Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Terry Lee Melancon, Jr.

Baton Rouge Police Department, Louisiana

End of Watch Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Detective Terry Lee Melancon, Jr.

Hey My Ba By,
I cannot even begin to express in words how much I miss you. The pain in my heart continues to increase by the day. I still do not want to imagine my life without you in it. The thought of that is simply unbearable. I know you are always around us, but I still long for you to physically be here with me. I would give anything to see you, hear you, touch you, or kiss you again. I am so grateful for the deeper level of faith I have through knowing and sharing love with you. I know that your spirit and God's presence are sustaining me right now. It is definitely not my own strength. I know it probably makes you upset to see me cry so much, but I cannot help it these days. You were the love of my life, and you ALWAYS will be my one and only. All the joy was ripped from my life the day you went back home. The holidays are even more upsetting to me. It really hurts to see so many happy, jolly couples walking around on top of the world. It just does not seem fair. I know that is not for me to decide though, but it still hurts me to the core. I cannot wait for the holidays to be over this year. I just keep thinking how we should be in Tennessee this week for Christmas. You were so excited when you called me, and we starting making plans together. That trip would have been so awesome. The log cabin, the horse and carriage ride, the mountains, etc. The best part of course would have been just spending time with you. It hurts so bad to know all I can do is visit the garden of memories and brings you flowers. I did bring an ornament with a picture of us for your tree, and I placed a nativity set under the tree for you. I knew you would love to have one. I keep thinking back to all the times we would tell each other we missed each other, and how we could not wait to see each other again. To think that we only had to go a few days without seeing each other then and that was hard enough. I keep hearing you say, "I cannot get enough of you." And, I would say I cannot get enough of you either my Ba By. I'm still here saying I cannot wait until I see you again. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL. PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE.
I love YOU for eternity,

December 21, 2005

My dear Lynn -
I am always thinking of you and praying for your strength and courage during this time, esp during the holidays. Dont give up! You are stronger than you think!

What an awsome woman you chose to bless me with friendship with. I am sorry you had to leave her. But dont worry - there are people here that are watching out for your littler girl. As I am sure you are doing from Heaven. :)

Fiancee of Police Officer Dan Starks
Ft Myers PD.

December 19, 2005

Dear Lynn,
I just wanted to check in with you to let you know I'm thinking about you. I relate to so many of your's as though I was writing to Josh. I know you are heartbroken beyond what you can possibly express in words. I just want to encourage you and let you know that you are not alone. I know that Terry looks down on you and will always be with you. Take care. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sending you a hug from FL for Christmas. :0)


Kelly Gillain

December 19, 2005

My Ba By,
Just thinking about you as always. Thinking of how we should be together right now enjoying each others company after a long stressful work week. Unfortunately the long stressful work weeks still exist, but our relaxing awesome weekends together don't anymore. It's unbelievable how much has changed so suddenly. All of OUR plans no longer exist, and now I am left trying to figure things out. Yep, it pretty much sucks to say the least. So many of our conversations constantly replay in my mind. Especially the last time we spoke on the phone. I would have never imagined that would be the last time you would tell me goodnight and you would call me tomorrow. Yet August 9th was the final goodnight. I'm so thankful for the love we shared, but I miss you so much baby. I wanted to become your wife more than anything in this world, and now we will never have that opportunity. But, I do know that we will be together again in due time. Today I bought a picture frame for one of our pictures (our favorite one from the cruise). The words engraved on the frame fit my thoughts exactly.

"LOVE is life's most Beautiful mystery. It often comes as a surprise, filling the heart with sudden Joy. selfless and giving, Love places the Happiness of another before one's own. It inspires with it's Passion, nurtures with its Generosity, and enriches with its Spirit. There is no limit to its magic. LOVE is ETERNAL."

