Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Ramon Molina Rios, Jr.

Douglas Police Department, Arizona

End of Watch Sunday, September 4, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Ramon Molina Rios, Jr.

Ray its been a year since you passed away. You are always present in our hearts. We miss you very much. I will always remember the last time we spoke. It was in a Sgt's Office. You had the biggest smile on your face. When I pass this office I can't help but remember you and hope that you will be sitting in that office. You will never be forgotten........MISS YOU LOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 8, 2006

Carnal it's been more than year since we last spoke, shook hands,and shared a cup of coffee.I cant began to tell you how hard it has been to come to work and pass by your box and know that I wont ever see you standing there going through your mail and complaining if one of the Sgt's returned one of your reports. I want you to know that there isn't a day that I don't remember you and the important role you played in my life. You were a role model and a big brother to me. I remember the fate full day you left us as Mark, Roger, Dale, David, and I knelt with you. I want you to know that during those last moments you were with us we all know what you meant and it will be with us the rest of our lives. So for now Carnal it's not goodbye it's see you later.

Sgt. Hugo Valenzuela
Douglas P.D.

September 8, 2006

Hi Daddy!! By now you know that I've just finished school!! Yea! I never thought that this day would come! But somehow there's something missing...the greatest thing that I've worked so hard for...the day you'd get to tell me "I'm so proud of you punkins!! I knew you could do it Lepa!!" Its so hard to realize that you're not here anymore dad! How I long for you to share these precious moments with us! Andre and I talk about you all the time...he helps me remember all of the good times that he never got to experience with his dad. I now how lucky I am to have had you in my life!! Remember those nights I kept everyone awake...including you...yelling stupid stuff?? You never once got mad even though you had to wake up a few hours later?? That's not the only way I kept you that one night I got sick when we lived on 14th Street and you and mom had to sit outside with me til sunrise?? Didn't think I remembered right?...But I'll never forget what a GrEaT dad you were!! NO ONE will EVER compare to you daddy!! So I'll leave you with this...please, please, PLEASE continue to watch over and guide us!! You don't know how much we need you right now!! Especially my mom...she's such a strong wonder you fell in love with her!! But she needs strength and patience! You would be so proud of the boys, dad!! They are growing up to be just like you...especially Aaron! I always hear your voice in him! And Xavi has that big heart that you had!! Laura and I are lucky to have each other too! She is the best sister in the world! I love you and miss you daddy!!

Aileen Rios
Daughter of Officer Rios

September 7, 2006

After yesterday, I went home and had a hard reality check on the fragility of our lives. I was angry and saddened by how little has been done on a local level for the Rios family. One year has passed and I felt like we had let down Ray's family so much.
Christy had told me that it would be her preference that only the ones with sincere intentions attend the Mass and for people not to feel obligated only because he was an Officer. She got her wish.
I went home feeling so angry and worried that if heaven forbid this happen to my husband, we would be all alone.
Then today, we received a card in the mail. This card gave me hope and faith. I smiled, I cried, I was so touched that anyone would remember the pain that we all feel over the loss of Ray. This card is from C.O.P.S.
Now I know, we will never be alone. I won't worry so much.
The Rios family will always have Ray. They will also always have C.O.P.S.
Many blessing to the Rios family.

Tanya Duarte
Wife of a DPD Officer

September 5, 2006

To the wife, daughters and sons, other family and loved ones of Police Officer Ramon Molina Rios Jr. and his fellow officers with the Douglas Police Department:

On this the first annniversary of Ray's tragic death, I wanted to honor and remember him today. Ray's professionalism and dedication will never be forgotten, nor will his valor and courage.

In reading all the loving reflections left by his family and friends, it is obvious that Ray was so loved and is so missed by so many. As the mother of an officer that was shot and killed in April, 2005, I understand your family's anquish and how all our lives were forever altered by another person's choice. Xavi described those circumstances very well. A big chunk of our heart is missing, and those that devastated our lives don't understand nor do they care.
I am certain, however, that Ray is watching over his family always and is proud of all of them as they walk this most difficult path.

I hope that God is holding Ray in the sweetest part of his heart and the most gentle part of his soul. No doubt that Heaven has another hero in Ray, but I am so sorry you had to lose your beloved. May you all continue to be comforted by your faith and your law enforcement family and other police survivors.

