Lino Lakes Police Department, Minnesota
End of Watch Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Shawn Barrington Silvera
I can not believe it has been a year already. it seems like just yesturday when i was at your funeral.. i did not know what to think on that day! i was so confused about the world today! i am still pursueing in the career of law enforcement because of you! you will never be forgotten! i miss u so much
love always and forever
Nicole Lovett
lino lakes pd-explorer
September 13, 2006
In memory of Shawn,
for his family and coworkers who grieve,
remember all of those who have stood alongside you in this realm,
and also:
"Near you in sympathy the angels stand,
Their unseen hosts encompass you around;
Strong and unconquerable the glorious band,
And loud their songs and hymns of victory sound.
And near you, though invisible, are those,
The good and just of every age and clime,
Who while on earth have fought the self-same foes,
And won the fight through faith and love sublime;
Let not the hosts of sin inspire a fear,
- Far mightier hosts are ever near!"
(written by Jones Very)
September 12, 2006
I try to read some reflections from the ODMP everyday, especially those from Minnesota and Wisconsin. I was away on Shawns's one year anniversary date but he was in my was his family, friends and fellow officers. I know how hard every day is without your loved one, but the anniversary date and every special occasion and holiday is extra hard. There's a hole in your heart that will never go away. I hope you find comfort and strength in the loving memories of Shawn and in the courageous, heroic way he gave his life protecting others.
In reading his reflections he was very much esteemed and loved and was an extraordinary person. That seems to be the criteria for most police officers I know.
God bless Shawn, his family, friends and all officers who carry on his work and those who have died doing their duty.
My daughter, Melissa Schmidt, was a Mpls police officer who was shot and killed in the line of duty 8/01/02. I know she and Shawn are walking the heavenly beat, have everyting under control, and are watching over all of us.
Carole Schmidt
A Survivor
September 11, 2006
On this one year anniversary of that tragic day your fellow officers, family and friends held a vigil in honor of your ultimate sacrifice. It seems like only yesterday that your life was cut too short and you were taken away from the people that loved you so dearly. Rest in peace knowing that you are thought of every minute of every day by the people that knew and loved you. I think of you everday as I drive to work and home past that very spot where you were taken and know that you are still watching over your family and brothers/sisters in blue. Having the chance to know and work with your partners at LLPD is a great honor. Know that they have not forgotten and continue to take care of your family. Words cannot express my deepest sorrow for you, your wife and children, and the men and women of the Lino Lakes Police Department. You will never be forgotten.
Officer Matt Noren
Fridley Police Dept.
September 7, 2006
Shawn- I can't beleive it's been 1 year. It seems like just yesterday I was at your funeral. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you, and how much your family and friends miss you. I look at your picture, and it's unfathomable to me that you can be gone- you touched so many lives in so many ways. You have not been forgotten, and continue to watch down on those who love you, and are still grieving. It will be a long journey without you. On a happier note, I know that Heaven is more wonderful that you ever imagined! I SO wish you could tell us all about it! We know you are at peace. Keep watch from above.
Tara O.
September 6, 2006
While we did not know you, we are truly grateful for your dedication, mourning your death; never forgetting your sacrifice! Not to worry, dear friend, your brothers and sisters in blue will carry on your watch for you ~ may you rest in eternal peace.
Daniel & LaWanda Ross
September 6, 2006
It's hard to believe that a year has already gone by when it seems like only yesterday so many lives were ripped apart by your death. You are missed by us and so many others, you will never be forgotten!
Police Officer Mitch DeMars
Lino Lakes PD
September 6, 2006
Especially today, remembering and honoring Shawn's service and heroic sacrifice. You have made it through this first year, no doubt buoyed by the ongoing love between the two of you.
You and your children will remain in our prayers as you continue to move along your path of grief.
M. Walker
Widow, CHP Lt. Michael Walker EOW 12-31-05
September 6, 2006
September 6, 2006
The first anniversary of your end of watch is here. I know it has been a very long and rough year for those that love you dearly. Every hour of every day this past year you have been in their thoughts and held close to their hearts. You have not been forgotten by those that love you nor will the Blue Family ever let you be forgotten. You are a true hero and heroes never die. Keep watch over your loved ones, especially on this day as it will be a tough one for them, not that each day without you has not been. Wrap your wings around them and help them with their grief. Also keep watch over those still out on patrol.
Bob Gordon, father of fallen Chicago Officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/94
Bob Gordon, Chicago Gold Star Father
September 6, 2006
May you Rest safe with Our Lord and may he wrap His Arms especially tightly around your loved ones today and in the future.G-d Bless.