Eternally Yours,
Your little girl

December 16, 2005

The Road of Life

At first, I saw God as my observer, my judge, keeping track of the things I did wrong, so as to know whether I merited Heaven or hell when I die. He was out there sort of like a President. I recognized his name when I saw him, but I really didn’t know him.

But later on when I met Christ, it seemed as though like were rather like a bike ride, but it was a tandem bike, and I noticed that Christ was in the back helping me pedal. I don’t know just when it was that He suggested we change places, but life has not been the same since.

When I had control, I knew the way. It was rather boring but predictable it was the shortest distance between two points.

But when He took the lead, He knew delightful long cuts, up mountains, and through rocky places at breakneck speeds. It was all I could do to hang on!

Even though it looked like madness, He said “Pedal!” I worried and was anxious and asked, “Where are you taking me?” He laughed and didn’t answer, and I started to learn to trust. I forgot my boring life and entered into the adventure, and when I’d say, “I’m scared,” He’d lean back and touch my hand. I gained love, peace, acceptance, and joy, gifts to take on my journey, My Lord’s and mine. And we were off again.

He said “Give the gifts away. They’re too much baggage, too much weight.” So I did to the people we met, and I found that in giving I received, and still our burden was light.

I did not trust Him, at first, in control of my life. I thought He’d wreck it. But he knows bike secrets, knows how to make it bend to take sharp corners, knows how to jump to clear high rocks, knows how to fly to shorten scary passages.

And Im learning to shut up and pedal in the strangest of places, and I’m beginning to enjoy the view and the cool breeze on my face with my delightful constant companion, Jesus Christ.

And when I’m sure I just can’t do it anymore. He just smiles and says


December 15, 2005

Dear Lynn,
My sincere and deepest condolences to you for the loss of your beloved Terry. I want you to know that I am thinking about you and praying for you. I was engaged to Deputy Sheriff Joshua Blyler (EOW: 5.2.04), who was killed in an on-duty automobile accident last year. I know and understand the pain that you carry with you every minute of every day. Continue to reflect back on all the wonderful memories that you and Terry shared. Know that all of us at OfficerDownSignificantOthers are here for you. We all know what you are going through. You are not alone, Lynn. Remember that a part of Terry will forever live on inside of you. He will always be remembered. Take care and let me know if you ever need anything.

Thank you for serving and protecting your community. Continue to send your love, from Heaven, to Lynn. You will always be remembered, Terry.


Kelly Gillain

December 13, 2005

Hey my sweetie,
Four months ago to the day you recieved your Crown in Heaven. We miss you so much. Your mom and I had a good time today reminiscing about you. We had some laughs and of course some tears. You brought so much joy into all of our lives. I was thinking back to July 24th and how incredible that day was for us. It was the second best day of my life. Only because meeting you was the BEST day of my life. We got on the Harley that morning and just road anywhere and everywhere. A few hours into the journey you pulled over at the perfect location and asked me to marry you. You told me that you knew you didn't want to spend your life with anyone but me. I told you that I felt exactly the same way. That I knew I didn't want to spend my life with anyone else either. We were very much aware that we were brought together through Divine intervention. That day was sooo PERFECT, and I felt like the most BLESSED woman in the world. Then seventeen days later that total and absolute euphoria came to a screeching halt. Our future and dreams together were ripped away without even a chance for good-bye or a last I LOVE YOU. There are no words to describe how much I miss you or how bad my heart aches for you. But, I DO KNOW FOR CERTAIN THAT HAD I KNOWN THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN THE OUTCOME I WOULD NOT HAVE CHANGED A THING BETWEEN US. SHARING THOSE MOMENTS WITH YOU WERE WORTH EVERY MINUTE OF THIS PAIN I NOW AND WILL CONTINUE TO FEEL. I am well aware that I was very blessed. I also know that we shared a special and unique love. Many people go their entire lives and never get to experience what we shared. For that I know we were blessed. Before I end this I want to say THANKS for the bracelet. It did wonders for your mom and I today. "Whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but shall have eternal life" John 3:16
We will see you again. We LOVE you.