I am so sorry that Ray was robbed of his life so young and so tragically, but through his heroism and the profound sense of duty with which he lived his life, he made an immeasurable difference. May his spirit continue to soar and may his memory continue to inspire.

This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the dedicated service Ray gave to his community and the citizens of Arizona, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on September 4, 2005.

Phyllis L. Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, PPD
eow 4/24/05

September 4, 2006

I am thinking of you during this day of the one year anniversary. I am so sorry for your loss. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to support you during this time. Trust that it does get better with time.

Alissa Scott
Widow of Wayne Scott E.O.W 09-10-02

September 4, 2006


You had to leave one year ago today and I know how sad your family is today. Please send them the strength, love, and support they need and let them know that you are always there to protect them now.

Christy and the kids,

I have come to know all of you in the last year and I cannot tell you just how wonderful your family is. I wish that Ray was still here to participate and grow in your family's love, strength, and support. I am thinking about all five of you and hoping today offers you what you need to see it through to tomorrow. I am always here for you.

God bless you Ray, Christy, and those four great kids!

Wife of Officer Jason Wolfe
EOW 08.28.04

September 4, 2006

My thoughts are with your family on this day. I know it is a very hard day for all of them to try and get through as are the holidays and special days. I want them to know that they are not alone and that you are a true hero and will never be forgotten as heroes never die. Keep watch over them, wrap your wings around them and comfort them. Also, keep watch over those still out on patrol protecting that Thin Blue Line.

Bob Gordon, Father of fallen Chicago Officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon, Chicago Gold Star Father

September 4, 2006

I can't believe it's been a year already. We still miss you and think of you always, especially at karoake!! There is always something everyday that reminds us of you, whether it is something said, a song, or even pulling old reports that you took. You will never be forgotten, forever in our hearts.
Our Brother Has Been Taken

Our brother has been taken and gently laid to rest;
Fate seems so cruel at times to only take the best.
While those who care for no one are left to walk life's street;
Bringing less joy than sorrow to those whose path they meet.
Our brother lives forever if only in our minds;
He'll never be forgotten nor ever left behind.
He'll stand before us always as if to guide our way;
Through all our tasks and duties awaiting us each day.
Our brother has been taken and though we wonder why;
We'll still perform our duties as days then weeks go by.
We'll travel where fate leads, through days of dark or fair;
Until we stand for Roll Call beside our brother there
Unknown Author

Douglas PD

September 4, 2006

Hey Hun...One Year time flies yet it manages to drag at times. Oh Ray how the kids and I miss you...Life just doesnt seem fair at times yet we will never understand the why's and the what if's. Here is the poem Xavi made for you in less than 5 minutes....he is our Super Glue who is keeping our family together....
Our Hero....
Our Hero died a year ago today
he clutched his heart and slipped away.
His spirit soared to the heaven above,
this mere man the one we love.
Dear God, we ask how can it be,
Why you took him away from me.
He had a heart made out of gold
Wore his badge brave and bold.
He isn't here to wipe our tears,
Or keep us safe from our daily fears.
He never shook, for it was his job,
Though knowing all the danger involved.
In the end we know God has a perfect plan,
For this officer who was such a strong man.
For it was God's will to take this friend,
Watch over us Ray, till the very end.
Dedicated to our Hero in Blue,
We love you and Miss you...
You should be very proud of our children Ray...I am. We did a good job in raising these four fine children who love and miss you more than words can ever express.....
Please continue to watch over us....we need you now more than ever......Love, Christy....

Christy Rios and Family
Wife of Fallen Officer Ray M. Rios Jr. E.O.W. 9/4/05

September 3, 2006

I was very happy that you became a police officer and I was glad that I had the pleasure of working with you. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers. Please look over us and especially your family. We miss you!


September 2, 2006

It will soon be 1 year that your tour of duty ended and I know the many broken hearts still feel the pain today as badly as they did the day they lost you. You have been in their thoughts every hour of every day and will for as long as they walk this earth. Keep watch over your loved ones, protect them from harm and help them with their grief. Visit them in their dreams so they know you are okay. You will never be forgotten as you are a true hero and heroes never die.