September 6, 2006
I am a fairly new officer with the City of Faribault. I just wanted you to know that you are what I strive to be in a police officer. We never met, but all the people that I have talked to say that you were one of the nicest people they had ever met. You made the ultimate sacrifice for your community, your state and your family. You will never be forgotten.
Officer Pete Zajac
Faribault Police Department
June 22, 2006
It has been months for me since you went home. I didn't have the necessary time I needed to say goodbye. You see I was busy taking care of another Hero who was dying of cancer. I came across a song today that brought me to tears as I began to think about you and reflect on the open locker that I face daily when I arrive for work. I've learned that police are on the front line against the powers of this world that would seek to destroy the peace and security that our towns and cities and families hold so dear. We are therefore soldiers in a different sense. The words are from a song called Solder's prayer. I can only imagine these words being spoken by you had you had the chance to tell us what was in your heart. You lived a true example of what it means to be a man of God. Therefore I honor you with these lyrics.
His feet had barely hit the ground
When he knew he was in trouble
With his band of brothers
He was there to save the world
Looking up at that mountain
He cried, father please forgive me
And as the metal started hitting flesh
A soldiers prayer was heard
Please remember me
Tell my children that I love them
Please remember me
And all that I died for
Say you'll know my face
When the roll is called up yonder
Please remember me
When we're shipping back to shore
His feet had barely hit the ground
When he knew he was in trouble
And with his band of brothers
He was there to save the world
Looking down from that cross
He cried, Father please forgive them
When the metal started hitting flesh
A soldiers prayer was heard
Please remember me
Tell my children that I love them
Please remember me
And all that I died for
Say you'll know my face
When the roll is called up yonder
Please remember me
When we're shipping back to shore
God Bless you Shawn
Officer Brandon Young
Lino Lakes Police Dept. MN
June 15, 2006
Personally, I did not know Shawn, but when this trajedy struck, I was up in Alexandria,MN finishing up the last of my police training. During skills,when we heard about it it brought everyone to tears. I believe there is a memorial of fallen officers with his name. We still are thinking of him and his family. We believe he is watching out for his family and other officers.
Jesse DeGrote
May 30, 2006
With honor and respect we heard your name read in Washington.
Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Matthew Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/04
Linda Rittenhouse
May 26, 2006
We just got back from Peace Officers Memorial Week. We honored Shawn and the ultimate sacrafice he made for his country.
We will miss Shawn forever in our lives...
Cynthia Vander Poel
May 16, 2006
I am on a board online where you can ask other moms about questsions relating to your children, etc., and they have a MOD every weekday, which stands for Mother Of the Day. Others ask that mom anything they want about anything. One of my questions was "If you could invite 5 people to dinner- whether living, dead, or fictional, who would you invite?" Instantly, I started to cry. I knew my answer. There was no pondering this one. My answer: "I would invite my friend Jen, her 2 children, and her husband Shawn who died back in September, so they could see each other 1 more time. My husband and I would invite them over for a LONG dinner!" How I wish SO badly that I could actually do this! I thought about how great it would be to see Shawn and Jen hold each other 1 last time, and to have Shawn hug his beautiful children! There is no one else dead or alive that I would rather invite to dinner- I just wish we would have done it while you were here- to get to know you better. I'm sorry I waited too long. Your death has impacted me in a big way, even though I didn't know you very well. You will never be forgotten, and will forever be missed. Rest in Peace Shawn.
Tara O.
friend from high school
March 19, 2006
In a round-about-way I was asked to see if I had pictures of Shawn and Jennifer at graduation time. Unfortunately I didn't. But I was glad I was aked because it gave me an opportunity to relive the past. I came across a lot of pictures of when we all went to prom our senior year. I reminisced of the time getting ready, all the parents taking pictures, going out to eat, the fun filled night and of course the adventure we had planned the next day.
I thought us girls were pretty clever with what we came up with. We traveled to different houses for a several course meal. I have pictures of silly party hats, silly faces and my favorite of the guys trying to eat spaghetti with ski poles. I have a picture of Shawn going right for his fingers.
From our two day event I observed in each picture of all of us the smiles that show all the fun we had together. I am so glad I have pictures to hold my memories. Thank you Shawn for being apart of great memories I have!
Shelly S. - highschool friend
March 9, 2006
Shawn~ You are greatly missed in the department.. I cannot believe you are really gone. when I was at the funeral i realized that it was true you were really gone!! This whole thing has completly changed the way I look at life in this world and i do want to pursue in the career of law enforcement thanks to Shawn. Love always Nicole Lovett
Nicole Lovett
Lino Lakes pd-Explorer
February 16, 2006
My deepest sympathies go out to your family. My husband is a detective in Paterson NJ and I pray he comes home every night. Just know he is watching over you and your children every second of the day.
