what to do with your life. It made me proud when I found out you got hired on to work for our department, but I was sad when I found out that you had been killed, but my Spirit was happy because you were with God, and in a better place than me. We will miss you very much, but I know one day I will see you again when we get to Heaven oursleves, God Bless You.
Tina and Brain, I want to say thank you, for sharing Tara with the Kennesaw P.D. and myself. I know we haven't known each other but for a short time, but if feels like I have known you all my life. I thank God for bring us together, and now I feel even closer to you both. My wife and I have cried with you and laughed with you during these rough days and weeks. but I want to let you know, we love you both and we are here for you when ever you need someone, to talk with or to cry with, our prayers are with you both, and may God blees and keep you in His will always, and stay fouced on the Cross, where Jesus paid it all for us. I close with what Paul said in Phil. 4:13 " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." When I feel down or am having a bad day I just stop and think about this Bible verse and when I do every thing gets better because God always makes things better for us.Yours in Christ, Junior and June Grumbein
Chaplain Junior Grumbein
Kennesaw Police Dept.
October 7, 2005
I knew Tara when we were children in Abilene, as my dad worked with her mom. We had good times together and I can't believe she is gone. I hadn't seen her in years (probably 17+), but the news of this devastating accident brings both tears and smiles. Tina and family, please know you are in my heart, my thoughts, and my prayers.
Sherree (Schwarz) Kessler
October 5, 2005
Tara was a smiling beacon of happiness and hope in high school. I know that she will continue to smile down on us as we patiently wait to see her on the other side. God Bless you and thank you for your service.
Corporal Nicholas Aliffi
October 4, 2005
The Kennesaw police dept. is a great agency that has suffered a great loss. Her contribution would have been tremendous I am certain. Tara's decision to help the citizens of Kennesaw is appreciated. My heart goes out to her family's loss and our communities loss. God Bless You
Citizen of Kennesaw
October 4, 2005
Its only been a few weeks since you left us but it seems like forever. We love the eitire Drummond Family. Brian and Tina you did an amazing job rasing Tara. She was a beautiful person. I have so many memories of her. I respect the way you have honered Tara. Through your pain you have stood stong in your faith and honered her. God Bless you both. We will always be here for you guys. I cant tell you how wonderful its been being a part of your family of friends. Tara has taught us all so much. You have often talked about her free spirit. If you even were in the same room as Tara you could tell there was something wonderful about her. She will forever be remembered in our hearts. As Brit would say "Love never dies it just changes shape" I think thats how it goes. What a wonderful sister.
Robin McLendon
October 2, 2005
Rest In Peace
R. Garza
Chicago Police Department
October 2, 2005
Tara, may he bless you and keep you safe in his kingdom. I am certain your brothers and sisters of Kennesaw Police Department have suffered a tremendous loss. You will always be remembered and never forgotten. Thank you.
Police Officer S. Marlow
Fort Walton Beach Police Department
September 29, 2005
A true tragedy...we all hurt with you...some of us understand your pain...
September 29, 2005
Tara, there are NO words to express the range of emotions I have gone through since September 13th. We hadn't seen each other since graduation, until a few months ago when we bumped into each other at the mall. I want you to know how truly wonderful it was to see you and talk with you about what was going on in our lives. It turned out that we were both pursuing careers in Criminal Justice. But, what really touched me was your utter excitement about beginning at the Academy the next week. You were telling me that you had been doing a lot of shopping, trying to build your professional wardrobe (like you needed an excuse to shop). Your focus on the day of our encounter was SOCKS! You had a pair of trouser socks but couldn't resist buying a couple of pairs of Polo socks too! Afterwards, you playfully scolded yourself for your indulgence saying "I shouldn't have spent so much on SOCKS,but I did keep within the lines of my idea of professional." We laughed and said our good-byes and I wished you many blessings as you began your training and soon after your career. I NEVER would have allowed myself to imagine that your "purpose driven" life would have ended so tragically and abruptly. I take comfort in knowing that you are in a place much more worthy of you than THIS world! I will continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts as I continue through my studies and eventually my training. God Bless!
E. Richardson
EPHS classmate
September 28, 2005
What a tragic loss for everyone. Though I did not know Officer Drummond, I am sure I know why she put on that uniform every day. The thin blue line is a little thinner with her passing. Go walk a beat on heaven's street, you've done your time in hell. Godspeed, Tara.
Officer Donna C. Wright
Purdue University Calumet Police Department - Hammond, IN
September 28, 2005