Eternally yours,

December 10, 2005

Hey my Ba By,
Making it through this day has been extremely difficult. Not that the other days have been much easier for me, but the dreaded number comes around again tomorrow. It will be four months since you were taken Home. We know that you are in Paradise, but our hearts still hurt. You are so loved and missed. Terry, please give us strength. Baby we really need some now. Please let us feel your presence. Your mom really needs some strength, and please let her know that you are right beside her. Let your dad know that his best friend is at the hunting camp with him. Wrap your arms around Lacey and Kaylan they could use a hug from their big brother. Remind Craig that you are right there hanging out with him. We get a lot of comfort knowing that you visit with Grace and Amelia. It does not surprise us knowing how much you love Gracie & little Moe. They talk to us about their Teh Teh. Ba By please let me feel your soft touch or your warm embrace. Everytime I visit this site, I hope that your name won't be on it. I hope to find out that this has just been one long, excruciating painful nightmare, and it finally comes to an end. But I know the reality of this situation, we all are painfully aware. Fortunately, we know we will all be with you again and have an awesome family reunion topped off with lots of ding-dongs and chocolate soldiers. Here is a song we enjoy, and we know you will love it.
"Believe" by: Brooks & Dunn
Old man Wrigley lived in that white house
Down the street where I grew up
Momma used to send me over with things
We struck a friendship up
I spent a few long summers out on his old porch swing
Says he was in the war when in the navy
Lost his wife, lost his baby
Broke down and asked him one time
How ya keep from going crazy
He said I'll see my wife and son in just a little while
I asked him what he meant
He looked at me and smiled, said
I raise my hands, bow my head
I'm finding more and more truth in the words written in red
They tell me that there's more to life than just what I can see
Oh, I believe
Few years later I was off at college
Talkin' to mom on the phone
one night
Getting all caught up on the gossip
The ins and outs of the small town life
She said oh by the way son, old man Wrigley's died
Later on that night, I laid there thinking back
Thought 'bout a couple long-lost summers
I didn't know whether to cry or laugh
If there was ever anybody deserved a ticket to the other side
It'd be that sweet old man who looked me in the eye said
I can't quote the Book, the chapter, or the verse
You can't tell me it all ends in a slow ride in a hearse
You know I'm more and more convinced
That the longer I live
Yeah, this can't be
No, this can't be
No, this can't be all there is
When I raise my hands, bow my head
Oh, I'm finding more and more truth in the words written in red
They tell me that there's more to this
than just what I can see

I believe Oh, I believe I believe
I believe I believe I believe

Eternal Love,
Lynn (Your little girl)

December 9, 2005


Reading everything you wrote brought tears to my eyes. I know the pain you are feeling to well. I lost my fiancee three years ago. There is not a day I do not think of Scott. I wish I could say something to ease the pain you feel.....

That Chesney song is beautiful, and does say so much to what all of us feel. I love that rascal flats song also, it makes me think of Scott everytime I hear it.

I will be thinking of Terry, you, and all of his family as the holidays approach. I told my Scott to find Terry. He'll be having a good holiday with all the guys up there. Once he meets one s/o he'll meet all of them. I know our guys are having a great time talking about us, and celebrating Gods love.

I am glad you have met others in our situation, Jessi and Jessica, they are remarkable women. A Godsend. There is a group of us online. You can reach me if you like through MI-COPS, monmidg hotmail or yahoo.


Thank you for your service and dedication. As a sister in blue I know firsthand what officers face everyday. The fact that you put your uniform on and went out to face it says a lot. Not many can do what we do.