Bob Gordon, father of fallen Chicago Officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon, Gold Star Father

August 11, 2006

Hi Hunny....Where does time fly to? It has been 11 months now. Oh Ray the kids and I miss you so much more as each day comes and goes. I wanted to thank you so much for being with us at each different time in our lives, esp. Aaron and his little mishap, Xavi and his, and us on vacation and all. The boys think about you everyday and I know you are with them esp. during their dreams, such vivid dreams about you and them. Thanks Hun....The grass sure does look nice doesn't it? I knew you would love it. Ray.....I miss you...and I love you so much...One day though you and I will be together again that I know for sure. Keep letting us dream about you baby that makes it bearable knowing in our dreams you are ok..God Speed love.....Love, Christy

Christy Rios
Wife of Fallen Officer Ray Rios

August 3, 2006

If tommarrow starts without me, and I'm not there to see, If the sun should rise and find your eyes all filled with tears for me;the way you did today, while thinking of the many things, we didnt get to say. I know how much you love me, as much as I love you, And each time that you think of me, I know youll miss me too. But when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand, that an angel came and called my name, and took me by the hand. And said my place was ready, in heaven far above, and that Id have to leave behind all those I dearly love. But as i turned to wlak away, a tear fell from my eye, For all my life, Id always thought, I didnt want to die. I had so much to live for, so much left yet to do, it seemed almost impossible, that i was leaving you. I thought of all the yesterdays, the good ones and the bad, I thought of all that we shared, ANd all the fun we had. If I could relive yesterday, just even for a while, Id say good-bye and kiss you and maybe see you smile. But then I fully realized, that this could never be, for emptiness and memories, would take the place of me. And when I thought of worldly things, I might miss some tomorrow, I thought of you, and when I did, My heart was filled with sorrow. But when I walked through heaven's gates, I felt so much at home. When God looked down and smiled at me, From his great golden throne, He said, "This is eternity, and all Ive promised you." Today your life on earth is past, but here life starts anew. I promise no tomorrow, but today will always last, and since each day is the same way, There's no longing for the past. So When tomorrow starts without me, don't think we're far apart, For everytime you think of me, Im right here, in your heart.
This goes out to Christi, Laura, Lina,Xavier, and Aaron.
Keep on making your father proud. Christi your will always be his #1


July 19, 2006

I got to work with you while on ride-along. I learned alot from you it is still so hard to see that you are gone but will never be forgotten, you will always be in my heart and in prayers . my you rest in peace.


Msgt. Rafael Carrillo
Arizona Ranger Douglas Company

July 9, 2006

Hi Hunny, Well it's now been 10 months....305 days....Time seems to be going by fast but not fast enough. On July 4th. we got together with the Police Explorers and some other guys from the Dept.(Jose, Elvis,Ted,Pio,Carlos,and of course your little one...Ivan) it was so good to see them but it was even better coming out in the parade with them to honor you. It made us sad but oh so proud to come out in the parade, as you saw the float was nice and the banner was too, but what made the parade was the kids some of Aaron's friends on their quads and of course the Explorers marching all through the parade. The girls and I agreed it was all worth it just to see the kids go out and honor you and have fun,the kids on the quads just went wild and they loved the Police Escort. Jose was great and let them do their thing all during the parade which was really nice and as you saw Aaron doing his wheelies he couldn't help but beam with delight! Jose really did alot to help us with the parade him and Tanya are great and hopefully one day soon Aaron will be able to go back to the meetings, he needs them Ray but can't go just yet. Miss you Hunny....wish you were still here....Love you... I hope and pray you are doing good Hunny....Love, Christy

Christy Rios
Wife of Fallen Officer Ray Rios D.P.D. 520

July 6, 2006

A Policemen's Prayer

When I start my tour of duty God,
Wherever crime may be,
as I walk the darkened streets alone,
Let me be close to thee.

Please give me understanding with both the young and old.
Let me listen with attention until their story's told.
Let me never make a judgment in a rash or callous way,
but let me hold my patience let each man have his say.

Lord if some dark and dreary night,
I must give my life,
Lord, with your everlasting love
protect my family

Douglas Border Patrol explorers

June 30, 2006

I just found this site today, I just hoped i could of found it sooner.My thoughts and prayers are with your family. You are a true hero and will never be forgotten.

