Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Daniel Howard Golden

Huntsville Police Department, Alabama

End of Watch Monday, August 29, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Daniel Howard Golden

i've read, i've cried, i've wrote. that old saying, time heals--i'm here to tell you brother, not enough time in this life to put a dent in the saddness and anger we hold in our hearts. but for all that you've done, you do, and will do from above, thank you. i'm forever grateful...and as always, miss u, and luv ya. i can't believe it's been a year.


August 28, 2006

It is almost a year, and the impact that you have had on the many lives still lives strong.
Goodbye Huntsville Finest
May you forever grow in our hearts
You were the grace that placed itself
Where lives were torn
You were called and serve this city
And you serve those in need
You belong to HPD (Heaven's Police Department)
And the stars spell out your name
And it seems to me you live your life like a candle in the wind
Never fading with the sunset when the rain set in
And your footsteps will alway fall here
Along Huntsville Police finest hills
Your candle burned out long before
Your legend ever will

Kerry Jordan
Huntsville Police Intern/ NDCC Probation

August 28, 2006

Tomorrow will be one year since th tragic day that you were taken from us. It seems like yesterday that I last heard you on the radio saying "Alabamer tag" when I heard you saying it I never realized how much I would one day miss it. I pray often for your parents and D. I know you are looking over all of your friends from heaven and cracking jokes putting a smile on everones face.

Former HPD

August 28, 2006

You've been gone 52 weeks today. It was a Monday afternoon. I saw your mom this afternoon and she looked awful. She'd been crying. She always seems to have just been crying. When I see her in town, she tries to smile and be polite. I don't know if she has had a good laugh since you where taken home. Taken from her. It took such a huge piece of her life, her heart, her soul. She's not whole anymore. There's no having a party to get over the lose of you!! No amount of people telling stories about you and laughing about the past to make her fill that hole in her heart and her soul!!!! She is in need of prayer. I don't think there is anything, anyone here on Earth can do for her. She needs peace! She needs you and Jesus to touch her! Please know that you have touched more people than you have ever meet! I think of your parents and brother everyday. They need prayer more now, than they needed a year ago. Anyone who reads this please keep praying for them.

A Friend in Fayetteville

August 28, 2006

Yesterday was the 1st Annual Daniel Golden Celebration of Courage at Kalea Park. It was very nice. I spent most of the day there. Friends and Family celebrating your life, telling stories about you. It was really nice. D really pulled it off and I hope they have it every year. The bands were awesome and then when we lit candles in your honor and memory, the guys that went to Washington said it remind them of that. Izzo spoke a few words and he did a wonderful job. D, was in pain then, but with the help of family and friends got by with few little tears, because deep down I know that she knew you wouldn't want her to be sad. I was touched by yesterday and I have had a hard time dealing with this past week, leading up to the yr. anniversary. It is hard and getting hard, we all dread Tuesday, everyone misses you terribly and wish you were all here with them and us. I know you have been looking down on us, especially yesterday and even though it would be to much of the celebration yesterday, you would be pleased with D and everyone that helped her. Hope you are watching us from heaven and keeping us save, watch over my husband as he patrols our streets everyday and thank-you and D for being wonderful friends to him

wife of HPD Officer

August 27, 2006

I will never forget August 29, 2005 for as long as I live.

Not only was this the day that this officer taken from us, it was the date of a terrible natural disaster, and also my 32nd birthday. I cannot say that I was close enough to Officer Golden to be called his friend, but he was hired in at about the same time I was, and since his work took him to my division alot (we worked on the same shift), I saw him and spoke with him almost everyday that I was at work since day one.

I took off that day for my birthday and sat helpless at home when the news came on at 6pm. They'd just announced that an officer was shot but did not release any names. I felt sickened. I phoned my co-workers and found out that it was Officer Golden and it made me even sicker. I was supposed to go to dinner with my husband and I had a hard time getting ready due to my sobbing. At that time, it was not released that he had already passed, and my co-worker didnt tell me. I went on to dinner and had to find out that he had passed on the ten o'clock news.

I can't describe my despair accurately. Officer Golden was one of the people that was often discussed in my division on my shift. Even before he passed, you couldnt find one person who had anything negative to say about him. He was easygoing, direct, decent and hardworking. His death hit me like a ton of bricks.