To your family,

I'm so sorry you had to experience the pain of losing Terry. I cannot imagine the pain you feel. All I can say is there are a lot of survivors who know and understand your pain, you are not alone. Big Hugs

Much Love,
Big Hugs,
Fiancee Scott Stewart EOW 8-11-02 Detroit


December 8, 2005

Hello my Ba By,
I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you. I know like I ever stop thinking about you, the awesome times we shared, and the incredible life we could of had together. I cannot help but feel so completely devestated. I love and miss you so much; all of our hearts hurt. You are the most incredible person I have ever known, and you were a true gift from God. Baby you must be looking down in complete awe at the legacy that you have left behind here on this earth. You were such a humble person, and it is amazing how many lives you have inspired. The list of names goes on and on, and it continues to grow. I constantly run into people and hear stories of how much you have impacted their lives. Also the guest book on the advocate's website and this site both speak volumes. We are all soooo
proud of you, and the life you led. You were so determined to help save the lost (Luke 19:10) and that you did many times. You are still doing that now in Heaven.
Sweetie, I'm sure you know that I have been listening to the same songs over and over and over again. I have found a lot of comfort in some new songs lately. You know the love we both shared for music. We had agreed that our song was "God Blessed the Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts. I listened to it earlier, and that song brought serious tears to my eyes. Another song that brings a sea of tears to my eyes is the new one "Who You'd Be Today" by Kenny Chesney. That song describes our situation completely. It rips me to pieces every time I listen to it, but I can't help but listen to it.
"Who You'd Be Today"
By: Kenny Chesney
Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat.

I feel you everywhere I go. I see your SMILE. I see your face. I hear you laughing in the rain. I still can't believe your gone.
It ain't fair you died too young. Like a story that had just begun, but death tore the pages all the way.
God knows how I MISS YOU. All the hell that I been through just KNOWING NO ONE COULD TAKE YOUR PLACE.
Sometimes I wounder who you'd be today.

Would you see the world? Would you chase your dreams? Settle down with a family? I wonder what would you name your babies?

Some days the sky is so blue I feel like I can talk to you. I know it might sound crazy.
It ain't fair you died too young like a story that had just begun, but death tore the pages all the way. God knows how I MISS YOU. All the hell that I been through just KNOWING NO ONE COULD TAKE YOUR PLACE. Sometimes I wonder who you'd be today... today... today... today... today... today...

Sunny days seem to hurt the most. I wear the pain like a heavy coat. THE ONLY THING THAT GIVES ME HOPE IS I KNOW I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN... someday ...someday ...someday.

Terry, thanks so much for connecting me to some awesome women who know this pain all too well. Are you hanging out with Cole and Daniel? Someday we will all be together again. This lifetime is only a blink compared to eternity and that is what I keep telling myself. I choose to live for eternity.
Eternal Love from Lynn your little priss (ha! ha!). By the way now your mom even calls me her little prissy butt.
Look what you started Melancon, my Ba By

December 7, 2005

Lynn, Peter Grignon was killed on March 23rd this year in Louisville. He was not my fiance, not my boyfriend, but a friend. I've ached and cried so much for him and his wife... I can only imagine what you've gone through since Terry's tragic death. My fiancee, too, is a police officer. He's been doing this for nearly 8 years. Everytime he puts on his uniform, I remember women just like you and the men you loved. I know that it truly is a possibility, as much as any of us want to push it out of our minds.. Every laugh he gives me, every moment... I cherish even more than before b/c women like you no longer experience such things. I'm sorry the man you love had to be taken from you and his family and friends. I hope that you can take some slight comfort in knowing he was doing what he loved. Any woman who dates or marries a police officer knows the love they have for their job. Even though he is up in Heaven working for God now, it doesn't make it easier to hear people tell you "he's in a better place". I bet Christmas is huge up there though, you think? God bless you and be with you during the holidays and beyond. I know Terry is up there with Pete watching over all of us and holding our hands a little tighter through the Christmas season.