Ivan Bernal

June 26, 2006

Hi Dad,Hun,Hero,SoulMate,Hero,Best Friend,Hero.....Happy Father's Day....this is our first Father's Day without you and we are trying to survive this day without you. We miss you sooooo much it's so hard living without you. Not one day goes by or a minute or a second without us thinking of you in one way or another. We had so many wonderful Father's Day with you but the one that stands out the most is the one where all 4 of us kids woke up and made you breakfast in bed and surprised you with a bunch of coupons home made of course, all with us promising to wash your car or make you smile or just let you sit down one day and relax and watch whatever you wanted on T.V. for one night.That was the Best Day ever dad....We love you and miss you sooo much...We know you are watching us all the time dad because we feel you in many different ways like the small breeze we feel everytime we all go together to the cemetery, or the way things just seem to come together when they seem to be falling apart...thanks for all the dreams....God Bless You....Dad....and Hun....
Love, Christy,Laura,Aileen,Xavi and Aaron....

Christy,Laura,Lina,Xavi,Aaron Rios
Wife and children of Fallen Officer Ray Rios.D.P.D. 520

June 17, 2006

Hey Hun, Oh how I wish I didn't have to come here to post things to say to you how I wish I could just tell you to your sweet smiling face...but I can't....Oh Ray its been 9 months today, how heavy my heart is.I along with the kids miss you so much. I miss you even more at each and every breath I take. I love you Hunny....I am usually good at writing as you know but today it's just been so hard....I miss you Ray.....Please be with me tonight....I need you so bad....Love, Christy...
P.S. How did you like the C.D. that they made in your memory????? Cool huh....I love you...Christy....

Christy Rios
wife of fallen officer Ray Rios

June 4, 2006

With honor and respect we heard your name read in Washington.

Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Matthew Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/04

Linda Rittenhouse

May 26, 2006

As you are aware, several of our guys are in Washington D.C. right now along with Christy and the kids. How I wish that no one had to be there. Everyone misses you and thinks of you often. We try to be there for your family. Although it is hard to pick up the phone just to tell them we are thinking of them and to see if all is o.k., because we know that all is not O.K. They need you so badly. It would be nice if we were psychic and always knew what would be the right thing to say at the right time. We aren't and we don't and I am positive that so many others feel the same way. But you are all often in our thoughts and prayers.
You have some great kids and Jose really enjoys hanging out with Aaron. They need to get together more often.
8 months has gone by and I still get the knots in my stomache when I hear the guys on a call requesting an ambulance to respond code. I silently beg to hear each of them on the radio, just so I can relax a bit. Praying that the ambulance is not for them. Let it be for someone else.
Being the spouse of an Officer is not easy, everyday we say "I love you, be safe". Until 8 months ago, it was a routine. Now it is a plea.
You have brought us a new reality. One of fear, but also one of cherishment and love and kindness to each other. For that I thank you, but damn it, you could have done that in a better way.

Tanya Duarte
Wife of a Douglas AZ Officer

May 15, 2006

Ray.....aren't you just sooo proud of our son....oh my gosh I saw him on this page last night and he told me to read it when he was at school.Oh Ray yesterday was 8 months...242 days...and we just miss you so much each minute goes by.We did a great job in raising our kids together and I promise you I will continue to raise them the way we would have done together.I miss you so much....and as I prepare for Washington I cant help but be so overwhelmed by support from our fellow law enforcement family...I love you....Love, Christy...

Christy Rios
wife of fallen officer Ramon M. Rios D.P.D. 520 E.O.W. 9/4/05

May 5, 2006

It goes without saying but law enforcement is a job not suited for many due to the danger and risk put on these officers everyday, however i think a family member of an officer is also a tough job. Everyday we send out our loved one to protect the streets for people, many of whom we don't know. Everyday we hope for the best but still in the back of our minds we realize this could be the last time we see them. Everyday we see and hear people talking bad about them yet don't say a word because that's what you're SUPPOSED to do. Little do they know that without these officers they would probably be dead instead of the officer who left behind his kids and wife to protect them. Most people don't know what it's like to lose a dad in the line of duty; how you think constantly about retaliation against the person who caused this, how you ask God how he can do this to you, how you are left with so many unanswered questions about everything and anything, and more importantly how you're going to hold your family together all because some guys decided to make a wrong choice, a wrong choice we have to deal with everyday

Xavier Rios
Son of Ray Rios

May 4, 2006

It is my Honor that I will ride in the Police Unity Tour in 2006 to represent Officer Rios. The other members of Team Norfolk and myself are leaving Norfolk, Virginia and riding 205 miles to Washington, D.C to represent the Heroes that will not be forgotten.

Det. R.M. Jackson
Norfolk Police Department

May 3, 2006

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