My father passed after Christmas 2005, and I've probably cried for him three times. With Officer Golden, I cried three times on just the first day. The emotion over his death continues to sneak up on me at odd times. The real difference was that my father lived to be 71 years old and he died in his own bed, in his sleep. Officer Golden died at the age of 27 in a violent manner, and only because he was doing his job. The grief grips me because of the loss of so much potential. Who knows where he could have gone, what he could have done, how many more lives he could have touched? There isnt a day that goes by that doesnt remind me of this loss in some way.

On this birthday and for every one hereafter, I will raise a glass in memory of Officer Daniel Golden and hope that time will eventually heal this wound for his family and friends.

Jennifer D.
HPD Records Clerk, Acquaintance

August 24, 2006

It has been almost a year now since Kelso left us and it still seems like yesterday. I read a lot of the reflections left on this site and there is not much more you can add about such a great person. I always enjoyed talking with Daniel and cutting up with him. I know half the time he could not understand my yankee accent so he would just smile and knob his head as I spoke with him. He always told me I was his favorite "redneck yankee!" I was not fortunate enough to work with him on a daily basis but I will never forget the times I did get to spend with him.I know Daniel lived life to its fullest and really cared about his family, friends and fellow officers. He would show up at FOP meetings, speak his mind,and leave with a smile on his face. I know the lord posted him at the front pearly gates because there could not be better person to be greeted by while entering the kingdom of heaven. We love and miss you Daniel and we will NEVER forget how you lived your life. Thank you for touching our lives and serving your community. Hope to see you again brother!!

Lt. Michael Izzo
HPD, friend

August 23, 2006

I've been reading this site ever since I discovered, reading all the wonderful memories your friends, family, and co-workers have left. For some reason I've never been able to bring myself to leave a comment but I think today is an appropiate day.

It was two years ago that we meet at the scene of that accident and little did I know I would be meeting one of my closest friends. Dan, you were always there for me whenever I needed it in a place where I didn't really know alot of people or had a lot of friends. I appreciate you so much, the memories you have given me, and the friendship that we continue to have! I can't wait to be back in Huntsville this weekend to meet you family!

It's been two years since we meet and almost one year since you went home and I just wanted to say thank you my friend. I miss you and love you!


Formly of WZYP

August 21, 2006

Well, Daniel what can I say but you always treated me as an equal when I would see you in court even though I was from another department at that time. Now I'm with HPD and have learned so much about you from the officers on 30 squad west. I feel that we would have been close friends if I had worked with you. August 29th of last year has changed my life forever, I was there with your back up officer after leaving my interview with huntsville that day and I'll never foget that day as long as I live. I know your with us every day and please look over me from time to time to make sure I'm doing it right. I know your protecting the streets of heaven. GOD BlESS

Officer C. Bryant

August 18, 2006

I often visit this site just to read about fellow officers. I lost a very dear friend and a guy that was like a father to me July 8,2005. Even though it has been 10 years at times it feels like yesterday. Pray for your family regularly and wish them the best. You would feel very honored the way everyone has reflected on your life and your personality.


August 17, 2006

I can not believe it has been almost a year since that day. It is all so surreal. It pains me to think about everything that happened that day and the days since. All of us at HPD think about you every day. We miss you and pray that God will be with your parents and brother during the hard times coming up.


August 17, 2006

I can't believe its nearly been a year. Maybe because I think and dream about that horrible Monday everyday, and how helpless I felt when I heard Horton's voice on the radio when he arrived, and helping everybody pull you out of that ambulance. I like many of the officers feel a tremendous amount of guilt for not being there with you, instead of being at the magistrates office. Everynight I pray for you and your family and I put your dog tag with your picture on it around my neck and go to roll call. We all love you and miss you very much.


August 14, 2006


As we approach a year, the pain is still very real. There is not a day that goes by that we don't think of you. I still have the images of what I saw that day ever vibrant in my head. Your brothers and sisters at HPD will never forget you, although it appears some people, and you already know who I'm talkin' about seem to forget to easy.

I am ashamed to say that I have not visited you grave site since the funeral. I just don't think I can deal with that right now, but some day soon.

We love you and justice will be served.