LEO fiancee and friend of Peter Grignon EOW 3/23/05

LEO fiancee
LMPD, Kentucky

December 7, 2005


Reading your latest message gave me COLD CHILLS!! isn't it awesome how our guys show us they are still "with us"?!?! they do love us, lynn, and contrary to how we feel and what we think, they have NOT left us behind! if you are still interested in contacting me, e-mail the GA COPS president (or the secretary - he's my dad!) and ask for my contact info. i cannot wait to hear from you. and i will also be praying for your mom. it sounds as if she is doing very poorly right now. take care, and talk to you soon i hope!

Jessi Garger
Fiancee of Cole Martin

December 7, 2005

I hope you don't mind me posting here. I saw your reflection left for a good friend of mine, Jessi Garger for her fiancee Cole Martin and I always have to read about other people's wonderful heros. Terry definatley seemed to be a hero!!

I lost my fiancee Daniel, in the line of duty 2 years ago. He was with the department for 3 months but it was his first night on the road alone. He was killed in a car accident. Why these things happen - I do not know. I have tried to find reasons in it, but always come up short. All I know was it was too soon and they were too young. They had more to do, but God seems to think otherwise. Even after two years its still difficult. But the good days tend to out weigh the bad and somehow life goes on. But I know that it doesnt go on without them with us because they wouldnt leave us alone. They ARE with us where ever we go.

I remember reading about Terry on the odmp awhile back, and I am sorry he had to die and you never got to get married. But hold onto the memories you have, don't ever let them go!

If you call the COPS headquarters telephone # and speak to someone there - they can get you in touch with me if you'd ever like to talk.

Best of luck to you,
- Jessica
Fiancee of Police Officer Daniel Starks
Ft Myers FL, EOW 10.25.03

December 6, 2005

Hey My Ba By,
I LOVE and MISS YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH. My heart hurts and is so empty without you physically by my side. I miss your smile, your voice, your warmth, your touch, etc. I miss EVERYTHING about YOU. 2005--What an emotional roller coaster. It literally started as the best year of my life, and it turned into the most horrible nightmare possible. Just as we both had complete happiness and an awesome future together ahead of us, you were ripped away without warning. Losing you has been the most painful experience, and the pain gets worse each day. I continue to pray that God and your loving spirit will keep supplying your family, friends, fellow officers, and I the strength and peace to make it through each day. Your loss has definitely been the biggest test of my life. Then 19 days later hurricane Katrina would destroy all of our homes and jobs. So much tragedy in so little time. Yet some people have the nerve to wonder why I am so down lately!!
Gee, YOU ARE NOT HERE. All of my family's valuables are lost forever. I live in a new city. I have a new job. My family and friends are scattered all over the place. My mom has been in and out the hospital through all of this. Yeah, I think I'm going through a tough time with good reason. I am sure you are agreeing with me. Terry, I cannot wait until I can see and touch you again. Please continue to bless me with feeling your presence that is what helps get me through the day. Also, THANK YOU for being with my mom during her recent procedure. You are something else!!! I asked you to be with her, and you surely let us know you were beside her. Her nurse was Terri Lee Melancon. Now that was extremely impressive. She had your entire name. That was not a coincidence, and we are well aware of that fact. Until next time...
Eternal Love,

December 6, 2005

Thank you so much for your message on my fiance's page. I have been having a horrible time lately as you can understand all too well, but our angels know when to send the right person along to lift our spirits. I see that you are coming up on another anniversary of the 10th. These days stick in our minds forever. Thank you so much for your kind words, encouragement, thoughts, and prayers. They mean so much in a time when I feel like I have lost so much. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to talk or e-mail. I can be reached through Georgia COPS (They have my contact information). Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. I always love meeting other survivors for I think it gives us just an ounce more of comfort in knowing we are not completely alone. God bless you, Lynn, as well as all of Terry's family. I will continue to pray for your hearts and minds especially as it comes closer to the 10th and also this holiday season when we should be with those we love.