God bless.
New Jersey
February 14, 2006
It's been several months since the loss of a great friend, but it seems, the loss is getting more and more difficult to cope with. There are countless moments from day to day where I find myself needing to stop what I am doing to simply breath through a particular memory that just entered my mind. These moments continue to happen all the time. I miss Shawn incredibly. I miss him incredibly for so many reasons. I'm amazed at how much life we experienced together. It is hard for me to believe how many memories I have with him. Every day provides so many instances for me to remember. So many that remind me of so much. He was my brother. His heart was my own. I do not know of many other souls that blended so well with mine. I miss his zest and zeal, his strength, his laugh, his kindness, his graciousness. His life was a blessing.
I would not be who I am today without Shawn. I am just beginning to realize how big a role he played in my life. There are so many memories that are beginning to make there way back to front. I miss playing guitar with him. I miss listening to Marc Cohn with him. I miss going to the movies and laughing hard…laughing hard enough to cry. I miss thinking about the future. I miss the little chats with him and his mom, Bonnie. I miss meeting for lunch. I miss him visiting me up at college. I miss the trips we took with churches or just ourselves. I miss talking about politics, religion, music, and relationships. I miss the perspectives and hopes that lead us on.
I still am having a difficult time believing he has moved on, for now. I am so grateful to know of the common faith, hope, and love that we shared through Christ. The more I think about it, the more I barely begin to comprehend what a truly remarkable gift we shared. I am so thankful for being able to learn, share, and experience these gifts from God with him. These, as well as the memories I had with him, are what step me along in my understanding of what we have gone through in our lives and what will continue to be without him. I have undoubtedly begun to view life differently since the tragedy. I wish we could have spent more time together. But, I think my opportunity now is to absolutely appreciate and enjoy my time with the loved ones around me. Through your sacrifice, I again will learn to love, enjoy, and get the most out of my time for the rest of my life. You were a good friend. You were a brother to me, and I will never forget.
Sacha Yasseri
January 28, 2006
I too still cannot believe that Shawn is not here on Earth; although he is still such a large presence in all of our lives.
I remember the high school days of riding around in the car with Jennifer as she would attempt to sneak a meeting with him…she was truly smitten. And my heart couldn’t have been any happier years later when I received the “Save the Date” newsletter in the mail describing their courtship and proposal. I believe I have shared the details of their wedding day to all I know…as their wedding day will never escape my mind. Their wedding day was truly a celebration of love that spilled over onto us humbled participants lucky enough to attend their event. It was such a blessed occasion. One, again, that will never ever leave my heart or my mind.
As my fiancé relayed the news he had heard on the radio on September 6th, I couldn’t help but think he was playing an awful trick. I never ever thought in my heart of hearts that anyone so amazing (not just in Jennifer, Matti and Jordan’s life; but also in the lives of fellow community members, co-workers, church members, and citizens all around the world) could be taken so quickly.
Attending his funeral was again the most beautiful and loving event I have ever had the honor to be present at. I hate to say that I got to see the beginning chapter and the final chapter of Jennifer and Shawn’s love story here on earth. But yet, I feel honored and blessed that I was included in the story line as a witness from afar.
We felt Shawn’s presence on our drive home from the funeral. Jeremy and I have felt his presence every day since. His legacy and his love for his family and fellow citizens, has caused us to rethink how we can be more loving.
Jeremy has said several times, “I wish that I could have met him”. I wish I could have known him better. But yet, we are blessed for the impact he has made on us. We miss you Shawn; however you will never leave our hearts.
friend from high school
January 27, 2006
Jennifer, I wanted to let you know I have been reading your writings. I did not know Shawn personally, I did attend his funeral and it made me see things in a whole different light. My way of thinking has changed for the better because of you and what I have learned about your life with Shawn. You are an amazing girl...I hope that if anything ever struck my family with so much grief that I could be like you. You are in inspiration, you are an example of what the world should be like. Thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and the kids.
Reserve Sgt. Bliskowski
St. Francis
January 10, 2006
January 4, 2006
Yesterday, I ran into someone that I knew from the past. We both know Jennifer, so we spoke of Shawn. This person had never met Shawn before, but expressed that she has been forever changed by his example, brought into our lives through his passing.
Could it be that Shawn was God's gift to us all? Yes. Could it be that our Lord's master plan included thousands of people hearing the story of his life and learning/growing from it? Yes.
I continue to read from this website and, and grow as a person each day because of it. I know there are probably countless others who can say the same thing. I will never be the same as before September 6, 2005 and I don't even want to be. Thank you, Shawn!
Ericka Heid
December 28, 2005