August 10, 2006

Hey buddy just wanted to say i still miss you daily and still think about the many good times we shared.I remember when we were both still so new and when we had the same off days we would go out and then you would sleep on my couch. Of course you were always gone by the time i got up in the moring, off to go work on your off days on the farm. I still keep thinking about one time last summer after i had just got done going 10-15 and was not in the best of moods and as soon as i went 10-98 copy you told Huntsville to switch me over to 5. I remember you just letting me know that the Cardinals had beaten my team the Braves in the late innings after i got done telling you earlier how my Braves had been beating your Cardinals the last two games. You dont know how much those little things can put someone in a better mood and you were always like that even if you didnt know it at the time. Well anyway was just letting you know we all think about you and miss you daily my friend. Your buddy , Powder

Jason Ramsey
Huntsville Police

August 2, 2006

It has almost been a year and it feels like yesterday that we shared a laugh. I miss the jokes, the laughs the phone calls and the little crazy things you would say or do. I think about all the good times we had in the academy and all the bad times too. You really kept us laughing and in a good mood. My son remembers you too. He always talks about you and how you brought some candy to him each time you came by the house. He also tells everyone that you are his buddy.I really miss you brother. 44th Session


August 1, 2006

Well, its been almost a year, and I still find myself thinking "how could this happen to you" all the time. When I think about it all and become deppressed, there is always another thought that creeps into my head. From what I have been told, the call that you answered wasn't even your call, or in your zone. But, like the nice guy that you are, you answered it. The feeling that I always get, is that somehow, you almost knew what was going to happen. If you hadn't answered that call, it would have been someone else; one of your friends. You sacrificed yourself to save your brother, because that was the kind of guy that you were. I don't think you would have wanted it any other way. I still miss you, and we are looking forward to naming our future son after you.

fiance of hpd officer, friend of Daniel

July 31, 2006

Daniel it has almost been a year since you were called home and a day hasnt gone by we don't miss you and think of what you have meant to so many people. We wear your memorial dogtag every day and somehow it helps us think you are close by in our hearts watching over us in some small way trying to keep us out of harms way. We are in charlotte now and have many new challenges we face every day but when I see an officer drive by or walking down the street, I can't help thinking of you and how you made us smile and were there when we had a hard day to give us a pat on the back and tell us it would be ok.

As I read these reflections, it is evident you made such an impact on so many people's lives as well as our own and influenced so many along the way. We miss Powder and all the guys who patrol your zones and will not forget what all of them mean to us and what you have meant to us Daniel! Dee we think of you and the kids all the time and it's hard to know what to say as we are at a loss for words at times, but know we pray for you and the whole family for strength and wisdom to get through the rough times and all the ones in between. We think of those times at station 1 with you and B and all the laughter we would share and stories that were told. Then Daniel would run by to drop something off or whatever just to see you and everyone around would just smile when we saw him. those are some of many of the great moments we will always remember!

To the men and women at HPD, I haven't had the opportunity to work with such a great group of officers as we had in our four years in Huntsville out of all the years my wife and I have been involved in EMS. you guys truly are different and I say that in a good way!! Again i see the men and womenin blue here in Charlotte and reflect back on our time in Huntsville and always think of the good times and fun working events and running calls together and always knowing you guys had our backs and would always try to protect us if there was anything going on. Daniel was one of the finest officers we had the chance to know and it's good to know he rubbed off on so many. He was a true friend and will be missed by all of us.

Take care and God bless all of you and keep you safe always.


Michael Nicely. EMT-Dispatcher
Former HEMSI Employee/good friend

July 24, 2006

I remember when i was a ridealong with him a week before he was killed. He taught me more than i could ever hope to learn in one day. He is the reason i became a Military Police Officer, and he is the reason i will hopefully one day be one of the best damn cops to roam Huntsville. He was one of the greatest. I am a better person for knowing him.

PV2 Paul Dube
Citizen Ridealong

July 7, 2006

Your grave has a headstone now and you would be so proud. It is so nice and the poem on the back from D just made me cry when we read it. My husband and I went to see your parents to give them the poem he wrote and read at the funeral services. Your dad seems to be doing well considering the circumstances. Your mother misses you terribly and it broke my heart to see that. The year anniversary will be here soon and I know that ways heavy on all of your minds. Your family is awesome and I know they loved you deeply. They are going to be ok, we just all have to pray. You will always be in our hearts everyday.

Wife of HPD officer

July 6, 2006

"......he was admired and respected for his courage and professional skill by all with whom he served. His tragic loss will be deeply felt, and a grateful nation will be forever is his debt."