Jessi Garger
Fiancee of Cole Martin
Chatsworth, GA P.D.
E.O.W. April 25, 2003

December 5, 2005

Lynn, I read the dream that Terry had and it's beautiful. I am touched and moved by it. May God be with you now and always.

Praying for you and your family in Virginia

December 5, 2005

We think of you and your family during these holidays, and offer thoughts and prayers as you celebrate without your loved one. Cherish the memories of the past and be open to new ones with your loved ones and friends. Your loved one will never be forgotten and always honored for their sacrifice.

Alissa Scott
Widow of Wayne Scott
E.O.W. 09-10-02

Lisa Schultz
Widow of Don Schultz
E.O.W. 05-12-03

Co-Founders of Survivor Help Network

November 29, 2005

May you rest in peace Terry and God bless your soul

Officer Corey James
Atlanta Police Department (Ascension Parish Sheriff's Office 1999-2005

November 28, 2005

You are my angel
My angel of light
From the stars up above you shine through the night
Whenever I'm scared you come to the fight
You are angel
My angel of light
Angels come to the light when their time is needed.
AS they go to the light their presence is greeted.
Angels in the dark
Angels in the light
Angels look around with only Heaven in sight
The time has come
They say the time is come
to seee the Ghost
the Holy Ghost indeed
because he loves you the most.
Pass this word around
That God is looking upon you
With not a smile, but a frown
Listen to the Lord
Like he always says
Because the time is come upon us
For Him to make His ways

*** This was a dream Terry had a few months prior to losing his life in the line of duty. He had told one of his friends and I that he was dreaming and God woke him up several times to write things down.
*** At that time he found it to be a very strange dream, and he did not understand what it meant.
*** A few days after his death, I (Terry's fiancee) found two envelopes with the dream written down in Terry's handwritting.
God Bless all of you,
Lynn Harwell

November 22, 2005

You are the most incredible person I have ever met, and the love of my life. When we were together I used to thank God for bringing you into my life, and now I still thank Him for allowing us that time together. I only wish that it could have been longer, much longer. Our relationship was the perfect fairy tale down to the tragic ending. My heart hurts, and I miss you terribly. My comfort is in knowing that I will see you again in Heaven, and I am so thankful for that knowledge. I could not and would not want to imagine how people cope not knowing if their loved ones made it to Heaven. Your loss is hard enough for all of us knowing that you are in Paradise. Baby, you were such a blessing and an inspiration to so many people. I am also so grateful for the wonderful family and friends I have through knowing and loving you. Baby & Bubba send their love as well.
Eternal Love,
Lynn Harwell

November 22, 2005

On 08/23/05 Boston Police Academy RTG 42-05 remembered Detective Terry Melancon and dedicated our training day to him.

You are not forgotten.

Boston Police Academy RTG 42-05

November 22, 2005

You truly lived your life as an example to us all. I feel comfort in knowing that because of your love for Christ, there is no doubt where you are. I will always remember your smile and I thank God for having known you.


November 13, 2005



November 11, 2005

I can remember all the times our family would get together for the holidays at my grandparents house. I will cherish those memories forever. The last time we were all together was for my mothers birthday on july 4th and it was like old times when we were kids. Little Terry has a special place in my heart. He was an outstanding and special man. I take some comfort knowing he is with my grandfather and my brother and i know they are watching over all of us. They will never be forgotten and our memories will never go away. We love ya'll - wendy melancon duhon

wendy melancon duhon - cousin

October 28, 2005

My family would like to extend our deepest heart felt sympathies to the family, friends, and fellow co-workers of Detective Terry Melancon. You are in our thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. We would like to let law enforcement officers everywhere know how much we appreciate them for putting their lives on the line everyday doing their jobs to keep their communities safe. May God watch over and protect each & everyone of you!

Gail M Pabst
Aunt of fallen Detroit P.O. Jennifer Fettig eow 2-16-04

October 26, 2005

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