From a letter sent by President John F. Kennedy to the parents of U.S. Air Force Major Rudolf Anderson, who was shot down over Cuba in October, 1962.


June 19, 2006

Daniel- On Friday night we finished up Bible School at your Church. You, like all the members and anyone that visits loves that little country church. We know that you loved VBS, and this is where you excepted Jesus into your life. We missed you so much this week. We all talked about your last visit there. Last year you visited each class and talked with everyone. You cut up with the men that sit out in the front yard each year. The women that always get the snacks ready were ready with you a plate. Your laughter was heard throughout the church yard. You set in the back behind the teens. When it was time for the puppet to come out to talk to the children your eyes glittered. For each year you waited for that. The puppet of course picked at you last year with the story of Barnabas getting lost. He like the rest of us were so glad to see you. This year a plaque was given to the Puppet Master, Mr. Gary, in your memory. The plaque said it was for all the magic and memories he had given to all the children over the years in vacation bible school. Two of those children were you and your brother, David. You are in his conversations so much. Only the Lord knew that is was your final walk through the halls of that little church. Our church family will see you in heaven.
Love your Church Family

June 16, 2006

Unfortunately, I did not get the pleasure of meeting you, but I did hear plenty about you from your brothers of blue and my husband. He would go on ride-alongs before joining the academy. You were one of his inspirations to join HPD. I remember he would come home at night and tell me stories about "Kelso". He said that you always had a bright smile on your face. You seemed to always be able to make people smile and laugh. I know that your all men in blue, family, and friends will always remember what an amazing husband and fellow officer you were and will forever be. God bless you and your family.

HPD officer wife

June 16, 2006

I worked over on 3rd shift last night till 0200 and a very close officer/friend of yours told me a story that was really funny. "I had the legs!!" lol. After I got back in my car I took down your Tennessee colored ribbon that was given in your memory which I keep pinned to my sun visor. I thought about some of the limited times I got to hang out with you and what you told me that day in the parking lot... thanks. I came across a story that I would like to share with you.

The story is about a little wave, bobbing along in the ocean, having a grand old time. He's enjoying the wind and the fresh air-- until he notices the other waves in front of him, crashing against the shore. "My God this is terrible," the wave says. "Look what is going to happen to me!" Then along comes another wave. It sees the first wave, looking grim, and it says to him, "why do you look so sad?" The first wave says, "You don't understand! We're all going to crash! All of us waves are going to be nothing! Isn't it terrible?" The second wave says, "No, you don't understand. Your not a wave, your part of the ocean."

You will always be a part of the ocean of life, living within the lives and memories of all you have touched. I see the officers that deeply love you and miss you, the ones that went to Academy with you and partied with you, I see thier pain and it makes me really sad. A person of your integrity and personality affects eternity; may your influence never stop.

B. Adams

HPD Officer

June 14, 2006

I can always tell when my husband is thinking of you, Daniel, the events of that sad day, your wife, your parents and brothers family... he says very little and wants so bad to just see you and laugh or even just cry (but he holds back). I feel it too everytime we look at your picture or talk about you. I will never forget the many things we talked about while remembering you. I pray often for your wife and family. I often feel pain because, I, for a quick second during the terrible events thought it was my husband in your stead, and how I felt when he could not tell me who it was when I spoke to him less than 5 minutes after you joined your Savior in heaven. It all happened so fast. May you rest in peace and I will NEVER forget the impact your relationship with my husband has left on my life.

wife of HPD officer

May 30, 2006

I continue to feel a heavy weight of guilt knowing one turn could have put me there with you. Maybe even got there before you with my trainee and we've could have slaughtered that useless human being that was goin to try and take any officers life that showed up. I try and surpress the guilt by blaming supervision who didn't like us to 10-22 others on calls or the fact it was your 10-10 time and supervision didn't want us lookin out for one another on that either with all those nasty memos. Maybe its partially there fault by I live with the fact I should've followed instinct and I didn't and it cost you your life.Sometimes I wander what would have happened had I just emptied my clip(if the Berreta would've let me w/o the problem you had)into that piece of crap even though he was unarmed in front of those witnesses when we arrived. even if I was indicted I would've gladly served time for your memory. Writing this helps but driving the route that day doesn't , knowing I could've been there before you.Please forgive me and the sorry supervision for not allowing the comraderie to continue. see you soon my brother.


May 29, 2006

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